Michael Jackson Club
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Over the last decade my tape recorder has been unfailing in catching the weirdness of a moment: Bruce Springsteen doing Ed Norton imitations at 3:00 a.m. The whir of bat wings over Eddy Grant’s Bajan plantation. Sting howling at the moon. But even my hypersensitive Sony was not up to capturing the steady flick of a snake tongue a few inches from my ear during that first long session with Michael Jackson. That whole trip was quietly strange; not menacing, just out there.

The reptile in question was Michael’s eight-foot boa constrictor, Muscles. For more than an hour, Muscles lay perfectly balanced on a banister beside me, head erect, beady eyes fixed on the small veins doubtless throbbing in my throat. Michael set him there when I declined to have Muscles lounge around my torso. It seemed a fair compromise.

Young Mike wasn’t being naughty. He explained it as an exercise in trust, and he was most convincing. If I was scared of snakes, he had a mortal dread of reporters – and maybe we should both get over it. Michael hadn’t done an interview in years without one of his sisters screening questions. And in the nearly ten years since our remarkable sessions in late ’82 (conducted as he was finishing Thriller), he has never again done an interview of this depth. Not that things went badly. It just was . . . hard.

Michael shocked everyone – his family, his management and his record company – by deciding to go it alone. He opened the front door of his rented Encino condo looking like a street whack. His corduroys were dirty and rumpled; the scuffed dress oxfords were untied. No socks. No makeup. His hospitality was touchingly inept; having run out of the proffered lemonade, he filled the other half of my glass with warm Hawaiian Punch. There was no food in the refrigerator, just juice. He explained that he was camping out there while his manse on Hayvenhurst was being rebuilt. But as she breezed through to her bedroom upstairs, sister Janet announced that he lived like a beggar, all the time; never ate except for some old lettuce leaves; wore raggedy-ass clothes. A disgrace . . .

“Right,” big brother shot back as she climbed the stairs. “At least I don’t have a booty like YOURS.”

Ten minutes into it, I could see his point. As he explained the tea party of garden statuary around his coffee table – including a Narcissus figure named Michael – I could hear how it would read. It nearly made me bawl. He was trying so damned hard.

We did agree to leave one part of our conversation out of the story, for his protection at the time. It came up as we sat in the condo dining room, and I noticed the school portrait of a young black woman tucked into the frame of an etching. The photo was one of the few personal touches in the place. The face looked like any .

“That’s the real Billie Jean,” Michael said. Quincy Jones had just played that cut for me in the studio; I knew the song was about a woman accusing the singer of fathering her child – which was what this woman’s letters insisted. Michael explained that he put the photo she’d sent in a central spot so he could memorize the face; it seemed she wanted him dead in a big way. He said she’d just sent him a gun in the mail with detailed instructions on killing himself. In a barely audible voice, Michael explained that the police had told him the gun was rigged to fire backward into the person doing the shooting. Later his mother would tell me that the woman was in an institution, under psychiatric care. When I saw the “Billie Jean” video a few months later – all disappearing tigers and pinpoint choreography – I kept seeing some girl in a green hospital gown.

“You deal with it,” Michael had told me. “You just deal.”

Over the next couple of days, Michael continued to deal with me, gamely, politely and with increasing humor. Janet shook her head in warning as he offered to drive us over for a tour of his house.

“Ray Charles drives better,” she cracked.

Strapped into his gold Camaro, I found myself longing for the relative safety of Muscle’s fond embrace. The motor skills were there, but Michael admitted that concentration was a problem. Horns were still honking at us as we pulled into the drive of the magic kingdom he was building for himself.

“You want go out tonight?”

Another surprise. Michael was going to a slam-jam Queen concert at the I.A. Forum. He wouldn’t mind the company. He felt he had to go. Freddie (the late Mr. Mercury, who died of AIDS in November 1991) had been calling him all week. He really should. . . .

Dusk was falling as we left for the show, Michael and his bodyguard Bill Bray walking point through the condo shrubbery toward a waiting limo. I thought they were being a bit silly – this was months before he hit monster status with Thriller. But they sensed the girls before I heard or saw them, made a dash to the car as a spiky red tangle of Lee press-on nails drummed against the windows.

“Lock it down!” Michael yelled to me, pointing to a panel at my knees. Limo savvy as I am, I hit the skylight button. Before it was half-open, arms reached in, clawing blindly.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee. The keening drew blue-haired condo dwellers peering from behind their Levelers. Bray was twisting back from the front seat, prying fingers with surprising gentleness. Michael was helpless with giggles. I was flat scared, looking for Billie Jean in those contorted faces stuck against the windows.

When at last we pulled away, I turned to look at Michael. He had “dressed” for this public evening in jeans and a turquoise terry blazer, black loafers and just a tinge of blusher. This precept Michael looked great – healthy, handsome and robustly African American.

We stopped to pick up Michael’s one true friend – a blond teenage skier who was then his partner in Jehovah’s Witness fieldwork – and just as much of a Lost Boy. When Bray piloted us into Mercury’s dressing room, the boys shrank back until fib Freddie bounded over like a dizzy Rottweiler and damn near crushed tiny Mike in a hug. They fell against a big trunk that opened, releasing a terrifying avalanche of Freddie’s industrial-strength jockstraps. Michael’s jaw dropped.

“Ooooooooh, Freddie. What are those?”

A gold football helmet fell out and came to rest on the mountain of cups.

“Rock & roll’s a man’s job, little brother,” Freddie thundered. Michael smiled and wanted to know if his host had really spent his last birthday hanging naked from a chandelier. The skier blushed. We all had a swell time until Freddie’s trainer called him over for a little preperformance spine cracking.

As it turned out, we didn’t see much of the concert. Things got too spooky again once Michael was recognized in the beery dark. Hands, notes, eyes, surrounded us. When an unidentifiable liquid began raining on our heads, Bray stood up. “That’s it. We’re gone.”

We spent more time together, in the studio with Quincy Jones, rambling through Michael’s unfinished pleasure dome and visiting his menagerie. Toward the end, while we were bottle feeding his twin fawns, he turned suddenly and looked me in the eyes. Finally.

“You know something? You’re no better than I am. I mean, you’re just as sneaky.”

“How do you figure that?” I asked.

“You tap-dance in public. Sure you do, all over the page in ROLLING STONE. You need to perform, too. But when you’re done, you can run away and hide. Nobody’s after you.”

Michael had me there, dead to rights. He laughed and put a hand on my shoulder.

“Believe me when I tell you – don’t know how lucky you are.”
my beautiful ghost
my beautiful ghost
coming to a small dirt road she looked left and right. There was nowhere else to go but straight up the narrow road. Bumping her way over loose pebbles cursing as her head hit the roof of the car when it went over a particularly large boulder.She finally came to a run down house that had a sign SOMEPLACE ELSE. Hesitating Jennine stepped out of the car, glad to stretch her legs after the long drive. The sun was beginning to go down casting eerie shadows over the already scary looking house. Jennine fumbled for the key in her pocket. Placing it with trembling figers into the rusty lock the door creaked open. Inside was dusty and dark. Jennine fought back a scream as a spider web brushed her face. flicking the light switch she realised there was no electricity. Great she thought to herself. Now what the hell do I do. She saw two double doors agead of her. She moved towards them slowly. The floor boards creaked as she stepped carefully on the old floor.
my beautiful michael
my beautiful michael
jennine couldnt believe it. She had been picked out of 1000 participants of a contest. She just had to pas the final question and she had a ggod chance of winning. the major prize was a starring role in a music video. with whom she didnt know but she didnt realy care. It would be so cool to star in a video. slowly she dressed carefully wanting to make a lasting impression on the judges. smiling at the reflection in the mirror she confidently set off to her destination which was only a thirty minute drive. turning up the volume in her car she smiled as her idol Michael Jackson started singing...
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The next day Michael was still pissed off from lastnight what happen with Tatiana but he couldn't be more pissed then ever. Michael love Tatiana soo much but she was a bitch for cheating on him. But Michael just put that aside for now he had to go to work so he put his clothes on for today. Michael went to work late it was 7:00 so he walk in and he said " sorry guys that I was late the bus was late" (everyone look at him crazy) Michael said " what get the hell to work" (everyone just did what he said) then they took a 5 mins break and went to work and then everybody left exself for Michael he just wanted to know why would Tatiana cheat on him like that??? What did he do to her? then Michael put that aside 2 and left and went home. Michael start to cry and fellsleep. Thinking about Taitana. To be Contuine.. Hope u like it!!! :) sorry if its short again :( but still hope u like it :)
Sorry,I couldn't find any picture with all of them.He is so funny and cute in this one!:))
Sorry,I couldn't find any picture with all of them.He is so funny and cute in this one!:))
The next day Madeline woke up and looked around her:the Jacksons were missing!She went downstairs and saw them in the kitchen,nobody was home."What are you doing here?!What if someone would have seen you?!Where's everybody?"."They are in the town visiting and your cousin is in the garden playing with the dog and nobody saw us,we went here after they all left.",Bad said."Don't worry,Madeline!We are allright!",Thriller said."Guys,this is seriuos!This is dangerous!",she said."And speaking of Dangerous,where is he?",she asked.They looked around and History said:"I don't know,he was here a minute...
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The Next day Michael wakes up and he still in his Pjs and he takes a shower and put back pjs and pick new one becuz he wasn't going anywhere today he guess and he just sat on his bed and lay down and he was just thinking about Jenna and couple second more Michael phone was ringing he was think who heck is calling me so he picks up the phone and Michael said " hello who is this?" Jenna said " um Michael this is Jenna sorry is this a bad time calling you??" Michael said " no its a good time calling me so whats up?" Jenna said " nothing I'm relly bored can I go to um... your house ?" Michael said...
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The Michael Jackson estate is tired of waiting for Lloyd's of London to pay out on the $17.5 million "This Is it" insurance policy -- so they're going after Lloyd's in court ... demanding they pay up, stat.

Lloyd's of London originally issued the policy to cover potential losses for MJ's 2009 "This Is It" concerts -- but earlier this year, the company asked an L.A. court to declare the policy null and void ... claiming MJ lied about his medical history and drug addiction.

Lloyd's insists the policy "was restricted to losses resulting from accident only" -- pointing out Michael's official cause of death was "homicide."

But the estate is now on the offensive -- filing a cross-complaint, claiming MJ never intended to die, whether by homicide or not, so his death still qualifies as an accident.

But the estate isn't just settling for the original $17.5 million -- they also want punitive damages. FYI, suing for punitive damages often scares the crap out of insurance companies.
posted by flinn123jacko
the next day, patricia realized that shes at michael's house.

"michael, michael, where are u?? michael????" she yelled

"down stairs, at the kitchen" he yelled back.

"hey, thanks for letting me stay for the night, and sorry by surprisingly sleep at your house."

"no prob. now, go, get ready. cause we are going to the studio a half an hour from now"

"but i dont bring any backup clothes."

"dont worry, i told my housemaid to buy you some clothes. they're on your bed"

"thanks so much"

after patricia get ready, they get going to the studio. at the studio, they immediately get to rehears. along the rehears...
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The next Michael wake up and he goes in the bathroom and he took shower and he got ready and he put hes clothes on and then Michael went down stairs and he said " dad and mom i wanna drop out of school can i do it?" dad said " No just because that girl name Rosie come in your life you want srew it up just because that girl I'm not let you do that I know I haven't been there I wanna try to be there for you now Michael I LOVE YOU" Michael said " look father I dont know what got in to you but I'm droping out of school so leave at that" mom said " no you not Michael don't start acting like this...
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posted by michaeljsgirl
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Michael asked her, his voice quivering now. She said nothing, but motioned for him to sit. Michael smiled nervously at her & she in return raised one eyebrow in a suspicious manner. "What's your name?" Michael asked after a brief period of silence. "Chloe." she replied. "Nice to meet you, Chloe, I'm Michael." The uneasy feeling in his stomach had manifested itself in his words. Chloe looked at Michael & again raised her eyebrow. The aura which she produced was one of indecipherable emotions that were running all too high. Another long silence ensued....
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posted by sandiphardy
    ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
Min- - - - - - - - - -- - ●Max
► Play. ▌▌Pause. ■

Min- - - - - - - - - -- - ●MaX
╔══╗ ♥ ♫ ♥
║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫
║(O)║♥ ♥
╚══╝♥ : Playing Music Michael Jackson.


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posted by Applehead123
car blow up
car blow up
This chapter 2 its be car blowing up
get ready becuz this part 2.

Michael say " guys we need plan here" and Justin say " so u telling us boss that u dont have a freaking plan right? Michael say " hell no i dont get me wrong i wasn't ready for this" John say " lets just do this if someone dies we come help them and Yells : WE NEVER BACK DOWN FOR ANYTHING Michael say " john is right lets do this " so then Michael and hes boys just starting killing the bad boys and then Brad Pitt was running out of bank Michael say " we get Brad Pitt Now !" then Michael and hes boys came out and then a car blow...
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Today is the two-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death -- and the saga has played out like a soap opera about betrayal, jealousy, love, greed and redemption.

When TMZ broke the news, it triggered a flood of stories about Jackson's struggles with drugs, the doctors who enabled him, the mystery surrounding his death, a little known drug called propofol, a family war against Michael's estate, a full court press to erase Michael's debt, and a posthumous marketing campaign to rival Elvis.

Take a look at TMZ's timeline from the moment we found something was terribly wrong with Michael.
posted by NikkiLovesMJ
Today .. it's been 2 years since the fetus of your Love went Away .. Since the day of 25th of June , I kept crying looking in the sky with my hands reaching to toch the sky shaking asking ''Why?'' .. but I knew the reason why .. The more I think about it , the more hurted I am and the more I feel my heart tearing apart by every inch every second , like it's lasting Forever . I know you are in a better place now where you fly free like Peter Pan , no matter in how much pain I am , that doesn't matter , it matters that you are Happy now like you deserve it from the begining , I regret that I...
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With the two-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death approaching -- one helicopter company is giving fans the chance to pay their respects ... by raining flowers down around Neverland ... mid-flight.

The 30-minute Channel Island Helicopter flights are set to take off June 24th and 25th -- exactly two years since Jackson died after a Propofol-induced cardiac arrest.

During the flight, passengers are encouraged to honor the late entertainer by chucking his favorite flower -- a red rose -- out of the helicopter mid-flight ... over nearby Zaca Peak.

A rep for the helicopter company tell us -- fans are super excited for the aerial tour ... saying they feel it will bring them "closer to heaven" ... and closer to Michael.
posted by natasajackson
Told me that you're doin' wrong
Word out shockin' all alone
Cryin' wolf ain't like a man
Throwin' rocks to hide your hands

You ain't done enough for me
You ain't done enough for me
You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah
You're aiming just for me
You are disgustin' me
Just want your cut from me
But too bad, too bad

Look who just walked in the place
Dead and stuffy in the face
Look who's standing if you please
Though you tried to bring me to my knees

Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and...
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posted by vkg123
During the trip, all were quiet. Essie was catching a glimpse at Michael from time to time. "He is so handsome with his sweet face and curly hair and brown eyes" Essie thought. She caught another glimpse at Michael but this time, Michael caught her looking at him. Essie immediately turned away and blushed. "Why?" Michael asked with a smile. "What do you mean?" Essie said still looking away. "Why are you looking at me?" Michael said still smiling. "I am not!" Essie said looking at Michael sweetly. "Yes you are" Michael replied with a laugh. "Nu-uh" Essie said also laughing. The two of them burst...
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Groundbreaking “Crowdsourced” Video to Debut TODAY, June 14th on Facebook.com/MichaelJackson
New York, NY – This spring, the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music gave everyone around the world the opportunity to be a part of Michael Jackson’s video legacy with The Behind the Mask Project. This groundbreaking, global online casting call prompted people in all corners of the planet who love Michael Jackson’s music to shoot, upload and submit their own unique performances for inclusion in the video; the project elicited an unprecedented response from 103 countries in the world. And...
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Planet Earth, my home, my place
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spacship, a large asteroid
Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my swweetheart soft and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.
In my veins I've felt the mystery
Of corridors of time, books of hisotry
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Lloyd's of London has gone to court ... asking a judge to let the company off the financial hook, claiming it doesn't owe the Michael Jackson Estate $17.5 million on grounds MJ was a fraud.

The company issued the muilti-million dollar policy to cover the doomed "This Is It" tour for losses.

But Lloyd's claims it doesn't have to honor the policy for 2 primary reasons:

1. Michael Jackson and AEG allegedly lied about Michael's medical history -- specifically, MJ said he had not seen a doctor other than a cosmetic MD since June, 2005.

2. Michael did not disclose he was taking prescription drugs prior to and at the time of his death -- including Propofol.

Lloyd's is asking the court for a declaration that the policy is null and void as a result of the alleged fraud.

Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the Estate, tells TMZ, "This legal action is nothing more than an insurance company trying to avoid paying a legitimate claim by the insured."
posted by flinn123jacko
but joshephine said no.

the next day, the math teacher is bagging joshephine to tutor paris.

then, joshephine said yes. and as also paris. then joshephine make a schedule for paris tutoring place and time. then she told paris

" ok then, meet me at the mal 4o'clock tomorrow ok."

then paris said.
" why mall??"
" because is u're fave. place right. it's more easy to learn something hard at u're fave place u know.

and the next day, what josephine says is right, the next day, she got an A st her math. the she told her dad about it.
then her dad said.
" then why didn't u take her here. i wanna see...
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