One Tree Hill Ratings

kathiria82 posted on May 23, 2009 at 06:06PM
Okay this is pretty much a warning . Whoever is being an ass and rating the stuff here low better stop . I have ways of finding out who rates what and you`re stupid if you think you`re getting away with it . I already have a fanatic medal so ratings don`t affect me but it`s the principle . I have a slight idea of who`s doing it so just give it up . Also if you think having 5 people rate your stuff highly isn`t cheating, it is and it will get you banned .

One Tree Hill 37 replies

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over a year ago loves-oth said…
it's funny how much ratings actually make you get medals.
i person rated like 200 of my pictures on a spot, then within 5 hours i had a green medal.
i hate how people STILL can't grasp the concept that asking lots of people to rate stuff is cheating. lol.

over a year ago Cas_Cat_2 said…
I would love to know too, who is such a looser and have so many free time to waste it on rating stuff low. If that person has that many free time, she/he might as well do my homeworks or something. At least it would be productive. xD

But seriously now.
If you have a way of finding out who does that, do it Mrya. This way we will know. I'm tired of seeing videos being rated low too, just because someone doesn't like the couple. =/
over a year ago Cas_Cat_2 said…
LOL yea Amy. The old system is back now and you can actually see the cheating. xD
Like having 10 people rating your stuff!
That doesn't happen in this spot, and here there is a lot of people who rate.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
^^ Yes it does happen in this spot . I`m going to find out who is rating stuff low because it`s getting ridiculous . Look at my ratings and you will realize that I have helped so many people get medals . It`s not fair for others to be petty and rate my stuff low .
over a year ago Cas_Cat_2 said…
Yea, it's not fair. =/
I know what you mean. I obviously haven't help that many people, i don't have as many ratings. =) Even though i have a few. x)

Rating something low just because you don't like the person is even worse. =/
Exemple: link Did my happiness offended people? LOL xD
over a year ago jennifer_02 said…
TOTALLY AGREED it really annoys me to see a perfectly good thing being rated low either because it is the opposite couple to the one they ship or just because they r being down right mean~!!
over a year ago LauraRocks said…
i love to rate things! but i hate it when people ask me to rate their stuff and i dont know what to say to them! i dont rate things based on who made it i rate it on what i think it deserves! you cant take away/lose medals so why are people rating things so low? oh and that art is great theres nothing wrong with it!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
ITA. I said the same thing a while back when people were for some reason rating all the LP art i submitted low =/

Idunno what bugs me more, the fact that people rate good art low, or the fact that an image can have over 100 views and not 1 rating.
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…

That's what I'm talking about with the "over 100 views & not 1 rating" I have over a 150 views on that banner and not one person could rate it??

No offense but people purposely not rating stuff is shitty too. I've ignored it before but it gets kind of obvious that certain peoples stuff seems to purposely be ignored now.
over a year ago kristine95 said…
i've had it just the same way, holly and pat.
when i looked at the ratings on the videos at this spot a little while ago i saw that all the videos (not based on couples!) were rated 5 and the videos i added was rated 3. it was just so clear that someone rated it low 'cause i added it *rolls eyes*

so people. i'm pretty sure you don't like brooke or brucas, 'cause it's always the brooke/brucas videos that is getting low ratings. so whoever you are, please don't be afraid to add a reply at this forum telling us that it's you 'cause i'll just ask you to stop it and if you don't, i'll report you. simple as that :)

oh btw. i'm still pissed off 'cause i'm not on the top contributor list at this spot conciduring i've added about doubble as much then at least two of the people on the list. plus i'm on this spot adding something almost everyday and they're not. it's unfair :/
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
I totally agree with you Kristine, that is really shitty that you are getting screwed over like that =[ As soon as i get a chance I'll go and rate the vids you submitted =]
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
oh btw. i'm still pissed off 'cause i'm not on the top contributor list at this spot conciduring i've added about doubble as much then at least two of the people on the list. plus i'm on this spot adding something almost everyday and they're not. it's unfair :/

I don`t get exactly why it`s so important for you to be on the top contributor`s list . Maybe you could explain that to me . It`s really sad if you add stuff for that sole purpose . And you know what, you have a fanatic don`t you? That shows that people appreciate what you add . I`m worried about the ratings because I spend time adding here for people just to say it`s garbage . I add because I like to share what I find not to prove some point .
over a year ago kristine95 said…
well it's not that it's importand, i just find it kinda unfair that the people that hasn't been active in ages and haven't added half as much as me to this spot is on the list and not me. it might sound kinda selfish, but i just don't understand why they're on the list. and i know i have my fanatic, but that doesn't mean that i can't get on the list, right? you and all the others on the list have fanatics, myra. and that's how it should be 'cause if you didn't, it would be even weirder for me not being on the list if you know what i mean :p
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I had to post this on the Leyton spot as well since the haters have followed me there . It`s funny how they don`t care about getting banned . I already mailed papa about this and he`s gonna find out who`s doing it .
over a year ago loves-oth said…
well kristine i've added more than you to the jeyton spot and you have a fanatic, and i'm not even on the list? at least you have your fanatic for this spot lol.

i used to add to get on the top contributors, but now i just add. lol.
over a year ago loves-oth said…
and yeah myra the haters were rating my icons a 3 and then other people's a 5
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
^^^ Seriously?? Why do people do that shit!!

I have nothing to do right now so i think I'm just gonna go and rate as much stuff as i can =]
over a year ago jennifer_02 said…
i just added a few videos last night and they and BL videos and they are rated 4.2 when they hare perfectly good videos !!
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Well they rated all my links on the Leyton spot 1 and everyone else`s are 5 .
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
We've got some seriously challenged people.

I just rated like 21 pages of wallpapers and I'm working my way through icons so hopefully it helps to even shit out.
over a year ago jennifer_02 said…
again i added a few BL videos again and they are rated low again!!
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
^^^ =[
over a year ago kristine95 said…
over a year ago kristine95 said…
and link one! what is wrong with it?! :@

seriously people. STOP RATING LOW!
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Well they`re not gonna stop .
over a year ago kristine95 said…
i know. just felt good to say it :p
over a year ago Cas_Cat_2 said…
I don't think they will either.
I just don't get what's so funny about rating stuff low, what a waste of time. =/

I've rated them 5 stars Tinii. <3
And i still find that icon hilarious. XD
over a year ago kristine95 said…
i know you do, pat xD
i was checking out your saved images, and it was there. so i clicked on it (i knew i'd posted it btw..) and i got shocked. THE ICON IS FUNNY FOR GOD SAKES, not worth low ratings!
over a year ago Cas_Cat_2 said…
Ahah, yea i have that one saved. x)

And yea, it's really funny, i don't get it either. =/
over a year ago livelovelaugh said…
some people just need to get a life rate for the content not the person or ship geez
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
^^^ ♥♥♥

Seriously guys, everyone knows how i feel about LP but i still give 5 stars to LP art. I don't know if people are just being immature haters towards certain people and/or ships, or if you're just jealous because you can't make art/nobody likes what you submit.
over a year ago dermer4ever said…
^ Holly i am the same and i think it is stupid and childish to rate things low because you do not like the user who submitted them or because you not like the character or couple. when i rate things i rate it on how creative and how good it is.
over a year ago kristine95 said…
check out link and link. what's the problem with those videos? or ME for that matter. you can tell that it's rated 'cause of me. i mean.. the other brulian or brooke related videos on pabe 8 is rated 5! =O
sooo unfair and childish done by certain people.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Okay well all those videos are rated highly . Not everything is gonna be rated 5 stars all the time . And another thing . Can you please stop linking stuff here . I don`t want to have to delete this forum . I don`t want it turning into a rating forum .
over a year ago kristine95 said…
yea ok. i'm not trying to get ratings or whatever if that's what you think. i just want to show what people actually does on this spot. and i know they are rated highly, but i just find it so stupid that some people are rating 'cause they don't like a person. especially when you can tell that they do.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I see your point cuz it happens to me all the time . Either way, those videos are not rated low . And it`s not like it affects your medal anyways . I would stress if it happened to someone that didn`t have a red medal . That`s when it bothers me and that`s why I posted this .
over a year ago kathiria82 said…

That is what you call low ratings . 7-8 people actually took time out of their miserable lives to rates my videos low . It`s funny how they think I can`t find out who did it .