My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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Summer Pride as a filly
Summer Pride as a filly
Fiery waves – the ups and downs of Summer Pride

Chapter 2: Rage

Oh, I find it so cliché to rewind or forward the events, but I keep so many reels of my life, down in the cellar of my soul... and I have given the key only to a few; because most ponies would be terrified of what they might see... that cellar is dark and scary and full of demons... and I was trapped down there for so long... but if you wish to understand me and the things I've done, you'll have to take the risk and go down the stairs... Let's just start from the beginning.

As I look back, during my long lifetime, I've been called many things... a misunderstood pony, the black sheep of the family, a pushover, a rebel, a Queen of the Unicorn Kingdom, a philosopher, a protector of the land, an outcast, a lone wanderer, an explorer and adventurer, a lover, a pawn in a game of manipulation, a heartbroken mare, a loving mother and wife and... a dangerous, cruel and vengeful villain filled with hatred and rage.

Hmm... it is cold... Here, let me put more wood on the fire before we jump into the events long past....

Oh, yes, the fire... you know, I've always found something about the dancing flames so... soothing. Even before I discovered who, or more precisely, what I meant to be. I don't remember much about my childhood, except it was full of misery. Oh, not because of my parents, they surrounded us with unconditional love. Yes, us. I had three siblings; two brothers and a sister. I was the youngest, the meek and clumsy one, the sister with led hooves. I was the troubled one, indeed. Even though my family supported me and done everything in their power to help, I merely wobbled through elementary school. Why? I always got into fights because of my temper... and my origins. Of course I didn't know where this burning passion came from. Hah... come to think of it, everything was so different back then. The world was... rougher... edgier. Even our games were more brutal... and the bullies too. Not even my royal blood could save me from them. What? Yes, you wouldn't tell by the look, but I'm royalty. Not by your standards of course. In the ancient times, royalty wasn't defined by a pair of wings, but by blood. And my bloodline is the purest of all dynasties! It originates from the very first unicorn, Queen Golden Aura herself. I understand you have doubts, but it's a historical fact. That is why our magic is stronger. Oh no, I'm not the only one... For instance, there's that Princess... Twilight Sparkle... her blood is pure, but not many of us left in the world. Time turned unicorns into weaklings.. in the old days, unicorns were powerful, we were the lanterns to lead ponykind out of the dark ages. But I did not wish to accept that for a very long time.

You see, I was terrorized at school a lot... Believe it or not, I was a... what do you call them nowadays? Blank-flank? Yes, that's right! I was a blank-flank for quite some time. Until I turned 12... the memory of that day still lives vividly in my mind. There, in that carriage junk-yard, I found my special talent. I remember it clearly.

“Hey, dweeb!” the stallion shouted as he pushed me up against the wooden lockers, at that cursed preppy private school. “You think you're so much better than everyone!”

His grasp was strong and I was weak. Yet, I never ran away from a fight. That is why I often came home with bruises and scars.

“Well, you know what I think?” the unicorn stallion continued with pure hatred peppering his words. “You're just a stuck-up, annoying little dwarf, who hasn't even got her Symbolum yet!”

Cutie marks were called Symbolums back then.

“You're not worthy of being royalty!” the muscular aggressor exclaimed loudly, while a circle of bystanders was forming around us. “You're just here because of your father and your filthy mother who just happened to put her giant flank to a good place!”

If there was one thing I could not stand, if somepony insulted my family. Family is sacred to me... always has been, always will be. I felt the familiar thrill of rage filling up my soul, but he had me in his relentless grasp.

“You leave my family out of this!” I yelled in frustration. “If you want to beat me, fine, go ahead, but don't you dare talk about my family like that!”

“Or what?! You're gonna tell your cursed mother about it and have me imprisoned?”

Actually, I could have done that, but I never told my parents about these kind of things. Haha, I was so naive and idealistic! I had these crazy ideas about honor and sacrifice... you know, to turn the other cheek... Yes, I did not know how to take care of my enemies. And I got punched in the face. And nopony gave a flying feather about it. Why you look so surprised? I told you those times were rough. I know such situations don't occur anymore, but back then, the widely accepted concept was this: what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And mares were as much powerful as stallions. So he kept punching me. I felt the iron taste of my own blood in my mouth, but I never begged him to stop before, and I wasn't going to start on that day. After a few more strikes, he let me go and I fell down on the marble floor. My ears were ringing and small, colorful circles were dancing in front of my eyes.

“Pathetic...” the stallion hissed with despise. “Just like your mother.”

I finally managed to stand up, but my legs were shaking, they barely kept my weight. Until this point it was an ordinary day, this sequence happened about twice a week. But I felt something was different... in my heart. A sudden, unexplainable urge overwhelmed me, I cannot really describe it with words. It was... warm... and got warmer and warmer with every second.

“Don't you dare speak my mother's name!” I said quietly.

“You're a pesky little skunk aren't you?” the stallion turned around. “You want more? Fine. Dilly-Willy's carriage junk-yard. After school. ”

You might ask why did I agree on a fight I could not win. I've already told you. I don't run. Because once you start running, they will always be chasing you. It didn't take too long before the entire school knew about the fight and by the time I got to the junk-yard, numerous bystanders were already there.

“Hah!” the stallion snorted. “I didn't think you'd actually show up. Commendable. But futile.”

“This has gone on long enough!” I called out resolutely. “We must settle this once and for all!”

And the classic theme of a school fight went down... he started pushing me over and over again, circling around me, like a hungry mountain lion. Deep down I knew we both crossed that specific invisible line and there was no going back. He kept trash-talking about my mother, until I attacked him, with all my strength. But my attempts to avenge amused him. He was bigger, more agile and much more stronger than I was... at least that's what I thought, until I got real angry. It wasn't pretty.

“You've fallen far from the apple tree, Summer Pride!” he remarked scornfully. “You're nothing like your father, OR your siblings! You pathetic, weak, uptight, ugly, stupid bitch! Your mother will never be our Queen!”

And he struck me down.

“Stop it!”

“And neither will you!”

He punched me again.


“Oh, why don't you make me?”

I was defenseless against his powerful blows.


“Oh, I do what I want, and there's not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me, weakling!”

I lay before him in the mud as he rose his hooves to finish me off.

“No, you don't understand Something is wrong... I warn you...” I cried desperately as I felt the hot, black rage ripping wide open in my chest.

“Oh, you warn me?! Ha ha ha!” he laughed devilishly. “No, I warn you! Leave this place or...”

He could not finish his sentence. My uppercut struck him on the chin, snuffing out his last words. He fell on the ground and looked up on me with surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

“I told you to stop...” I panted. “Now it's too late.... AAARRGGHH!!!”

My eyes started to glow with a bright, suffusing white light and I suddenly snatched my temple as a terrible shock wave of pain rampaged through my body. I flopped down to the ground, squirming and groaning in anguish. It felt like my bones were exploding, while my skin was burning. I thought I somehow ended up in Tartaros. My horn flashed, but the natural cyan colors of my magical aura suddenly turned red. My flanks were hurting, like if somepony put a blazing branding iron against my coat. Well, it wasn't far from the truth. That is when my cutie mark appeared: the heart in flames. Suddenly, all my injuries regenerated and I stood up. The bright, crimson light of my horn blinded the bystanders as I approached my tormentor. The first signs of fear appeared on his face as I grabbed his neck and pulled him up.

“No, wait... please... I'm sorry!” he cried as my grasp around his neck tightened.

“Let's see who's weak now!” I grinned cruelly and my voice was as cold as the starless winter night.

Then I saw the faces of the ponies around us and realized what I was doing. I nearly strangled that stallion to death that day... The black flame in my soul died out, leaving nothing but confusion, fear and doubt. So I ran away...

After what you've just heard, you'll probably say my special talent was rage. But as I learned later, rage was only the instrument which caused my talent to reveal itself. And that was merely the beginning.

I didn't go home after the fight... My mother found me hours later, on the top of a hill, beyond the Castle of First Magic. I was crying under a large tree. I remember clearly: it was raining so hard that night... and we sat there in the cold, while she explained everything. I told her even the utter most details about what happened. She listened carefully, not saying a word.

“Mom, what is happening to me?” I eventually asked.

“I knew this day would come... I was hoping the circumstances would be better, but still. You've stepped on the path of the Elementals.” she replied kindly.


“You didn't wonder, where your passion comes from? Or why do you experience emotions on such extreme levels? Your father tamed the pristine Elements of Nature. It allows us to control the Sun, the Moon and the weather. He handed down that ability to his children. To you. That mark on your flank represents Fire. My dear Summer, you are the Element of Fire, the most powerful, yet the most unpredictable and uncontrollable one.”

“I don't understand... why didn't you let me know?”

“Because you weren't ready, Summer. We had to wait until the Element reveals itself.

“So... I'm not a monster?” I whimpered, nuzzling close to my mother. “I certainly felt that way today...”

“Of course not, sweetie.” she smiled and gently stroked my mane. “What happened is not your fault. But you have to learn how to focus so that you control your powers, not the other way around.”

“But... but... I almost killed somepony today...”

“Yes. Fire burns with great passion and fueled by your emotions. That stands for your negative feelings as well. You got angry today and Fire enhanced that feeling. You will train and learn how to control it, so this will never happen again. Always remember: violence doesn't solve problems, it just causes more pain and suffering. Yes, your journey will be long and difficult; it will put your spirit to the test. But I'll be right beside you, Summer, along with the rest of your family. Let go of the anxiety and fear and accept your fate: you will rule this land one day. This is who you meant to be."
posted by Mylittlecute12
[Back in Ponyville]
Twilight returned from the Royal Sisters' castle. "Spike!!! SPIKE!". Twilight called out. Twilight slowly starts walking forward when she saw Spike asleep under a bunch of fallen books. Twilight giggled quietly and whispered. "Aww...he's so cute when he's asleep". Twilight quietly tiptoed over to a high shelf and placed the book on historical events on the royal sisters.
Twilight headed outside her castle when Pinkie Pie came galloping up to her. "Twi!". Pinkie said excitedly. "Guess what?!". Pinkie was hyper as usual. "What?". Twilight was really not in the mood for Pinkie's...
continue reading...
posted by TotalDramaFan60
Sparkle Ruby meets Snapdragon's siblings
Snapdragon: *comes in with two weird stallions*
Snapdragon: It is my two brothers.
Brothers: Yes. Brothers.
Sparkle Ruby & Snapdragon: Wat

Snapdragon is lonely
Snapdragon: *is standing loneily*
Sparkle Ruby: Hey, Snappy, wha--
Snapdragon: NO (slaps Sparkle Ruby)

Sparkle Ruby & Snapdragon go to see Frozen for the elevnteenth time
Snapdragon: Dang, I hate Frozen.
Sparkle Ruby: Yeah, me too. Let's go.
Snapdragon: Oh! Celestia! I've heard your terrible Elsa impression! NOW SHUT UP!
Sparkle Ruby: No! I said...
Snapdragon: Okay, I hate you.
(I'm not very creative. You can suggest Sparkle & Snappy stories in the comments
posted by DragonAura15
Silversheen (Pic is totally unfitting to the scenario XD)
Silversheen (Pic is totally unfitting to the scenario XD)
MLP FIM Fanfic: Pain's Prejudice

    "Are they here yet? The tension is killing me!"
    "There'll be worse things than tension to deal with soon... "
    "Move it! They're coming, and fast!"
    And then anguished screams. And then silence. That was all Silversheen could remember. Anytime she tried to strain her mind for more, she came up blank.
    From what she did recall, there had been some kind of attack. Ponies all around her were running for dear life, causing a commotion. An older mare- her...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Ice Cube's car is green, and Sally's car is silver
Ice Cube's car is green, and Sally's car is silver
In Ice Cube's hideout in Compton L.A.

Song: link

Ice Cube: Alright Vito. Me, and Sally here are gonna go down to the storm drains, and get those weapons for ISIS ready. You stay here, and protect the prisoners.
Vito: Why do I have to stay here?
Ice Cube: Because you called me the N word.
Vito: *Sighs*
Sally: Here we go again.
Ice Cube: Let's go Sally. *Gets in car*
Sally: *Gets in another car*
Ice Cube: *Drives*
Sally: *Drives, and follows Ice Cube*
Vito: This is stupid. *Hears a sound* What was that? *Goes downstairs*
Fenix: Stay quiet. *Grabs gun* I got you covered.
Vito: *Comes downstairs* Hey!...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Ice Cube's train
Ice Cube's train
Previously, Con, and Ice Cube were in a car chase, but there cars fell off a bridge. Now, they were standing face to face on the railroad line.

Con: *Pointing gun at Ice Cube* Get Pinkie out of the trunk of your car.
Ice Cube: And why should I do that?
Con: Because if you don't, you'll find a bullet that has your name on it. Unlock the trunk.
Ice Cube: *Opens trunk door to her car*
Pinkie Pie: *Comes out* Danke! Now let's throw a party!
Ice Cube: Man shut up! Okay, you got your friend, now leave me alone.
Con: I don't think so. You have attacked a spy of the C.I.E, and pose as a threat to us with...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
The Story of Corporal Agarn

Theme song

Though he goes on a rage from time to time
He is a very good friend of mine
And in Fort Courage he is well known as
Corporal Agarn

Starring Master Sword as Corporal Agarn
Tom Foolery as Captain Parmenter
Saten Twist as Sargent O' Rourke
Mortomis as Dobbs, the bugler

One day at Fort Courage.

Sargent O' Rourke: *Walking by the cannon*
Corporal Agarn: Hello Sarge.
Sargent O' Rourke: Good morning Agarn.
Corporal Agarn: *Looks at clock* But Sarge, it's 1 PM.
Audience: *Laughing*
Sargent O' Rourke: We're in the army. We have to say thirteen hundred hours.
Corporal Agarn:...
continue reading...
We decided to get a few ponies on a train heading from Manehattan to Chicagoat, to interview some other ponies working on a Railway called Amtrak. It's a big railroad that brings ponies to hundreds of places in Equestria, as well as Canada.

Our train will be going from Manehattan, to Chicagoat, and it's called the Lake Shore Limited. Right now, we're looking at the conductor named Wayne.

Wayne: *Looking at camera* Is this thing on?
Camera Pony: Yeah. So, let's start with your name.
Wayne: It's Wayne.
Camera Pony: How long have you worked for this railway?
Wayne: About two months. I got the job...
continue reading...
Equestria. Have you ever wondered about how some things in that world are how they are today? Well now, you are about to find out. From having fun, in the park, to fighting crime, or evil terrorists, this is the History of Equestria.

Episode 3: Railways

When most ponies decide to travel, or send goods from one place to another, they rely on the train. Freight trains bring in goods, and supplies that ponies need, while passenger trains take ponies from one place to another.

One of Equestria's famous trains is the Friendship Express. It's the only modern passenger train to be powered by steam....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
It was a wonderful day in Canterlot, until some ponies started panicking.

Con: What's going on?
P: Discord is back, and he's murdering more ponies!
Con: I'll stop him!
Discord: Keep it up! Everypony in this town must die!
Korean ponies: Affirmative! *kill each other*
Discord: Don't kill each other! Only kill the ones that live here.
Con: *shoots Discord*
Discord: You really think that pistol of yours will work?
Con: I shot you in the arm! Why aren't you bleeding?
Discord: Because, I'm invincible!
Con: *takes away invincibility* Not anymore.
Discord: That's it, you're screwed! Everypony, drop...
continue reading...
Sweetie Belle was too angry to sleep, and decided to take revenge on Rarity.

SweetieBelle plans to ruin one of Rarity's hats.
Angle on her shoulder: No! Don't do it!
Devil on shoulder: Don't lesson to that sissy. Do it!
Angle: Who you calling a sissy!
Devil: You... Sissy.
SweetieBelle: Guys this isn't helping.
Angle: Look. Look.. Rarity didn't mean it.
SweetieBelle: Wow.. Guess your right..
Angle: That's right. Now just go back to be- *literary gets shot by a gun that the devil pulls out*
SweetieBelle: OH MY GOD!
Devil: *points the tiny gun* DO IT! DO IT NOW!
SweetieBelle: *puts hands up* Okay. Okay. Take it.. Take it easy *nervously goes back to ruining the hat*

added by SkyheartPegasus
Source: derpibooru
posted by Canada24
Too start this story. Lets go back to SEASON ONE...

AppleJack (in one of rare times she's not wearing her hat) is seen tiredly trotting home.
Suddenly a red Pony falls out the sky, and almost hits her.

AppleJack: Saten Twist?
Saten Twist: *drunkily* H Hey Applejack (I'm change him to just a Pegasus, not sure why I originally had him an alicorn. But it was cool at the time).
AppleJack: Are you drunk or something?
Saten Twist: *dizzily* No I'm no- A little
AppleJack: *giggles* You really need some sort of intervention. I mean this is third time in one day.

Suddenly Saten Twist squeeze hugged...
continue reading...
added by SkyheartPegasus
Source: EQD
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Nikki got to the turntable, and was turning her engine around.

Coffee Creme: *Looking at engine, then notices Nikki* Nikki!! *Hugs Nikki*
Nikki: *Hugging back* Good to see you again after all these years.
Coffee Creme: When did you start working for this railway?
Nikki: I don't work here, I work for the Southern Pacific.
Coffee Creme: Oh.
Nikki: But don't worry, I'll be bringing in a lot of trains for y'all. How's Honey Bee? I haven't seen her since she moved out of our neighborhood.
Coffee Creme: She's dead.
Nikki: What?
Coffee Creme: Somepony crashed into her train three years ago.
Nikki: Aw,...
continue reading...
posted by TotalDramaFan60
Attempt One and Two

Don't rush, guys.

Attempt Three

"Okay, Princess. Celestia, here are my new five friends."

"Okay, here have two tickets."

Attempt Four

Drunk Applejack

Attempt Five

Gilda is a bitch.

Attempt Six

Two-parter with Trixie needs to happen.

Attempt Seven

"There's a cloud of--"

"Shut up, Fluttershy, nobody cares about you."

Attempt Eight


Attempt Nine

"Real friends don't care what your cover is."
Proof that the Mane Six (Minus Twilight) and Applebloom are not real friends.

Attempt Ten

Nopony cares about Pinkie, either.

Attempt Eleven

Twi, get a snowplow and bucking....

Attempt Twelve

Recolors of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in the class, and Diamond Tiara is Sweetie, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are bitches.
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Coffee Crème From Karina_Brony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 49

Buses Are Worse Than Trains

August 13, 1955

One day, At Mirage's house, he was getting ready for work.

Mirage: *Breathing in fresh air, and looks all around him* Another beautiful day, and more time for me to work.
Colts: *Running to...
continue reading...
After dinner, Bob and Emily took Burt to their home.

Burt: *Looks around* This is nice.
Bob: Thank you. I can tell you're really going to like living with us.
Burt: You got that right. Not only is this a nice place, but it's owned by two of the greatest ponies in all of Equestria.
Bob: I'm sure there's somepony better then me, and Emily.
Burt: Nope. Not even Celestia herself can be better than you my friend.
Emily: Well, that's kind of you to say Burt.
Bob: So what do you plan on doing now that you're divorced?
Burt: Good question. I'll most likely move back to Scotland. It's a beautiful country...
continue reading...
Pinkie Pie:

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down...

Twilight Sparkle: Tell me she's not...

Pinkie Pie:

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...

Rarity: She is.

Pinkie Pie:

I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I saw
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all

Rainbow Dash: Then what is?

Pinkie Pie:

She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ponies: *gasp*

Pinkie Pie:

So, giggle at the ghostly
Guffaw at the grossly
Crack up...
continue reading...