KayleighDyer posted on Jan 04, 2009 at 12:28PM
Do u think he will be a good doctor or will he be too young for us ? I think he will be good but not like david tennant !

Matt Smith 9 replies

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over a year ago cutesweeties said…
I think he is good as the new doctor as he is funny. I dont like the fact that there's not much chemistry between him and the new assistant! I still miss David Tennant though :(
over a year ago LoveLikeCyanide said…
I think he is great, I don't agree with cutesweeties on the score of not much chemistry. I think there is loads of chemistry XD
Anyhoo back to le point. In my honest opinion, I prefer him over David, Though I think it's more down to David never had me hooked as I didn't find him attractive at all. So I am probably just favoring Mr Smith because of personal preferences lol. But I do think he is a wonderful actor and I do like him as the doctor.

over a year ago mimifaith said…
I think he's got an air of David Tennant about him. He's really frown on me and it does help that he's quite cute ;)
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
At first i judged i was like he will be rubbish, he can never be as good as David tennant, but i've watched it through his first four episodes and think he is doing a really good job, he has grown on me too, i think he will be a great Doctor, however i don't like the change like the coloured daleks and the green sonic screwdriver, but i think he will be good =]
over a year ago sarahb11a said…
i think matt smith is totally amazing as the new doctor.
he has certainly got my vote. sexy ,funny,and a little bit innocent.
what a winning combo.
over a year ago emmett said…
big smile
Matt Smith is the best doctor!! He is amazing!
And yes I think there is heaps of chemistry between Amy and the doctor.
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
hes better than tennant!!
over a year ago emmett said…
^ agreed!
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
big smile
he's fuckin awsome