My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This fanfic is based off the book Middle School: The Worst Years Of My Life by James Patterson

Hills Village Middle School. It's like a prison for colts, and fillies. Many of the teachers are rude, and so is nearly every student. I found out about all this when I got to my first class.

Rafe: *looking for a place to sit*
Ponies: *staring at Rafe*
Rafe: *goes to back row*
Miller: *staring*
Rafe: *sits down*
Miller: Sitting in the back, huh?
Rafe: Uh, yeah.
Miller: Are you one of those troublemakers or something?
Rafe: I don't know. Not really.
Miller: *shakes head* This is where all the juvies sit. In fact, you're in my seat.
Rafe: *looks at chair* I don't see your name on it.
Miller: *pulls Rafe out of chair* Let's try that again. This is my seat. Understand?
Rafe: Y-yes.
Miller: Good. Find another spot.
Rafe: *sits next to chair he was previously in*
Miller: Uh-uh. That one is mine too.
Rafe: *stands up*
Mr. Rourke: *walks into classroom* Excuse me Mr. Khatch... Khatch-a... Khatch-a-dor...
Rafe: Khatchadorian.
Colt: Gesundheit!
Ponies: *laughing*
Mr. Rourke: QUIET!!!
Ponies: *stop laughing*
Mr. Rourke: And how are you on this fine day Rafe?
Rafe: Fine, thanks.
Mr. Rourke: Do you find our seating uncomfortable?
Rafe: Not exactly.
Mr. Rourke: Then, sit down. NOW!!!!
Rafe: *sits down*
Mr. Rourke: Now listen up everypony. In a few minutes, you will all go to the school auditorium for a meeting. If you need any help getting there, there will be some teachers to help you. Any questions?
Filly: What are we doing in the meeting?
Mr. Rourke: You will learn the rules, know your schedule, and receive your school books.

The bell rings, and we all go to the meeting

Do you remember that nursery rhyme about Jack Sprat, and his wife? Neither of them ate the same thing, but between the two of them, they got the job done. That's kind of like with me, and Leo, except the fat, and lean are words, and pictures. Make sense? I do the talking, and Leo takes care of the drawings.

Leo speaks to me sometimes, but that's about it. Conversation just isn't his thing. If Leo wanted to tell you your house was on fire, he'd draw a picture to show you. But he's a great artist, and if it's true that a picture's worth a thousand words, then my buddy Leo has more to say then anyone I've ever met.

I sat next to him for the school meeting.

Ponies: *chattering*
Rafe: *looking around* Well this is definitely "Special."
Leo: Could be worse.
Ponies: *chattering*
Mr. Dwight: *goes to front of auditorium* Attention!
Ponies: *stop talking*

After a whole speech that sounded like this...

Welcome, blah blah blah blah blah blah, lunch. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, blah blah blah blah blah, and without further ado.... Blah!!

...Mr. Dwight got out the cheerleaders, and the football team, the soccer team, and cross country team, and they got everypony on their feet shouting. Well, everyone, but me. The only thing missing was a circus tent, and a couple of dancing elephants.

Rafe: *bored*
Mrs. Stricker: *stomping hooves* Nice work.
Mr. Dwight: And up next for you to meet, Mrs. Stricker!
Cheerleaders, and sports players: Yay!! *run off stage*
Mrs. Stricker: *Gets to front of auditorium* Now every year, we have a bunch of students that try to run for student counsil. If any of you would like to do that, please come down here, and adress the assembly.
Rafe: *sees a few ponies going to front* (This is soo boring?! I wish something could happen to make this better.)
Jeanne: Hi everyone, I'm Jeanne Galletta.

Listen to this while reading


Then, it did get better. I never seen her before, but man was she beautiful.

Jeanne: I think I'd be a good class representative, because I know how to listen. There's nothing more important then that.
Rafe: (I'm listening.)
Leo: Are you falling in love with her.
Rafe: Eh,
Leo: Yes?
Rafe: Sure.
Jeanne: I have a lot of good ideas for how to make the school a better place. But first, I want to do one thing. *walks to Rafe*
Rafe: *excited*
Jeanne: Are you Rafe?
Rafe: Yes.
Jeanne: Do you want to split a large fries in the cafeteria later?
Rafe: Yeah. I'm buying.
Jeanne: No. The fries are on me. *winks*
Rafe: *smiles*
Jeanne: *Returns to front of auditorium* So, I hope you'll vote for me.

I never even heard her speech, but she definitely had my vote

After Jeanne went, a bunch of other ponies went, and I was back to being bored.

Mrs. Stricker: *returns to mic*
Rafe: (Is that it? Can we go now?)
Mrs. Stricker: *shows book* Can anyone tell me what this is?
Rafe: (No!)
Miller: Yeah. A complete waste of time.
Mrs. Stricker: This is the Hills Village Middle School Code Of Conduct. Everything you need to know about behaving in school is in this book.
Teachers: *giving books to students*
Mrs. Stricker: When you recieve yours, open up to page one, and follow along with me.

Then, she started reading veeery slowly.

Mrs. Stricker: Section one: Hills Village Middle School Dress Code.
Teacher: Here *gives book to Rafe*
Rafe: *goes all the way to the back* What?

There were 16 sections, and 26 pages in this entire book! In other words, we were going to be lucky to get out of this assembly in time for Christmas. It was like Mrs. Stricker, and every single teacher was trying to get us bored to death.

Rafe: *looks at Leo*
Leo: *drawing in book*
Rafe: What are you doing?
Leo: Just drawing. I'll show you the picture when I'm done.
Mrs. Stricker: Section 2: Prohibited items. No students shall bring any electronic equipment not intended for class purposes. This includes cell phones, I-Pods, cameras, laptops...

The whole thing went on, and on, and on. By the time we got to section 6: Grounds for Expulsion, my brain was turning into guacamole, and I'm pretty sure my ears were bleeding too.

As far as I could tell, this little green book in my hoof was just one long list of ways I could get into trouble from now, until the end of the year.

Leo: *drawing*
Rafe: *listening to Mrs. Stricker*
Leo: Hey. *shows picture* What do you think?

His picture was him, wearing a hat, sunglasses, and headphones. He was standing on his back legs, while carrying a laptop with his left hoof, and had nun chucks in his other hoof. At the bottom, it said Rules Are Made For Breaking.

Rafe: It's great.

And then, that's when I got my idea. My really, stupendous, really, really, big idea. I would break every single rule in that book. Leo knew exactly what I was thinking.

Leo: Go for it. Just pick something out of the book, and get started.
Rafe: Right now?
Leo: Why not? What are you waiting for? *opens book* Ah, this is perfect.
Rafe: I can't do that! What if someone gets hurt?
Leo: How does this hurt anyone? Except,.maybe you.
Rafe: That's not helping.
Leo: Listen. You're never going to be a jock, a candidate, or whatever. *show rule book* This on the other hand is something you can do.
Rafe: I don't know.
Leo: Or, you can keep going the way you are, and every day can be just like this one. It might not be so bad, but there are one hundred, and eighty school days in a year.
Rafe: Ok, ok! *gets up*

Leo wanted me to pull a fire alarm, so that's what I went to do.

Rafe: *goes to teacher* May I please use the bathroom?
Teacher: You can wait.
Mrs. Stricker: Section 8! We're almost there!
Rafe: Please! It's an emergency!
Teacher: Ugh! *gives bathroom pass to Rafe* Be back here in five minutes.
Rafe: Ok. *leaves*

My heart was pounding like crazy. I just had to find a fire alarm close to the bathroom. What I would do is pull the alarm, run quickly into the bathroom, and come out just to make it look like I was in there.

Rafe: *goes to fire alarm*

I swear, I thought that Fire Alarm said something to me

Fire Alarm: Oh Rafe!!
Rafe: *thinking*
Leo: Do it.
Rafe: *pulls fire alarm*

In the auditorium

Mrs. Stricker: Ok everypony! Line up in a single file line, and walk out of the school.
Colt: But what if there's an actual fire, and we get stuck?
Mrs. Stricker: Then that's your fault. Now get in a single file line
Rafe: *Runs out of bathroom*
Teacher: Did you pull the fire alarm?
Rafe: I was in the bathroom. How could I pull the fire alarm?
Teacher: Alright. Come with me. *starts walking*
Rafe: *follows teacher*
Mrs. Stricker: *gets students out of building*
Teacher: Here's a student that went to the bathroom when the alarm went off.
Mrs. Stricker: Alright. Who's your homeroom teacher?
Rafe: Mr. Rourke.
Mrs. Stricker: Ok. Go to him.
Rafe: *goes to Mr. Rourke's class*
Leo: That was awesome.

Leo then gave me a double high five

Leo: One for the execution, and the other for the idea.
Rafe: I can't take all the credit. The idea was half yours.
Leo: That's true. *shows code of conduct book* Check it out. I made some improvements.
Rafe: *looks at drawing* Not bad. And now, *crosses off Section 11: Rule 3: Students shall not tamper with smoke or fire alarms under any circumstances* One rule down, and well. The rest to go.

After my first day of school came the lowlife of my day. Coming home. My mom is dating this guy named Carl that does nothing but, watch TV or shout at someone. His dog Ditka, is very huge, and looks like he could bite your head off.

Rafe: *enters home*
Ditka: BARK!! *gets on Rafe*
Carl: Ditka, down!
Ditka: *goes away*
Carl: So how was your first day of school?
Rafe: School was unbelieveable. I met this beautiful filly, and I pulled the fire alarm

Ok, I didn't tell him that I pulled the fire alarm, but he wouldn't care anyway.

Carl: Uh-huh. Did you sign up for football yet?
Rafe: Nah. *grabs pudding cups from refrigerator*
Carl: Why not? Football is the only thing you're good at!
Rafe: *going to his room* Don't worry. I didn't forget I'm a loser, loser.
Carl: Did you just call me a loser?!!?
Rafe: No, I called myself a loser! *closes door to room* Loser. *lays on bed*
Georgia: *knocks on door*
Rafe: Enter.
Georgia: *enters room, and closes door* What's going on? Why was he yelling at you? Are you in trouble?
Rafe: Go away. I got work to do.
Georgia: Just tell me what he said.
Rafe: Here *gives pudding cup to Georgia* He said have a pudding cup, ok? Now get out.
Georgia: *goes to door* Rafe?
Rafe: What?
Georgia: Thanks for the pudding cup.
Rafe: You're welcome. Now close the door from the other side.
Georgia: *closes door*

Finally, some peace, and quiet. Now to get started on my plan to survive my first year of middle school. First off, it needed a name. After a few minutes, I came up with Operation R.A.F.E


I'd be the first colt to play Operation Rafe, but not the last. Someday there could be Operation R.A.F.E video games, or action figures that looked exactly like me, a whole amusement park with sixteen different roller coasters, and no height requirements for any of the rides. The whole thing could make me the most richest pony ever.

Meanwhile, I stilll had to finish inventing this thing. I decided that every rule in the code of conduct should be worth a certain amount of points depending on how hard it was to break. Of course, I could get into a lot of trouble, so I decided to make that worth points too. There would be bonuses for things like getting big laughs, or if Jeanne Galleta saw what I did. Definitely that!

I wrote all the rules down in a spiral notebook, but then I thought of something else. How would this all end? If I did good enough to break all the rules in this book, everything would be perfect, but what if I didn't? What would Leo think about that?

The next morning, my mom set out two plates of scrambled eggs in front of me, and Georgia

Mom: You two were asleep when I got home. I'm excited to hear about your first day! Tell me everything.

I would've said Define Everything, but that would be like putting up a neon sign saying I've got something to hide. So, I just let Georgia talk first.

Luckily, Georgia talks a lot. And I mean, a lot. I was just about to leave, when she finished talking.

Mom: Rafe? How was your first day of school?
Rafe: It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Mom: *eyes widen* Who are you, and what have you done with the real Rafe?
Rafe: I'm not saying I love it-
Mom: No, but this sounds like a good start. I'm proud of you honey. You must be doing something right. Whatever it is, just keep doing it.
Rafe: Oh I will. *leaves house*

The next few days were just okay. I just stuck to some of the beginner-level stuff to keep things moving along.

On tuesday,

Rafe: *Chewing gum*
Mr. Rourke: Hey. Spit that out.
Rafe: *spits gum into trash*

I got 5,000 points

On Wednesday,

Rafe: *running down hallway*
Mr. Dwight: Hey, slow down there.

10,000 points

Then when it was Thursday,

Rafe: *eating a snickers in library*
Mrs. Frurock: Put that away.
Rafe: *eats entire snickers*

Then on Friday

Leo: You're just coasting. If you're going to play the game, you need to actually play it. So, I'm going to change things up.
Rafe: You? Since when do you make decisions?
Leo: Since half of this whole idea was mine. Here's the deal. It's two twenty-six. That means fourty nine minutes left in the day. That's how long you've got to earn thirty thousand points.
Rafe: Thirty thousand?
Leo: Yep. Otherwise you lose a life.
Rafe: Hang on a sec... I have lives?
Leo: Sure. Three of them to be exact.
Rafe: And what happens if I lose all three?
Leo: Then you're a loser, and fail the game. The rest of the year will be as fun as getting stung by thousands of wasps.
Rafe: Oh. That's all huh? Ok, game on.

Suddenly, the bell for eighth period rang.

Leo: That's forty-eight minutes left, and counting. Better get busy.

My last class of the day was english with Mrs. Donatello.

Mrs. Donatello: Ok, today we are going to read Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare. And we all know what he was famous for, right?
Rafe: (making the most boring stories in all of Equestria)
Mrs. Donatello: This story is a little advanced, but I think you're up for it.
Allison: I'll help with handing out the scripts.
Mrs. Donatello: Ok, thank you. Now let's go over the parts you'll be reading. Rafe, I think you'll make an excellent Paris.
Ponies: *laughing*
Rafe: Why do I have to read a fillie's part?
Mrs. Donatello: Paris is a stallion. He's one of Lord Capulet's best men.
Rafe: He probably still wears tights.

Unfortunately no one heard that

Mrs. Donatello: Listen to the language as we read along. Notice how every line has ten syllables. Notice the subtle rhyming. That's not easy to do. No one has ever written like Shakespeare.
Rafe: No one?

Then, that's where I got my idea to get 30,000 points. I didn't have a single line until page 12. This was good, and gave me enough time to think. Ten syllables per line? Check. Rhyming? Check.

Mrs. Donatello: Act 1, scene 2. Lord Capulet, and Paris enter.
Jason: But Montague is bound as well as I...
Rafe: (Come on, hurry up!) *puts paper over script*
Mrs. Donatello: Rafe?
Rafe: Hm?
Mrs. Donatello: It's your turn.
Rafe: Oh. Excuse me sir, there's dog poop on your shoe.
Mrs. Donatello: Rafe!
Rafe: Your wife is ugly, and your daughter too. I think this play is stupid, so guess what? I'm out of here, and you can kiss my-

That was as far as I got until Mrs. Donatello ripped the page out of my hand.

At least everyone in my class was laughing. Only this time, they weren't laughing at me anymore. They were laughing with me.

The bell rang, and class was over

Rafe: *going to door*
Mrs. Donatello: Rafe, come here.
Rafe: *Goes to Mrs. Donatello's desk*
Mrs. Donatello: What was that?
Rafe: Nothing.
Mrs. Donatello: It wasn't "nothing". First of all, let me say I noticed you kept Mr. Shakespeare's meter, and rhyme in what you wrote.
Rafe: Thanks.
Mrs. Donatello: But your behavior was unacceptable. There are better ways to use your creativity, and I think you know that. I'm going to give you a warning this time, but you're skating on very thin ice. Understand?
Rafe: Thin ice is better then no ice at all.
Mrs. Donatello: Alright, get outta here.
Rafe: *leaves*

While getting to my bus, all I could think about was Leo's challenge, and how I beaten it.

I got 20,000 points for using inappropriate language. 10,000 points for getting the ponies in my class to laugh, and 5,000 for Jeanne seeing what I did. Everything went great.

When I got home that afternoon, I went straight to my room with Leo.

Rafe: Let's see here, I've got 105,000 points.
Leo: And three lives left. That thing you did in English was pretty awesome if I say so myself.

For a moment, I thought he was shouting at us, but he was mad at Georgia for switching the channel on the T.V.

Georgia: Nothing. I just wanted to-
Carl: I'm watching that! Don't change the channel.
Georgia: But you were sleeping!
Carl: No buts! You can watch the game with me, or get lost. Which one is it?
Georgia: *goes to her room*
Rafe: I hate when she yells at her. Hey Carl! Pick on someone your own size!!
Carl: Mind your own beeswax. *turns up volume on tv*
Leo: You know what? We need a new rule.
Rafe: I was just thinking the same thing. Nopony should get hurt in Operation R.A.F.E.
Leo: Especially little ponies. Call it the Don't Be a Bear Rule.

Bear is Carl's nickname

Rafe: How about just the No-Hurt Rule?
Leo: Good enough.

After the next couple of weeks, I was doing very good at Operation R.A.F.E. This might be a good time to introduce some other people at the Hills Village prison for Middle Schoolers. The cafeteria ladies, that I like to call Millie, Billie, and Tilly. I think they're part of a government program to get rid of the middle school population. Anyways, I got 15,000 points for leaving trash on the school table.

My spanish teacher, Senor Wasserman is alright. As long as you don't make any mistakes, but if you do, you're done for.

Senor Wasserman: Rafael llegaste tarde!! (Rafe, you're late.)
Rafe: No oi el timbre! (I didn't hear the bell.)

For arriving late, I got 7,500 points, and the reason I didn't hear the bell was because I had headphones on which counted as no electronics. I got 5,000 points for that.

Mr. Lattimore is my gym teacher. I think he used to be a part of some army, because that's how he treats us.

Mr. Lattimore: Hup two three four hup two three four
Ponies: *running*
Mr. Lattimore: PRIVATE KHATCH-A-MA- WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS!!! What do you think you're doing?!?
Rafe: *riding scooter*

I got 25,000 points, and Mr. Lattimore gave me thirty push ups, two extra laps, and my very first detention.

It was a typical friday night. Mom wouldn't be home until it was late, and both Georgia, and Carl were asleep. Georgia, because she's little, and Carl, because he's lazy.

Rafe: *grabs swiss cheese* Ditka. Here boy.
Ditka: Woof, woof!! *runs towards Rafe*
Rafe: *throws cheese into bathroom*
Ditka: *Goes into bathroom*
Rafe: *closes door* Now for some zoom.

Zoom tastes like chocolate mixed with colta cola. I pour the zoom out of a can into a travel mug, just in case Carl wakes up, and he can't see what I'm drinking.

Next, was the dangerous part.

Carl: *Sleeping*
Rafe: *sees remote*
Carl: *holding remote*
Rafe: *slowly taking remote*
Carl: *snoring*
Rafe: *gets remote* Sweet.

90 minutes later

Mom: *arrives at home*
Rafe: *Watching The Last Solstice*
Cadence: The feelings flow deep within Nocturnal Mirage, it’s difficult to read them. But, I sense a different emotional vibration in his soul. Something happened that brought him out of his neutral and reluctant standpoint.
Luna: Hmm… If he becomes emotionally invested, it means he will revise his attitude and grab the initiative.
Cadence: Exactly.
Mom: Rafe, sweetie? It's time for bed.
Rafe: *turns off T.V* You smell like cinammon.
Mom: I made a few apple pies.
Rafe: Did you bring one home?
Mom: Maybe... *laughs*
Rafe: *laughs*
Mom: How was your day?
Rafe: About average.
Mom: You seem different lately. Happier. It's nice to see. And Rafe? You haven't seen Leo have you?

Leo's kind of a touchy subject in our house.

Rafe: *Shakes head no*
Mom: Okay then. Remember, if you ever need to talk about anything-
Rafe: I know mom. Thanks.

My good luck lasted for another four days, fifteen hours, and twenty two minutes. It was Wednesday right after school. The time I had to spend during my first detention.

Rafe: *stops at water fountain*
??: *By Rafe*
Rafe: *drinking water*
Miller: *slams Rafe's face into fountain* Well, well. Look who it is. Seems like you're getting a reputation around here. What's your deal anyway?
Rafe: I don't know what you're talking about.
Miller: Listen *pushes Rafe onto floor* You want to prove you're the toughest pony in this school?
Rafe: I'm not trying to prove anything.
Miller: Too late *pulls Rafe onto his hooves* You, and me outside. Right now.
Rafe: Umm.
Miller: One.
Rafe: Ummm.
Miller: Two.
Rafe: I can't!
Miller: Why not? Chicken?
Rafe: No. Detention! *runs away*
Miller: Detention? This is exactly what I'm talking about! I'm onto you Khatchadorian! You better watch your back before you catch-a-door in the face!!
Rafe: *makes it to Mrs. Donatello's classroom*

Just when I was about to go in, Leo was there.

Leo: I've got bad news.
Rafe: Yeah, I think I just met it.
Leo: Well there's more. You lost a life. Sorry.
Rafe: What? What are you talking about?
Leo: You wussed out on Miller.
Rafe: Yeah well, I didn't feel like donating blood today.
Leo: Could've been worth some good points. Section nine, rule eleven. Students will not bully, harass, or fight one another anywhere on school property.
Rafe: Just because I didn't fight him doesn't mean I should lose a life. You never said-
Leo: I said I'd make things interesting. You got your job, and I got mine.
Rafe: Whatever. I did not lose a life.
Leo: Yeah you did.

I thought detention was going to be me, Ms. Donatello, and whoever else had gotten into trouble that week. Well Ms. Donatello was there, and so was I, but upon arrival I saw it was just the two of us.

Ms. Donatello: You're late.
Rafe: Where is everyone?
Ms. Donatello: I asked Mrs. Stricker to take the other students. I was hoping you, and I could just talk.
Rafe: (This is bad.)
Ms. Donatello: Have a seat.
Rafe: *Sits down*

None of us said a word. I just sat there, facing my desk. I was asleep when the bell rang.

Mrs. Stricker: All students taking the late bus home should proceed to the boarding area now.
Rafe: *going to door*
Ms. Donatello: I'm disappointed in you Rafe. You have so much potential-
Rafe: I need to catch my bus *leaves room*

I survived to be tortured another day, but just like with Miller, I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold off Ms. Donatello.

When I got home from detention

Leo: Only two lives left, 89 rules left to break, and you've got 340,000 points.
Rafe: That's good. So what do I get anyway?
Leo: Get?
Rafe: Yeah, for all these points. They gotta be worth something right? What do I win?
Leo: Depends on how many points you finish with. You need at least a million.
Rafe: For what?
Leo: A week of base jumping at the Grand Canyon, all expenses paid.
Rafe: I'll need training.
Leo: No problem. We'll get you the best.
Rafe: Then, white water rafting. All the way down the Colorado.
Leo: And rock climbing, back out of the canyon, where your Aston Maretin Vanquish, and a fake driver's license await.
Rafe: Sweet. Oh, what about Jeanne Galleta? Put her in too.
Leo: That'll cost another 200,000 points, but I'll throw in Bear. Then he gets lost in the wild, and adopted by real bears.
Rafe: In that case, let him get eaten by real bears.
Leo: Nopony gets hurt, remember? It's already in the notebook.
Rafe: I'll make an exception.
Leo: No exceptions. Besides, you need that No Hurt Rule. It's the only part of all this that Jeanne will actually like.
Rafe: You know. You oughta try talking to real ponies. They'd like you if you did.
Mom: *knocks on door* Rafe, are you in there?
Rafe: Just a second! *putting everything away*
Mom: No, not in a second. We need to talk, right now!!
Rafe: Alright *goes out of room*
Mom: Now, come into the living room.
Rafe: *Goes into living room* What's up?
Mom: Did you have detention today?
Rafe: Kind of.
Carl: Kind of?!!? KIND OF?!!? What does that mean?!!?
Mom: Carl, take it easy. I got a call from Mrs. Stricker. She says she left a message here last week. Do you know anything about that?
Georgia: *Arrives* What's going on? Is Rafe in trouble?
Mom: Don't talk to her that way! Georgia, honey, this is between Rafe, and us. Go on now.
Georgia: *leaves*
Carl: You're grounded for a week.
Mom: Hold up, I wanna hear Rafe's side of this story.
Rafe: I don't really have a side of the story.
Mom: Rafe? I'm going to ask you something else now, and I want an honest answer. Does Leo have anything to do with this?
Carl: Again, with the whole Leo thing? I've had it up to here with that! I don't wanna hear the name Leo in this house again. Understand? You.. freak.
Mom: That's enough, both of you!! Rafe, you're grounded until further notice. Carl, you cool off somewhere. I don't wanna talk to any of you right now.

After I recieved my "punishment" I just went to my room.

Leo: You know, there are ways of getting back at him.
Rafe: Shut up. You're not even real. *smashes ceramic turtle*
Leo: I'm just saying. I know a way to get back at Carl, and earn some points at the same time. If you're interested. Just so you know, it could really get you into trouble.
Rafe: I don't care. I'm already in enough trouble as it is.

Okay, time out for a second. It's not like I was trying to hide Leo from you - or at least the part about him not being real. I know, I know - what kind of sixth grader has imaginary friends? I don't see it that way. He's always been around, and there's never been a reason to stop talking to him.

Basically, Leo is just there in my imagination. You understand now?

Yes? Ok, good.

At school the next day.

Colt 34: Hey. Somepony is selling Zoom here.
Filly 24: Oh cool.
Rafe: *Selling Zoom*

Hills Village Middle School is a sugary free drink zone, so something like Zoom is pure gold here.

I only had one rule when it came to my sales. Bring Your Own Cup. That way, there wouldn't be marked cans floating around. One dollar filled the cup of your choice, or emptied the can, whichever came first.

Rafe: *pours cup of Zoom* Here you go.
Colt 23: Thanks Rafe *pays a dollar*
Rafe: I guess Miller is right. I am getting a reputation around here.
Ponies: *laughing*

I made 16 bucks, and 35,000 points. And when lunch was almost over...

Jeanne: *arrives*
Rafe: Thirsty?
Jeanne: You know, this is totally against the rules.
Rafe: That makes it taste better.
Jeanne: Why does it seem like you're always trying to get in trouble? I don't get that.
Rafe: Can you keep a secret? *shows code of conduct*
Jeanne: Yeah? So what?
Rafe: I'm going to be the first pony to break every single rule in this book.
Jeanne: Great, thanks for telling me. Now I could get into trouble.
Rafe: No you can't. That's my policy. Whatever happens, I don't let anyone get hurt. You can even turn me in if you wanted too.
Jeanne: *Stares*
Rafe: Go ahead. Make my day.
Jeanne: *Smiles*

Then the bell rang

Jeanne: Oh my gosh, I'm late for science!
Rafe: Don't worry about it.
Jeanne: No, that's what you do. *walking*

She was just going as fast as she could without actually running, because you know.. It's against the "rules."

Rafe: What just happened?
Leo: I'm not sure about this, but I think you just got a step closer to Section 4, rule 7.

No kissing or other public displays of affection are allowed in the school.

To be continued
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: me
added by peppergirl30
posted by Seanthehedgehog
On the way to the bank

Dexter: *Driving car*
Octavia: *Sees music store*
Dexter: What are you looking at?
Octavia: I saw this new cello.
Dexter: If you want, we can get it after our trip to the bank.
Octavia: That would be nice.
Dexter: *Continues driving*

At the bank

Dexter: Wait here while I get the money. *goes out of car*
Octavia: *Waiting*
Police Officer: *pulls up next to Octavia*
Octavia: *does not notice*
Police Officer: *walks up to Dexter's car* Ma'am? Step out of the car.
Octavia: *Steps out of car*
Police Officer: Is this your car?
Octavia: No, my friend told me to wait here while he...
continue reading...
posted by applejackrocks1
Twilight: Applejack, untie Rainbow Dash.
AJ: Fine. *unties RD*
RD: *stretches* FINALLLY!
Rarity: Darlin, as I was saying, It's fake. Zecora might have gotten confused, and gave you a little fillies book.
Twilight: I doubt it. I believe, this book and what she said is true.
Pinkie: How about we test it?
Twilight: NO! What happens if it's true?!
RD: What happens if it's not true?
Twilight: *rolls eyes* It is!
Twilight: IT IS!
AJ: GIRLS! Fighting won't fix anything!
Twilight: Your right Applejack.
RD: *rolls eyes* I guess your right.
Twilight: Now, if you all excuse me, I need to talk to Princess...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Once Con entered Hong Kong, he went to the first gun shop he could find.

gun dealer: Hello, what can I do for you?
Con: My name is Mane, Con Mane. I need some info about what kind of guns, or ammo you sell to someone known as Hattan Scaramanga.
gun dealer: Let me check. *finds ammo* These are the bullets Ms. Scaramanga uses.
Con: Interesting. What gun does she use?
gun dealer: She made it herself.
Con: No wonder. Thank you.
gun dealer: Might I ask why you need this info?
Con: I work for the C.I.E.
gun dealer: Oh.
Con: Don't tell anypony else.
gun dealer: I won't. But if you wanna find her, go to...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
Quick! Run for cover!!
my little pony
my little pony friendship is magic
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by Seanthehedgehog
Nothing is magic anymore.
rainbow dash
my little pony
my little pony friendship is magic
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, joyreactor
added by izfankirby
Credit: Toastwaffle ; A classical piece which try's to convey feelings of sadness and bits of anger.
my little pony friendship is magic
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, google
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by triq267
Source: Not me...
added by StarWarsFan7
Source: Rightful Owners