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Another day finally passed and it was time for Michael to go back home to Neverland. He was so excited, because after spending some quality time with Prince and Paris he would be going to Veronica's work to meet her once again. During the entire plane trip Michael basically did nothing except for hearing Frank snore but think of Veronica. He wondered what her reaction would be when they do meet again? Then his mind keep rewinding back to that day he saw her two days ago. She looked stunning in her warm ivory coat and scarf, her perfect curly hair placed exactly right that framed her face beautifully. Before he knew it they where on the ground again and almost to Neverland. As they entered the familiar gates that he grew to love so much he saw the house coming into the distance. He quickly said bye to Frank and made a mad dash towards the door. When he walked in and he moved into the living room he saw scattered all over the floor where puzzle pieces, crayons along with coloring books, action figures and barbies. It made Michael seeing this. Because even when he was in his younger thirties he desired to come hom from a trip and see this. To come home and have children and.....a wife waiting for him. Michael's smile instantly turned into a frown remembering there was no wife for him anymore. Even when Debbie was pregnant he still took great pleasure into long talks with her. But snapping him out of his thoughts he saw Grace coming out of the kitchen with some grapes in her hand. "Oh hello Mr. Jackson nice to see your back," She said with a smile. "Its good to be back Grace. Where are the children?" "Oh there upstairs in their bedroom watching a Nemo." Michael chuckled "Alright i'm going to go see them." He walked upstairs to Prince and Pairs's bedroom and quietly opened the door to see them sitting together with pillows all over the room enjoying their movie. As he steped in further their little ears could her it. They turned around and their little eyes lit up "Daddy your home!" they screamed. Michael bend down to them and gave them a tight hug and kissing their little chubby cheeks one by one. "I missed you two so much." Michael said. "We missed you too daddy," Paris said kissing her daddy's cheek. Michael smiled down at his daughter. "Now remember what I promised you two after I got back?" Michael asked. "Yeah, you said you would spend days and time with us!" Prince said. Michael smiled at Prince and his grammer error but it was to cute he didn't have the heart to correct him at the moment. He stroked Prince's hair instead and said "That's right and since i'm home what would you like to do first?" Michael asked. "I wanna play barbie's!" Paris said. "I wanna play action firgure's!" Prince started to whine. "Now Prince don't whine. Listen why don't we do something we can all do, how about we color?" Michael suggested. "Yay!!" Both his children yelled. Michael smiled "Alright i'll get the crayons." He walked over to their dresser to pull them out. That's what he loved most about children, that anything makes them happy. They don't judge they just want to be love and, believe me that's what he did every single day.

After spending every waking hour with his children for three days, he was dying for a chance to go see Veronica and today he decided today was the day. He called Frank up and told him to be ready and over here in an hour. After an hour rolled by a car arrived outside the house and let out a honk. Michael looked out the window and went into the children's room to kiss Prince and Paris goodbye, then he raced to the car. When he got in the car he was actually panting. "Michael are you okay?" Frank asked handing Michael a tissue. "Yes i-i'm just a little out of breath I ran out o the car." Michael said taking another huge gasp for air. As they pulled out of the Neverland gates and onto the road Michael took another tissue and began bloting his face from the sweat he was forming. He was so nervous, he actually didn't know what he would say when he would see her? Frank took notice and said chuckling "Mike you need to calm down. Your not asking her to marry you, your just going to see her." "Yes, but you know i'm out of practice on this stuff I haven't done it in years! What if I say the wrong thing or she thinks i'm an idiot?" Michael said now extremely worried now. "Michael listen to me everything will be fine. Just don't overtalk and don't do that." Frank pointed to Michael bloting his face again. Frank couldn't but smile, he hasn't seen Michael act like this in ages over a girl! "I know I know Frank." Michael said throwing the tissue away. Michael sighed and looked out to the approaching city. "Mike you said today was the day, now why all of a sudden are you so nervous?" Frank asked. "Its because what if dating a forty-three year old man isnt what she wants?" Michael questioned. "So this is what it is all about, age?" Frank asked. "Yes. Lets face it Frank i'm getting old and she looks so young. What if she finds you a turn off?" Michael said feeling upset. "Then why would she have given you her number? If she wasn't intrested in you she never would have gave it. Did you ever think of that?" Fraks said. Michael looked at Frank for a few moments thinking about what he said and he was right! "And on the subject of you being an old man, I still see how you move this hips man, you aint old." Frank said smirking. Michael's face turned the deepest shade of red. Michael couldn't help but think he was still good on the stage and in the bedroom, although it has been awhile. Before Michael knew it the driver announced "Were here Mr. Jackson." Frank opened the door and said, "After you lover boy."

In the elevator Michael kept taking deep breaths up the the eleventh floor Veronica's floor Michael kept thinking. As the double doors opened up there stood the sign in a gold light that read 'True You company and firm' Michael opened the door and both men stepped in. The place was completely busy! It seemed like noticed even reconized Michael, which he liked. Both of them walked up to the front desk where a woman in long brown hair and bangs was answering phone calls, with the name plate 'Sarah' on it. After she put on hold her last person she looked up and literally jumped in her seat. There standing before her was THE MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!! "Uh, w-what can I help you with?" Sarah asked. "Yes I was wondering if Veronica was in?" Michael asked Sarah. "Y-yes, but she just stepped out. Do you mind waiting for her?" Sarah asked. "No not at all. But do you mind if I wait in her office?" Michael asked. Sarah was totally numb and didn't know what to say. "Sure its right down the hall first door to left." Sarah said. "Thank you Sarah," Michael said winking. Sarah almost passed out! Michael and Frank walked into Veronica's office, which was very beautiful! Michael also couldn't help but notice all of the little piles of papers scattered everywhere. Michael chuckled at the sight because it reminded it of him. Michael and Frank sat in two comfortable chairs that were close to her desk. Nither one of them said a word. All Michael kept thinking about was Veroncia and what her reaction would be when she finally saw him. More minutes passed and suddenly the door opened up and there she was walking in with a man talking. "Veronica please just listen to reason?" The man pleaded. "No stevie, I won't, because what you want to design is completely idiotic!" Veronica said sternly. Michael couldn't help but notice her body from up to down. Her hair was not as curly as the day her met her, she had on a black blazer with a pair of jens and heels and a top. She looked amazing! His mind started to wonder what was....under he clothes but he quickly stopped those thoughts. Veroncia or this Stevie didn't even notice they were in the room. Both of them just sat back quietly listening to them. Veronica sat down behind her desk and neatly folded her hands. "Veronica please why don't you like this design?" Stevie asked holding up a design of a dress of some kind. "I'll tell you why, because it is totally inappropriate! And you don't see it?" Veronica asked. "I thought it looked amazing!" Stevie said pouting like a child. Veronica took a breath "Look you redesign this dress more appropriate before the Paris show and I will consider it." She said. Stevie took a deep breath "Alright i'll go back to the drawing board." "Thank you." Veronica said. Stevie walked out and Veronica slumped her head right on her desk. Michael silently cleared his throat and thought 'this is it.' "Hello Veronica." Michael said. Veronica pulled her head up and stared at Michael in shock. She stood up and straightened her blazer "Mr. Jackson what are you doing here?!" Veroncia said. Michael thought 'is she excited or upset?'
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