Percy Jackson Fan Club The Mark of Athena

percabeth-4-eva posted on Sep 30, 2012 at 01:28AM
ok this is my second version of this... yeah... my first version sucked so heres another one ;) hope u guys like it!

Percy Jackson Fan Club 12 replies

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over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
Chapter 1


I watched all of the campers staring at us as we descended in the Argo II. I looked through the crowd hoping to find Reyna, my old friend. As I scanned the crowd Piper walked up next to me. "You know all of these people?" she asked. "No... there are a few new ones... like that one..." I said, ponting to a boy with black hair. He looked up at us with anticipation... like he was waiting for someone... wait... he looked strangely familiar... I would ask him who he was when we reached the ground. I went inside the boiler room to the helper we picked up on the way... I kept forgetting his name... I went back upstairs away from that horrible scar on his eye... when I reached the top of the stairs, I saw Leo. But something was wrong. His hand were sweaty and his face was pale and beaded with sweat. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he said one word. "Piper." I didn't think twice about it. I ran over to where she was standing a second ago... over by the side of the ship. I suddenly got a horrible feeling in my stomach. I looked down at the ground and gasped. I almost fell twice, but I didn't think it would actually... never mind. All of the campers had moved into a giant circle to stare at the strange girl who had fallen over the side. Piper. We finally reached the ground. I pushed through the crowd to get to Piper. When I reached her, there was a ring of people around her, but only one person next to her. He was the strange new camper I had seen before while i was a million feet in the air. He had black hair and sea green eyes. He looked at me as I asked,"What's your name?" I didn't know what was coming, but what he said made me pass out. He said three simple words... "Percy. Percy Jackson."
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
big smile
new chapter tomorrow! :D
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
Chapter 2


My day turned out to be really weird... first of all, a giant warship came to camp, hopefully carrying Annabeth, second of all, a strange girl with choppy brown hair fell off of the ship, and third, a boy passed out after hearing my name. Weird. I helped carry the girl into the infirmary with Reyna while a boy with curly black hair and another camper carried the boy. We set them down on beds next to each other and started feeding them nectar. I still remembered the first time I drank the stuff... I think it tasted like... cookies? Something like that. Reyna and the other camper left me there with the boy who had the black hair. I watched him carefully as he picked up the nectar, dipped his finger in it, and said "Gods, this is cold!" Then his hand caught on fire. Don't ask me how, but it caught on fire. "Oh my gods!" I said "Let me help!" Before he could react, I felt a tugging in my gut and then the boy was doused with water. The good thing, was that the fire was out. "Why'd you do that!?" he cried. He started opening and closing his palm, but only a little flicker of fire came. "Did you think that the fire would hurt me? I'm a son of Hephaestus! It WON'T hurt me!" "Oh...oh sorry" I said. He sighed and wiped his hand on a bed that wasn't taken. He opened his palm again, and fire started dancing on his fingers. "My name's Percy," I told him. "Wait, Percy? THE Percy? Percy Jackson?"said the boy, and impish grin coming across his face. 'Uh... yeah. What about it?" I asked. "Uh, EVERYTHING about it, DUH! Annabeth's been looking all over the place for you! Oh yeah! And my name's Leo!"he replied. "Annabeth? Where is she?" I asked. "Um, she's..."he said. "Oh... oh not again... she can't be gone. She CAN'T be!" I exclaimed. "She kinda is..." said Leo. I stormed out of the infirmary leaving Leo saying "Hey its not your fault...!" The rest of the words were drowned out by the crowd screaming. I followed the flow back to the cabins. I asked someone what was wrong, but they just said"O...O...Oc...." Whatever. Now that I remembered whose son I was, I could go to Poseidon's cabin and stay there. I went up to Octavian's place to find out what was happening, but he wasn't there. I really didn't trust that kid... I went back down to the cabins. In Poseidon's cabin, I heard a familiar tinkle of water in a fountain. I looked towards the back wall, and there it was. The gift my father had sent me so many years ago. An Iris Message fountain. A reminder to keep in touch with family and friends. I fished a drachma out of the pool and threw it in after saying,"O goddess, accept my offering." But who was I going to IM? Mom? No, she'd be worried sick. I'd IM her later. Dad? No he would be too busy... I got it. "Show me Annabeth Chase." It took a while, but it finally found her. With Nico. In Octavian's arms.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
big smile
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
New chapter later today or next weekend!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
Chapter 3


I watched the girl fall off of the warship a million feet in the air. I watched Jason pass out at Percy's feet. I watched them carry a strange girl and him to the infirmary. I knew what it was like to die, and I hoped it hadn't happened to the poor girl. Hadn't Jason called her Piper? I followed them to the infirmary and almost got caught by Percy while he walked past... he looked pretty mad... I peeked inside to see Leo feeding the girl... Piper... some nectar. He finally sighed and put the cup down. He got up and walked past, not even glancing at me. I ran inside almost tripping over my own feet. Then I saw Jason. I felt a surge of guiltiness. I'd been hanging out with Frank. What was he going to say? I picked up the nectar that was next to his bed and gave some to him. His eyes fluttered open. 'H...Hazel?" he asked. "Yeah," I said smiling. "Your girlfriend is back." "Wait, girlfriend?"he asked me, puzzled. "Um, yeah, don't you remember? Right before you disappeared?"I replied. He just stared at me puzzled. "Let's see if you remember this, shall we?" I said. Then I kissed him. A real kiss. On the lips. With Jason. My old boyfriend. I felt so happy, but another surge of guilt fell on me. What was Frank going to say? Oh my gods? What was Frank going to say? I was so scared, but the kiss felt so good, I couldn't stop. I could've sat there for a whole day, but then I heard footsteps outside. "Hazel?" Frank asked. I said,"I'm here!" as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. "Thank gods you're okay!" he exclaimed. I must have looked at him a little funny, because he said,"You didn't hear what happened outside?" "No... what?" I lied. "Octavian... he disappeared... into the earth," he said. "He was working for Gaea?" I asked. "Wait, wait, wait..." Jason said, sitting up." Piper groaned in the corner. She might have been waking up. I walked over to her. Jason got up and came over too, Frank right behind him. I fed her some nectar too, and her eyes suddenly opened."Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods..." said Jason. I looked at him like he was crazy. Then I felt something tugging at my sleeve. Jason pointed to Piper and I finally looked at her. Her eyes were pretty shade of my namesake. Hazel. She said five words before bad things started happening."Don't let me hurt anyone." Then she blinked. Something was wrong. Her eyes turned red and her skin turned as white as... snow. She was NOT Snow White. I sprinted out of the infirmary as fast as I could, Frank and Jason were right behind me, but Piper was faster than I thought. She caught up with me so I tried running faster. Her eyes turned hazel again, and she slowed down a little. "Why am I running?" she panted,"And who are you?" I slowed down a little too, but not that much. It gave me enough time to say "Hazel!" I kept running ta the same pace, Piper a little slower. I watched her. Her eyes turned red again, and she said, "Hazel," again, but this time, in a horrible, non-human voice. I was back at the infirmary. we had run once around Camp Jupiter. Piper caught up with me again, her eyes a brilliant color of red. She stared at me and ran past me. No human could go that fast, but who was she headed for? I watched as she headed for the head of Tantalus, who started screaming his head off at her, but then took a sharp turn right. There was only one place she could be heading for... oh no. By this time, Frank and Jason were far behind, but I exercised ALOT more than them, so I had more stamina. I raced her towards the cabins. She started slowing down a little, but I kept up my pace. I was about ready for a nice long nap, but I had to keep Percy safe. Right at the door, I jumped on Piper, and slammed myself headfirst into the cabin door, but at least Percy was safe. I stared at her eyes. They'd changed back to hazel, and were staring at everything, like she wanted somewhere to hide and never be seen again. The cabin door creaked open, and I saw Percy walk out. I was so tired, I could fall asleep on a bed of nails. Percy tried running over to help, but we were too far away. Piper's grip slackened, and she fell down onto the ground, hard. I didn't do too well myself. I felt myself getting more tired and more tired. Piper still hadn't blinked, but her eyes were wide open and the normal color of hazel. I was certain of one thing. The girl named Piper was dead. Then I passed out.
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
big smile
oooh i love writing this!!!!!!
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
sorry if its a little hard to understand xD
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
not bad
over a year ago luluroxs411 said…
Not bad a little confusing though Im kinda lost on who is with who
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
sry about that xS
over a year ago percabeth-4-eva said…
ok soo u know that the mark of Athena is out? im probably still gonna post, but not as often... kk?