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posted by 1Dluver12
Julli’s POV
I froze when I saw them. Niall must’ve noticed because he shook me and I looked him in the eye’s. My eye’s wear tearing up as fear washed over me.
“ What is it?” He asked me worried. I was at a loss for word’s.
“ Julli, you have to tell me what’s wrong.” he told me. I took a deep breath.
“ T-t, m-my p-p-p-parent’s are here.” I said to him, still looking at them, hoping for them not to notice me. Shock over took his face.
“ Oh god, come on!” He said pulling me away. We found the other’s at a little table, not to far away. I still couldn’t speak. Harry saw me and looked confused. Niall told everyone that we had seen my parent’s, and they all nodded.
“ We should go” Liam said taking my hand and looking into my eye’s. I looked into those chocolate brown eye’s and felt safe.
“ Ok” I said to him. We all got up, and headed toward’s the main exit, praying that we wouldn’t be seen by my parents. We were so close and I was feeling as though we would make it.
“ JULLI?!” I heard the all to familiar voice. Mom. I tensed up and I felt the tear’s making there way up. We still had to pass at least 13 shop’s until the exit, I was doomed. Liam squeezed my hand and nodded.
“ Just keep going guy’s” He spoke and we did. We began to walk. I felt ok, but was stopped as I felt myself being pulled. I was jerked back by my hair, and fell to the ground. I looked up to see my mom and dad.
“ Im so-so-sorry, I wasn’t ignoring you, I was j-j-” I was cut off by a slap in the face that sent waves of pain through m y body. I looked up to see Adi slap my mom.
“ Adi! Stop! Mom, please, ju-” I was cut off by a kick to my side.
“ HARRYYY!!!” I cried out. I was on my side shaking now. All I thought was ‘ why isn’t anyone saving me? Why hasn’t security come yet?’ Then it hit me, that rarely anyone had come today. I snapped into reality after hearing the all to familiar scream that had belonged to Adi’s lips. I snapped my head up, in time to see her fall to the ground. She fell straight on her back, causing her to lose her air.
“ ADDDIII!!” I screamed. I picked myself up and walked over to her. She was catching her breath. She pointed behind me. I looked to see Harry on the floor with a bloody nose. Niall and Louis were pounced on my dad. Liam. Where was Liam? I couldn’t see him. Panic rushed over me. I was about to get up when I felt a jabbing pain in my right leg. I looked down to see the the fresh new gash, and the warm blood sorounding it. I felt light headed, and fell into complete darkness.

I awoke in a white room that smelt of chemical’s. I looked around and took in my sorounding’s. A white bed, a sofa and some chair’s. Light blue colored wall’s. Machine’s hooked up to me. I sighed, hospital, im in a hospital. I sat back and thought of why I was here. Then it all came flooding back to me. I snapped up and began to click the red button on my bed. A few minute’s later nurses were rushing in.
“ WHAT?!” one asked. She noticed I was fine and signaled for the rest of them to leave. She then looked at me. She sighed and I saw sympathy in her eye’s. Was someone hurt?
“ What?” I asked confused.
“ Your friend’s are fine… They are waiting in the hall. Would you like to see them?” She asked me.
“ What did you really want to tell me?” I asked her.
“ I will tell you when they leave.” She said as she got up. I grabbed her by the wrist and she looked at me.
“ No, tell me with them, they’re my friend’s” I told her, she faked a smile as she opened the door. They barged in, all holding little thing’s for me… Stuffed animal’s. flowers, treat’s. I giggled when I saw the plushy’s that I had gotten from Harry, when he had asked me out. I thought they had all come in , when I noticed Joslyn. She was carrying a little card, and was holding Zayn’s hand. How long had I been out? I looked around, Adi and Niall were holding hand’s. Had I missed something? They all set everything down and came to hug me. After that was done, I had decide to find out what had happened.
“ Soooo, I see I missed thing’s….” I said clearly to Zayn and Niall. They Chuckled.
“ So, Zayn with Joslyn, and Niall with Adi? As couples, like a thing now?” I asked they nodded. I laughed and congratulated them.
“ So how long was I out?” I asked.
“ Well, 2 day’s, today would have been 3 but you woke up.” Liam informed with a smile.
“ Well, that’s preeeetyyy long” I said we all let out a laugh. I turned and noticed the nurse was still waiting, looking almost as if she felt sorry, for who? Me?
“ Ok, well the nurse has some new’s ok guy’s?” I said to them.
“ Were ready” We all said in unison. She pulled a chair and sat down.
“ Im sorry, Julli. The police were notified of what had happened when you were brought to the hospital, and youre parent’s were taken into custody. Do you know what that means, since you are 17, and won’t be 18 until next year?” She asked me. I felt a tear slip down my face. I nodded and swallowed before answering.
“ That mean’s im going back into foster care” I said. I heard gasp’s and looked over at everyone.
“ It’s ok, the foster care center is only a 20 minute drive away.” I said to them, they all sighed of relief. All except for Adi, she knew it was ok, because this always’s happened. She was still smiling and I smiled back. I was crying because I hated having to live at the center. Im not allowed to leave, but can still get visit’s.
“ Everything is fine miss, thank you for the new’s” I said to the nurse. She didn’t get up to leave, instead she shook her head. I looked at her confused.
“ That’s not even the worse part honey” She said with sympathy.
“ What do you mean? Is she not leaving soon or?” asked Liam.
“ The thing is, since you were out for 2 day’s, the center managed to find you a family” She said.
“ Well, that’s good new’s right? I will still be in town right?” I asked beginning to panic.
“ Im so sorry, The family is actually in North Dakota” She said. I froze. I heard a sob and turned to see Adi crying into Niall. I remained speechless. I felt the tears making there way down my face silently.
“ You leave in 10 day’s, in the meantime, you will be staying here until tomorrow morning, and have the rest of the time staying with Adelaide’s family.” she said. I sat there still frozen. I was moving, 3 whole day’s worth of driving away.I was leaving what I knew, who I knew, the most important thing’s to me, my friends. I shook my head in disbelief as she walked out. I turned to Adi, she was still sobing. I looked to Liam, he looked me in the eye’s and he knew, he understood I was afraid. He got up and walked over to my bed.
“ Im so sorry, Julli.” He said taking my hand and rubbing it. I pulled him as he walked away and he understood. He slipped off his shoes and climbed into the bed with me. He turned me to face him and I sobbed into him. He rubbed circle’s into my back, and whispered thing’s to me. We stayed like that until 2 hours had passed, and Niall and the boy’s had gotten hungry.
“ Ill be back ok?” Liam said as he got up and walked out. Everyone went to go get lunch, leaving Harry and I . He had been sitting wth his head’s in his hand’s. He looked up at me for the first time since we had been given the news. We locked gaze’s.
“ Im sorry, I cant believe we just got together and now this….” He said shaking his head. I patted the spot next to me and he understood. He slipped off his shoes and climbed in, but unlike Liam, he got under the blanket’s. I scooted over to him and he wrapped his arm’s around my waist and held me tightly. I laid my hand’s on his toned, firmed chest.
“ Let’s make the best of the next 10 day’s ok?” I asked him looking in his eye’s.
“ Ok,” he said to me.
“ Im tired, will u sing to me? Just until I fall asleep?” I asked him.
“ Of course” He he took a breath and began…
“ Settle down with me,
Cover me up,
Cuddle me in.

Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

And your heart’s against my chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
Im fallin for your eyes,
But they don’t know me yet
And with a feeling ill forget,
Im in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like fallin in love
Falling in love” He sang as I slowly drifted off into a sleep, filled with dreams of my new family. That night, I wondered whether this family would finally be “THE FAMILY” the family that would finally adopt me. Even though im 17, I still yearn for a family, I don’t want to be alone when I turn 18. Maybe, this would finally be my chance.

u like??? prepare for ALOT OF DRAMA!
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