Luddy Club
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Lisa Cuddy looks at her drink.

- You don't look so joyful tonight Dr. Cuddy – Another doctor tells her.

They are on the open bar of tonight's gala. Cuddy has a three day medical convention in Chicago.

- I got the news that a…friend of mine died yesterday – she says

- Sorry to hear that – the man nods and walks away.

Cuddy goes to her table, but she doesn't sit down. She is in a bad mood to hear the speech.

- Lisa? –

Cuddy hears her name but it takes her a while to react. She turns around to see who is talking to her

- Lucas? –

- Hi – he walks to her. He is clean shave now and wearing a suit. – You're here for the medical convention, right? –

- Yes, I am – she smiles timidly – and what are you doing here? –

- I work for the hotel. I'm head of security; I'm making sure everything is going smoothly tonight –

- You live in Chicago now –

- Yeah…so what's wrong? –

- What's wrong? –

- Yes, you have the "something is wrong" face –

- Uhm…no. Nothing…well – She hesitates – House died yesterday and tomorrow is his funeral –

- Oh…sorry to hear that –

- Really? –

- I'm not the kind of person the gets happy when some one dies –

- Of course you're not –

- So what happened that you guys broke up and you're not longer dean of medicine? –

Cuddy frowns – How did you know that? –

- If House was still your boyfriend, you'd be home crying. And your tag says the name of another hospital –

Cuddy sees the little peace of paper, indicating her place on the table. –Observation and logic –

- Want to talk about it? –

- I'm sure you don't want to hear it –

- You need to talk to someone and I'm the only one here who knows the context –
For the next 15 minutes Cuddy tells Lucas what happened to her relationship to House.

- Shit – Lucas exclaims – Sorry, I mean…what a mess –

- Rub it in –

- C'mon, I didn't mean it like that – Lucas clarifies – So why aren't you going to the funeral? Get some closure –

- A long time I go, I come to terms with the fact that I will never get closure with House. Not face to face, I move on – Cuddy says – Besides, he's dead! What's the point? –

- You can talk about him with other people, heard good jokes. Funerals are the best place to hear good jokes –

- I don't want to see Wilson or Stacy and say "Oh House, what a great doctor he was. Remember that time…?" –

- Remember that time he crash his car against my home – Lucas completes the phrase.

- People told me: "It's just stuff, thank God you are okay" But when I saw the things I bought for my home, that I worked hard for, the hole in my house, the place I picked because I thought it was beautiful– Cuddy smiles – And it got destroyed, and as House walked away it hit me. He didn't give a damn about me –

- That's harsh –

- Yeah, so what's the point? Why would I go to his funeral? I loved him, but now…–

- Okay that's enough – Lucas stands up – Let's go, let's get out of here –

- And go where? –

- I'm not sure yet, but you need to cheer up, maybe some comfort food. Have you ever tried Chicago deep dish pizza? You're going to love it! –

Lucas offers his hand

- Okay what the hell – Cuddy takes his hand and gets up.
- How are you supposed to eat this thing? – Cuddy looks at the massive pizza in front of her.

- You just dig in –

- Alright, you win. This is delicious – Cuddy tells him. He just nods

- So how is Rachel? –

Cuddy studies his eyes, she knows he's genuinely interested in knowing – She has a personality, she doesn't talk much, she's a quiet girl, but she's smart and she likes school –

- I'm happy to hear – He takes a sip of his beer – Mom and sister? –

- Good, all good – Cuddy responds – So let me ask you. Why did you quit being a P.I.? –

- I'm too old for that crap. Too many late nights, hanging around with the wrong people in the wrong places…also now I get a steady paycheck –

- And what does a head of security does? –

- People misbehave at hotels. Robberies, altercations between guests, some people get arrested and call the hotel for help, a politician beats up a prostitute and she's hiding in the bathroom…solve things like that –

- I never understood that about you. You're a nice guy but your work seems so…I don't know…wrong –

- I don't kill people –

- No but…I don't get it you solve problems for the wrong kind of people –

- They are the right kind if they have the right amount of money – Lucas jokes but Cuddy doesn't think is funny.

- Okay, fine listen. For me it's not about morally right or morally wrong, it's about dignity, that your life has value. Sure I let a bad politician get away, but that prostitute didn't have to deal with the police, the press and she went home with enough money to not work for a month and believe me, most prostitutes don't like what they do, even if they say so –

- So you do what you have to do, and make the most of it –

- Yes, I mean…how many times as Dean of Medicine did you have to turn sick people away because they didn't have insurance? –

- Yeah but it bothered me. Nothing seems to bother you. You're a nice guy and at the same time…amoral. A unique combination –

- That sounds like a compliment, I'll take it –
- This is delicious but I can't eat one more bite –

- Do you want a drink? – Lucas asks her

- Do you want me to get drunk? –

- It'll be fun. You're away from home, no one knows you here. You can go swim naked in the fountains –

- Well, there is a heat wave – she smiles.

- See? You already have your excuse for the police –

They order their drinks.

- So Lucas…what else is new in your life? Do you have a girlfriend? – Cuddy inquires

- No I don't have a girlfriend – Lucas answers – Do you? –

- A girlfriend? Now that would be a big change. – Cuddy smiles. – No, I don't have a relationship. I spent a year just by myself, I needed time alone, then I dated a couple of guys –

- At the same time? –

- Noooo. A lawyer first, and then an architect. My sister must have big black book with every single man available in the state. She keeps trying to introduce me to Mr. Right – Cuddy laughs – But I know that's impossible, doesn't exists –

- Why? You don't think you'll ever fall in love again? –

- If I wasn't drinking, I wouldn't be telling you anything of this – Cuddy takes another sip – I suck at relationships, you know it. What can I do? –

- Did you broke up with them or did they break up with you? –

- How is that relevant? –

- Oh, you broke with them – Lucas grins – I have to ask….Has anyone ever broke up with you? –

- Uhm…No, I always have ended the relationships –

- You need someone to break up with you –

- Just because I ended the relationships it doesn't mean it didn't hurt –

- Not, it's not the same – Lucas raises his hand to call the waiter – Hi, would you broke up with her? –

- What? – The waiter looks at them confused

- Just say: "It's not you, it's me" She needs to hear it at least one time in her life –

- No – The waiter says – Why would I break up with her? I think she's hot –

- Aw yeah! – Cuddy shouts – You got yourself a big tip –

The waiter nods and walks away.

- See, you can get a new relationship, you can change –

- People don't change –

- Oh c'mon – Lucas laughs – Are you serious quoting House? –

- Despite everything, House was a good observer of human interactions and life in general –

- I'm baffled that you believe in the view of life of a man who was in rehab, a mental institution, prison and actually end up accidently killing himself – Lucas smirks – It's like taking life advice from Amy Winehouse because she was a great songwriter –

Cuddy smiles – Fine, you got a point, but I still think people don't change –

- Listen, people change for 3 reasons: they suffer enough, the got tired of the same things, and/or they learn the lesson –

- Learning the lesson is the hardest way to change – Cuddy says – So why did you change? – The doctor asks the ex-detective – New city, new clothes, new attitude –

- I got the job offer and I moved here. The clothes comes with the job too, but I don't feel like I have a different attitude –

- You seem more mature. So of those 3 reasons, why did you change? –

Lucas stares at her, but Cuddy doesn't feel uncomfortable.

- Want to go see a band? – Lucas perks up – its a Hawaiian exhibitionist band that plays funkier versions of old Motown songs –

- What do you mean by exhibitionist? –
They enter the bar; the band is playing "Dancing in the streets".

- Oh they started with Martha and the Vandellas – Lucas tells Cuddy.

- They sound great and they are half naked –

- I told they were exhibitionist. Come on – He takes her hand – We are getting VIP treatment baby –

They walk through the crowd to a table next to the stage.

- Best part it's the carpet. You can take off your high heels and dance all night long –

- Excellent plan – Cuddy says – But first, cheers –

- Cheers –

They drink up a shot of bourbon. The next song is on.

- Okay let's dance –

Ooo and I'm ready for love, I'm truly ready for love

Your wonderful sweet sweet love, right now I'm ready for love

I've tried to shield my heart from love's tender touch

'Cause to lose in love would hurt so much

But as I softly walk in my solitude

I search my heart and found there's a need for you

And for the 1st time I feel alone

'Cause I need a love to call my own

And only you, you have a love, a love I need, oh to comfort me

The concert ends an hour and a half later. Lucas and Cuddy go to talk with the band.

- Magnum! – The singer greets him – How are you? How's the wahine? How's the 'ohana? –

- Fine thanks – Lucas answers – This is my friend Lisa –

- Hi! Did you enjoy the show? –

- Yeah, you guys are fantastic –

- Aw yeah! We are! Want take a picture? Most women want to take a picture –

- I can see the appeal – Cuddy blushes a little – You're barely naked –

- I'll take the picture, just get in the middle Lisa – The doctor stand between the guys in the band. – Say cheese! –

Lucas shows her the photo. – You should your mom this –

- Oh I am. She'll be proud –

- Let me see – The bass player asks – Oh we look so handsome, you sure know how to take pictures Magnum –

- Why are you calling him "Magnum"? Is it…is it because of the tv show? – Cuddy asks them.

- Yeah "Magnum P.I." – The singer opens a beer.

- We met him back in Oahu, what…two years ago…something like that, anyway he was being a Private Eye without a license –

Cuddy frowns – Were you on vacation? –

- No, I lived there for six months after we broke up –

- Oh – The singer says – So you two…uh…sorry Magnum – he pats Lucas on the back – We're keeping the party going, do you want to come with us? –

- I don't know. Lisa? –

- I think it's late – Cuddy says.
It's a hot night in Chicago. Cuddy and Lucas wait for cab.

- I could go for a walk – Cuddy tells Lucas – If you don't mind –

- Sure –

They walk outside the limits of Lincoln Park.

- So you lived in Hawaii – Cuddy says.

- You couldn't leave it alone –

- I'm sorry, but I think it's weird that you hide it – The doctor tells him – You made me believe that you moved directly from Jersey –

- For someone who claims to have her heartbroken, you sure are insensitive to others –

Cuddy stops walking – You left because of me –

Lucas takes a big breath – Yeah, I just didn't want to admit it –

- So you lied? –

- What can I say? I got better at lying –

- Lucas, what I was going to do? Make fun of you? –

- Not but I didn't want to admit it, okay? I didn't want to admit that I couldn't stand living in my apartment watching my couch where we first had sex. I couldn't stand drive near the street where we bought our home. I couldn't sleep knowing you were a few miles away already screwing House. I know it's stupid, and I didn't it want to admit –

- I understand, you were angry at me for the break up –

- Oh Lisa, you know that wasn't the problem –

Cuddy looks at him. Lucas is calm and waiting for her to say something.

- I was confused, Lucas – she finally says.

- No you weren't – He takes a step closer to her

- So I'm a lying bitch? –

- Your words –

- Listen Lucas, I wasn't sure what I wanted and –

– Please, you weren't some 15 year old girl who doesn't know her feelings. You knew you were in love with House, you always knew. And yet you dated me, you looked me at my eyes told me that you loved, told me you wanted to be my wife. How was that not deceiving me? –

Cuddy looks away. And Lucas feels ashamed of making this claims after so long.

- Lisa, I sort of knew too…maybe…Listen, I'm not angry, I got over it but it's 2 am we ere half drunk and –

- Did you see it? – Cuddy says – Did you see our future together? –

- Wha…yeah, I saw a future with you –

- How was it? How did you picture it? –

Lucas half smiles – Why do you want to know? –

- I just do – Cuddy looks at him with sadness and Lucas gives in.

- We get married in June – He tells her – A small wedding, but you still find a way to stress out about it. You wear a white dress showing your shoulders and our first dance it's with "Keep it comin' love" because you want a happy party song –

Cuddy laughs.

- We have two honeymoons, the first it's just you and me in Los Cabos for a week. Then we go to New York with Rachel, our first family trip – Lucas continues – You go back to work and you feel guilty, and Wilson makes you feel even guiltier. One day House just quits, and you feel bad about it until you find out you are pregnant –

- Really? –

- Oh yeah! I knock you up – Lucas nods – A few hiccups during the pregnancy and we have a baby boy, we name him Ernest after your grand father. You don't like the idea of coming back to work. I don't longer like being away from home so I quit my P.I. job. I do some security jobs as a consultant but I'm mainly a stay home dad, you envy me a little. – Lucas closes his eyes for a moment, he can picture it – We have our routine, you like morning sex, breakfast, you take Rachel to school and I pick her up, I cook dinner, you come home tired from work. You don't get much time with the kids –

Lucas opens his eyes – But you make up for it on Sundays mornings. You let the kids get in our bed, watch cartoons and eat pancakes. That's all I have, I only imagined our first 3 years of marriage. See? I wasn't really committed –

- I couldn't see it – Cuddy tells him – I couldn't see a future with you –

- You didn't love me –

- I don't think I ever imagine a future with anyone – Cuddy sighs.

- Then you have a problem, sorry nothing I can do – Lucas jokes and makes Cuddy smile.

- I didn't want to go the funeral because death makes you think about your own life. What you've done, how are you going to be remember –

- Rachel will remember you as a great mom. You're great doctor –

- And that's it? –

- You still have time to cure cancer or liberate a small country –

Cuddy smiles again - How do you want to be remember? –

- Good husband, good father. I'm a simple man – Lucas shrugs – Come on. What the hell are we doing talking in the street at 2 am? Let's go back to the hotel –
Back at the hotel lobby Lucas pushes the elevator button.

- Fun night, thank you – Cuddy says

- No problem –

The elevator doors open. Cuddy takes Lucas hand – Want to go to my room? –

Lucas hesitates – I should go home –

- Alright – Cuddy gets in the elevator, but she doesn't let go of Lucas' hand, she doesn't pull him, she's not holding him tight. He steps in with her.

- Did you see it? – The night shift receptionist tells the doorman. – The head of security with that guest –

- Maybe he's only walking her back to her room –

- Yeah, right.– The receptionist shakes his head – What a dog –
The phone wakes Cuddy up.

- Ow – She rolls over to answer it – Yeah? –

- This is the front desk; you requested a wake up call at 7 am –

- Thank you – Cuddy hangs up.

- Really 7 am? – Lucas says.

- I wanted to hit the gym – Cuddy cuddles up with Lucas again. – Uhmm…you're still here –

- Are you disappointed? –

- No, it's the when we were dating, you weren't there every morning –

- Yeah, women don't like that –

- I'm not reproaching it –

- I know – Lucas gives Cuddy a kiss – I need to take a shower and go to work –

- You work here –

He gets up – Yep I keep a clean suit in my office. You go back to sleep -
Cuddy wakes up again later in the morning. She stretches out in bed and yawns.

- Sure, two hours…bye – Lucas is in the bathroom talking on the phone. He hangs up and walks out – Hey, I didn't want to wake you up –

- It's okay. You already take your shower –

- Yes – He sits on the bed next to her – So –

- So –

- I liked this –

- Me too –

They both smile. – Goodbye Lisa – Lucas gets up – Oh and I ordered you breakfast, on the house –

- Thank you –
- It was a fantastic talk – A doctor says – Don't you think Dr. Cuddy? –

- Yes, Dr. Woodrow is a great speaker –

They are coming out of conference.

- Next conference is at 3 pm. It gives us a couple of housr to eat out – A blonde doctor comments.

- Uhm – Cuddy sees the front desk – Let me first check with a friend –

- Sure –

- Hi – Cuddy talks with the receptionist

- Hello, what can I do for you? – The young lady asks

- I was wondering if I could talk with Lucas Douglas, your head of security –

- Is there a problem? Is it something missing from your room? –

- No, no. It's a personal matter –

- Oh Mr. Douglas is out for lunch with his wife. He should be returning shortly –

- His wife? –

- Yes – The receptionist says – Oh I think that's him arriving –

Cuddy turns around she can Lucas and woman through the glass doors, just outside the hotel.

- So thanks for lunch – The woman says – I need it a break from work –

- You're closer to the deadline –

- Yep, but only one page left to go –

- I'm so sorry about last night –

- You should've called me. I understand if you have to stay here at work –

- Yeah …–Lucas holds her hands – God I really love you –

- I don't know why you add the "really" but I love you too – She kisses him – See you at home –

The detective enters the hotel. He looks up and encounters Cuddy. They stand there for a moment.

- Lisa – Lucas takes a step forward.

- Dr. Cuddy, are you coming with us? – The other doctors ask her on their way out.

- Yeah sure – Cuddy smiles – Let's go –

Lucas watches leave with her colleagues.
After a busy day at the medical convention Cuddy returns to her room. She's tired and just wants to get some sleep and leave early tomorrow morning.

She notices the lights are on. She walks slowly and sees Lucas sitting on her bed.

- Damn it Lucas, you scared me – She tells him – And I'm pretty sure is illegal to break in a guest room –

- I'm sorry – He looks sad – I'm really sorry–

- Yeah sure – Cuddy crosses her arms – I feel like a fool, so congrats –

- What? – Lucas frowns – I didn't do it in purpose –

- You told me how much I hurt you, and now we are even –

- It wasn't revenge; I wasn't going to jeopardize my marriage to get back at you – Lucas gets up

- Then why did you lie? –

- Because I'm an idiot, alright? I'm a stupid idiot – He rubs the back of his head – and I thought you weren't going to talk to me if I'd told you I'm married –

- I needed someone to talk; I didn't need to sleep with someone else's husband –

- I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you –

- Why didn't you say something? I would've stop –

- I…I felt…I thought I was getting the closure I never had with you –

Cuddy sits down – You're an idiot –

- And I feel like a piece of shit too –

- Can you tell me the truth now? –

- I lived in Hawaii for 6 months, I met Jess there, when she came back to Chicago I followed her –

- Do you love her? –

- I do, I'm in love with her. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but she lights up my world –

- And you married her –

- A Christmas wedding –

- What does she do? –

- She is an illustrator for children's books –

- Do you have kids? –

- See if I say yes, I would be even more of an asshole for cheating on my wife –

- So that's a yes? –

- We have twin girls: Emma and Mindy –

- Twins! That's great, I bet they are a handful –

- Jess works from home, she takes care of them must of the time, but I love my little girls, love spending every minute I can with them – Lucas can help to smile

- It's funny last night, I thought I was the reason you changed, but you changed because you're a husband and father –

- I learn my lesson – Lucas shrugs.

- And what is it? –

- You can get over a broken heart – He answers.

- It sounds easy –

- But it isn't –

- You know Lucas, there are days when I know I made the right choice, I was in love with House, he was in love with me too, I had to explore that relationship, I owned it to myself –

Lucas nods.

- But there are days, like yesterday, like today, when I regret so bad not choosing you. I could've had everything with you; I could've let myself truly fall for you, I could've... – she can finish the sentence.

Lucas gets closer and gently kisses her forehead – You won't regret anything tomorrow, and I won't miss you anymore –

- Goodbye Lucas –

- Goodbye Lisa –
The next day Lisa arrives home. Jules, her sister, and Rachel are waiting for her.

- Mommy –

- Hello sweetie – Cuddy hugs her daughter – Oh I miss you so much –

- How was the medical convention? – Jules asks

- It was alright – Cuddy sits down with Rachel still in her arms. – I ran into Lucas –

- Really? –

- Yeah, we talk for a few minutes. He got married, has kids now –

- Oh Lisa, in the same week one of your ex boyfriends dies and you find out other ex got married? That's bad timing –

- I'm fine. I think I'm learning a lesson and I have time –

- Time to do what? –

- Everything I want –

The end.
I honestly will be gladly surprise if anyone leaves a review.

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I'm finally done.
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