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After they gor inside,Katherine said to Michael:"Michael,please take her home,it's late and she shouldn't be out alone."."Ok,mom.Let's go.",Michael said.Madeline sayd goodbye and goodnight to everyone and she left with Michael to his car.Michael opened the door for her and then he got inside.As he was driving,Michael could not stop thinking about what happened earlier,about the fact that they were so close,almost hugged and almost...."So,are you going home to Neverland tonight?".michael was interrupted by her."No,I'll stay here,a few weeks maybe to spend time with my family."."So,I guess I'll see you around.I hope we'll see eachother again,I really had a great with you."."Yes,maybe.".Maybe??!For her he suddenly decided to stay here!And for a few weeks?!He wanted to go to Neverland as soon as he possibly could,he was not feeling comfortable in this place.But he decided to stay a few weeks!"So,what do you say?",Madeline asked him."What?",Michael said."Sorry,I was thinking about something and I got caught in my thoughts.What you were saying?"."I was wondering if you would like to help me with a projesct.You see,i finished to write,but i need a painting and something made of leaves and stuffs like that so i was wondering if you could come with me and help me to find some ideas,your mother told me you like those kind of things.".Shure,his mother was always too nice!But he was so grateful to have her right now because she just gave him an excuse to se Madeline again!"Shure,i love those kind of things!I will come!Is it ok 12?It would be nice to have a picnic before,so we could have energy to make the project."."Shure,it sounds great!I'll get the food!What do you want me to cook?"."You cook?"."Yes,of course!Martha teached me 2 years ago!And I also learned from watching her when I was in visit while I was...".She suddenly stopped and lost her smile.She became so depressed,that Michael pulled over and asked her:"Are you all right?What happened?Tell me!".He was really worried."When I first cooked,I learned from watching Martha when I was coming to het to stay a while because I...I was...hiding from...myfirst...my forst adoptive family...",she said with tears in her eyes.Michael hugged her."I'm so sorry,Maddy...so sorry!Tell me,what happened?",he gently whispered in her ear."Can I trust you that you won't say this ti your family or anyone else?"."Yes!Of course!"."While Martha was fighting to adopte me,my mom gave to another family the right to adopt me and they were so evil!She was always screaming and beating me and...he was always in my room,watching...porno movies and...he would...tell me:"When you get older,you'll have to do this,so stay here and watch these!",while smiling and...my step sister was so mean,she was always calling me names and telling my step mother that i did something which I didn't and then she was beating me again and...I was hiding...at Martha...where i always found a big loving heart!And it there where days when at the orphenage the girls were making fun of me,almost everyday so I was running and the boys would throwing rocks in me and the teachers were just saying that we're kids!And then I was running to her,in her arms I always find my peace!".Madeline began to cry even more.Michael almost started to cry too and embraced Madeline even tigher until she almost had no air."I'm so sory!I promise I won't say to anybody!I swear!Oh,Maddy...What a cruel fate God gave you!".Michael then tried to calm her and he did.She could feel in his chest the love that she felt in Martha's!After that hug,Michael looked deep in her eyes and he took her face in his palms amd stared at her.He wanted so badly to kiss her,but then she said:"We'd better go,Martha is probably very worried!:."Ok.".Then he took her home and the next day,they met in the park.While they were having the picnic,Michael said:"Wow,did you made these?They're incredible!"."Well,you didn't tell me what you want so I just cooked something I thought you might like.".After that,her and Michael made the most wonderful projeact and Madeline thanked him for 1 times!He was amazed how talented she was and how ahe could feel all that love,just like him!Maybe he found the woman he waited for in all these years!But he wasn't shure if she felt the same.So,after they finished,Michael took her home,but before she went inside,he took advantage of the darkness and went after her.He grabbed her hand and he said:"Madeline,how do you feel about me?"."Well,I consider you the brother that I never had and I was hoping that you feel the same!"."Yes,I do!",ha said without realizing."Then,i hope this friendship will last forever!",she said as she took her hand back and went inside the house.Michael just stood there,speechless.Why did he had to say that he feels the same?!Why he couldn't just say "I love you!"?!Why?!Why?!
As Madeline came inside,she ran in her room and began to cry:"Why did i told him that?Why couldn't I just say that I love him?"
A plate concrete 170 kilograms, hand prints and the foot of the King of Pop, in addition to his firm, will be auctioned next month in Los Angeles.

The piece has received the name "broken heart stone" because a relief break runs through the heart designed with the imprint of Jackson's left hand. Online auction will take place in natesanders.com and will be February 15 as the date of closure. Board dates back to 1984, when Michael Jackson made the impression for the Las Vegas Walk of Fame project that never materialized. The piece was discovered in the basement of the Hotel Riviera in 2006 and was in the hands of a guest, who sold it in 2009 to its current owner for an unknown amount.
Lauren and Michael are just sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. Suddenly a nurse walks in the room. "Hello you two." She says. "Hi" Lauren and Michael reply in a depressed and worried tone. "Is she going to be ok???!!?" Michael suddenly asks. "I'm sorry Michael I don't know yet." "She lost alot of blood." She said softly. "Oh.." He says. "Anyway it would be better if you two leave for a little while." The nurse said. "Oh um ok." Replies Lauren. Michael didn't say anything. "Michael why don't we go get something to eat?" Asks Lauren. "Um ok." He replies. They walk out of the hospital...
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"Um Hi Mccala." Says Michael in a very nervous tone. I couldn't say anything I was speechless. "Mccala?" He asks. "Yeah?" I reply. "Are you going to say anything?" He asks. "Um yeah sorry." I reply nervously. Michael is still standing at the door. "Um Mccala?" He asks. "Oh I'm sorry come in." I reply letting him in. "Can I talk to you about the party?" He asks. "Ummm....ok." I said. "Mccala...I'm sorry I never meant for any of this to happen." I didn't kiss her." "She kissed me." He starts to cry. "Oh...And don't cry Michael." I said. "Mccala It's her fault." "I hate her." Michael said still...
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Je ferme les yeux
Je me sens fiévreux
Sans toi j'ai froid
J'aimerais t'appeler
J'aimerais prononcer que toi, que toi
Ce que je ressens
Personne ne comprend
Je me sens si bien de t'aimer
Pour la première fois
Je sais que c'est toi
J'ai besoin de rêver
Je vais t'emmener

L'été finira
Près du feu de bois
On fera l'amour
Blottie contre toi
Je te dirai tout bas
Tu me rends folle
Ce que je ressens personne ne comprend
Je me sens si bien près de toi
J'en perd ma fierté
Je ne veux plus tricher
La vérité pour moi
C'est la vie avec toi

Je ne veux pas la fin de nous
Je ne veux pas la fin de nous...
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When I was younger, I used to always care about the presents and receiving presents and how many presents I got. I used to be disappointed when I didn't receive much. Michael cared about giving to the children, especially the ones in need. He gave them toys and what they needed to make them feel good. He didn't care about receiving. As I thought about that a long while ago, it inspired me. Now I don't care about receiving, I care about giving. I never asked for much but clothes this Christmas. And I was happy that I received way more than I asked for.
I feel so lovely that Michael inspires me even in the most specific ways.
posted by mccalamccool
I love you more than anything.
You are my heart and soul.
To see you when I die is my goal.
There is no-one I can love more than you.
You know it's true.
Why did you have to go?
I want all my love for you to show.
I need you.
This world is a better place thanks to you.
You are my life.
When you died I thought about cutting myself with a knife.
I love you so much Michael...
My heart isn't broken...
I have no heart at all without you.
When you died you took my heart with you.
I love you the most and nothing will ever change that I promise.
You are the one I love. <3
posted by MJangellover
there are alot of things ,That I adore In MJ
but The best is He didn't wait for others to help the sick and dying people, he did it first and was
doing until his death, he visited espcially the sick children ,gave them toys,played them,Just i want you To Fancy how they were happy and me too
cause he wanted to change the world and he did it
although he was very busy with songs and tours,but
he went to them ,he did care about Them and us by spreading out the love ,peace and help,MJ I love You
very Much MY sweet angel you're always inside and
my heart god bless you,Rip!!!!!!
After a year and almost five months, it's still a bit on the difficult side to admit to my heart that Michael is no longer here physically. I never had the chance to tell that I honestly loved him when he was here and I completely regret it. I kept my love for him locked inside my heart, I never let it out. I wish I did, I utterly wish I did. There is so much I wish I had told everyone who walked in my direction, let the words flow. But I was afraid... afraid of what they'd say. I'm not saying this in the way that I was embarrassed to like Michael. I'm saying this in the way that the ones who...
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Michael Jackson is still on the cutting edge of technology -- TMZ has learned the King of Pop is set to star in a new revolutionary video game ... and the people in charge of MJ's estate are totally on board.

The game -- currently untitled -- will essentially be "dance karaoke" ... which means gamers will see Michael Jackson dancing on screen and will then be challenged to imitate his moves.

The game will be available on multiple platforms including Wii and Xbox 360. The Xbox version will incorporate Microsoft's new Kinect motion capture technology -- which will allow the gamer to play without...
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Today is June 14th, and Conrad Murray was in court today, so I was keeping up with the news all day to see what happened... In case you missed anything here's some info:

In the court in LA, there were tons of MJ fans & supporters with signs demanding "Justice4MJ" and posters with pictures of Conrad Murray with the name "Dr. Murder."

Joe, Katherine, LaToya, Jermaine, and Randy Jackson showed up and were in the court room. Conrad Murray and Michael's family had to go through back doors in order to avoid the crowd and media. After the hearing, Jermaine Jackson said "Dr. Murray's the fall guy,...
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Prince,Paris and Blanket in accordance with the will of the king of pop will receive 30% of assets, more practically means that the three children will receive approximately $ 33,000,000.

Certainly the will stipulates that the money, the children will get when they reach 30 years of age. By then, of course, the interest amount will exceed 300 million dollars!! Not bad ...

The mother of Michael Jackson gets 40% of its assets, while the remainder will go to charitable institutions.

Naturally, Jacko did not leave anything to his father, which had no good relationships, but none of the siblings.
Fans of MICHAEL JACKSON have been hit hard by the star’s death – 12 devotees have allegedly killed themselves following the tragic news. The King Of Pop passed away on Thursday (25Jun09) from a cardiac arrest and millions of his fans worldwide went into mourning. But several of them found it too hard to cope and subsequently ended their own lives, according to the founder of an online Jackson fanclub.
Gary Taylor, president and owner of MJJcommunity.com, says, “I know there has been an increase (in deaths), I now believe the figure is 12. It is a serious situation that these people are...
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posted by 12251
feb 15, daddy was downstairs with prince asleep in his arms. i was upstairs in my room watching t.v on my bed. i yelled Daddy, he yelled back What. i said i got sick, he said hang on im coming. he passed prince to the nanny. daddy came upstairs and into my bedroom. he walked over to my bed and i had thrown up everywhere. he looked at me and i was crying, i said my tummy hurts. he picked me up and said honey dont cry its ok. he changed my clothes and took me downstairs. he told the nanny to take prince out for the day because he did not want him to get whatever i had. once prince and the nanny...
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You believed you were alone
That no one truly loved you
You can try to hide your pain from me
But I feel it either way
When your heart breaks, so does mine
Does that tell you how I feel

When I'm upset I look to you
Your smile makes it all vanish
No one else can make that happen
The world took so much away from you
But they'll never take away your memory
Its one thing we'll always have

You never knew me
You'll never know my love
Of maybe you already do
For I always feel you near
You're gone from me mortally
But my heart will always remember you

My heart mourns for losing you
Yet it rejoices for your homecoming in heaven
You're far away, yet you're where you belong
You're smiling down on all of us each day
I believe you've forgiven me for the past
And the future I see only increases my love for you undying.

"Michael was doing on an epic scale what all humans must do, keep going through the illusions, mistakes, hurts, conceits, self-hate and masks of human life, sometimes not having any idea if what is important to you actually has any value, or even knowing what is important to you."

This is an excerpt from Mary Gaitskill's wonderful essay (with videos) on Michael. Check it out:

posted by spiritace
1st verse
Girl, close your eyes
Let that rhythm get into you
Dont try to fight it
There aint nothin that you can do
Relax your mind
Lay back and groove with mine
You got to feel the heat
And we can ride the boogie
Share that beat of love
I wanna rock with you (all night)
Dance you into day (sunlight)
I wanna rock with you (all night)
Were gonna rock the night away

2nd verse
Out on the floor
There aint nobody there but us
Girl, when you dance
Theres a magic that must be love
Just take it slow
cause we got so far to go
When you feel that heat
And were gonna ride the boogie
Share that beat of love

I wanna...
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posted by nancydrew1002
what is there to say about Michael Jackson. i think that he was a great person and a great singer. he was the king of pop to everyone in the world. he meant a lot. after his death i went on you tube and i looked that all his songs and interviews and made me cried. i think he really wanted to change the world. he will be missed by his fans,friends,family, and kids. r.i.p Michael Jackson. you meant a lot. i hope that we as fans to keep up what Michael Jackson wanted us to be.i really think that Michael was a ture hero he touched so much people. And on june 25th 2009 was his last day to shine.and i just image what michael jackson is doing right now.love you m.j!!!!!
posted by alicecullensBFF
LOS ANGELES – In his final days, Michael Jackson was robust and active. Or dangerously thin and frail. Begging for access to powerful prescription drugs. Or showing no signs of ever having used them.

It depends on who's talking.

A dizzying collection of puzzle pieces about Jackson's health and habits has come to light since his death on June 25. With as much as a month before a toxicology report determines the cause, more are sure to emerge.

Each is likely to fuel further speculation. None is sure to produce a satisfying conclusion.

Some who knew him even seem to contradict themselves.

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posted by paulamjj
I love Michael almost 2 years. He teaches me a lot of things like what is real life or "if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make the change".

My favourite: album - Dangerous
song - Black Or White
humanitarian song: Earth Song

I'm proud to be in his family. I'm proud to be a Soldier of love.

I just wanna to say: Thank you for everything Michael.
I Iove you❤.
Rest in peace...
added by cherl12345