My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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The last solstice

Chapter 42: Cleansing light

Everything was bright and shiny. She was walking through a strange white tunnel, but the walls seemed to be alive. As she moved on, she spotted several faces all around her. She blinked in utter confusion and perplexity. She had no memory of how she got here, or where was “here”. Outlandish whispers reverberated from the moving and forever changing walls, but she was unable to comprehend the meaning of the quiet words; they just swiftly glided through her brain, like fallen leaves, traveling with the autumn wind.

The familiar faces kept emerging from nowhere, only to be swallowed by the white brightness a few seconds later. Then the recognition struck her: she knew all of these ponies; they accompanied her along the lengthy path of her life for an evanescent moment. Yes, all the ponies she met and who came close to her heart were there. Her students, her officers, her subjects... everypony she ever encountered and brought grace into their lives. Everypony who got consumed by the sands of time countless years ago. They were all there around her. She clearly sensed the presence of their entities in the all-suffusing whiteness. But this whiteness wasn't cold or menacing, it radiated with pleasurable warmness, penetrating deeply into her soul. As she walked forward, the light became even brighter, that it was almost blinding. Yet some invisible force was beckoning her further and she could not resist. When she came out of the white tunnel, she realized she was walking on fluffy clouds. The Sun shone brightly on the top of the sky, bathing her in its light. It was an idyllic picture, harmony and calmness surrounded her, wisps of refreshing breeze cuddled her senses. Then she saw the contrast. Two dark silhouettes in the distance, idly sitting by on a giant cloud. She could clearly see their horns and wings and even though their features remained invisible; she could only see their eyes, but it was enough for her to know they meant no harm. On the contrary...

“Welcome, our child!” a soft, yet strong feminine voice called out, in unison with a deep, determined masculine voice.

“Mother? Father?” Celestia gasped in disbelief.

“After all these years... we meet again.” the two voices spoke at the same time.

“Oh, I missed you so!” Celestia cried in tears.

“As have we.” the two voices replied warmly.

The sun goddess galloped towards the shady figures of her parents in anticipation, but no matter how fast she ran, they remained in the same distance. A few moments later, she understood this was getting her nowhere and stopped.

“What happened to you, our child?” the voices asked. They only spoke together: the soft female voice and the strong male voice.

“I... I don't know... I think my journey has come to an end.” Celestia stuttered, lowering her head, using her sparkling mane to cover her scars.

“You have forgotten us, Celestia!” the voices declared in disappointment.

“No, I could never...”

“You have forgotten who you are, therefore you have forgotten us.” the voices continued.

“I'm not the mare I was...”

“Look deep within yourself!” the echoing voices exclaimed. “You are so much more than what you've become! You are our daughter, a true Princess by blood!”

“How could I possibly change the past? What I've done... I failed you!” Celestia cried, letting her emotions flow freely this time.

“What happened at that city is not your fault. Neither is the Changeling Queen's victory.”

“I'm so tired... so very-very tired... weary of battle.” the Princess said quietly and a careworn sigh escaped her chest.

“Yes...” the voices agreed. “The weight upon your shoulders is almost unbearable and offers you no peace. The task would crush the spirit of a common pony, but you are our daughter, Celestia! You are destined to lead ponykind to glory!”

“I... I can't do this anymore... I'm broken... how can I fight against such blazing hatred? No... it... is... impossible.”

The two alicorn figures narrowed their eyes at the same time. Suddenly, the picture of the silhouettes with glowing eyes, the bright Sun and the fluffy clouds melted away, only to be replaced by a series of disturbing, sinister images.

“Do you give up?” Celestia heard her fathers voice alone this time.

The first image showed an apple orchard in Ponyville, where a family of earth ponies were hugging each other, tears flowing down their cheeks, as they were waiting for the apocalypse. It was the Apple family of course. The picture changed, showing a cyan colored pegasus, holding an orange filly close.... Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Then the winged ponies grew horns, their feathers merged with their barrel and disappeared and their coat turned white. Their surroundings have changed as well. It was Rarity and Sweetie Belle in Carousel Boutique. Then the dress shop turned into a cottage near the Everfree Forest. There was a butter yellow pegasus, trying to calm the countless little critters around her with the help of a draconoquus: Fluttershy and Discord. After a brief moment, Celestia found herself on a rock farm, observing a pink pony with her family. There were party decorations and accessories everywhere, but the atmosphere was grim and dark.

“This isn't the end, Pinkie.” the father said, smiling warmly at her daughter.

“I know.” Pinkie Pie smiled back with tears in her eyes and hugged the old stallion.

The scenario changed again, and image of Luna appeared in front of sun goddess. Her sister was cruelly chained down in a dark dungeon, she wasn't even able to move an inch. There was a magic disruptor collar around her neck. Anguish and sorrow distorted her face; she was clearly suffering.

“Will you abandon their hope?” her mother's voice asked.

The next picture showed the soul of Cadence and Twilight, struggling to break free from the powerful hypnosis of the Changeling Queen. They were in agonizing pain as well. Then the image of Canterlot flashed in front of Celestia, showing her subjects in their homes, doing what Chrysalis suggested them: spending their last hours with their loved ones.

“Can you not feel their desperation?” her mother questioned relentlessly.

The next image featured Chrysalis, laughing maniacally, making Cadence and Twilight watch Mirage's agony in the shrinking green sphere of magic.

“Will darkness forever rule the world?” his father's voice said.

The next scene of the depressive slide show focused on the universe itself. Celestia saw gleaming stars on the obsidian sky; the planets, tossed out of their orbits, spinning uncontrollably, and the black Moon of the Chronos, which almost consumed the entire Sun.

“HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN?!” her father shouted vigorously.

The last act consisted of a series of images from Celestia's life and all the things she's done. She saw herself discovering the Tree of Harmony with Luna, then the first defeat of Discord and King Sombra, the battle with Nightmare Moon, the journey with Starswirl the Bearded, Cadence's ascension to alicornhood, taking Twilight Sparkle under her wing, The Summer Sun Celebration, The Elements of Harmony, Twilight's ascension, even the battle with the ancient fiery demon and finally, her brave actions that stopped the changeling attack on Canterlot Castle.

“No. I have not forgotten!” Celestia stated, furrowing a brow.

The scary images vanished and she was standing on the same plushy cloud as before, the silhouettes of her parents were there too, right beneath the fiery disk of the Sun.

“One aspect of your existence has indeed came to an end, our daughter.” her parents said, speaking together at the same time again. “Now you must choose a new path. You have attained the highest level of wisdom and awareness! You have mastered the solar magic that runs deep within you! You have protected ponykind against any aggressor for over a millenia! You showed nothing but kindness, compassion and understanding and created a world of peace for your subjects. You ruled well, our daughter. You have passed the test of time and nobility! You are worthy, our child! If you feel you are ready to move to the next level of existence and awareness, then step forward. We will guide you in this new journey.”

The ultimate alicorns paused for a couple of seconds, letting Celestia comprehend what she's heard, but the sun goddess remained silent.

“What's the matter, our child?” her parents asked. “You look uncertain. Your emotions are swirling! Isn't this what you wanted to hear?”

“I...” Celestia stuttered anxiously, feeling like a helpless little filly.

“We heard the lone words you whispered into the darkness, up in the Ivory Tower... We heard when you cursed your own existence and the heavens a million times! Isn't this what you desire? To finally break free from the responsibilities and the heavy burden of the crown?”

“No! I mean yes... I... No! Not like this... I didn't want the world to end!” Celestia replied.

“You have surpassed that level of existence, Celestia. What happens to Equestria is no longer relevant to you.”

“No, that's not true!”

“Come with us, our daughter!” the silhouettes urged. “The petty concerns of that world shall never bother you again. This realm knows no war, no fights, no endless struggles. You have done your part! Let it go, Celestia! You don't belong there anymore! Come with us and your most ultimate desires will be fulfilled!”

The Princess took a step toward her parents, looking at their inviting extended hooves, but she was still hesitating. The images of her friends, loved ones and her subjects flashed in front of her astral eyes, the same disturbing slide show replayed itself all over again.

“This is wrong...” Celestia whispered.

At one corner, there were Luna, Cadence, Twilight and her friends; Mirage and all of Equestria, at the other there were her parents, inviting her to move on, offering her eternal peace.

“The choice is thy.” the shady silhouettes said, like if they knew what was she thinking about.

“No, this is wrong!” Celestia yelled all of a sudden. “Everything's wrong! It's not my time yet! My work in Equestria is not done!!!”

“Are you certain, this is what you want?”

“Absolutely! I have no yet earned the right to move on! Not until my work is finished!” Celestia stated resolutely and her soul filled up with newly found strength and confidence.

“Very well. The path has been set.” the silhouettes declared and even though, Celestia could not see their features, she was sure they were smiling proudly.

The eyes of her parents were glowing white and their horns charged up with an orange and dark blue magical aura. A combined beam struck Celestia, but it didn't hurt her, like she expected to. On the contrary, it was quite pleasurable, until her scars started to ache. The pain grew stronger with every second until it was unbearable. She let out a ghoulish scream and a dark orb of blackness emerged from her chest. A pair of purple dragon eyes flashed inside the sphere and Celestia heard the same whispers that haunted her for more than a decade.

“You...” the sun goddess hissed. “I know you now! You are my own inner demon! But you will corrupt me no more!!!”

With those words, Celestia swung her hooves and crashed the black orb. It clashed against the cloud and shattered to pieces with a loud bang. The shock wave sent her flying back, but the whispers seized to exist.

“Always remember who truly you are, our daughter!” the fading silhouettes said on a dying voice. “We shall always be with you in your spirit!”

“What if I never see you again?” Celestia cried, as sparkling tears ran down her cheeks.

“We shall meet again, Celestia...” her parents replied. “But not yet... not yet...”

The silhouettes dissolved, like the soft, billowing fog over the fields at the first rays of the Sun. Then an invisible force grabbed Celestia and dragged her back through the white tunnel rapidly. Everything's accelerated around her and the warm brightness overwhelmed her. She lost her body and for an evanescent little moment, she's become one with all the entities around her. She didn't fight against the unknown power, she let it take her away. Celestia felt like she was soaring through the sky in a nose dive, until she couldn't form coherent thoughts anymore; there was only the pleasurable brightness around her.

The solar Princess had no idea how long this experience lasted, but when her consciousness was starting to awake, she knew she felt something cold on her cheek. It was just a tiny dot on her face and the coldness disappeared after a second. Then resurfaced again. And again, and again. She felt it all over her body. It took her some time until she realized what it was.

Is this... rain?
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song (Start at 7:02): link

Elias: *Drifting off of The Highway*
Julia: He's off the highway! He's taking a right, passing the docks.
Elias: *Passes a truck, and van*

Another car was blocking the road up ahead, so Elias had to turn left.

Elias: *Turns left, but goes too fast, and crashes into a gunshop*
Julia: We got him! He crashed on Main Street intersecting with Dock Drive. Request back up.
Dispatch: 10-4 24.

Stop the song

Tim: *Taking cover behind a GMC* Gran Turismo Police Department! Come on out!
Elias: *Fires a bullet which hits the wall behind him*
Tim: You missed! Drop your weapon, and come...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: April 12, 1963
Location: Cheyenne Wyoming
Time: 8:54 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Two military ponies arrived in a Jeep.

Military Pony 3: What makes you think he'll be here?
Military Pony 4: This is where he works. Stupid.
Audience: *Quietly laughing*

Searching the station, the military ponies didn't find Stylo, and decided to check the train yard.

Military Pony 3: I still don't think he's here sir.
Military Pony 4: I don't care. We're checking the yard, and then we leave.
Pete: *Sitting down with Stylo in the yard tower* I still gotta think of a place to hide you.
Stylo: Where sir?
Pete: I don't...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Andy's car
Andy's car
January 12, 2001

Andy: *Stops his car in front of the police station*
Lewis: *Gets out*
Andy: *Drives away*
Bob: *Watches Lewis enter the police station* Lewis, guess what Shawn got the two of us.
Lewis: What?
Bob: Come on, follow me. *Walks with Lewis outside into a parking lot*
Outside were two Chrysler 300's, just like this
Outside were two Chrysler 300's, just like this

Lewis: I guess this explains why Andy sold my car yesterday.
Bob: Yep. These are our welcome back gifts.
Leonard: *Walks over* Welcome back you two.
Bob: Thanks Leonard.
Leonard: Lewis, I gotta talk to you.
Lewis: Alright.
Bob: I'll go somewhere else, and let you talk in private....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Taxi Ponies: *Driving taxi cabs to the station*

Ponies On The Rails


Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From SeanTheHedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Railway Pony: *Driving freight train across a bridge going over the train tracks at the station.*
Metal Gloss: *Drives freight train under bridge*
Pony: *In the station, buying a ticket. As soon as he gets the ticket, he runs across the platform, and boards his train.*
Hawkeye: *Preparing train for departure*
Stylo: *Looking at orders on paper*
Hawkeye: *Blows horn twice*...
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
It's nice that people don't judge brony's very much anymore (unless your the type that dresses up in costomes and buys little kid toys)..

Anyone that knows this about me simply just refuses to even CARE that I watch it.. Especially sense I am the type that literary NEVER brings up the characters.

MLP is just like any other show. Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I don't.
If it ever stops showing MLP.
Big deal. I barely watch it anymore anyway.

The REAL reason I'm a brony is because of sites like this one.
All the online friends I make along the way.
And the level of enjoyment in making in using the...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Tim, and Julia were back in the hospital, visiting Dan.

Dan: The doctor says I'll be out tomorrow.
Tim: Good news.
Julia: Now it's time for bad news.
Dan: What happened?
Julia: Remember Black Tuesday, and Stargazer?
Dan: Yes. What about them?
Tim: They were the ones in the Matador you told us about.
Dan: I see. Last time you chased him, he was driving a Mustang.
Tim: Yeah. I think he might switch cars on us again.
Julia: We'll keep our eyes peeled, and see if he ends up in a different car again.
Dan: Right. By the way, how is everything with the jurisdiction?
Tim: At the moment, not too good. We're gonna...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: February 17, 1963
Location: Cheyenne Wyoming
Time: 8:55 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

After failing at trying to get fired, Orion got ready to drive his next train. It was a freight train, carrying iron ore, and steel, bound for Denver.

Orion: *Gets an A-B set of E9's, and a U25B coupled up to his train*
Mike: *Standing next to Orion's train* You have anymore plans on getting fired?
Orion: For the moment, no.
Mike: You better think of something, or else you may have to quit, and the government will kill you.
Audience: *Laughing*
Orion: I think I already know that Gonzo.
Audience: *Laughing*
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Equestrian Underground Labs
Jake - Doctor Stevsn... Back from the dead.
Steven - Hahaha... You really know, as much as I feel alive my existence is vauge.
Jake - Dr. Dan is dead that you know.
Steven - According to plans.
Jake - I can't belive he did it.
Steven - Let me tell you a story of Project Reborn. You see many ponies lose limbs but what if their whole body can't move? A whole artificial body! That was our dream and we tested it on the cores. You see Void was a good boy caring for his girlfriend so much he wanted her to be saved. We accepted her as our test subject and then...

5 Years...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Round 5 is beginning

This is the first round where the hell hounds arrive.

Sweetie Belle: Fetch me their souls.
Rainbow Dash: Bring on the dogs!
Pinkie Pie: *Can't buy the Stakeout* But, I am nothing but a peasant!!!
Rainbow Dash: *Standing in front of the door that leads to the costume room*
Hell Hound: *Appears, and runs towards Rainbow Dash*
Rainbow Dash: *Shoots the Hell Hound* Bad doggy!
Pinkie Pie: *Running towards Rainbow Dash, and hides behind her* Save me!!!!!
Rainbow Dash: *Shoots another Hell Hound* You can use your MP40 you know.
Pinkie Pie: I can?!? *Shoots the next Hell Hound* What have...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: January 31, 1963
Location: Cheyenne Wyoming
Time: 6:54 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Metal Gloss arrived in her station wagon, but Hawkeye was not with her.

Pete: *Signing papers in his office*
Metal Gloss: *Arrives*
Pete: Metal Gloss, where's Pierce?
Metal Gloss: Ever since he arrived late yesterday in that freight with Stylo, he hasn't been taking it well.
Pete: What did he do?
Metal Gloss: He's been drinking heavily, and locked himself in his own room. He won't talk, or anything.
Pete: Hmm, it's not like Pierce. After work, we're going to try to talk to him. All of us.

Song: link

At night, Hawkeye...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Taxi Ponies: *Driving taxi cabs to the station*

Ponies On The Rails


Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From SeanTheHedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Railway Pony: *Driving freight train across a bridge going over the train tracks at the station.*
Metal Gloss: *Drives freight train under bridge*
Pony: *In the station, buying a ticket. As soon as he gets the ticket, he runs across the platform, and boards his train.*
Hawkeye: *Preparing train for departure*
Stylo: *Looking at orders on paper*
Hawkeye: *Blows horn twice*...
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Void - *attacks him with sword*
Dan - *avoids* Too slow...*kicks him away* If you want for Snowflake to stay alive you better try harder!
Void - *takes out gun and shoots*
Dan - *avoids and fly lower hurting Snowflake*
Void - N-No... You... M- my heart hurts... No...
Dan - Break apart... Do it.
Void - *stops moving* (I... Lost it...) *attacks Dan directly*
Dan - *gets pierced* Ugh... Y-Yes... *looks in Void eyes* This is our end... Void... Me bleeding out... You slowly dying too. Ha... Ha... *close eyes*
Void - Shut up... You made me do it.. *drops Dan's dead body and falls on the ground himself*
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Tim, and Julia were at briefing.

Captain Jefferson: Okay everypony, yesterday, Tim, and Julia chased a pony that stole a muscle car. Sadly, they were not successful in stopping the suspect.
Tim: He was too fast for us Captain. That thing was fast.
Julia: Although it's top speed was lower than ours, it's acceleration was much better.
Captain Jefferson: He could be back, moving onto better cars. The guy we're dealing with here is good. Real good. The Ponyville police department has chased him seven times, and never caught him.
Toby: Do we have an ID on the suspect?
Captain Jefferson: The police in...
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Holy Palladin Castle - Ponyville
Joker - What it is sir.
Deathwish - Calling us both here.
Palladin - An yes it's time for us to take action.
Joker - Ohoho are we reacting to movements now?
Palladin - Our Feudal Recreational Dictatorship is great, but Noone accept it so with assassination of Queen we may have more to talk... He he he. Alias with death of Arthur we have more to tell on Equestrian Concuil.
Joker - Shall we prepare?
Deathwish - Hmhmhm it's time we waited for.

Canterlot Castle.
Shadowknight - *sighs* this guy is pathetic.
Crimson - Uhhh.
Pearl - How this stalion can marry my sister....
continue reading...
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Original Owners (NOT ME!!)
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Damien - Hahaha... Easy money *drinks wine*
Jackson - Too easy.
Joel - Hehehe.
Jeremy - Ahh good to do this for some reason.
FI - You idiots forgot to burn security and now you're famous around Ponyville. Soon you will be infamous around Equestria. You slept well? I don't care. Get ready we need more money and today is special occasion.

On Road
FI - Road F-23 Got closed because of someone going this way. Today we don't do a Heist. We're kidnapping princess Twilight Sparkle. We must get her before she gets to Canterlot. But we can't get her in Ponyville. So we hit her mid road. Exploding rails...
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Episode 3

The Truth

*As Darkness walks inside blank black room he hear voice.*

GOD-CORE - My child. The greatest power let me look at you.
Darkness - ...
GOD-CORE - I know why you are here, an FOOLISH request to ask about truth but... Is that truth that needed in your life, untill that day you didn't knew about it and you were living in peace and what will change the truth about it all.
Darkness - Alot...
GOD-CORE - Will you change, will your friends change?
Darkness - No I...
GOD-CORE - If you want to hear a truth is that you are being puppeted whatever you do and You can't leave it...
continue reading...