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Jaylie's POV

I beat on his door with all my strength, begging him to let me explain. I stayed out there for hours, crying my eyes out. Mom and dad eventually came home and saw me laying in front of Zayn's door. Dad picked me up and carried me in and set me on the couch. It took me a few moments but I finally found the strength to tell them what happened. They had a long talk with Riley and told him never to talk about what he saw ever again. I wasn't mad at Riley. He's too little to understand. I really wasn't mad at anybody or anything. Just upset in general. Zayn had to let me explain. I couldn't live without him.

Zayn's POV

        "I tried to warn you, mate. I told you she was a slut," Niall said.
        "Shut the hell up, Niall! You're not helping!" Harry shouted at him. I was just laying in my bed with my head buried in my pillow and the door locked. I thought about letting her explain just to see what kind of lie she would think up but I decided against it. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of letting her. So I just laid there with only my thoughts and the boys talking to keep me company.

Jaylie's POV

Days went by. Weeks. Still no contact with Zayn. Even dad tried to talk to him. 
        "That same blonde boy answered the door and said he hasn't came out of his room since he heard that from Riley," dad said after the third attempt to talk to him. I didn't come out of my room just in case Zayn called or texted me. He didn't. I had about a million texts from Christie. I didn't answer any of them. I hardly ate anything or drank anything. I just spent all day thinking about what to do to get him to listen to me. Then an idea came to me. If he wouldn't listen to me in spoken words, he would just have to listen to me in written words.

Zayn's POV

        "Uh...Zayn? You might want to read this," Louis said from the other side of the door.
        "What is it?" I mumbled.
        "It's a letter from Jaylie. A hand written letter. She's explaining what happened. I think you better read it."
        "I don't want to read anything she has to say."
        "Come on, mate. Trust me. You'll regret it if you don't." I thought about it for a moment and what the hell. I'll read it. It won't hurt anything.
        "Slide it under the door."
        I got up and got it off the floor. On the front it said "To Zayn- make sure only Zayn reads this" i opened it and began to read:

        I know your thinking that I cheated on you. I'm not. You're the only boy in my life. My little brother is just too young to understand this.
        My last boyfriend(the one Riley was talking about) did something terrible to me. Well, he was about to if it wasn't for Riley walking in. What Riley saw was nothing he could have seen as a bad thing but it was. Blake(my ex) was trying to rape me. He came to my house earlier and tried to have sex with me. I told him I wasn't ready yet. He got pissed and said that if I didn't then we were done. I told him that if that was all he cared about then fine I guess its better we're done anyway. He left but he came back in my room through my window at 2:00 the next morning. He had a bouquet of flowers and said that he took back what he said and he would wait on me to get ready. Then we started kissing and he tried it again. And again I didn't let him. But when I tried to tell him he shut me up by putting duck tape over my mouth and holding a knife to my throat. He almost had me if it wasn't for Riley walking in. He saw Blake on top of me and didn't see it as anything really bad. He saw the knife and thought he was hurting me but he still thought he would be my boyfriend after that. He's not. Now he's just my dumb ex. You're the only boy I love.

             Please come back to me,

P.S. Yes. What we have is real. I do think you're my boyfriend. I just wanted to wait and see if you thought so too. I love you Zayn Malik. All I want is to hear you say it back and really mean it.

        It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. How could I have done this to her? I had to make it up to her. Somehow.
        "Zayn?" I heard Niall say. "Have you read the letter yet?"
        "Yes," I said.
        "Then you have someone here to see you."
        I looked up and saw Jaylie standing in the doorway.

Jaylie's POV

I stood there anxiously waiting to see what he thought. He started walking toward me. He didn't come to me. He walked right past me. He went to his door, shut it, and locked it. Then he turned around an started walking towards me again. He put his hands around my neck and kissed me. I was so happy at that moment. It felt like I had had a huge bag on my shoulders and it just disappeared into thin air. I kissed him back. We fell on his bed. I reached my hands under his shirt and pulled it off. He did the same thing with me. I felt of his abs and they were rock hard. Then I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was like a tiny spark of fire was trying to ignite. Then as if someone poured gas over the tiny spark, it spread through my whole body, making it heat up. I've never had this feeling before but I've heard other girls at school talk about it. They say they feel it right before they-oh. Now I know what it means.
        I started to fittle with his pants button and zipper. 
        "I'm sorry," he whispered against my neck.
        "Don't worry about it. I would have probably done the same thing," I whispered back. I had succeeded in undoing his pants but I knew it would be useless unless he cooperated. Thankfully he did and got his pants off. His trail of kisses went from my lips to the front of my neck to my chest. He started to unhook my bra with his face still on my chest. 
        "I love you," I whispered.
        "I love you too," he whispered back. He said it. And I'm pretty sure he meant it.

        I woke up the next morning with the bright sunlight in my face. I rolled over and came face to face with Zayn. 
        "Oh shit!" I yelled. 
        Zayn woke up and looked alarmed. 
        "What's wrong?" he asked me. 
        "Well for one thing I just slept with you, and-" I stopped and blushed.
        "And that's a bad thing?" he teased.
        "Well kinda since it means that I stayed here all night!"
        "Oh. Well maybe your dad will understand."
        "Did you not see him the other night when he found me over here at two in the morning? Just think of what he'll be like when he figures out I was here all night." I got up, put my clothes on, and went into his living room.
        "Oh look who it is. Did you two have fun last night, hmm?" Harry said as soon as I walked in. "You know the rooms in this building don't close off sound in the other rooms very well. We could hear what was happening all night," Liam said smirking. I felt my cheeks heat up. Oh my gosh! They heard us! I'm so embarrassed!
        "It's alright. We won't tell," Niall said grinning.
        "Well this is probably the last time we're ever gonna talk to each other again so if you want to say something you better say it now," I said.
        "And why would this be the last time we talk to each other?" Louis asked.
        "Well its probably because I just stayed here all night!" 
        "Oh your dad came by last night while you and Zayn were..." he wiggled his eyebrows, "and he said that he trusted you and you could stay as long as you like. Obviously he has bad hearing or he probably would have beat the door down on you two. He definitely wouldn't have said he trusted you."
        I was shocked. "Really? He said that?"
        "Yeah." Wow. That's a first. I'll have to thank him for it later.

Harry's POV

        "Hey, Jaylie? Since you and Zayn are back together now, I was thinking we could go somewhere today to celebrate," I said slowly.
        "Yeah I guess that would be okay," she answered.
        "And I was thinking we could invite Christie...maybe if you wanted to."
        Her eyes lit up and she grinned. "You fell for her didn't you?"
        "W-what? No! I-I just thought she might like to go," I lied. The truth was I did fall for her. I couldn't stop thinking about her.
        "Oh, right, Harry," Louis said sarcastically. My cheeks were bright red with embarrassment. 
        "Sure, Harry. I'll invite her for you," Jaylie said.
        "Okay," I mumbled. We ended up going to the mall to just look around. I walked beside Christie the entire time. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to talk to her alone. We walked past a Hollister store and I asked her to come in there with me. We walked around and looked around. She was very talkative. When we were in an area of the store with nobody around, I took my chance.
        "Christie? I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now..." I trailed off trying to find the right words.
        "Yes?" she asked smiling.
        "Well I was just wondering i-if you would...want to...maybe...go to a movie with me tonight?" I held my breath waiting for her answer. She just stood there giving me a blank stare. Oh no! Am I, Harry Styles, about to be rejected?

Yes I know it was short and not very good but I couldn't really do anything else to it cuz I wanted the main thing of this story to stay the same and if I did anymore it wouldn't be with the title anymore plus I really think I should save the next thing that happens till the next part cuz its gonna be good 

Part 6 coming soon!!
Chapter Two One Day I'll Marry! One Direction

One day I'll marry One Direction, yeah call me crazy but it will happen... one day. JAZMINE!!!! Kimberley is yelling at me like there is no tomorrow! She hates my guts so bad today I was having a two minute shower and she then said your wasting water! We're going broke because of you! While Kimberley was yelling at me I just knew I was going to get her back! But I never knew when, I might do it when I marry One Direction but then they might think I'm crazy, which Kimberley is. My love for One Direction is forever, I dream about them in my sleep,...
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posted by supergirl143
when i got home it was dinner time.we all sat down and was very quiet until my mom asked "Sabrina where have you been this weekend you've been gone the whole time" i bit my lip and said quickly "i was with my boyf.." she cut me off and said "you have a boy friend why didn't you tell know we have to meet him" i then said "but mom we have been dating for a day.a day i tell you at least give a week or two please!" she then replied sighing "fine but in two weeks we are meeting this boy understand?" i then said happily "yes thank you so much!" i then ran into my room.i forgot to do...
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posted by supergirl143
i went was about 12 when i left it was now 3:30.i went to my bedroom and i just read.i was bored.i got a text from Zayn and it said......
From Zayn:
hey wht r u doing
From Me:
nothing im bored
well do u want 2 come to my place
sure when
about an hour
k but i don't kno where u live
29 roseavelt street you'll probbaly c us outside.
k c u then
i then got my bag made sure i had my car keys and was a bit of a ride.i then stopped were i saw Louis,Harry,Liam,Niall,and of course Zayn playing football.i then saw Zayn running towards me.he then said "hey what took...
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posted by supergirl143
it was about 6:30 i was still at the boys house Zayn came down the stairs.he was ready for his date with Zoey.i then said "have fun but don't hurt her" Zayn said "i won't i promise got to go bye""bye" we all said.then i just feel asleep on Louis' lap.he didn't want to wake me so he removed my head from his lap and went upstairs.MEANWHILE....
zoey met zayn at the cafe.they talked and i can't belive it zoey went through the whole night without screaming saying "OMG I'M ON A DATE WITH ZAYN MALIK" she's so predictable.i was still on their couch sleeping it got late and Louis put a blanket over me...
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posted by supergirl143
my jaw wasn't miranda. i said "l..liam is that you" i was happy.he then said "oh my god sabrina i missed you so much" i recoginized him by the bracelet.he hugged me and i hugged him i said "liam i was waiting for you forever i thought i would never see you again" liam the kissed me and said "i never got to do that before i left" we both had giant smiles on our faces.he then said "i'll be right back"i then said "okay" i then saw miranda.she then said "sabrina turn around look whos on stage" i heard a voice i recognized i turned around and saw liam he had such a beautiful voice.i then...
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posted by supergirl143
hi i'm sabrina and i'm gonna tell you how i met my true all started when we were 6 we were boyfriend and girlfriend he was my neighbor.his name was liam.he was perfect i thought we would be together forever.until his parents gave him bad news.liam was moving.i was so and liam made each other bracelets to remember each other.the day he left was tough.i actually thought it was a joke i thought they were gonna come back.i waited and waited.i knew i'd never find true love again.10 years later.i was 16 it was my birthday then my phone rang it was my best friend miranda she said "happy...
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posted by supergirl143
it was a ordinary day me and my brother liam were bored so i decided to paint my nails pink and liam called his friend.i had no idea who he was bringing my nails were drying when suddenly the door bell rang i went to go get struguling i opened the door with my wet nails i looked at my nails to see if they were ruined then we made eye contact i smiled and knew we just had something Liam rushed over and introduced me to him his name was Zayn he looked so cute i pretended i didn't like him because i thought he might had a girlfriend so i rushed upstairs i just read then i heard someone come upstairs...
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posted by Hannah_Filbert
By: Alison
*Chap 4 :
Alison's POV:
I get out of the car and drag my suitcase into the lobby. Wow, the resort does look very different from the last time I was here. It's more beautiful, it has more trees but I just see a few guests.
"Ally!" aunt Clara calls and a girl about my age runs toward us. She's wearing the reasort's staff uniform.
"This is Alison, my niece and this is Ally"
"Nice to meet you," she says, smiling friendly at me.
"Nice to meet you, too" I nod my head.
"Ally, can you show Alison around? You two are the same age so I think you can get along very well"
"Okay, follow me" Ally tells...
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posted by Huge_Styles_fan
Hello everyone, I'm going to tell you about my one direction life it starts off like this...
Me and my mum just got out of the car. I hate going on car trips becuase we have to drive four hours up to Queensland and back. We arrived at my cousin Brooklyn's house and got my bag out of the boot, I walked inside and did some stuff then went to bed. I woke up the next morning with the T.V blaring and Brooklyn's brother Heath was dancing to the music on the T.V and I went to the T.V and breakfast came, we had coco pops and continued to watch T.V and listened to the music. Finally, after alot of boring...
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posted by sshannahmontana
Part 8

Britney's P.O.V

I don't know what to do this morning.I was so rushed and i can't barely sleep.So i picked up my book and looked at the clock and it was 3 o'clock in the morning.I need to sleep but instead of that i opened my English text book and started reading passages.But after a while i fell asleep.And i woke and looked at the clock again.It was 8 o' clock and i realized that i don't have time for school.I run as fast as i can to school.When i got to school,everybody was smiling and giggling at me.But suddenly Harry rushed over me and said "Hey you are on your pajamas.But you have...
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posted by sshannahmontana
Part 5

Liam's P.O.V

I really like Kelly.She is the only one who give me a present for my birthday.Should i tell her that i love her?But it won't help me now cause i have to go to Niall's house after school.
*After school*
While i was walking down the stairways i saw Kelly so i called her and asked her if she would come to Niall's house together with me.She said "Can i take Ashley and Holly to come together with me.You can call your friends.I said they all are here.Let's get going now Harry shouted.
*On the way to Niall's house*
Kelly and i are talking about some new stuffs and she and i are pretty...
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By the time it was 2pm, I was cold and tired. As I looked up, I saw Raman (finally) at the front of the queue. So, I put my book in my bag and waited for her to come out. I wasn't quite sure what Raman was doing, but she seemed to be doing a lot of talking (as usual) and pointing. At me. Niall, Louis, Zayn, Harry and Liam appeared to be listening intnetly, and nodding. Quite a few times, they all looked over at me. Now, there is something you should know about me. I'm really shy, and I hate public speaking (one of the reasons I resented being cast to be one of the lead roles in tonights musical)....
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Q.1 = How do you feel about being voted One Direction FOTM?
A.1= really pleased! i wasn't expecting it :) thank you to the people who voted for me :) xx

Q.2 = who is your favourite member? Why?
A.2 = Louis :) simply because he's perfect in every single way possible :) xx

Q.3 = what was your favourite live show song? Why?
A.3 = definitely torn cos they sounded perfect and looked AMAZING on the platform :) xxx

Q.4 = If they could release one song, what would you want it to be?
A.4 = I would love them to release The Lazy Song by Bruno mars cos it would be so hilarious to hear them sing it :))...
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posted by johncenaw85oi
We left science and i was practically staring at my watch all day. The day was going REALLY slow. All i wanted to do was go to the hospital to see niall! But of course, the day decided to be slow!

I had maths with kate, and we sat beside each other. We chatted about the party through the whole lesson. I was never gonna get good marks in maths anyway!I asked kate did she have a good time in harry’s and she said that he carried her up the stairs! What the hell?

After a long, and i mean LONG day at school, i texted niall:

“hey babez, im comin now:) u alright? x x x”

He replied:

“ya ok babez,...
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posted by johncenaw85oi
“the soccer field.” Kate replied. “why?” he asked. “because she goes there all the time, especially when she’s down. Soccer is practically her life!” Amanda answered. “oh right.” Niall was confused. When they got to the soccer field, i was nowhere to be seen.

“where is she?” asked kate. Suddenly they heard music. It was coming from a tree. Niall ran over and spotted me. he climbed the tree and shouted “BOO!” i jumped and fell out of the tree. “oh niall you idiot!” kate roared. Niall jumped down off the tree. “leah im so sorry, are you ok?” he looked really...
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We all know one direction are very good singers and can peform in front of millions, but can they act? will we ever find them in a movie or will they become soap stars in later life? Of course I don't think they would be doing acting this early. They are only getting to grips with all the female attention! Louis and Zayn wanted to be drama teachers so they could be doing acting! As they have been on the x factor dancing a bit they are not shy to peform. Maybe they could star in an all singing all dancing film. Well, I supose you will ahve to wait and see!
X Factor: One Direction booted out of health club!
January 19th, 2011 by Sarah.

Last year’s X Factor finalists, boy band One Direction, were apparently ordered to leave an up market health club and spa yesterday after “dive bombing” into the swimming pool.

The Sun adds that the band were staying in the Richmond Hill Hotel in south west London which adjoins the health club, and once fans knew where they were, they caused a ruckus at the hotel too.

The paper quotes a source from the hotel as saying, “The fans were banging on doors at 3am…

“Unfortunately, most guests were businessmen staying in the hotel for a conference and they weren’t best pleased.”
One Direction hit the road together ahead of gig (but poor Niall's alone on a plane!)
X Factor boyband One Direction are performing for the first time since the final in Glasgow tonight. Eeeek!
Posted: Monday 27 Dec 2010

One Direction are reuniting tonight for their first gig since The X Factor 2010 final!
The One Direction boys may have spent Christmas apart but they are back together tonight for their first gig since the X Factor 2010 final!

The One Direction boys have been spending some much-needed time with their families since finishing third in the X Factor 2010 final two weeks ago.
But Harry,...
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added by Miraaa
One Direction is going to be performing on Good Morning America! On 26th November 2013. They are going to be singing a few songs from their about-to-release MIDNIGHT MEMORIES album. The Concert will be a free-ticketed event!! :)) HOW COOL IS THAT!!!! They will also have a major announcement to say at that show...


