Michael Jackson Club
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Over the last decade my tape recorder has been unfailing in catching the weirdness of a moment: Bruce Springsteen doing Ed Norton imitations at 3:00 a.m. The whir of bat wings over Eddy Grant’s Bajan plantation. Sting howling at the moon. But even my hypersensitive Sony was not up to capturing the steady flick of a snake tongue a few inches from my ear during that first long session with Michael Jackson. That whole trip was quietly strange; not menacing, just out there.

The reptile in question was Michael’s eight-foot boa constrictor, Muscles. For more than an hour, Muscles lay perfectly balanced on a banister beside me, head erect, beady eyes fixed on the small veins doubtless throbbing in my throat. Michael set him there when I declined to have Muscles lounge around my torso. It seemed a fair compromise.

Young Mike wasn’t being naughty. He explained it as an exercise in trust, and he was most convincing. If I was scared of snakes, he had a mortal dread of reporters – and maybe we should both get over it. Michael hadn’t done an interview in years without one of his sisters screening questions. And in the nearly ten years since our remarkable sessions in late ’82 (conducted as he was finishing Thriller), he has never again done an interview of this depth. Not that things went badly. It just was . . . hard.

Michael shocked everyone – his family, his management and his record company – by deciding to go it alone. He opened the front door of his rented Encino condo looking like a street whack. His corduroys were dirty and rumpled; the scuffed dress oxfords were untied. No socks. No makeup. His hospitality was touchingly inept; having run out of the proffered lemonade, he filled the other half of my glass with warm Hawaiian Punch. There was no food in the refrigerator, just juice. He explained that he was camping out there while his manse on Hayvenhurst was being rebuilt. But as she breezed through to her bedroom upstairs, sister Janet announced that he lived like a beggar, all the time; never ate except for some old lettuce leaves; wore raggedy-ass clothes. A disgrace . . .

“Right,” big brother shot back as she climbed the stairs. “At least I don’t have a booty like YOURS.”

Ten minutes into it, I could see his point. As he explained the tea party of garden statuary around his coffee table – including a Narcissus figure named Michael – I could hear how it would read. It nearly made me bawl. He was trying so damned hard.

We did agree to leave one part of our conversation out of the story, for his protection at the time. It came up as we sat in the condo dining room, and I noticed the school portrait of a young black woman tucked into the frame of an etching. The photo was one of the few personal touches in the place. The face looked like any .

“That’s the real Billie Jean,” Michael said. Quincy Jones had just played that cut for me in the studio; I knew the song was about a woman accusing the singer of fathering her child – which was what this woman’s letters insisted. Michael explained that he put the photo she’d sent in a central spot so he could memorize the face; it seemed she wanted him dead in a big way. He said she’d just sent him a gun in the mail with detailed instructions on killing himself. In a barely audible voice, Michael explained that the police had told him the gun was rigged to fire backward into the person doing the shooting. Later his mother would tell me that the woman was in an institution, under psychiatric care. When I saw the “Billie Jean” video a few months later – all disappearing tigers and pinpoint choreography – I kept seeing some girl in a green hospital gown.

“You deal with it,” Michael had told me. “You just deal.”

Over the next couple of days, Michael continued to deal with me, gamely, politely and with increasing humor. Janet shook her head in warning as he offered to drive us over for a tour of his house.

“Ray Charles drives better,” she cracked.

Strapped into his gold Camaro, I found myself longing for the relative safety of Muscle’s fond embrace. The motor skills were there, but Michael admitted that concentration was a problem. Horns were still honking at us as we pulled into the drive of the magic kingdom he was building for himself.

“You want go out tonight?”

Another surprise. Michael was going to a slam-jam Queen concert at the I.A. Forum. He wouldn’t mind the company. He felt he had to go. Freddie (the late Mr. Mercury, who died of AIDS in November 1991) had been calling him all week. He really should. . . .

Dusk was falling as we left for the show, Michael and his bodyguard Bill Bray walking point through the condo shrubbery toward a waiting limo. I thought they were being a bit silly – this was months before he hit monster status with Thriller. But they sensed the girls before I heard or saw them, made a dash to the car as a spiky red tangle of Lee press-on nails drummed against the windows.

“Lock it down!” Michael yelled to me, pointing to a panel at my knees. Limo savvy as I am, I hit the skylight button. Before it was half-open, arms reached in, clawing blindly.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee. The keening drew blue-haired condo dwellers peering from behind their Levelers. Bray was twisting back from the front seat, prying fingers with surprising gentleness. Michael was helpless with giggles. I was flat scared, looking for Billie Jean in those contorted faces stuck against the windows.

When at last we pulled away, I turned to look at Michael. He had “dressed” for this public evening in jeans and a turquoise terry blazer, black loafers and just a tinge of blusher. This precept Michael looked great – healthy, handsome and robustly African American.

We stopped to pick up Michael’s one true friend – a blond teenage skier who was then his partner in Jehovah’s Witness fieldwork – and just as much of a Lost Boy. When Bray piloted us into Mercury’s dressing room, the boys shrank back until fib Freddie bounded over like a dizzy Rottweiler and damn near crushed tiny Mike in a hug. They fell against a big trunk that opened, releasing a terrifying avalanche of Freddie’s industrial-strength jockstraps. Michael’s jaw dropped.

“Ooooooooh, Freddie. What are those?”

A gold football helmet fell out and came to rest on the mountain of cups.

“Rock & roll’s a man’s job, little brother,” Freddie thundered. Michael smiled and wanted to know if his host had really spent his last birthday hanging naked from a chandelier. The skier blushed. We all had a swell time until Freddie’s trainer called him over for a little preperformance spine cracking.

As it turned out, we didn’t see much of the concert. Things got too spooky again once Michael was recognized in the beery dark. Hands, notes, eyes, surrounded us. When an unidentifiable liquid began raining on our heads, Bray stood up. “That’s it. We’re gone.”

We spent more time together, in the studio with Quincy Jones, rambling through Michael’s unfinished pleasure dome and visiting his menagerie. Toward the end, while we were bottle feeding his twin fawns, he turned suddenly and looked me in the eyes. Finally.

“You know something? You’re no better than I am. I mean, you’re just as sneaky.”

“How do you figure that?” I asked.

“You tap-dance in public. Sure you do, all over the page in ROLLING STONE. You need to perform, too. But when you’re done, you can run away and hide. Nobody’s after you.”

Michael had me there, dead to rights. He laughed and put a hand on my shoulder.

“Believe me when I tell you – don’t know how lucky you are.”
Jaycee's P.O.V.

I sit alone in my bathroom upstairs, my reflection staring back at me. Mascara tears were rolling down on my cheeks, making my face look like it had spiders on it. Chunks of my own hair was scattered under my chair. That's right, I cut my hair. Now it was a short bob and it has a red-auburn color to it.

If my family won't change, then I'll just have to change for them. I can focus on anything anymore, all I ever think about is my torn up family. They're starting to affect me in ways that will ruin my life entirely. I changed my sense of style, from pretty girly girl dresses to black leather coats and lots of eyeliner.
added by chokladen94
Source: http://dew-sama.deviantart.com/
added by cherl12345
posted by Eternalmike
Michael's P.O.V
So it's ten and I told everyone about Dahlia being here. They think she's crazy but I don't. She did it out of love but no one knows about our relationship. I can't believe I had my first kiss with her last night! Her lips ever so soft touched mine into a kiss that felt like paradise. It's a paradise I would do anything for. Dahlia is getting dressed right now but this morning, she kissed me again. Our first good morning kiss and probably our last. It was a peck but it was a second of ecstasy. I'm using such mature words for my age but it's the way I feel. Plus, I read books...
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posted by cherl12345
Amazing What People Can Do With Technology
Amazing What People Can Do With Technology
After watching that hologram performance of Michael Jackson, I was completely mesmerized in awe of what people can do with technology; however,just like some of you,I've some mixed emotions in regards to the postumous digitally enhanced live performance from Michael Jackson via hologram. I wasn't too hyped up upon learning about the hologram being featured at the Billboard Music Awards, but I was quite curious to what it was going to be like, so looked it and I was quite impressed. Whether the hologram was real or not, it was history in the making in the music industry, and it go down in television...
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added by awsomegtax
Source: Sounding Heartbeats
Michael now
Michael now
4 years later...


Michael's P.O.V.

Things been going well, but I feel like I'm missing something. I haven't seen Jaycee since she moved to New York with her family back in '74. The only thing I have left of her is a gold chain necklace she gave me after one of my concerts. To tell the truth, I really do miss her and if I had the chance to, I would tell her that I love her. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Diana; as in Diana Ross. That's right, we were still shooting the Wiz.

" Mike, time to shoot again. You okay?" She asked with a smooth, calm voice...
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Fancy's P.O.V.

Michael and his brothers were playing basketball in our backyard like normal kids. Tito was trying to be act like he was a great basketball player, which he isn't and Jackie stole the ball maliciously while Tito was on cloud nine.

The game only lasted about ten minutes, kinda pitiful if you were to play in the NBA. Today was the last day they could stay before they left in the morning, so we decided to hang out as for long as we could.

I was in the kitchen popping some popcorn during our sleepover downstairs. Auntie Colette was already asleep and left us to fret for ourselves....
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posted by Eternalmike
Dahlia's P.O.V
So today is Wednesday and Michael invited me to his house for Friday. I already finished school and my little homework.I have met his family, he has such a big family! I only have a big brother. I also have my cat Athena. I'm a fan of Greek mythology and plus Athena tricked me into giving her my milk! Athena is a very smart cat. Athena is also silly and curious, like Michael.Michael wanted to bring my cat home. I told him you're not the only one that loves Athena! Today when he was inviting me to his house on Friday, he asked me if I could bring my cat along! I actually said maybe....
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Chapter 2 : kick your game

After the concert we met fans,signed autographs, and took pictures. After all of our group duties were done we were ushered to a tented Window limo. pebbles blew a kiss and waved us good bye saying that she would meet up with us tonight over dinner. We would of went right now with me, T-boz and chilli being hungry n all (for god sake she's eating for two now :) ) but pebbles said she had some 'important" manager things to handle. yeah right her husband is her boss I know what they're doing :)

on our way to not just any hotel but MGM GRAND HOTEL ! :

"so chilli you wanna...
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Chapter 1 :1,2,3,4 Yall Oooooh..... on the TLC Tip

T-L-C , T-L-C, T-L-C. , that was the Chant of the crowd before we hit the stage. wow just thinking we have millions of fans now and it's our first tour and our album has been out for six months and has reached #14 on the charts. ME Lisa Nicole Lopes being a member of a inspirational girl group !!!! Putting the L in TLC with my cool rapping style. I can see myself in days beyond now still giving that kick to the music industry for female rappers.

enough of that .….

Pebbles knocks on our dressing room door and sticks her head in "you girl's ready...
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posted by Eternalmike
The dress Dahlia's going to wear next week
The dress Dahlia's going to wear next week
Dahlia's P.O.V
So today is Saturday! It's now twelve in the afternoon and I'm going to go shopping with my mom. She has to buy new clothes for me and my brother Daniel.Daniel's ten and a boy so he doesn't like shopping. He rather play games with his friends than to shop for clothes.So yeah, see ya later!

Michael's P.O.V
Hey, it's Saturday and I'm hanging out with my brothers. We bought some candy and I'm playing store man.My brother Marlon tried to take my candy five minutes ago.Ok, now he's trying to take advantage of me by trying to steal my candy while I'm writing.Luckily, I got one eye on...
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Jaycee's P.O.V.

When Michael dropped me off, I felt sick to my stomach. Something is nagging at me, I just can't figure it out. It didn't help that Jada was in the car either, she's very annoying and pushy. The whole time her mouth was going ' Why are we leaving?' ' Can I stay at Hayvenhurst?' ' Can we stay longer?' ' Why do we have to go home so early?'.

Not only that, but I threw up on the way. I threw up on the sidewalk, on the street and in Michael's limo. When we finally got there, my vision was blurry, my throat had a knot in it and my back was killing me. This was officially the worst...
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Next Morning...

Fancy's P.O.V.

In the dining room, we were eating pancakes while listening to some of Motown's greatest hits. Watching Michael eat reminded me of when we used to eat pancakes at my house back in Gary. I miss all the good times we had together...

( Flashback 1966)

Orlando, Florida

Michael and I were watching the waves cascade over the beach floor and flush away. The sun's warm rays pressed heat on our backs while the cotton like clouds hovered over our heads.

Our feet was deep in the golden brown sand while our hands were clutched together. Gary was nothing like Florida. This...
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The Locket
The Locket
2 months later...

Michael's P.O.V.

Joseph's van was almost packed up. I looked over at Fancy's house. She hasn't come out yet. I hope I haven't hurt her. Marlon came up to me. " Waitin' for Fancy to come out, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. " Yes. Why do you care? I almost had her until you kissed her." Marlon smiled. " Michael, I'm not interested in her no more. I realize you and her were meant to be. Her sister is where it's at!" I smile and help Jermaine and Tito carry the boxes out.

Fancy's P.O.V

I was busy ironing out clothes with my mother while I heard coming from next door. I look out the window...
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Haylee caught him, pushed Michael against a wall, and began kissing him.After a sensual kiss, Haylee said" I want you so bad Michael. I'd never thought I could find a guy like you but I did,please be mine!" "Sorry Haylee, I already have someone that I love"Michael said pushing Haylee away."Yeah in another world Michael"Haylee said resisting Michael's pushing."Ok but I still love her and I'm going back to my world as soon as I find the machine" Michael said with one last great push that sends Haylee falling.Haylee got back up a few seconds later and said"Fine, you win. Since you don't love me...
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Within the next hour, Michael sat closer to me and took a sniff of my neck “Are you wearing perfume?" Michael asked as I nodded yes “It smells nice. Cherry blossom?" Michael rubbed his nose on my neck “Yes. Michael um..." my voice trailed off and he looked up at me “I'm sorry. I just wanted to smell your fragrance." Michael said as he took one more sniff and moaned. Now I wanted to know what the hell was going on “Michael are you..." Michael gave me a scary look on his face “What?" His eyes flashed gold again and I got up and walked over to him, I looked into his eyes and held...
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Michael and other Michael woke up at 11:25 AM.The Aunt made breakfast for everyone downstairs. Michael and other Michael went downstairs seeing Haylee and David also there."Good Other Mike and good morning Michael!" Haylee said with eyes on Michael."Good Morning Haylee!"Other Mike said."Good morning to you Haylee" Michael said acting like Haylee didn't kiss him last night."Good morning y'all!" David said with a western accent."Good morning David " Other Michael and Michael said in unison."Good Morning, have some breakfast" The aunt said.The Michaels sat at the table and the aunt gave them their...
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added by mjjennine
Source: mjjennine
added by cherl12345