Phineas and Ferb Club
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posted by PhineasFangirl
I had originally written this on my deviantART :3 I'm Puffedwarrior of DA 8D
This looked really fun :D I'm doing it PnF style(lol, this is more like PhineasXIsabella style, but with some of just regular Phineas and Ferb XD)

Sitting at the bottom of her friend's tree, Isabella tried to think of something to make her friends laugh. She had never usually been a funny kind of person, but just recently had she found out that Phineas did enjoy laughter. "I think I might have been dropped when I was a baby, because there is just something missing up here," she pointed to the top of her head. Even though that was not true, it made Phineas giggle a bit.
And once again, out of nowhere, Irving appeared.
Tyson Huck was yet a heartthrob for all the girls at school, and even for Isabella, which made Phineas desperate to get her before him. He was walking down the hallways, when he saw a sight that made him angrier than ever: Tyson was holding Isabella, more in a forcing way, because she didn't look to happy about it. "What are you doing to her!?" Phineas shouted, dropping his book bag and slamming the kid in the face with his fist.
There they were again. The prissiest chicks, the girls who got most attention. Isabella felt down below them whenever they walked through the school halls. She "accidentally" tripped the so-called leader of the group, which angered the Blondie. Her brown eyes sparkled with hate as she was about to push Isabella down, but someone had grabbed her shirt collar. Phineas turned the girl the other direction and glared. "You leave her alone, or there will be consequences."
Sighing, Isabella lay on her bed, looking at ceiling. Phineas was so oblivious. Even if she downright went up to him and told him how much she loved him, he wouldn't get it.
At that very moment alone with Phineas behind the house at night, she took hold of his hands and faced him directly, pouring out her feelings for him. "After all this time, I admit it."
"No! I don't!" Phineas raised his voice at his brother. "I don't love Isabella. I deny it. W-why would you ever think th-that?" Ferb raised an eyebrow. His brother was scratching his ear again, which was what he did whenever fibbing.
Isabella tried desperately to get to sleep, but she was so eager that no sleep would come. Tomorrow was the day that she and Phineas were going to the school dance together.
The door creaked open with a squeak. Isabella heard footsteps come into her room. Too tired to lean up, she kept her eyes closed and sighed happily. Even though she had a broken leg, Phineas had been caring for her day and night.
6-year-old Candace watched her little brothers play curiously with her Ducky Momo. This got her angry. Taking the stuffed animal from their small hands, she hissed, "MINE."
The three friends looked through their old picture album together. Phineas pointed to a certain one where Isabella was hugging him. "See this one here?" he asked her. "That's my favorite."
Trying to concentrate on the exam, Phineas couldn't help but keep glancing at Isabella. She looked hard at the test in front of her, pushing a loose strand of her raven black hair back behind her ear. He didn't realize that when the teacher called time he only had 5 answers bubbled in on his paper.
"So..." Phineas trailed off, staring at Isabella with shock. "You love me?"
Isabella looked blankly at him. She could' t help but think, well, duh!
It had been three years since Phineas had seen Isabella, and the day they finally went to visit her, he couldn't but stare in awe at how beautiful she had gotten. He long, silky black hair, beautiful midnight blue eyes, and lovely, soft voice. All he could do was think, "Oh my god..."
Isabella had even sung her feelings out for Phineas, yet still he didn't even try to show any affection!
"Help!" Isabella cried, having a coughing fit and landing on the floor. The Fireside Girls' clubhouse has caught on fire by the small little fireplace left unattended. Everyone else had made it out safe, Isabella made sure of that. But now she was stuck; the clubhouse was burning down. So much smoke got in her lungs that she couldn't breathe, and passed out, unconscious.
Waking up later in a hospital bed with a breathing mask over her face, Isabella looked up at the warm face she always wanted to see. "You're awake," Phineas said happily. "I saved you, and almost died myself. But I would even sacrifice myself for your safety."
Phineas was like a girl magnet, which angered Isabella more than anything.
Nobody hated Phineas' obliviousness more than Isabella. It irritated her ever so much.
As if on cue, came Buford, picking up Baljeet and dragging him over to Phineas and Ferb's. He was the average neighborhood bully.
In third period, Phineas and Isabella had the same class. The teacher let the class pick their own partners for the morning work, and Phineas went up to the black-haired girl. "Would you like to be my partner?"
Isabella desperately wanted to tell Phineas her feelings, but what if he didn't feel the same way? What if he rejected her? "I'm sorry, Isabella, but I don't feel the same way. We can still be friends," the imaginary image played over and over again like a movie in her head. Don't be stupid, Isabella, she scolded herself. of course he loves you.
Ferb stared wide-eyed at the shattered vase on the floor. He turned his gaze to his step-brother, who did the same. "Sorry wont do here, Ferb. I guess we learned our lesson not to throw our football in the house."
Phineas and Ferb sat on the couch with the TV flicked on. Candace walked in front of it and started to talk. " any big plans for today?" she asked.
"Anything special...?"
"So you're just watching TV? That's it?"
"Guess so."
"Hm, I guess I'm off the hook!" she peeped happily, skipping away.
What Phineas heard was unbelievable, untrue. "You can jump off Niagara Falls in a barrel and live?" that couldn't possibly happen. "Pfft, yeah, right."
Come on, come on... Phineas watched the school clock eagerly, shuffling his feet on the floor. School was almost over. He looked three seats behind him at Ferb, who had that blank look on his face, though Phineas could tell his brother was excited. Two seats across from him was Isabella, who was literally bouncing in her seat. RRRIIINNNGGG!! Everyone cheered, jumping out of their seats and running down the halls. Once his friends had caught up with him, Phineas shouted, "Good-bye torture, HELLO PARADISE!!"
The snow had started to melt, and in a small patch of grass, a single flower stood. Isabella picked it up and pulled away at the petals, doing the "he loves me, he loves me not", and eventually landed on "he loves me". Spring had always brought love around. But obviously this spring wasn't going to be lucky either, Phineas just didn't care.
Falling backward onto the puffy ice, Phineas laughed as he made a snow angel next to his brother.
Bored as ever, Phineas and Ferb were raking up the golden-brown and orange leaves in the front yard. "You know..." Isabella began once she arrived. "This could be a lot more fun!" she grabbed Phineas' hand and plummeted into the pile of leaves, a wave of colors splashing the ground and fluttering about.
As usual, the two step-brothers lay under their tree, staring up. A small blue jay flew by, peeping and chirping a song. Staring at the wings of the jay, Phineas thought hard. Then he sat up and exclaimed, "Ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!"
The sun beat hard down on the children, a huge heatwave overcoming them. Today was going to be a hot summer day.
The beach was very silent at night, but awfully beautiful. Isabella stood at the shore, the moon glowing a dim blue light on her skin. She let the water flow on her toes, and her feet sunk in the moist white sand whenever she walked. Before she was about to turn in and head home, someone put a hand on her shoulder. Isabella turned to see Phineas smiling at her. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" she asked him, moving a bit closer to her crush. "Yes," he agreed. "but not as beautiful as you."
Opening his eyes and sitting up, Phineas pressed the button on his alarm clock before it could even ring. Another perfect summer morning awaited him.
Isabella put her hands over her eyes and sat down, tears flowing from them as she sighed sadly.
"Isabella, are you okay?" Phineas asked worried, walking up to her. She sniffed and looked up at him. "Oh, I'm fine, you just don't seem to realize." and with that, she got up and walked away.
Something had gone terribly wrong. One of Phineas and Ferb's machines had spontaneously combusted, exploding like dynamite. Pieces had flung everywhere, striking it's victims, the creators. When Isabella decided to come over, all she saw was an ambulance and blood scattered all over the backyard. What happened!? she screamed in thought, panic rising.
Coughing, Isabella watched her door open as Phineas stepped in with a huge get-well card, made by him and Ferb.
Teenage Phineas and Isabella sat in the tree, looking up at the night sky. They held hands, Isabella leaning on Phineas' shoulder. "I always thought my first kiss would be wonderful," she said, blinking and looking at Phineas with an affectionate glow in her eyes.
"You mean like this?" Phineas said, putting his hand on her face and pressing his lips against hers.
Those stories. Those myths. They all seemed so real, even though they weren't. Isabella pulled the covers over her head, fear welling up inside of her.
Isabella stood in a blank area, and all she heard was a small voice from behind her say, "I'm watching you forever..."
Phineas tampered at their daily invention. "Hey, Isabella, help me with this," he offered, smiling at her.
"What'cha doin'?" came the sweet familiar voice from behind the fence.
Slumping over, Ferb almost fell asleep. He hadn't gotten much shut-eye last night, after drinking three sodas about a half hour before bedtime.
Nobody believed Phineas could skateboard perfectly. "Oh, really?" he asked challengingly, grabbing his black-and-red skateboard and turning 360s and twirls. "Wow!" everyone gasped in amazement as he showed off.
As Isabella was walking over, she tripped over the bump when the sidewalk turned into grass and fell on Phineas. Both of them blushed wildly, and all Isabella could do was mutter, "Oops..."
"Time flies when I'm with you," Phineas had said to Isabella one day.
After Isabella moved, all Phineas did was mope. Ferb had noticed his brother's sadness. "I think you have to let her go," he said calmly.
"But, Ferb," Phineas cried. "I need her."
Isabella felt neglected when Phineas' family went on vacation. She missed him so much, and she would miss him until he returned.
"If you could have anything in the world," Ferb had began. "What would it be?"
"I dunno," Phineas shrugged. But he knew entirely what he wanted, and that was a certain girl with black hair named Isabella.
"Do you even care?" Isabella shouted at her crush, folding her arms and turning the other way.
Phineas looked hurt. "Isabella, all I care about is making you happy, and I guess I let you down."
Isabella looked at the ground then wrapped him in a hug. "No, you're doing a wonderful job." she giggled, letting him go.
If you died alone, what would that be like? is what Phineas heard yesterday on the radio. He thought about it for a moment, and then felt sad. He wouldn't like to die alone, and if in any way he DID die, he would want to die next to Isabella.

Shoot, this took longer than I thought it would! Phew! I'm glad I'm done! XD
added by liridonarama96
Perry crashed through the roof and landed right inside a glass cage. Before he could do anything, the top of the cage closed, and Perry scowled. Doofenshmirtz had an uncanny ability to predict the exact place where Perry was going to break in. It was his one real skill.

He could see Doofenshmirtz on the other side of the room, adjusting a big Inator. After a few seconds, Doofenshmirtz finished what he was doing and turned around. "Ah, Perry the Platypus. How good of you to... Drop in!" He laughed manically for a second, then got down to business. "You know, I've told you a lot of backstories...
continue reading...
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