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“Hi Niall.”
“And what relation are you to Mickie?”
“Uhh boyfriend.”
“Lovely. For how long?”
“A couple of months.”
“How would you say Mickie feels about this whole situation?”
“She probably feels upset and confused. She never asked for any of this.”
“How do you feel about this situation?”
“Well I obviously want her to stay, but I also want her to be happy and she’s not happy when she’s with her sisters.”
“What makes you say that?”
“I don't need to explain something my brother already did.”
“So you’re saying that they beat her too?”
“Show me proof.”
“I don't have any. But if you would j-”
“We’ve heard enough, Mr. Horan. Sit down.”

Niall sat down obediently.
“You’re up.” The police officer nudged me. I stood up slowly and 4 police officers escorted me to the court room.
There was no use in trying; they were obviously on my sisters’ side.

“Hi Mickie. How are you feeling?”
“Why is that?”
“I’m just afraid of what’s going to happen to me.”
“Who do you want to go with?”
“I…. I….. I….”
“It’s ok if you don't know love.”
I nodded.
“Do you really enjoy spending time with your sisters?”
I looked over at them. I knew by their faces that if I said anything bad about them, and they got custody of me, I was dead.
“Um… yeah. Kind of I guess.”
“Niall and Greg both say that your sisters beat you, is this true?”
I paused.
I knew what I had to say.
A tear trickled down my cheek. I was going to end up with my sisters, it’s final.
The tears kept falling from my eyes. I tried to wipe them away with my sleeve.
“What’s the matter Mickie?”
“I-I-I don't know. I’m just being stupid.”
“No you’re not. We know this is hard for you.”
“So we’re going to let the Jury decide now, ok?”
“Good. Now the officers will take you backstage while you wait.”

I nodded as I was escorted from the court room. I sat down on a seat while I waited.
“Do you want to answer the question now, honey?” a kind woman asked.
“Which one?” I quizzed.
“Who do you want to stay with?” she questioned.
“Greg.” I spoke immediately.
“Ok. We’ll take that into consideration.” She smiled.
I knew she was lying. The Jury has already made up their minds. I’m doomed.


I was brought back into the courtroom where everyone sat. I re-took my seat.
“The Jury have come to a decision. The person who is now granted custody of Mickie Leanne Rosemary is…. Melissa, Claire, Tanya, Emma and Andrea Rosemary.” The judge announced, raising the gavel to make it official.
“NO!” I screamed as I jumped off the seat and ran into Niall’s arms.
“I can’t believe you Niall.” I cried into his shoulder.
“I’ll never forget you babe.” He said shakily.
I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

Niall’s P.O.V:

I kept Mickie close to me until two police officers came and dragged her away as she cried her eyes out.
I can’t believe she’s actually leaving.

“WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” a voice roared from the back of the room just before the judged banged the gavel.
I twisted around to see who it was.


“And who are you sir?”
“The name’s zayn malik.”
“And what do you want zayn?”
“You can’t let Mickie stay with her sisters.”
“I know you’re heard all of this before, but her sisters treat her like shit.”
“I’d rather you didn't curse in the courtroom.”
“Sorry your honor.”
“So you obviously think they beat her too?”
“I don't think they do, I KNOW they do.”
“I’m afraid I can’t believe you unless you have proof, Mr.Malik.”
“All of the proof you need is the bruises and cuts all over Mickie’s body.”
“Mickie, can we see if there are bruises and cuts on you?”
Mickie nodded in her seat as the police officers lifted up her sleeves, which caused her to wince in pain.

They lifted up both sleeves to reveal cuts and bruises all over Mickie’s arms. There was a gasp in the courtroom.

“And if you wipe the make-up off her face, she’ll probably have a black eye and a split open head.”
“May we Mickie?”
Mickie once again nodded. They got a wipe and wiped the make-up off her eye, to reveal a bad black eye. And then they wiped it off her head and a deep cut with paper stitches appeared. Another gasp spread across the courtroom.
“And lastly, I bet there’s a big scar on her neck.”
The officers unraveled the scarf around Mickie’s neck to show a big scar.

“How does this prove her sisters’ did this?”
“Her bruises, her sisters hit her with something hard until she’s unconscious, maybe something as hard as a crowbar.”
“And her cuts?”
“They cut her with glass until she bleeds.”
“Her black eye?”
“They knocked her out.”
“The cut on her head?”
“They split it open with a crowbar.”
“And finally, the scar on her neck?”
“Glass also.”
Everyone gasped.

“Is this true Mickie?”
Mickie nodded as she wasn’t in the state to speak.
“And how do you know all of this, Mr. Malik?”
“I’m Mickie’s best friend. I just found out recently about her sisters and it hit me really hard. I didn't talk to Mickie, or anyone else for that matter, for ages but now I realize I was just being stupid. The truth is, I was never there for Mickie when she needed me the most.”
“That is lovely zayn but-”

“Your honor, to give Mickie sisters custody of her is not only wrong, it should be illegal. Her life only began to brighten up when she met niall and the rest of us. If you take her away from the only people that care about her, she may kill herself. I might even kill myself if Mickie leaves, just thinking about her being tortured like that. I can’t lose her. But if you grant Greg custody of her, I can guarantee you that amazing smile of hers will be plastered on her face 24/7. And she won’t have to put up with being beaten every night. Your honor, PLEASE just listen to your heart, because I know deep down, that you know that Greg deserves custody of Mickie.”

“Well zayn, you’re a charming young man. But I can’t guarantee your claims will be proven. We will take DNA tests on Mickie’s body and we’ll test everyone on lie detectors. It’s highly unlikely the Jury are going to change their mind though.”

“THAT’s FUCKING MESSED UP!!” I heard a girl scream.

Oh Kate!


The DNA tests have been taken and the lie detectors have been tested. The lie detectors really scared me, they were so intimidating! Now all we can do is wait.
The judge re-appeared and took his seat. There was a mutter throughout the court.
Everyone fell silent.
“Now Mickie, it seems the Jury have reached their final decision.”
The judge paused.
“Based on the results of a DNA and lie-detector test, the person who is granted full custody of Mickie Leanne Rosemary is………………………. Mr. Greg Horan!”

The judged banged his gavel to make it official.

Mickie jumped off her seat and ran into my arms.
“I love you Niall.” She whispered.
“I love you too Mickie.” I told her.
She turned to Greg, who had his arms open for a hug. She leaped into them.
“Thank you so much Greg!” she beamed.
“I’m not just Greg anymore Mickie, I’m your big brother Greg.” He winked.
Her face lit up and she hugged him tighter.
I was so happy she was staying.

Zayn’s P.O.V:

I was so glad Mickie was staying. I really couldn't live without her.
She twisted around and my gaze met hers. She ran over to me and jumped into my arms.
“Thank you so much Zayn. If it wasn’t for you, I would be jetting off to America right now!” she grinned.
“Don't mention it babe.” I smiled.
“I’m so sorry for lying to you.” She looked down on the ground, shuffling from foot to foot.
“There’s no need to apologize. I was being an idiot!” I laughed.
“No you weren’t…” she giggled.
Amanda was sitting down on her own, looking around her awkwardly.
“You should go over to her zayn. She needs you.” Mickie remarked.
“Ok, I’ll go over. See you later.” I responded as I hugged her once more before she walked away.

“Hey Amanda.” I smiled as I sat down beside her.
“Hi zayn.” She spoke quietly.
“I’m really sorry.” I told her.
“Just forget it.” She shook her head.
“No I can’t. The truth is Amanda, I love you.” I stated.
“Then why did you break up with me?” she questioned.
“Because I am an idiot.” I sighed.
“Yeah, you are!” she chuckled.
“So…. Can you give this idiot a second chance?” I quizzed, looking into her amazing eyes.
“Of course!” she beamed and she hugged me tight.
I kissed her head and was interrupted by harry running over.

“What the fuck?” I queried.
“I gave him coffee.” Kate strolled past.
“Why?” I asked.
“He was annoying me.” She shrugged.
She skipped away happily.

Mickie’s P.O.V:

Harry ran up to me.
Oh harry!

A tall figure stood over me. I gazed up and was not by Melissa, who slapped me across the face.
“How could you do this to us?” she spat.
“Do what?” I questioned.
“Mom and Dad would be so disappointed in you.” She growled.
“No. they would be horrified to know that 5 of their children who were supposed to be taking care of their little sister, were beating her if she screws up sometimes. And they would be proud of me for finally standing up to you.” I scowled.
“You do NOT speak to me like that!” she grabbed my hoodie and pulled me towards her, lifting my feet off the floor.
I could tell she was going to hit me, but she was interrupted by a police officer and immediately dropped me.
“Melissa Rosemary?” the police officer asked.
“That’s me!” she cackled.
“You’re under arrest for child abuse.” He told her.
Did I hear him right?
“W-What? You have no proof!” she screamed as he handcuffed her.
“All of the proof we need is in that DNA test.” He pointed at a piece of paper with the DNA test on it.
“Y-You can’t do this!” She roared as he took her away.


“Ahem.” A voice spoke behind me. I spun around o my heels and found niall with a smirk on his face.
“Why hello there Mickie.” He winked.
“Hello there Niallers!” I grinned.
“So we’re going to be roommates now?” he quizzed.
“I guess so!” I replied.
He placed both of his hand on my face and crashed his soft lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he moved his hands down to my waist.


“Let’s go Home.” Greg smiled warmly.
Home. That’s going to take some getting used to!
Greg ended up bringing me, niall, kate, harry, zayn, Amanda, Liam Louis AND himself home in his 5 seater car.

Don't ask me how we all fit!

posted by fiestagirl12345
Ruby's P.O.V

me and dannyel arrived at nialls and the lads place. i was freaking out but trying to hide it. i walked in and saw that dannyel already got along with everybody. i was standing waving to everyone. she was the more confident one. i was more shy but immature once i got comfortable. i was standing when harry spotted me in the distance. those light green eyes seduced me and made me go weake in the knees.he walked by me my heart beating faster and faster. "hello beutiful whats youre name?" asked harry. i hesitated but then spoke "ru-ruby" i said looking down. "hey its alright if you...
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posted by GabriellaAdams
Louie's POV:
I woke up alone.I checked the clock to see it was only three a.m.
Startled by the absence of Amber,I sat up in bed.
Before my feet hit the floor,She walked in.
"Go back sleep,I'm coming laid down."
I rose my feet back on the bed and scooted over.
She laid down on the bed and laid next to me,she kissed me on the fore head then put her head down.
"Where'd did you go?I was disappointed not to wake up next to you."
"I had went down stairs for a snack,but Niall was awake to.So we watched tv."she explained.
"Oh..okay."I said then wrapping my arm around her waist.
When she said she was with Niall...
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It was soon night,the boys were in the other room playing video games..
''harry look me and BB are supost to be doing something tonight and I need you to help me..''
Okay look last night I didnt answer my pjone to any of you cause I was at alexi's house and she had her girls over but she and her hookers raped me last night..''
"oh thats why we heard a boyish moan"
"Yea but I didnt want it to happen I was actually on my way over here to make her feel good and I was finally gonna ask her out"
"dude what ya waiting for get in there"
"shes sleeping"
I hurried and put on my pj's and...
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Amber's POV:
Once I woke up,I attempted to fool myself into thinking what I had seen was a dream,that attempt failed.I knew I seen Anna kissing Santa last night,and I was faced with the probelm of telling Zayn and maybe losing a friend.(My only friend.)
It was a bit creepy since Santa was so old,and what about Mrs.Claus?It would be world wide news!
I quietly walked down stairs to the Christmas tree.
I didnt really want to open my presents after all that had seen,I couldn't bielieve Santa and Anna had kissed.It was an utter disgrace.
I sat there singing softly,
"I saw Anna kissing Santa Claus underneath...
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posted by mad16
Guys from One Direction were running away from crowd of fans after concert. They were running away who where. Niall hid over stairs beside concert hall and nobody noticed him. And Harry had run away in shop near concert hall with Liam, and Louis hid over the stage.Only Zane didn't have time to hide and ran until he struck the girl, who was walking towards. She hit on his torso.
- Hey, take it easy! -she said discontentedly.
- Oh yeah, sorry. - Zayn replied her.
- Oh,it's OK, I-I just spilled my cofee on myself because of you - she answered, smiling him.
- Yeah?- he surprisingly noticed and resumed...
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posted by GabriellaAdams
Ambers POV:
I had woke up with a huge head ache,I couldn't really remember much from that night.I'm also not sure,why I woke up with out my bra on,I was a tad scared.Somehow Harry had my bra on,and Louie was half naked.He was wearing under wear with tiny carrots imprinted on them.To this very day,I can't explain it,but something happened that was very important happened,Im sure of it to because that morning Harry kept looking at me strange.

Harry's POV:
It was killing me to keep my mouth shut.
They were sitting next to each other at breakfast,shuffing carrots in to their mouths.I mean how romantic...
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Harry went to Jenny.
Harry: Do you really love that guy?
Jenny: Well, I never loved him….. But—
Harry: But?
Jenny: We were going on date….
Harry: Oh really? Thank god that you didn't love him!
She nodded her head.
Harry: So, do you love me?
Jenny: Well, I kind of like you!
Harry: Whoa! A positive approach from you!
She smiled and he took out a ring from his pocket which had this written on it:”SHE BELONGS TO HARRY STYLES”. He bent down.
Harry: Jen, I love you…. Do you love me?
Jenny: Well, umm….. Yeah!
He put the ring on her finger and tried to kiss her hand. She moved her hand back.
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~ Im Glad You Are Back ~ ( Part One )
Zayn ‘ s P . O . V
    Violet was back . That was the only thing on my mind . Anyway as I was on my way going downstairs I past Harry ‘ s room . I saw Violet and he hugging , smiling , laughing , and kissing . I did get upset by that . I mean it hurts to know the girl that you love with all of your heart with one of your closest friends . It kills me . So I just walked by his room with my head down . I still have that present that I wanted to give her . I guess I will give it to her tomorrow as a present . I also have the drawing of...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Isabells( or bella) P.O.V

i woke up by my ringtone of Titanium by david guetta feuturing Sia. i checked and saw my frined left me like 12 messeges i checked adn saw i was late for shool. "SHOOT" I yell runnig to the bathroom. link. i ran out the shower getting in my out-fit link. i ran ad woke up my sisters. they were ready in 20 minuts. i dropped them off and headed to school. i ran in class trying not ot get caught .i failed. "MRS.STAR!'yelled the teacher in anger. i turned around normally. "Yes mrs. jones"i say with some attitude. "THIS IS THE 5TH TIME 5TH NEXT A DETENTION"says the teacher...
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i cant beleive this...... MY MOM GOT ME TICKETS TO THE GREATEST BAND ON EARTHS CONCERT..... one direction! i had to do extra chores for 3 months and pay for one of the tickets ;( but i know it will be worth it! me and my friend ashlyn are waiting nervously inside. the boys should be on any minute now.... i glanced over at ashlyn and saw her twirling her hair through her fingers. She catches my eye. "your shaking" She remarks pointing at my apparently shaking figure. "i know i reply"i sigh and then i here ashlyn SCREAMING. "TO YOUR LEFT" is all she says. i turn around and see louis and two hulking...
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Harry reached the supermarket. He was new to that place so he asked a girl there for help.
Harry: Umm.. Excuse me, can I know where the vegetables section is?
Girl: Yeah, you have to go right and there is the vegetables section…
Harry: Thanks!
Girl: You are welcome….
Harry went to the vegetables section and saw Sofia and Jenny picking up vegetables. Sofia saw him and winked an eye.
Sofia: Jen, I got to go…. So I’ll meet you later. OK! Bye!
Sofia left the supermarket.
Harry walked forward to Jenny.
She was busy picking up veggies so she didn’t notice him.
Harry: Hi, Jen….
Jenny: Hi..
She suddenly...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Skylar's P.O.V

i got done with my gigs exhausted i went to my bathroom getting my Iphone5 and hopping in the bathtub link i was listening to tianium. when i got out i changed into my pj's I hopped out texting Harry like crazy I was jumping listening to Live While Were Young “lets go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun I know we only met but lest pretend its love we never never never stop for anyone tonight is the night so lets live while were young” I sing songed around the house. I was dancing when someone rang the door-bell I ran and opened it and saw it was Harry he laughed when he...
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(On the tour bus, going to sleep)
Harry: Goodnight, Louis. Goodnight, Niall.
Louis: Night, Harry.
Niall: Night, Harry. Night, Liam.
Liam: Goodnight, Niall. Night, Louis. Night, Harry.
Harry: Goodnight, Boo Bear.
Louis: Goodnight, love.
Harry: Sleep tight, darling.
Louis: Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Harry: Have a wonderful sleep, spider monkey.
Louis: Night, pumpkin.
Zayn: Oh my God, GO TO SLEEP!!!
Harry: Goodnight, s3x lord.
Louis: Goodni-- oh, come on! You know I can't beat 's3x lord'...
Niall: Sorry, guys.
Louis: Wait, what...?
Louis: Wait, what...?
Niall: (laughing) It'll hit you in a second.
Louis: I don't think I... (sniffs) OH GOD, NIALL! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
Zayn: (covering head with pillow) EVERY. DAMN. NIGHT.
..................~ next morning~........:.........
 Shenalis POV : I was the first peron to walk up. That's wat I thought Bt as I went down I saw Tiffany Tess n Tracy were already awake. They all were doing  lunch at 5:00 pm in the evening. I joined them. I was about to begging vth the breakfast when I saw the guest room door open I yell" there is a ghost in the guest room" n see a girl cum out of the room I calm down n ask "Whoz she" Tiffany blushes n says " harry's sis " 
I say " u mean Harry of one direction" she replies "yep" I say shocked " where did you meet her" tiffany says " MCdonals"...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Alex's P.O.V

I was working at a cafe. i put on my apron and started work. i was working when 5 boys walked in i knew who they were OMG ONE DIRECTION i said in my mind. i was trying not to fangirl. it got worse i had to take their orders. "hi i'm Alex and i will be youre waider what will you like today" i ask with my little note-pad. "hmm strawberry tarts, peach tarts" they all said. "alright youre order will be ready in a few" i say walking back. i was at the register waiting for the order comes i hid my scars and bruises. from my bf. i walked over to them and gave them their orders when Harry...
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Deniesse's POV
My mom gave me my phone. I smiled.
Deniesse: Thanks, mom.
Alvira: i changed your phone number.

My smile faded. What?! No freakin' way!
Deniesse: Mom, why?! That's unfair!
Alvira: Just understand me, dear. You're only eighteen.

I just ignored what mom said. I laid to my bed not facing her. My mom gets out of my room and closes the door. She left my phone beside me so I'm relieved that she didn't confiscate my gadgets but when i sat down, my iPad isn't there. Dammit! My mom got my iPad and i didn't signed out! I bet she reads what Zayn tweeted me. Such a horrible day!

Zayn's POV
She's not...
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~ Liam and Louis ~
Louis ‘ s P . O . V
    While Liam and I were going out to eat earlier today we came upon two lovely girls name Eleanor and Danielle . I had my eye on Eleanor . She was so beautiful . Liam kept on looking at Danielle . Then I started a conversation with them .
~ Earlier Today ~
“ So whats your name . ? “ I asked the first girl
“ Im Eleanor and this is my friend Danielle . “ she answered
“ Nice to meet you guys . Im Louis and this is my friend Liam . “
    Eleanor smiled at Liam while Danielle said . .
“ Hii Liam . Im Danielle...
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posted by ZoeyMalik28
(A/N Mikaela-Styles! This is for you,love! Hope you like it! <3)

I giggled as we stepped towards the mall again,"I told you we'd come back,Liam" I nudged him with my elbow,a smirk playing on my lips

"Pshh..I wanted to come" He started lying,not wanting to have been proven wrong.

Niall started jumping up and down,"LEEYUM!"

"What?" Zayn,Lou,Harry,and Liam said at the same time

I glanced at all of them,"What?"

"I....want.......FOOD" Niall whined

"Niall,you just ate Nando's" Daddy Direction responded

"THAT'S A LIE!" Niall exclaimed

I laughed lightly,"He ate Wando's"

Niall nodded,"What the girl said"...
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Deniesse's POV
Here I am again!

I look at my mom which is 3 seats away from me. She gave me a mad look. I turned to Zayn.
Zayn: Do you mind if I'm going to ask you random questions?
Deniesse: No. why?
Zayn: I want to know you more.

He cracks a smile that only heaven can make.
Deniesse: Okay. I will ask random questions to you, too.
Zayn: Sure thing. Uhmmm your full name..
Deniesse: Deniesse Marielle Alexander. Yours?
Zayn: Zayn Javaad Malik. errmm your nationality- I mean something like and american- italian.
Deniesse: I'm of Italian descent, half Sicilian, half Abruzzese.
Zayn Oh. I want to ask you...
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Via went to the kitchen and make some coffee. She sat at the dining table and began drinking. She didn't notice that Harry's at her back. Harry kisses her cheek.
Via: (turns around and smiles) Hey.
Harry: Good morning, Styles. (sits beside her)
Via: Harry. (takes a sip on her coffee)
Harry: Fine.
Via: (smiles)
Harry: (leans in to kiss her)
Via: (looks directly in his eyes)
Harry: (places a soft kiss on her lips)
Via: (kisses back)
Harry: (smiles and pulls away)
Via: (smiles) I want to plan for the... you know..
Harry: Okay.
A few hours later at the living room with...
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