Naley,Brucas,& Jeyton Club
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as viewed by the couple's non-supporters

Season 1 ++
Lucas "loves" Peyton because he keeps notes about her inside this box he shares with his best friend Haley. He wants to talk to her. He wants to make out with her. They did eventually. It was hot. Anyway, at first, he feels like he knows her and she feels like he doesn’t know her. They love the same music and brood respectively in the opposite corners of school and it’s only a matter of time before they collide and fall madly in love with each other. They did; Peyton almost runs him over; there are many instances their eyes met and it was hot. And Lucas tells Peyton stuff you don’t normally tell a stranger when first meeting them (so it was like a cosmic connection in an instant) and Peyton finds him weird but interesting nevertheless. In addition to this, Nathan, Luke’s half-brother and Peyton’s boyfriend, makes things easier. Nathan is obnoxious so that fulfills the scenario where Lucas will continue to rescue Peyton from her dreadful relationship until she realizes that she could have something worthwhile with him (Ryan-plus-Marissa-minus-Luke if you want to understand the formula clearly). They were so hot together, so intense and connected, that they have to pull away from each other. Brooke, Peyton’s best friend, came to the picture and dated Lucas. Peyton’s problems with abandonment and her father are too much to bear for her. And she becomes susceptible to Lucas’ arms. It was dreamy. While sharing passionate kisses whenever they could be alone together, they keep talking about how they don’t want to hurt Brooke. In the end, it was over and just when they put it behind them, Brooke discovers what they’ve done and the damage is irreparable...for now.

Season 2 ++
Peyton was wise enough to choose her friendship with Brooke over the doom-to-fail affair with Lucas. She was working hard to earn the trust she once destroyed and Brooke is meeting her halfway. Lucas comes back to the picture, realizing that he should have the courage to deal with the people he had hurt; starting with Brooke and Peyton, of course. The three of them try to repair whatever it is they could have as friends. Lucas started dating Anna who is the sister of Felix, Brooke's 'no-strings-attached' significant other. Peyton, on the other hand, tries to concentrate more on her love for music by opening up a club called Tric. The three of them live side by side together and the painful past looks like it's been erased. There's nothing really important that happened between Lucas and Peyton this season; except when Lucas comes to terms with his feelings with Brooke and wants to pursue her romantically while she storms out, confused about this sudden confession; and Peyton, after being left by Jake whom she loved with all her heart, met a stranger who claims to ber her mother. These big events drew them to seek each other (well, there's nobody else to talk to so they decided to stick around in Peyton's room. Lucas knew Peyton could use a friend, with Jake gone and another problem at hand). Lucas claims that there's always going to be him and Peyton. It was a sincere, platonic promise that I myself found nice to hear but not because I desire them to end up as the TLA they are now. We non-supporters knew back then that they were simply keeping each other company.

Season 3 ++
Lucas and Peyton spend two months together without Jake and Brooke. I won't speculate about what happened in those two months. The fact that Mark didn't care to illuminate them means it's irrelevant to their storyline. So we'll conclude that they just hang out as friends. It seems only logical since Lucas was already in love with Brooke and you don't just turn that one out. Peyton is too absorbed with the discovery that she was adopted. So basically there's nothing romantic to develop between the two of them. The only thing they seemed to share is Lucas' secret about saving Dan from his burning office. When Peyton's biological mother died of breast cancer, Lucas and Brooke, who were already together as a couple, were there for her. She starts seeing Fall Out Boy's Pete. It was a fling that her father never approved of and he told her to follow her heart wherever it leads. And so Peyton went to see Jake and Jenny. While with Jake, she confessed kissing Lucas and telling him she loves him. Because she was bleeding with a gunshot wound and she thought she was going to die. She kept insisting this but it seems like Jake knew better and demanded that she should go home and if they really are meant to be together then someday they will be. So brokenhearted and rejected Peyton tried to convince herself that maybe...she really has feelings for Lucas; that kissing him meant something other than the desperate attempt of her psychological relapse to ease the trauma of getting shot. While acting on a scene with Lucas where they are supposed to be Nathan and Haley, she said she loves him while a flashback of 'what they used to be' started flooding her senses (especially her judgment). She then starts crying to Brooke, confessing that perhaps she has feelings for Lucas. Brooke 'overreacts', considering the painful history she went through and she is eager for a stroll in that memory lane either. She slaps Peyton, refuses to be friends with her and confronts Lucas whom she dumps because she was insecure and afraid that all she sacrificed were only for nothing. And maybe she was right. Unfortunately, she was right because that's exactly what's going to happen.

Season 4 ++
Lucas, flabbergasted by the whole thing and has no idea that Peyton is 'in love' with him, proceeds to take care of said damsel-in-distress because he's always been a good friend to her. Peyton, already rejected by the one man she wants to be with, feels warmed by the gestures and took them as signs that Lucas might also love her 'more than' just friends. It was amusing; the two of them so clueless about each other's intentions. Lucas still wants to be with Brooke and Peyton agrees to help him with it. A series of misunderstanding commences with Brooke still paranoid about what Lucas and Peyton really are doing whenever they're together and Peyton making the most of the times she spends with Lucas while decorating them with possibilities of romance. Season 4 was supposed to be the grand moment when the stars will line in the sky and comets will shine for Lucas and Peyton. But I dunno. As a non-supporter, I was honestly perplexed of this situation, not to mention very bored. To shake things up, Peyton gets a stalker. Lucas saves her and also her long-lost brother who taught her how to fight back the monster. This gives Peyton an excuse to cling onto Lucas' shining armor. And then by the twist of events, it was Brooke who helps Peyton defeat her nemesis and their friendship became 'better.' Before that heartwarming incident, Brooke and Lucas already decided to stay friends and because Brooke is always understanding (and probably tired of the drama), she decides to 'encourage' Lucas that Peyton is 'the one' for her. So in that memorable championship game with colorful graffiti rain that symbolizes victory of some sort, Lucas tells Peyton that she's the one he wants standing next to him when all his dreams come true. Peyton buys it even though she was the one who asked that particular question and Lucas told her it's Brooke. At first. Then he takes it back because this is Lucas Scott we're talking about here; his whims are borderline capricious. But somehow this comical implication is ignored and we resume to a long-awaited kiss that mark the reunion of the Tree Hill Soul Mates. Applause. They 'made love' in a motel after attending some other's school's Prom Night. Somehow it wasn't disturbing (and cheap) even though it should be. Also, the motel is 'symbolic' because that was the place where they became "almost passionate" together for the first time (or as non-supporters recall it: 'when they lied and cheated on Brooke').

Season 5 ++

Four years later. Lucas published a bestselling book that is half-autobiographical and half-fiction. He's in a relationship with his editor Lindsey for two years. What just happened? Where is Peyton? I don't want to be too detailed on this; it's too exhausting.

Let’s use the biblical number 7 to illustrate the key points of this melodrama:

1) A lot of begging and crying and flashbacks.

2) A fictional novel testifies to a relationship's validity.

3) A desperate Peyton that we don't recognized being introduced to.

4) A Lucas who only fooled around with her and dropped her as soon as she doesn't accept his proposal and then says "I do" to another woman.

5) Lindsey is Brooke's reincarnation just to remind us that she is also an 'obstacle' to
overcome that will enable Lucas and Peyton to be TLA because ‘they will always be’. She was a runaway bride who gives a long speech about Leyton being soul mates.

6) A comet analogy as a tasty parlor trick.

7) Haley as an active participant in the nightmarish deja-vu (because Married Girl knows best).

Angst away, as my father described the Leyton storyline in this season (and he adds “they have the whole ‘love hurts but it will prevail’ kind of thing, like it’s the 1600’s or something”). Basically, S5 would be better off without Shakespearean Leyton. We’re surprised Peyton didn’t even pretend to be dead and Lucas didn’t mistakenly poison himself (but frankly speaking, they might as well have done than that and we still wouldn’t care).

Season 6 ++    

Oh wait, they did. True to the Shakespearean form, episode 11 that was fashioned in the 40's illuminated the ‘love conquers all even in death’ scenario Leyton has become. But to a non-supporter, when Peyton got shot and dies, that was symbolic for the two of them. It's Lucas' metaphorical confirmation that his relationship with her was 'dead'. But we know Mark intended for another message to be sent across but that's how most of us interpreted it.

I apologize but I haven't completely watched the Leyton progress in this one (half of the time I just stared at their scenes and nothing in my subconscious has the energy to process). All I can say for sure is that Peyton has a bun in the oven. Lucas is now a daddy. They were less than passionate this time (which is disappointing since in s1 they were dripping in pheromones. S6 was very dull for them, sexually-speaking. Even s4 pregnant Haley and Nathan have more sex to them because they are NALEY after all with real history and commitment). We think it’s because Lucas and Peyton are focusing all their strength (and libido) to pull off the ‘content family life where a couple mellows down to homely activities.’ It worked for Jeyton, didn’t it? It sure as hell can work for Leyton, being cosmically-bound, ‘amazingly overwhelming’ and ‘versatile’ they are as lovers, so to speak.

But you always waited for destiny to rule in your favor, kids
But you always waited for destiny to rule in your favor, kids
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