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And this is the moment……….Here it is a great interview with some really passionated and mostly REAL fans of Michael…….I will write their answers exactly how they’ve wrote them….no corrections no changes………….I hope you enjoy and may share your thoughts in comments…..!!!!!!!
This is The second part

I'll change it a bit...First I'll give you the questions and then for each fan the answers...all together...

The choosen are
1.tatajackson ->the lucky MJ fan
2.House 34 ->the peaceful MJ fan
3.aitypw ->the loving MJ fan
4.depp-fan ->the artistic MJ fan
5.LostChild ->the caring MJ fan
6.mariafan ->the cute MJ fan
7.Lovetreehill ->the lovely MJ fan
Luv you all...

The questions

1:Did you like This Is It?
2:What do you love about HIM?
3:Since when are you a fan of Michael?
4:Do you believe that he was killed on purpose or accidental?
5:Do you own any CDs,posters,movies etc of Michael Jackson?
6:What do you have to say to those who blame Michael ?
7:Would you like Neverland to be an open theme park?
8:Do you think he should be buried in Neverland?
9:Tell something about Michael which comes from your heart and you wanna share with us!!!!!

The answers


1. sooo mucchoos. :) It was INCREDIBLE!! I cried, I laughed, I danced in my seat, I cheered and I wasn't alone. The entire audience responded the same way I did. Oh, and me and every other girl in the audience couldn't help but uncontrollably respond to Michael's sexiness,WE WERE JUST "OWWWHHH...." . Wow, even at 50 the man was HOT - those moves - and lollipop! It was the most amazing footage I have ever seen of Michael. He was joking, laughing, smiling, and telling everyone that he loved them. ♥♥♥"I LOVE YOU MORE MIKE!!!"♥♥♥

ok,it will never gonna end to make a list of "what i do love about him"
for me he is not just a BIG LEGEND and GENIUS MUSICIAN but he also THE SWEETEST HUMAN BEING EVER. thats why i do love him :)

3.hmm,i do know mike since i was 6,but to be a fan,it was after he died.maybe im the late one,but i do love him like a 50 years old fans or even more ;p

4.hmm.. i dont really know much about the truth. all i can say is that murray is surely the most idiot doctor ever. i hope the law will be FAIR enough for this case.

5.yeap,i have his cd,TII DVD and mike t shirt. and i have a plan to buy the BIG mike's poster ever. HEE-HEE!

6.Are you jealous or what?

7. Neverland should become what it was supossed to be, a haven for Children. God knows the world needs it! A place for unwanted children to grow up, like an orphanage but better,a place where sick kids come to heal, learn and grow.lets teach them to live in spirit and give them love, life lessons and make possitive change like Micheal did.I think it should be preserved and turned into something for children without completely destroying the community around it like a amusement park would.

8.Elvis is buried at Graceland. So why can’t they make an exemption for Michael Jackson so that he can be buried at the only home he ever knew “NEVERLAND”.its full of glory the way he truly meant to be. It would be so fitting for Michael, with him buried there, or at least a museum. We will need a place so badly to come visit, feel a sense of closeness to him, really remember him.
A tribute to a true loving humanatarian.

9.i... still missing him... :'(
It sounds whiny maybe. but smtms its hard to hear his voice,and watch his videos and realize that he already gone.
But michael,thank you for everything. You are more than just a great singer and the sweetest human being ever. You are prodigy,you are my teacher of life. I try to imitate how pure you are,how patient you are over your big problems you still share your sweet smile to us. words fail me for this. michael,everybody in every religion and belives,pray for you.... we love you mike!


1.I love it

2.I love everything about him. He was very kind. So kind.. I love that I have so much to learn from him. He was an amazing human being. The greatest I know..a great father(..I love his kids so much) and brother (despite how his family treated him). He inspired me and now I just try so hard to do good to everybody and think of what he would have done in my case and really really try to love everybody and help them. I love Michael's big heart. Also, I love his music, which keeps me alive and strong and his moves..there will never be another person to move like Mike and to practice so hard for his fans. Never.

3.I remember when I was 12 I used to listen to him.. my parents don't really love him.. mom just knows some of the J5 songs (dad still doesn't care about Michael)..so they didn't support me in any way to like Michael. I found out about him on my own.. and I used to love dancing on Thriller and ..then on You rock my world..I just used to like some of his songsat first..until highschool when I fell in love with Man in the mirror..loved the lyrics..

4.I don't think his doctor said..okay..tonight I want to kill Michael. But that doesn't mean MJ died accidentally. His doctor did an awful job helping him and taking care of him. All the time he spent with MJ. It was no accident. It didn't happen like..for no reason..The doctor killed him giving him pills and .. we killed him.. asking so much from him.. he did so many things..he gave so much.. so much effort..in This is it you can see he is really..God.. he gave us so much..that it killed him..

5.Yes. Tones. And I will keep them no matter what my frineds say and any other persons. I will keep him in my heart forever but I like having things reminding me of him.

6.Michael Jackson is much more than a singer and a dancer. He is not a pedofile, he is not crazy..STOP BELIEVING THE MEDIA. Please !! Please !! Don't judge ! Don't be mean. Look at yourself and understand that we are all the same. Some just care more

7.An opened what ?
I think Neverland's purpose was to be a place where everything is possible. Where there is love and joy and magic and sun and it's a place for kids to have fun and Now that Michael is..not here..Neverland is not dead. It shouldn't be transformed in a park..a museum..or anything.. Michael would have wanted for Neverland to still be a place for children..a happy place. The place it was before his death.


9.I am trying every day to be a better person. And he is there every step of the way. Thank you Michael ! I love you forever.
God bless you all !


1:I love it!!!

2:More about him i love his voice,his dance and his appearance.I like almost everything about him.

3:I learned him after his dead.So i am a fan of him from 25 of June 2009.

4:I believe that he killed by his doctor on purpose.

5:I have all his CD's and four DVD's the Moonwalker , This Is It and the other are talking about his life.Also i have two books that are talking about his life.

6:I don't have to say something.It depends about what they are saying for him.

7:I think Neverland should be like a museum.And they should put all Michael's costumes there and all the furniture whatever MJ had.So the people could go and see the house and all the personal things of the King Of Pop.

8:I don't have a problem where Michael would buried.But i think that wherever he have been buried the people and all his fans could go to see him.Because he love his fans and i am sure that his fans love him the same way and this thing that they forbid to his fans to go at the cemetery is not right.This is my opinion.

9:I don't know what to say.The only that i would like to say is that from the time that i learned him my personality have change.In the pass(before i learned MJ)i didn't like black artists,but i think that they are bette than the white one.


1.OH YES!!!I LOVE THIS IS IT,i mean it was really nice to see his normal life :)

2.he loves children and his voice was AWESOME

3.when he died.....i know its strange but thats true.i really felt soooooooooo sad when he died and i started to listen his songs all day long and my mind was not prepare to hear this that he is no more in this world and then i prayed for him alot....and now i feel like i m HUGE fan of MJ THE BEST

4.i m not sure about this........it dosent matter it was accident or purpose the only thing i know that he is not among us...... :'(

5.yes i have CDs but i dont have any posters but i have too many pics in my pc...hehe



8.I don't know....

9.YOU WILL ALWAYS LIVE IN OUR HEARTS........MISS YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH....PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!! say something to GOD anything,anything and get back in this world PLZZZZZZ :'(


1:Of course, I loved it!

2:His music, talant, his loving nature, helping nature, modesty, innocents, and his amazing Ideas

3:since I was 12 I am 29 now

4:he did not kill himself...WHY WOULD HE DO THAT!!!!

5:Plenty, alot, when your a MJ fan there is no such thing as to much MJ stuff!

6:They can go to hell!!

7:Yes, but children get everything for free

8:No, he didn't want to be. after the rade he hated that place. Don't put someone where they don't want to be

9:This might be long. Michael now that you are gone, I don't know what to feel, what to do, or what to think. I miss you and I love you. Ever since I heard my first MJ song, Billie Jean, I feel in love everything was perfect, the voice, the beat, and the looks, I've loved you ever since, I will never stop loving you.I really don't know what to say, I feel the feelings, but I cannot put it in to words, the feelings I have for Michael is extavagant, amazing, fantsic, the most awsome feeling ever, some people might call me crazy for even saying his name, I don't care, i love him and that will never change, I love you michael, I'm sorry for all the people who reject you. Miss you, alot!! Rest in peace. God bless you and you most loving, and wounderful heart! Goodbye michael.


1:I loved it! It was such a great movie and i think the concerts would be great too!

2:Everything! Whatever he does(did)..

3:I used to like his music for many years but after his death i bacame a "fan".

4:I'm not sure..

5:A few.

6:To think more before they blame someone who has do so many great things and has helped so many people...

7:Yes, it's a good idea.


9:I'll never forget him..♥


1.Yes I love THIS IS IT, Michael is so true in this movie : natural, profesional, funny and so nice with others.

2.I love all about Michael, his voice, his dance, his songs who are so meaningful. I love how he stand up so many time against injustice, violence, hate, racism, destroyed nature, needed people and children. I love his big heart.

3.I'm fan of Michael since 31 years.

4.I can't say anything about his death, but Michael took so many medication. I really don't know.

5.I have all his albums, all his DVDs (movies, concerts and video clips) but no posters

6.Nobody in this world is allowed to blame others. I love Michael, he lives in me forever and I don't care about others and what they can tell about him. Nobody will change my love for him.

7.Yes I'd love to go there and be where Michael lived so many years and see his magical tree !

8.He left Neverland, then I don't know if he wanted to be buried there...

9.Michael, you give me a lot during more than 30 years, I grew up with you. I lived all your eras with you. You wanted heal the world and now we must do this for you, you learn to the worl how peace and love is important. Rest In Peace Michael, I hope from the bottom of my heart you are happy now, and never forget you are not alone, I will be there all my life for you ♥

Thank you for joining my interview and for helping my creating this wonderful article about Michael through our...actually your...eyes!

I also want to thank everyone who read this interview.You may share your thoughts in comments.I want also to say sorry to those you I didn.t ask to join,but you're so many...so I had to choose some of you...

posted by spiritace
"Beat It"

[1st Verse]
They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here
Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
So Beat It, Just Beat It

[2nd Verse]
You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can
Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man
You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat...
continue reading...
posted by spiritace
1st verse
Its close to midnight and something evils lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,
Youre paralyzed
cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no ones gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know its thriller, thriller night
Youre fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

2nd verse
You hear the door slam and realize theres nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if youll ever see the...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
Ah get on the floor and dance
Ah, on the floor and dance

So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake your thing

There's a chance for dancin'
All night long
There's a chance for groovin'
And it will be soothing
With a song

Then why don't you just
Dance across the floor
'Cause there's a chance for chances
And the chance is choosin'
And I sure would like just to groove with you

So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake your thing
So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake that thing (girl)

No need for rejection
Determined to be...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
Don't walk away
See I just can't find the right thing to say
I tried but all my pain gets in the way
Tell me what I have to do so you'll stay
Should I get down on my knees and pray

Chorus 1
And how can I stop losing you
How can I begin to say
When there's nothing left to do but walk away

I close my eyes
Just to try and see you smile one more time
But it's been so long now all I do is cry
Can't we find some love to take this away
'Cause the pain gets stronger every day

Chorus 2
How can I begin again
How am I to understand
When there's nothing left to do but walk away

See now why
All my dreams...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
Here come ol' flat top
He come groovin' up slowly
He's got Joo Joo eyeball
He one holy roller
He got hair down to his knees
Got to be a joker he just do what he please

He wear no shoeshine
He's got toe jam football
He's got monkey finger
He shoot Coca-Cola
He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come together
right now
over me

He bag production
He's got walrus gum-boot
He's got Ono sideboard
He one spinal cracker
He got feet down through his knees
Hold you in his armchair
You can feel his disease

Come together
right now
over me

He roller coaster
He's got early warning
He's got muddy water
He one Mojo filter
He say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good looking
'cause he's so hard to see

Come together
right now
over me
posted by Beatit
Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you my friend will see
And you've got a friend in me
(You've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there
(Here and there)
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go
(You've got a place to go)

I used to say 'I' and 'me'
Now it's 'us' now it's 'we'
(I used to say 'I' and 'me')
(Now it's 'us' now it's 'we')

Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(A friend)
Like Ben
(Like Ben)
Like Ben
Never can say goodbye
No, no, no, no, I never can say goodbye

Even though the pain and heartache
Seem to follow me wherever I go
Though I tried, tried to hide my feelings
They always seem to show
Then you try to say you're leaving me
And I always have to say no
Tell me why is it so
That I never can say goodbye
No, no, no, no, no, I never can say goodbye

Every time I think I've had enough
And start heading for the door
There's a very strange vibration
That piercing me right to the core
It says turn around you fool
You know you love her more and more
Tell me why is it so
Don't wanna let you go...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
un comes up on this new mornin
Shiftin shadows, a songbird sings
And if these words could keep you happy
Id do anything

And if you feel alone, Ill be your shoulder
With a tender touch, you know so well
Somebody once said, its the soul that matters
Baby who can really tell, when 2 hearts belong so well

Maybe the walls will tumble
And the sun may refuse to shine
But when I say, I love you
Baby you gotta know
Thats for all time
Baby you gotta know
Thats for all time

Moon shines down on this good evening
One warm kiss in the cold night air
For this good love undeceiving
Id go anywhere
Just as long...
continue reading...
posted by tooch
Hold my hand, feel the touch of your body cling to mine
You and me, makin’ love all the way through another night
I remember you and I walking though the park at night
Kiss and touch, nothing much, let it blow just touch and go

Love me more, never leave me alone by house of love
People talk, people say what we have is just a game
Oh, I’ll never let you go, come here girl
Just got to make sweet love ‘til the break of dawn

I don’t want the sun to shine I wanna make love
Just this magic in your eyes and in my heart
I don’t know what I’m gonna do I can’t stop lovin’ you
I won’t stop ‘til...
continue reading...
posted by tooch
Girl, close your eyes
Let that rhythm get into you
Don't try to fight it
There ain't nothin' that you can do
Relax your mind
Lay back and groove with mine
You got to feel that heat
And we can ride the boogie
Share the beat of love

I wanna rock with you (all night)
Dance you into day (sunlight)
I wanna rock with you (all night)
We're gonna rock the night away

Out on the floor
There ain't nobody there but us
Girl, when you dance
There's a magic that must be love
Just take it slow
'Cause we got so far to go
When you feel that heat
And we're gonna ride the boogie
Share the beat of love

I wanna...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
There's a place in
Your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could
Be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need
To cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways
To get there
If you care enough
For the living
Make a little space
Make a better place...

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me

If you want to know why
There's a love that
Cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares of
Joyful giving
If we try
We shall see
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
Once all alone
I was lost in a world of strangers
No one to trust
On my own, I was lonely
You suddenly appeared
It was cloudy before but now it's clear
You took away the fear
You brought me back to life

You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime my nighttime
My world
You're my life

Now I wake up everyday
With this smile upon my face
No more tears, no more pain
Cause you love me
You help me understand
That love is the answer to all that I am
And I'am a better man
You taught me by sharing your life

You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime my nighttime
My world
You're my life

You gave me strength
When I wasn't strong
You gave me hope when all hope is lost
You opened my eyes when I couldn'tšt see
Love was always here waiting for me
posted by Beatit
Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...
If you smile With your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you'll just...

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just...

Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...
If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just Smile...
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just Smile
posted by Beatit
Sadness had been
Close as my next of kin
Then happy came one day
Chased my blues away
My life began when happy smiled
Sweet like candy to a child
Stay here and love me just a while
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was

Happy, that's you
You made my life brand new
Lost as a little lamb was I
Till you came in
My life began when happy smiled
Sweet like candy to a child
Stay here and love me just a while
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be there where sadness was

(Till now)
Where have I been
What lifetime was I in
Suspended between time and space
Lonely until happy came smiling up at me
Sadness had no choice but to flee
I said a prayer so silently
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was
Till now

Yeah, yeah, happy
posted by Beatit
They told him don't you ever
come around here
Don't wanna see your face,
you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it

You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad

Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it

They're out to get you, better leave...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit

My life will never be the same
'Cause girl, you came and changed
The way I walk
The way I talk

I cannot explain the things I feel for you
But girl, you know it's true
Stay with me, fulfill my dreams
And I'll be all you'll need

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, it feels so right (Girl)
I've searched for the perfect love all my life (All my life)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, it feels like I (Like I)
Have finally found her perfect love is mine
(See, I finally found, come on, girl)

You rocked my world, you know you did
And everything I'm gonna give (You rocked my world)
And there ain't nothing we could find...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces,
And barely able to keep the payments up on their lessons,
And enrolled in a class and don't know who the professor is,
How low people go for the dough and make a mess of things,
Kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it,
Instead of using their mind or their fist, they put a gun in it
Wanna be a part of a clique, don't know who's running it,
Tragedy on top of tragedy you know it's killing me.
So many people in agony, this shouldn't have to be,
Too busy focusing on ourselves and not His Majesty,
There has to be some type of change...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
He got flat baby
Kick in the back baby
A heart attack baby
I need your body

A hot kiss honey
He's just a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
So unrelying

I'm such a swine baby
All down the line daddy
I hate your kind baby
So unreliable

A hot buzz baby
He's one of us baby
Another drug baby
You so desire

Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
You're doin' morphine


They got place baby
Kicked in the face baby
You hate your race baby
You're just a liar

Your every lick baby
Your dog's a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
You soul survivor

She never cut from me
She never cut baby
I had to work baby
You just a rival

continue reading...
Lovely is the feelin' now
Fever, temperatures risin' now
Power (ah power) is the force the vow
That makes it happen
It asks no questions why (ooh)
So get closer (closer now) to my body now
Just love me 'til you donŐt know how (ooh)

Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough

Touch me and I feel on fire
Ain't nothin' like a love desire (ooh)
I'm melting (I'm melting) like hot candle wax
Sensation (ah sensation) lovely where we're at (ooh)
So let love take us...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain...

What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?


What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...

What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice
All the...
continue reading...