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J5 MJ ( What he looks like in the story)
J5 MJ ( What he looks like in the story)
" Daddy's Home"

Fancy's P.O.V

Felicity and I were watching TV, minding our own business, when we heard the door unlock.

" Mother?" I said, opening the door. I was disappointed to see it was only my father, shoving me aside with his briefcase.

" I'm not your mother , you idiot. I'm your father, move!" He yelled, shoving me aside.

I fell against the wall and hit my head. Felicity got mad and grabbed my hand. He let out a devious laugh while he looked at me.

" Come on, Fancy! If we don't leave now, we'll never make it!" She said, opening the door and running out. I don't know where else we could go.

As we were running I heard our dad say something. " Run away if you want, but do me a favor and don't come back!!!"

We ran as far as our legs could carry us. I started to feel something trickle down my face. It was a nasty cut on my forehead.

" Felicity! Where are we going?" I asked, going in and out of conciseness.

" To Michael's house where we'll be safe." She said, her hand still clenched in mine.

When we got there, Felicity was knocking on the door rapidly, nervously looking back for our father.

Finally, Mrs. Jackson answered. She put her hands over her mouth. " Oh my, Felicity what happened?" She asked.

I started to feel sick and my legs felt like jelly. Felicity held me up while saying. " Our Dad is what happened! Everytime he gets mad, he takes it out on one of us."

Mrs.Jackson had a worried look on her face. " Oh dear. Please come in."

I sat in a chair and tried to keep my head up. My brain felt like a cinder block. Mrs. Jackson came back with a towel and dried the blood of off my forehead and face.

Soon, Michael came in the living room. " Hey Mother Can I- What the heck happened to you?" He screamed, coming towards me.

I felt so loose, I couldn't even answer. Felicity sat next to me and had me lay my head on her shoulder.

Michael sighed heavily. " Who done this to you?" He asked, trying to hold back the tears.

Michael's P.O.V

I try to suck up the tears while talking to Fancy. But I can't because it's so hard watching my best friend be in pain.

Jackie and Tito come in. " Why is Fancy and Felicity over here?" They asked, looking at Mother and Fancy.

" Their father had another anger episode and hit Fancy. And now she's bleeding a lot and losing consciousness. Do me a favor and get your father." She said.

I yell for him. " Joseph!" Mother rolled her eyes. " Michael, I could've done that!"

I frown. " But mother, I can't leave Fancy's side while she's hurt! I'll never be able to forgive myself!"

Mother sighed. " Fine, I'll get Joseph. Tito and Jackie, y'all go back to whatever y'all were doing. Michael, you keep her company. I'll get the first aid kit."

I nod gladly and sit beside Fancy. She opens her eyes hazily and glanced at me. Before I could stop them, tears streamed down my cheeks.

" I'm so sorry Fancy. I let them hurt you. I let you down." I said, burying my face in her shoulders.

She lifted my face up and wiped off the tears with her thumb and kissed my nose softly. She smiled. " It's okay. You're still my best friend. You didn't let me down."

Mother came back with Joseph. Joseph's eyes went huge. " Mr. Moore had another one of his episodes, didn't he?"

I was surprised. I'm pretty sure Joseph did things like that but not to this point.

I was still surprised Fancy was still awake.

" Where can we go?" Fancy said.

Mother cleaned all the blood of Fancy's face, dried up the cut and put a bandage over it.

Felicity looked over at mother. " Mrs. Jackson, where will we sleep? Our dad said for us to never come back or else."

My face lit up with excitement. " Oh! Can Fancy sleep with me?" I beamed.

Joseph frowned. " Now Kate, that's probably not a good idea. We already have 11 people in this household. Two more and we'll go crazy."

Fancy took a sip of water. She held her head down. She starting moaning like she was in terrible pain.

Marlon, Janet and Randy came in. I rolled my eyes. If Marlon tries to flirt again, I'm coming to get him.

Janet went up to Fancy. " Faye, are you okay?" Faye was Janet's nickname for Fancy.

Fancy lifted up her head. " Yeah. I just can't remember what happened."

Marlon raised his eyebrow. " What happened to her?"

Felicity frowned. " Don't ask. We already have enough problems under our belt ."

Fancy's P.O.V

Finally, I can see clearly and I feel normal again. I lift up my head.

Michael gave me a hug. " Fancy, you're okay!"

I'm thrilled at Michael's enthusiasm, but it's gone because I have to go back home.

Felicity had a tear roll down her cheek. " Where are we gonna live? Mama left for that business trip and we can't go back home right now."

Joseph took a deep breath. " Ok, I'll let you guys stay here. It maybe a little tighter than usual but we love you just that much."

I couldn't help but smile. Joseph hasn't been this sweet before. Felicity and I give him a hug.

Janet wraps herself around my leg. " Can they sleep with us in the living room?"

Mrs. Jackson hesitated. " Well, we might want to tell Rebbie and La Toya before we decide that. In the meantime, who wants dinner?"

We all dash for the dinner table. Mrs. Jackson puts her hands on her hips. " Um, could you wash her hands first?"

We all did but it took a very long time. At the dinner table, Mrs. Jackson had a pot of beef stew in her hands.

Let me tell you, that was the best stew I've ever tasted.

" Mama, how long will Felicity and Faye stay over?" Janet asked.

Mrs. Jackson sighed. " Honey, I'm not sure how long. But, we need to make sure their father doesn't find them.

Jermaine sighed. " Longer bath lines, give me a break man."

Randy frowned. " No need to be a meanie, Jermaine. They need us."

" If they eat all the cookies they'll have to go." said Tito.

Marlon rolled his eyes. " Shut up Tito. Ain't nobody want those rocks you call cookies.

Joseph frowned. " Boys, we need to help Fancy and Felicity in they're time of need. Now everybody cooperate or I'm gonna tear up ya butt."

" Yes Joseph." Everybody responded in unison.

Rebbie and La Toya came home from the store. " Hey everybody, hi Felicity, Fancy, what are y'all doing here?" asked Rebbie.

" Dad had another episode, didn't he?" said La Toya.

I nod. " Yeah, how'd you know?"

" Lucky guess." smiled La Toya.

Michael's P.O.V

Time passed and it was soon bedtime. Fancy and Felicity borrowed some nightgowns from La Toya and Rebbie. The couch was must be crowded with five girls on it.

Before they fell asleep I give them kisses on the cheek. But I did Fancy last. I gave her the longest kiss.

" G'Night Michael." She said, giving me a hug.

" G'Night Fancy." I said back.

The Next Morning...

Fancy's P.O.V

I borrowed a blouse and skirt from La Toya. It was a little big on me but hey, it's okay.

Breakfast was a quick bowl of Life cereal and we were out the door.

We decided to walk in groups to school. I walked with Michael.

He glanced over at me. " Fancy? Can I ask you something?"

I look over. " Sure."

He bit his lip. " Um, did Marlon do anything suspicious?"

I felt my heart fall into my stomach. " Um, why? Is there something wrong?"

He frowned. " C'mon. I know something happened between y'all because he didn't leave so quickly like the rest of us."

A thick cloud of air clogged up my throat. " Okay, okay! He may have...kissed me."

Michael's eyes shot open. " He what?!?! I'll kill him!"

I shook my head. " Please don't. He's not worth it."

Michael raised his eyebrow. " Did you like the kiss?"

How did I know he was going to ask that question?

" No!!! I'm not interested in Marlon. I'm interested in you."

He smiled. " Thanks. Let me take your books for you."

I nod gladly and hand him my books. We arrive at school. It was a long yet exhausting day, but I made it through.

As usual, Michael and I walked to the park and sat on the top branch in our favorite tree.

As we sat there, watching the kids play and birds fly over our heads, Michael grabbed my hand.

He turned me around to face him with his hand. " Fancy, I want you to know that I wanted to do this for so long." He said, licking his lips slow and seductively.

I look deep into his chocolate bug like eyes. " Do what?"

He moves closer to me, rubs his soft hand over my face and kissed me ever so passionately.

I blush hard. " Wow. I didn't know you were such a good kisser."

He smiled. " A lot of girls wish that they can get what I just gave you."

It was true. At school, girls would chase him all over the place. Try to take his things, even rip out pieces of his Afro. I don't blame them. Mikey is kinda cute...

Thanks for Reading!!! I will update You're Everything To Me when I get the inspiration. See ya later!
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