Luddy Club
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posted by MoniBolis
"I'll be back before you know it"
That's what Lucas told Cuddy over a week ago. He took a case two months ago; in behalf of Rachel's teacher; Jenny. It turned into a much complicated and long case.
Lucas ended up in Virginia. Cuddy, now 8 months pregnant, was not happy about it.
Now he's back home. He's tired and he just wants to cuddle with Cuddy and to fall sleep.
At 3 in the morning, Lucas enters quietly into the house. He sees the light on.
- Lisa? –
Cuddy is sitting on the edge of the bed. Her hands clenching the bedspread, she's in pain. – Ufff – She groans – I need to go to the hospital –

Lucas falls asleep, he can't help himself. He's been awake for 36 hours. Rachel is sleeping in his arms. They are in the hospital room.
- Lucas? Lucas? –
The P.I. opens his eyes. Julia and Arlene Cuddy arrived.
- Good you're here –
- Let me take Rachel – Arlene takes the girl from his arms, she protest a little and goes on sleeping.
- I couldn't leave her alone in the house – Lucas says.
- How's Lisa? – Julia asks cautiously
- Her doctor…what's her name? I uhm… – Lucas is a mess – Dr. Kingston is performing an emergency c section –
- I'm sure she and the baby are fine – Julia tells him.
Lucas shakes his head, he has dark thoughts. He's thinking about death, her sister's, her mother's, Tony's, and the woman he was supposed to find. – Yeah, I know –
- Mr. Douglas – Dr. Kingston is standing on the door – Can I talk to you? –
Lucas goes outside the room. Another doctor is there.
- Lisa is fine – Dr. Kingston tells him. Lucas feels like he can breathe again. – The operation went perfect; a nurse is bringing her back to her room. I think that tomorrow morning I'll release her –
- Okay, thanks –
Dr. Kingston looks at her watch – I'll be back around 10 in the morning to check on her. Now this is Doctor Kane, your pediatrician –
- Mr. Douglas – the man shakes his hand – Your son is only 31 weeks, which makes him a premature baby. He's fine, except for his lungs. We put him in an incubator and he needs help to breathe –
- Right –
- Your baby will be there until his lungs
develop –
- I understand –
- We need you to signs some forms –


A few minutes later, Cuddy is in her room.
- Hi gorgeous – Lucas takes her hand – How are you feeling? – kisses her forehead.
- Like I just had a baby, when I wasn't supposed to – Cuddy responds.
- The gals in NICU are taking good care of your baby – The nurse that is fixing Cuddy's IV tells her. Cuddy just gives her a weak smile.
- How long will the baby be in there? – Arlene asks
- Couple a weeks, a month – Cuddy answers – Lucas, you should go see him –
- I want to go with you –
- I saw him in the OR, I'll see him tomorrow when I'll be able to sit up – Cuddy caresses his hand – Go meet you son –
- Follow me – the nurse tells him.


- He is so small – Lucas says. The baby skin is pink, has tubes in his little nose, and he is moving his little hands.
- But he's a fighter – the nurse tells him – I can tell –
- Hi – The P.I. gets closer to the incubator – I'm your dad – He can barely smile, he had a terrible week.
- What name should I put in the ID tag? – The nurse asks
- Donald – Lucas answers – Donald Douglas…That's your name…Do you like it? Your mom let me chose it, so if you don't like it you can blame me, okay? –
The baby stops moving, he's falling asleep.
- See you later Donnie –


- Where is everybody? – Lucas enters Cuddy's room.
- I send them home. My mom wants to help out with Rachel until I'm recover – Cuddy says – You should go home too, catch some sleep –
- I'm not leaving you here alone – Lucas takes a sit next to her – I'm sorry for being away so long –
- You came back just in time… Did you finally find her? The sister? –
Lucas had been chasing ghosts for months.
- Yeah, I found her…but it's all boring stuff –
He's a bad liar; Cuddy knows the Lucas doesn't want to tell her.
- How's our baby? – Cuddy changes the subject
- He's tiny – Lucas gestures with his hands – But he's handsome like his father –
Cuddy laughs. – Thank God, then – she closes her eyes. – I'm tired… –

- Dr. Cuddy wake up –the nurse is next to her bed – Time for your pill –
Cuddy takes the medicine. She sees Lucas sleeping on the couch. – Can you bring him a blanket? –

The next day…
Cuddy puts down a teddy bear on the dresser. Around her gifts for the baby, many of those gifts were for the baby shower – I wish he was already here …I wish I could hold him right now –
- You will soon enough– Lucas put his hand on her shoulder – In the meantime, we can finish Donnie's room –
- We can do it tomorrow, finish the painting –
- You need to rest –
- You need to rest too – Cuddy says – Something went wrong with case? -
- She was murder; the twin sister Johanna has been dead for two years –
Cuddy gasps – That's terrible…Have you tell Jenny? –
- I called her as soon as I found out – Lucas looks down
- Are you okay? –
- I sort of…solved the crime –


Lucas enters Jenny's bedroom. The woman is in bed, her fiancé reading a book next to her.
- Mr. Douglas, I'm glad you are here –
- I'm here to give you the report – Lucas hands her over an envelop
- Can you tell me what happened to Johanna? – Jenny says – We got a call from the police but I would like to hear it from you –
- Sure – Lucas finds a chair and takes a sit – Like you know, your sister had issues, and she was a thief. Two years ago, she and this couple, George and Martha Price started conning people together…-
Lucas stops to look at Jenny. Her fiancé is holding her hand.
- They were in Virginia, had an argument and…they killed your sister. Funny thing, the Prices didn't flee, they just moved to Nokesville, and settle down – The P.I. scratches his head – I guess is not that funny –
- So they killed for money…my sister was a Jane Doe for years and… –
- Yes. I'm sorry… But the Prices are under custody, waiting trial –
- Are you involved? – the fiancé asks
- Yes, I'm helping –

- He's pink! – Rachel says
- I know, I think is your mom fault for eating too much beetroot –
Lucas is showing Rachel video and pictures of Donnie from the hospital. A little more than a week has passed since the birth; and the proud parents already visited the baby.
- When can I see him? – Rachel asks her mom
- You can't visit him at the hospital; you have to wait until we bring him home –
- Okay –
- Go with your grandma – Cuddy orders her. The little girl gets off the bed, where Cuddy is resting.
- Need anything? – Lucas asks – Water? A book? I can move the tv…-
- I'm fine – Cuddy responds – You're pamper me because you feel guilty for leaving again –
- Just a few days –

- He took it back? – Lucas asks the attorney handling the case. – He confessed, that son of a bitch did it –
The lawyer lays back – The Prices have a new lawyer…Bob Ludlum, he found a mistake, the confession doesn't work.-
- Damn it. I know that lawyer –
- An ambulance chaser? –
- More like a news chaser. Old Bob likes to be in the front page –
- Anyway, the good news is that judge accepted your initial investigation as evidence, the jury is being selected – The lawyer says – I want you to testify –

- I don't think you should be doing that – Arlene tells her daughter. She came back from dropping Rachel at daycare.
- I'm just stretching – two weeks later Cuddy feels better, stronger and a little bit restless. – Morning exercise doesn't hurt –
- Where is Lucas? –
- Probably sleeping in his apartment – Cuddy ends her routine. The women sit down.
- He hasn't moved in? –
- No yet... Don't over analyze it mom, he just hasn't…besides he was away last week and last night he was at a stake out on the other side of town – Cuddy drinks water.
- So he just sits down, in his car and spy people? –
- He does more than that, mom –
- No, no – Arlene explains – I think I get it now. The reason you are with him. Lucas is very patient man and you, dear, always want to do something –
- Yeah – Cuddy responds – Although, lately he seems to be…I don't know…sad –
- Sad? With the baby? –
- No – Cuddy quickly answers – With a case… As doctor sometimes you feel responsible when you can't save a patient –
- Lucas job isn't to save people –
- Not, Lucas job is to observe people…I think that sometimes he dislikes what he sees –
- Good morning – Lucas comes in
- Speaking of the devil – Arlene comments
- Hello ladies – Lucas greets them – Who wants organic muffins?...Were you working out? I don't think you should –


- Bye Donnie – Cuddy walks out from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. After 3 week and a couple of days; the doctor convinced everybody that she was ready to go back to work.
- Lisa! – Dr. Amy Benes walks to her
- What is it? –
- Have you heard the news? Doctor Tyler told the board that he wants to retire this July -
- He is stepping down? –
- Yes – They enter the elevator – Rumor has it….he wants you to take his place –
- Don't be ridiculous – Cuddy pushes the button – I don't have seniority –
- We both know that job is about being a good doctor, understanding the system and creating relationships. You're perfect –
- I've been working here for less than a year –
They arrive to their floor.
- Yeah, but you brought patients, you already help a charity, you help with the Christmas party, you're pretty….you just have a baby and you're already working – Amy continues as they walk to Cuddy's office – You were the dean wonder of Princeton Plainsboro, and Dr. Tyler knew that when he hired you –
- It's a lot of work – Cuddy says.
- Think about the money – Amy tells her with a grin.
- I won't do it for a paycheck –
- I'm not talking about that….although is a sweet salary…I'm talking about budget –
Cuddy smiles – Oh…What I would do with that
money –
- Dr. Cuddy – Jonah, Cuddy's assistant opens the door and pokes his head out – Doctor Tyler is in your office waiting for you –


- How's your kid? – Zach asks his friend
- He's getting bigger – Lucas takes a sip from his beer
- How's Lisa? –
- She went back to work –
- So soon? Good for her – Zach looks at his friend – Are you alright? –
- I feel like I'm nowhere – Lucas answers – and I have this trial in two days –
- You'll be fine. Your baby is fine, Rachel likes you, Lisa loves you…Stop complaining –

- …and that's when George Price denied knowing her – Lucas answers the question by the persecutor.
- No more questions, your honor –
The persecutor sits down.
- Mr. Ludlum, your turn – the judge indicates.
- Thank you – The lawyer stands up – So…Mr. Douglas…you are a licensed Private Investigator form New Jersey? –
- Yes I am –
- I remember you boy- Ludlum smiles - Did you work for Hardwick-Wolfman? Because they were infamous for manipulating evidence –
- Objection! – The persecutor yells – That is irrelevant to this trial –
- Sustained – The judge says – Mr. Ludlum, ask a different question –
- Only one…Mr. Douglas…did you manufacture evidence?
- No – Lucas answers very serious – I didn't –
- That's all –

Lucas leaves the court room. He finds Jenny's fiancé on the hallway.
- Hi – Lucas approaches the man – Nothing to worry in there. The police have forensic evidence, and I think Martha can't stand the pressure –
The fiancé just nods.
- Is Jenny okay? She couldn't make the trip? –
- She past away yesterday – the man responds
- Sorry for your loss –
– I don't even know why I am here – laughs bitterly
- Me neither - Lucas says
Friday night. Four weeks since the birth of Donnie.

Cuddy is reading a book in her living room. She hears a noise outside; she takes a peek through the window and sees the ice cream truck. She goes to the front of the house and opens the door before Lucas.

- Hi beautiful –
- You look like my boyfriend Lucas – Cuddy says – I haven't seen him in a while –
The P.I. picks her up and twirls her around. Cuddy laughs – stop it! – Lucas puts her down.
- I missed you –
- I missed you too – They kiss.
- So…I have my things in the ice cream truck – Lucas says – I'm moving in, you'll have to make space for me in the closet –
- I can manage –
- And I had a proposition for you –
- Okay…what is it? –
- I want to be a stay-at-home dad – Lucas says with a smile
- What? –
- Think about it, you go to work; I stay here taking care of Rachel and Donnie, I can clean up the house, I'm good with the neighbors, and when you come home there'll be dinner on the table –
- So you want to quit your job? –
- I like my job, I'm good at my job but I need a break, I'm burnt out. If you're worry about the money; I could get an easy case once a month and *BAM* $5,000 in a day. I won't be a kept man, that's a term with a negative connotation, an insult actually –
- Lucas…- Cuddy interrupts him
- I'll be quiet now –
- Doctor Tyler offered me his job – Cuddy says – He'll retired this summer, and he wants me to take his place –
- Did you accept it? – The man asks
- I told him that I would think about it and that I would talk to you –
- You want the job, don't you? –
- Yes, I do – Cuddy answers honestly and proud – I like being the boss –
- You're even sexier as the boss – Lucas pulls her closer to him.
- I think we can pull this off –
The door bell rings.
- That's your mom – Lucas says – I asked her to watch Rachel for us. Wanna go to New York for the rest of the weekend? –
Cuddy smiles – Start spreading the news –
To be conclueded….
Wow! This was way too long, but I didn't want to break it in two chapters. Also, I didn't want to focus in Lucas' case, but rather in the bleak outcome.
I could write about their weekend in NY, but it would be pure fluffy, no conflict….Why am I doing this even longer?
I'll post the final chapter, the same day as the US premiere of House; and yes in the next chapter….House, Wilson, Chase, Foreman, and baby Donnie comes home!
Penultimate chance to leave me a review (You my only fan)
Thanks for reading.
Webcomic link on my profile.
added by MoniBolis
added by MoniBolis
posted by MoniBolis
Chapter one: Invitation

- …Everything changed. Even the little bad things in the past seem bigger, and the good things don’t shine anymore – Cuddy said
- That’s not really fair – Lucas told her.
They were in his apartment. She was sitting on the sofa, with Lucas next to her. Rachel was watching cartoons on TV.
- I know, but that’s how I feel right now – Cuddy sighed – And yesterday I quit my job and put my home for sale–
- Why? –
- I don’t want them anymore – Cuddy laughed bitterly – I looked at my life, and all I have was a broken heart, a hole in my home, and a stressful...
continue reading...
posted by MoniBolis
- Tomorrow – Dr. Kane says – You can take Donnie home tomorrow morning –
Lucas and Cuddy smile. For a little more than a month Lucas and Cuddy visited their baby in the NICU
- Did you hear that sweetie? – Cuddy has the baby in her arms. Donnie is bigger and has a more healthy color. – You're going home –
Lucas kisses the baby forehead before Cuddy puts him back on the cot.
- Thank you Doctor –

- So I'll take a couple of days off to be with the baby –
Cuddy says to Lucas as they walk to her office.
- Love the idea –
- You can stop smiling, can...
continue reading...
posted by MoniBolis
Chapter 03: Surprise

- What’s wrong with this one? –
Cuddy asked with her hands on her hips.
- Nah…I don’t like the color…it’s too…dark – Lucas answered – The cleavage is perfect, but you need a more, I don’t know, lighter color. Blue to go with your eyes –
They were in a boutique.
- What do you think Rachel? – The P.I. asked the infant, she just replied.
- Mama bluuu –
- See? –
- Okay, okay – Cuddy said returning to the dressing room.
Lucas cell phone rang. – Yeah, I’m here – he said. – Yes, I found him…wait, Rachel come back here – Rachel walked a few steps...
continue reading...
added by MoniBolis
Lisa Cuddy looks at her drink.

- You don't look so joyful tonight Dr. Cuddy – Another doctor tells her.

They are on the open bar of tonight's gala. Cuddy has a three day medical convention in Chicago.

- I got the news that a…friend of mine died yesterday – she says

- Sorry to hear that – the man nods and walks away.

Cuddy goes to her table, but she doesn't sit down. She is in a bad mood to hear the speech.

- Lisa? –

Cuddy hears her name but it takes her a while to react. She turns around to see who is talking to her

- Lucas? –

- Hi – he walks to her. He is clean shave now and wearing a...
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added by MoniBolis
posted by MoniBolis
Chapter 07: Back home

Lucas was practically running – Pick up the phone, damn it –

- Fowler –

- Tom, it's me Lucas. I'm out – The private eye was going back to the hotel – Where are my stuff? All the things in the hotel room? –

- A couple of cops where here custoding the place, but now that they let you go, they are gone –

- Okay, okay – Lucas was blocks away – And now? –

- Well, there are other guests checking in, we move your things here to my office. Wait; there is someone at the door –

Lucas heard some noises.

- Fowler? –

- …shaved his head…my car – Fowler said but...
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posted by MoniBolis
Chapter two: Confidential

- Yes, we have your rooms ready Mr. Parker –
The lady in the front desk told Lucas, as she handled him the keys. Cuddy raised and eyebrow when she heard a different last name.
- Thank you –
They walked to the elevators with a bellboy behind them. They didn’t have too much luggage.
- What was that about? – Cuddy asked – Mr. Parker? –
- Uhm…nothing. It’s not illegal to register with an alias. I’m not hiding anything –
- You’re a bad liar – Cuddy said. The bell ring and the elevators doors opened.
- Yes I am – Lucas said very proud – If I was a good...
continue reading...
added by MoniBolis
posted by MoniBolis
Chapter 04: Party

- This is not what it looks like – Lucas said – I needed a date for the wedding so I invited her, and we were just talking. She has her own room –
The woman looked at Cuddy – Okay –
- Hi – Cuddy approached the woman – Dr. Lisa Cuddy, nice to meet you –
- I’m Jessica Jones –
They shook hands.
- I was about to introduce you – Lucas said – Jess is my girlfriend –
- I got that – Cuddy told him – I’ll go back to my room now, goodnight –
Cuddy walked to her room and closed her door. She put her hand on her forehead Of course he has a girlfriend
continue reading...
added by MoniBolis
Source: GDI1 @ deviant art
posted by MoniBolis
Chapter 06: Bad liar

- Hello – Cuddy answered her phone. She was on her way to the lobby.

- Hi Lisa! –

- Lucas are you okay? – She said – Did they let you go? –

- No, they are being stubborn and they don't like me – Lucas told her – Did you call my sister? –

- Yes. She said she'll sent a lawyer a soon as possible –

- Cool. Thanks, by the way you're my one call – he told her – That's pretty special –

- Okay, uh Lucas; I'm checking out of the hotel –

- Oh, I forgot its Sunday. Are you going back home? –

- I don't want to leave you here –

- I'm fine. I'll be out of here...
continue reading...
posted by MoniBolis
Chapter 05: Self-defense

- Please ma'am, stand back – one of the police men told her.
- Lucas, what’s going on? –
- Nothing, I’m just like their prime suspect of a murder –
10 hours before…
- Good night Lisa –
- Good night –
Cuddy closed the door. Lucas turned off the tv and sat in the dark and waited for couple of minutes.
His cell phone rang.
- What up Fowler? –
- He’s still in the party –
- Some nerve. Getting drunk on the party of the couple he is blackmailing –
- But why? – Fowler asked.
- His real name is Malcolm and he has history with...
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