Mew Mew Power Club
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Previously on part 1, Zoey and the crew were ecstatic when they discovered a person in the name of Kasey who has the ability to transforme into diffrent creatures. After trying to prove himself to Elliot, he is denied in joining with the Mew Project and storms out of the cafe angry and hurt. Hoping to save his rejection as well as getting him to join, Zoey is on a quest to locate him and try to convince him to forget about what Elliot said and make him to join the team anyway.

In part 2, Zoey begins her quest to find Kasey and hope to let him join. But when Dren comes down to Earth once again, all might be lost or in danger.

And the story continues...

The next day has already arrived and Zoey is once again on her rushing spree to get to school.

Zoey: *With the speed of light* Why does my dad make me watch those dumb reailty shows anyway? Is it really intresting to watch people fall of dangerous treachs or watch them almost get attacked by a shark? I'll never watch those kind of shows as long a I live!

Her fast speed has almost caused many people to fall and injure themselves. Whoever she knocked over she stopped, helped them up and apolgize with continuing running at high speed after that. This went all through most of the minute until she finally reached the school.

Zoey: *Exhausted* Am I here at last? *Looks up with her eyes almost closed* Ah, thank goodness!

With exhaustion, Zoey walked all the way to class. By the time she made it to her desk, she collasped.

Megan: Late again Zoey?

Zoey: Barely....

Mimi: I must say that is a record.

Zoey: You think so Mimi?

Mimi: Yeah, a record of being late.

Zoey: *Sighed* I was late wasn't I?

Megan: Not quite, but you were barely late when the bell rung.

Zoey: Thank heavens I wasn't officialy late because if I was I would be in big trouble. I may even get sent to the office again.

Mimi: *Giggles*

Zoey: *Sighed once more, but covered her head with her arms*

Megan: Hey Mimi, I think it's time we tell her now.

Zoey: *Uncovered herself and looked up* Tell me what?

Mimi: *Worried expression* Last night, Megan and I were on our way home when we saw this strange figure hiding behind a large tree. It looked looked like it was stalking us.

Zoey: You saw something else last night?

Megan: Yes, but this time it was diffrent. It looked like a large cat or something.

Zoey: *In her mind* If they saw something diffrent this time, that must mean...Kasey!

Mimi: *Trying to get her attention* Zoey? Hello?

Zoey: *Shook her head fast* It's nothing guys.

Megan: Do you know who or what this strange thing is that keeps stalking us at night?

Mimi: Or that keeps poping up on the news every day and night?

Zoey: Uhhhhhhh! *Looks at both of them* What is with all these questions? Why do you think I know anything about this?

Megan and Mimi: *Shocked by her tone and reaction*

Zoey: I mean, can't you two get the fact that I don't know anything about this? Not at all?!

Megan: Calm down. We're sorry for presuring you. We just wanted to know if you knew anything is all.

Zoey: *Took a deep breath and sighed* It's okay guys. But seriously, why ask me all of these questions?

Mimi: Because you're the only best known person we all trust Zoey.

Megan: And if we asked anyone else, they would think we are crazy.

Zoey: I see what you mean. I'm really sorry again guys. I just don't know what to explain.

Just then, Mark walked to them.

Megan and Mimi: Hi Mark. *Blushes*

Mark: Hey. Can you two give Zoey and I a minute please?

Megan and Mimi: Oh, sure. *Leaves*

Zoey: *Tried to stop them*

Mark: So, have you took a picture of that creature yet?

Zoey: *Turns her head back at him and blushes with embarrassment* No, I haven't yet. But I will. *Smiles*

Mark: That's okay. Just take all the time you need.

Zoey: *In her mind* Perfect, it's just the next day and I still haven't got a picture of Kasey yet. What am I going to do?

Mark: Everything alright?

Zoey: Huh? Oh yeah! Everything's fine. I was just um, dreaming is all.

Mark: *Smiles*

As the hours went on by, so was the school hours and it was over for the day. Zoey was on her way to the cafe but had to do her quest to finding Kasey. She took a trip at the downtown park and explored every part and section, but had no luck finding him.

Zoey: *Misreable* This is great! Without Kasey, our team could be in big trouble. Not to mention he will be in trouble too when Dren gets to him first. I must find him and fast.

Suddenly, a sound was heard above her. She quickly turned and looked up at a large tree to see a leopard, lying on one of the branches.

Zoey: Hey Kasey. That is you right?

Kasey: Um, who else do you know can turn into this thing and talk like a human? *Jumps down from the tree and lands on the ground on all four feet* So, what do you want?

Zoey: Oh yeah! Well, you prouably don't remeber me sense it's been only yesterday but-

Kasey: Don't think I forgot okay? I know who you are- your the girl who is a Mew which I wish I could join in but I can't because according to your "boss-man" I'm not good enough to be on the team.

Zoey: You don't understand what happend yesterday. We do want you to be part of the team. Elliot tends to make things hard on us all. He often takes his words to brute matters and often declines everything we do and say even if we try telling him everything. I came out here because I care for you Kasey. You say you have respect for us and we feel the same way about you too. If you can just give us some time to explain everything to Elliot, maybe he'll change his mind and let you join.

Kasey: I just don't understand why he needs "proof" from me. Do I look like an alien to you?

Zoey: Of course not, but don't take it out on me or my friends. We're sticking up for you but you're judging us when you should be mad at him.

Kasey: Maybe I changed my mind about joining with you guys anyway. I mean, why would I join in when I'm not welcomed?

Zoey: Quit now? No, no Kasey! Don't do that! We need you more than you think. Everyone else even thinks you're cool, My friend Kikki for instance likes you a lot.

Kasey: Is she that girl in the orange cafe outfit that was tickling my stomach?

Zoey: Yeah, that's her. She enjoys fun and games all the time.

Kasey: *Looks up while smiling* Yeah, she was the best tickle person I've ever seen.

Zoey: See? We like you a lot which is why I came all the way out here to convince you to join in anyway. Please- it would mean a lot to me and my friends if you did.

Kasey: Well...I still don't know. I'll have to think about it clearly. If I made my mind up, I'll let you know.

Zoey: Okay. But I hope you say yes. Our team could use your abilites and powers.

Kasey: I know you do. And truth is, I've always wanted to side along with you guys. I better get going now before the crowd shows up. Take care and I will come to you if I made up my mind. *Walks away*

Zoey: *Sighs while slightly smiling at him* I honestly hope you make up your mind Kasey...I so hope. *Turns the other way and walks*

At the cafe, Zoey explains what happend to everyone.

Bridget: He's going to make up his mind?

Zoey: *Nodds* He's still angry over what Elliot said to him yesterday so he told me he would think it over.

Kikki: I wish he make up his mind faster. I really need a new playmate.

Zoey: What's wrong with us? Are we boring?

Kikki: Of course not! I just need someone to play with me you know.

Zoey: I suppose.

Elliot: *Walks by* Girls, get working now.

As he was leaving, the girls were staring at him.

Bridget: I wonder what's wrong with him.

Zoey: He prouably knows about me talking to Kasey or something.

Bridget: You really think he's smart to know that?

Zoey: Well, who else does he know would screw anything up?

Bridget: You don't screw things up.

Zoey: Well maybe to him I'm the one who does. You heard what he said yesterday didnt you?

Bridget: Of course we did, but that doesn't mean you should feel bad. What you're doing is the right way to go.

Zoey: *Put her hands on her stomach* All of a sudden I don't feel so good.

Bridget and Kikki: *Helped her*

Elliot: *Walks back, but notcies Zoey in pain* What's going on?

Bridget: I think Zoey has an upset stomach.

Elliot: Hm. *Looks at her*

Zoey: *Moaning in pain*

Elliot: You can go home if you wish to.

Zoey: *Suprised by his answer* What?

Elliot: I said you can go if you want to. Don't act like you're suprised. *Leaves*

Zoey: He is weird, but at lease he has a bit of heart.

Bridget: Yeah, I guess he does.

With his advice being said, Zoey was on her way home. It wasn't clear in why she was feeling upset- possibly due to everything Kasey said to her.

Zoey: *Starts to cry* Kasey, I just wish you could come out and say it.

At that moment, Dren slowly flew down behind her.

Dren: Who are you talking about?

Zoey: *Gasped while turning around quickly* Dren!

Dren: Yep, the one and only me is here. Where are your other little friends huh?

Zoey: It doesn't concern you!

Dren: Oh but it should seeing as I have yet to introduce you to my latest new Predacyte. *Unleashes it*

When the glowing stopped, a Predacyte butterfly was seen.

Zoey: *Shocked* A butterfly Predacyte?

Dren: That's right! The only thing about this one is that whenver it flaps its wings, it releases powerful dust toxins which will put you to a long sleep. So I hope you packed a blanket and pillow. *Laughs*

Zoey: *Growled* Very funny Dren! I'll have you know that I will not be going to sleep on this one! *Grabs her pendant*

Calling out the words, she transformed herself into her Mew form while saying her famous slogan- "Mew Mew Style, Mew Mew Grace, Mew Mew Power in your face!"

Dren: Now lets get this action started shall we?

Mew Zoey: Ha! It'll be a short action sequnce! *Gets ready to perform her Strawberry Bell attack*

Dren: I don't think so kitty! Go and use your posion toxins to put her to sleep!

With his command, the Predacyte started flapping its colorful wings in which the toxins were released. When Mew Zoey sniffed the toxins by accident, she felt dizzy and dropped to the ground.

Dren: *Laughs* This is much easier said then done! Lets finish her off fellow Predacyte!

The giant creature charged full speed at the snoring Mew Mew. But in the nick of time, something else flew by and caught her with its feet.

Dren: Huh?! *Watches as the giant thing flew over him* Hey! Pick your own victim! She's mine! Go after it!

The Predacyte flew after the giant-winged creature, which is soon revealed to be Kasey who transformed himself into a Pteranodon. With the skills of a flyer, he dodged the Predacyte's every attack. Hour after hour, the Predacyte gave up and flew back to Dren.

Kasey: Phew! *Looks down at Mew Zoey who was still sleeping* I'm very sorry about before. I guess I should've felt this coming. But you're safe now. And...

Just then, Mew Corina performed the Heart Arrow attack at him thinking that he was the Predacyte. With the arrow striking at him, the giant creature screamed with pain and fell fast to the ground, letting go of the past out Mew. While the the others caught her, Kasey fell to the ground and slide some- being very weak.

Mew Corina: Are you okay Zoey? *Shakes her* Zoey!

Mew Bridget: I think she is passed out.

Kikki: *Points to the winged reptile* By that thing no doubt about it.

Everyone turned their attention to the weak Pteranodon who tried to get back up but was very weak to do so.

Kasey: *Tried to speak* You....don't understand.....I didn't...hurt her....

Everyone: *Confused*

Kasey: It was....*Coughed* him....*Turns his head around behind him*

As everyone turned their heads to the direction he was looking at, they were shocked to see Dren walking closer as well as his butterfly Preadacyte.

Mew Corina: Dren! You were the one who did this to Zoey!

Dren: Excatly. But thanks to this guy here *Points at Kasey* he blew off my plan of killing her.

Mew Bridget: That must mean Kasey was only trying to save her. And you shot that arrow at him. *Refering to Corina*

Mew Corina: I'm sorry! I didn't know he wasn't a Predacyte!

Mew Zoey: *Awoken from the nap* What's going on?

Mew Kikki: Zoey! You're okay! *Hugs her*

Mew Zoey: *Laughs while trying to get her off* Yeah, I'm fine really.

Mew Corina: Zoey...I have something bad to tell you.

Mew Zoey: What is it? *Looks behind her and notcies Kasey lying on the ground* Wait...that's not-

Mew Corina: Yes.

Mew Zoey: And you attacked him???! *Runs to him*

Mew Corina: *Watches as she races to him*

Mew Zoey: Kasey...

Kasey: *Looks up at her* Hey..I'm sorry for being rude to you eariler. I...

Mew Zoey: You don't have to say it Kasey...I already know. *Lifts his head while getting teary eyed* I'm sorry too Kasey...

Kasey: *Coughed* You better go and save yourself from that guy before he kills you all.

Mew Zoey: Right. *Lays his head back down and stand up, turning towards Dren*

Dren: So, who is this creature?

Mew Zoey: This creature is named Kasey and he is one of us.

Dren: Oh really? You're not serious? That guy is going to join with ya'll? *Laughs* You're pulling my leg!

Mew Zoey: Laugh all you want Dren, but it's true. He's going to join us and show you what it means to be super powerful. He has the ability to turn into any creature alive and can use these powers for his advtantages. So if you want to pick a fight with him, you'll have to get through me and my friends to get to him.

Dren: You know, now that you mention it he could become usefull when I need a Predacyte to make...

Mew Zoey: *Gasped* You will not turn him into one! If I see you do, I will go after you!

Mew Bridget: *To the others* She sure is confident.

Mew Corina: Impressive..

Dren: Enough talk about this! Lets just finish this! Attack!

The Predacyte butterfly came charging after Mew Zoey. But before she could do anything she notcied Kasey getting up and performed a plasma beam attack causing the Predacyte to turn back into a butterfly as well as the Predacyte's physical form to leave.

Dren: *Shocked but then grinned a bit* Nice going there new recurit, but keep in mind you won't last forever when I come after you. *Flys into the air, crossing through the portal* Chow!

The attack performed by Kasey made him super weak that he passed out once more, but this time fell through a deep sleep.

Mew Zoey: *Walks to him and lifts his head* I knew I could count you Kasey...

Mew Bridget: So what does this mean? Is he on the team yet?

Mew Zoey: *Looked up at the others* Not quite, but once we show Elliot this I'm sure he will be in no time.

So you now know the story of how Kasey, this rare and brilliant hereo meet the Mew Mews as well as getting to know them. But what are the chances of him being a Mew once when Elliot finds out?

Until next time on "Mew Mew Power: A New Generation"! ^_^
added by KuriYorokobi
Just A Video That I Wanted To Make.It Matched Realy Good So I Wanted To Make It. I Already Thought About Doing This Before But I Just Now Decided To Make It. It Matched Better With This Opening Than It Did The Original Japanese Opening. :3
added by princessAries
NOTE: The following story was written exclusively in honor of my birthday and has no close connection with my other fanfiction on here, "Mew Mew Power: A New Generation". Please enjoy the story. :3

The peace within the city was utterly interrupted by the sounds of constant crashing and roaring. A very large, monster-like creature was attacking something. While that certain something wasn’t visible through the chaos it became obvious that whatever it was attacking was a nescience.

When the smoke cleared, it was revealed what the monster was attacking. A young girl who wore a bright, pink colored...
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I Want You To Guess Who This Is. :3
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After watching this scene, I just couldn't resist doing this!
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bad puns
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 1

*Yggdrasil Inc. Building*

Takatora Kureshima: *Patiently sitting* When are they going to show up...

Quiche: *Appears* Who called me down to this place?

Takatora Kureshima: I am Takatora Kureshima, future owner of the Yggdrasil Corperation, but for now I head the research branch.

Quiche: Well it's nice to meet you. But why did you summon me this rock?

Takatora Kureshima: I need you to bring me a specimen of a thing called the "Mew Mews".

Quiche: *Eyes widen* You want that? Alright then. *Disappears*

*Mew Mew Cafe*

Kota Kazuraba: *Walks in* Hello, is there anyone here?

Zoe: *Walks up to him*...
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Mutt it. Lettuce's attack was interrupted by that crystal in the sky. I CALL BEING THE ACTOR OF PUDDING! (Sorry she is too cute.) Plus Kisshu vs Blue knight love it. I fist youtube ALOT.
mew mew power
Previously in part 1, tragedy happens when Kasey is suffering from electrical reactions which were caused by the attack from the last episode. The girls feel awful for not helping their friend, but another tragic moment occurs- Bridget is home with a fever and is also very ill as well. This could be the start of something serious or even chaotic. With Zoey, Corina, Kikki, and Renee being the only ones left on the team it will be a very hard journey for them to take care of the Cyniclons as well as saving the city.

In part 2, the Mew Project has now been switched to four girls for the time being....
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added by Icy_Fire
wide awake by katy perre
mew mew power
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In the last episode, Kasey goes through his first fate when he runs away after being teased by a group of high school kids who also wanted to know his true identity. Lucky for him, Zoey and the others were on the run in search for him as well as rescueing him from an out of this world experince- from suffring with starvation to being turned into a Predacyte for the first time. But at the end, things got better..or so the girls would imagine.

In episode 4, word has been going around about a strange monster that lives in the city sewers and has a scary way of showing itself. When the gang discover...
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added by KuriYorokobi
This is a Mew Mew Power Mewsic Video. i was supposed to upload this one this club first but i put it on Tokyo Mew Mews Club first LOLZ! :3 I Do Not Own This.
Zoey:Guys Mini Mew is Locating a Alien! Kikki:Where Is It Mini Mew? Mini Mew:Above Cafe Mew Mew! ???:haha You Can Never Beat Us! Corina:Who Said That? Alexa & Mary:Us! All The Mews:AHHHHHH! Alexa:DARK TAMBOURINE! Kikki:TAMBOURINE TRENCH! Kikki:Owww! Zoey:Strawberry Bell! Mary:Dark Bell! Zoey:There Too Strong For Us! Alexa:Thats Just The Two Of Us Theres More Of Us! Mary:Better Watch Out! Rene:UH OH Alexa & Mary:-Fly Away- To Be Continued.........................................
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Previously on "A New Generation", Kasey's biggest event as a trained tiger turns into chaos when the Cyniclons: which includes both Sardon and Tarb, attacks. Upon for the worse, they attack inside Cafe Mew Mew causing not much desturction but a diffcult Predacyte for both Kasey and the girls to defeat. But with courage and great brains, they were able to fight off the beast and save the event just in time. But at the end of the event, Dren returns to unite with Sardon and Tarb but brings a new kind of Predacyte with him.

In episode 7, the revelation concerning the new Predacyte type is revealed....
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Last time in this series, Kasey is finally accepted to the Mew Project after a very dangerous mission at the ancient mine shaft in the high country. With Dren already hot on his trail however, he won't ever be safe unless Zoey and the others are by his side. But now that he is part of the group, changes will occur in his life forever.

In episode 3, Kasey runs away after being teased by a group of high school kids who were costumers at Cafe Mew Mew. Now that he is gone, it is all up to Zoey and the others to get his mind at ease and bring him back before something crucial happens- or it may...
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In the last episode of this astonishing series, an epic battle of shocking proportions occurred at Tokyo Tower. This was also the start of a new generation in Predacyte creation when the Cyniclons showed off their latest edition to the house- a Preadacyte that could morph itself into any creature or monster “it” chooses to transform into. These created serious consequences for the Mew Mews and Kasey as the kind of Predacytes they had to fight were covered with packs of electrical forces, so powerful enough to knock out an elephant! After devastating results, the tower was saved from mayhem...
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Previosuly on this series, the crew had a heck of a time defeating the Cyniclons and their various amphibian Predacytes. But with a bit of teamwork and courage comes the power of all six of these amazing hereos and nothing can withstand them. But there was even a tricky moment when Deep Blue ordered Dren to stop working for Sardon and Tarb- two of a kind could do the job or will it not?

In episode 6, a big charity event has been brought to Cafe Mew Mew in donation of Kasey and his amazing tricks and abilities. An animal trainer comes by in hopes of performing an exciting and big show for the...
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Previously in part 1, the whole city goes bananas when news have spread concerning a monster living beneath the sewers. Hoping to find out some information concerning this creature, Zoey and the others tried to convience Elliot to go down to the sewers and search for this thing only to be turned down. It turns out they aren't the only ones who know about this creature as the Cyniclons decide to investigate- Dren and Tarb went down to search while Sardon stood out of the way. Even a surprise comes up when Zoey's boyfriend also wanted to know more about this thing as well and the two along with...
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