Lost Fans Thread

TmoVie_obsessed posted on Jun 07, 2009 at 07:58PM
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or anything else we feel like and to just get to know each other better. So what's up everybody???

brucas4ever - Hannah
Clarise - Katrin
courtney7488- Courtney
Emm_xD- Emily
emzielouise- Emma
frsbg - Filipa
hamishblakefan- Bianca
hayley_pace - Hayley
iBaseCheergirl- Jana
kristine95 - Kristine/Ghost
-lostgirl- - Maria
sahour95- Sahar
sk91- Sylwia
tammy63 - Amy
TmoVie_obsessed - Margot
tuttleAC - Patrick
xDHmadx- Hayls

(if you want to be added to the list just message me and I'll add you.)


brucas4ever: 2
Clarise: 2
courtney7488: 18
Emm_xD: 8
hayley_pace: 1
iBaseCheergirl: 2
-lostgirl-: 25
sahour95: 5
sk91: 11
TmoVie_obsessed: 17
tuttleAC: 1
xDHmadx: 9
(page 101)
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or an
last edited on Jan 16, 2010 at 08:36PM

Lost 2580 replies

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over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Hello everybody. I've seen a bunch of forums like this on other spots but never on here so I thought I'd make one. I'm Margot and I'm 15 and Lost is my favorite show!!! Pretty much I'm TV obsessed, it's kind of my life. So yeah, how is everybody?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
big smile
Awwh what a nice thread!! Thanks for starting it :) ... it will be nice to talk to losties who love the show as much as i do. I have friends and family who watch it, sure ... but i think if they knew just how obsessed with it i was they'd be quite worried :/ LOL!

How are you? :)
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I'm good. Kind of bored, but I'm always like that during the summer.
Yeah, my friends get really annoyed with me because I always talk about lost. They all have this look they give me when I start obsessing (its The Look). My relatives watch too, but my dad always forgets stuff and I keep having to answer all his questions it's really kind of funny.
How are you?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Fine thanks! Can't wait to finish college now, it's a right chore. I'm Hayls, and i'm 17 by the way :D
It's been nearly a month since the final and i think i'm slowly going insane ... i wish they started helplines for this type of thing LOL!
What other shows do you watch, other than Lost? :)
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
big smile
I miss Lost oh so much. I hate having to wait for the next season and then it's going to be the last! and I don't know how I'm going to survive when it's over! I've decided that I'm going to watch all the seasons again to deal with it.
I watch Supernatural, Gossip Girl, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Pushing Daisies. And there are other shows but those are just the ones I've seen every single episode of and obsess about.
how about you?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
God knows what i'll be like. You should have seen me when Friends ended, and i wasn't nearly as into that as i am lost LOL!
I love Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes and Ugly Betty :)
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I've seen a few episodes of Desperate Housewives and my friend is absolutely obsessed with Grey's Anatomy, but I don't really watch any of those shows. Hey that might be something for me to do this summer watch some of those shows!
I'll probably rewatch lost every like month after it's done
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Haha tell me about it, i'm watching Lost as we speak! Season 1 ... Danielle has just caught Sayid :-P ... aahhh the good old days! Where Ethan was a nobody and Locke was interesting ;) haha!
Whose your fave character on the show?
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
rewatching the first season is always really funny. Everything was so simple back then! when the only real mysteries where what everybody didn't before the island. Now there's a whole bunch of confusing time travel stuff (not that I'm complaining. I love it!)
My fav character is Charlie (I miss him soooo much!!!) and Desmond (he hasn't really been in many episodes this season though), and Sawyer, Daniel, and Juliet. How about you????
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Ahh i miss Charlie too! Have you seen the new ABC promo with DM in? I really hope it means he'll back next season :)
My favourites are Juliet and Sawyer, hands down! I love them seperately as well as together though, i can't tell you how heartbroken i am at how this season ended ... i was SOBBING by the end! I really do think Juliet is alive though :D
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I did see the new promo. I'm really excited now cause he sad he WAS dead. And I could be reading too much into it. Because Claire's going to be back next season and maybe Charlie will too!!!!!
I cried soo much at the end with Juliet and Sawyer then I had to rewatch it with my dad and I was bawling again!!! It was painful!
What I wonder is whether or not Sayid will live (he probably will) because he was like dieing at the end
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
In all honesty i'm not too bothered about Sayid's fate as i am Juliet's ... true, he was bleeding to death - but i was laughing at the fact he had been shot in the gut and could still muster the strength to rig an H-bomb! Shannon was shot in the same place if i'm not mistaken, and she was down within a minute haha!
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
hahaha. yeah. I'm really worried about Juliet though. That last scene was amazing!!! She is my favorite female character by far!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I know ... Elizabeth Mitchell is an incredible actor ... she was like a breath of fresh air when the third season aired :)
I'll only believe she's dead when Darlton confirm it ... even in that case i don't think it'll sink in LOL
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I know! I've loved her character ever since they first introduced her!
haha Charlie's death still hasn't sunk in for me and it's been two seasons!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
Hey everyone! What a great idea for a thread! I've seen threads like these in spots that I'm not really active in, so thanks for starting one here! My name is Courtney, and I'm 20 years old. My favorite Lost characters are Daniel, Juliet, and Desmond, but I love most of the other characters as well.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Hey Courtney! I'm Margot!!!! I love Desmond!!! sorry I was just watching a vid that had Desmond in it so I'm in a Lost mood at the moment!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Hey Courtney!! How are you? :D
It's like ... 20 past 3 in the morning in the UK and i'm currenty downloading a boat load of Suliet videos to keep me going through a day which promises to be extremely boring tomorrow ... LOL obsessed much ?! I'm so sad ... LOL
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
There's nothing wrong with being obsessed!!! That is perfectly normal in my mind!!! So is Suliet your favorite couple Hayls?
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Margot, I agree! I think everyone is obsessed with something, whether or not they want to admit it. Lost is a great thing to be obsessed with lol. By the way, your icon is adorable.

Hayls, you're not the only one who has stayed up that late doing Lost-related things. I've never actually downloaded videos, but I have watched episodes of Lost at 4 in the morning!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Yeah and anyway if we all weren't as obsessed we wouldn't be on here!!! At least on here we know other people share our obsession.
haha. One time, when I was forcing my friend to watch Lost (I am happy to say I have gotten 3 people to watch it...none are as obsessed as me though =). we tried to stay up all night but we didn't make it past midnight. I don't know why but when you talked about staying up till 4 watching lost, Courtney, it reminded me of that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
haha, that's great that you were able to get friends hooked on it! Some of my friends and a few of my family members used to watch it, but most of them gave up during or after the second season. I say they made a mistake, but they don't care.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Haha i've done some really insane things like that too ... for example, deciding to watch every single episode that has audio commentry on it without stopping ... i think if i remember right it took me all night and far into another day ... i never went to sleep hahaha! To be honest, as i have to leave for college in 3 hours ... i don't think i'll be going to sleep tonight either ...

It was always just me and my mom who have been avid watchers since 2004 ... but my brother had to have an operation last year and wasn't allowed to work for three months - i told him to watch lost boxsets, which he did in about a week hahaha. He's hated waiting a week for each episode this season because he's used to watching one after the other lol!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
Do you have classes tomorrow? If so, I hope you can stay awake long enough to make it through them!

I don't own any Lost DVDs, so I don't know what the audio commentary is like. Is it interesting? I'm waiting to get the Lost DVDs until after the show is over, just in case they release a boxed set with all the seasons together.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I made my dad buy me all of the DVD's. And since he wanted to watch them too he got them for me. I've only seen the audio commentary of like 3 episodes. I remember the best was one with Dominic Monaghan (I LOVE HIM BTW!!!!) and everytime Charlie came on he would talk about how awesome he was! In a funny way, not an egotistical way
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over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Yeaah they're awesome! I love the season 3 premiere audio commentry with Damon and Elizabeth Mitchell ... they're so so funny!!!

I'm a drama student :) so at the moment we're running our end of year performance over and over until we all want to kill ourselves, and i'm not in it until the end so i can have snooze backstage hahaha! If not i fully intend to sit there and watch the videos i've downloaded until i know them word for word hahaha, so noo, no classes for me!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
That sounds really cool though!!! and you get time to obsess about Lost more! (you can never have enough of that)
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
That does sound really cool. I'm not a drama student, but I have taken theatre classes and have had to do performances before. It's a lot of fun. If I had any talent, I would totally become a Broadway or West End star! Alas, I don't.

Have you had the chance to perform any Lost scenes? haha
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Haha only in my dreams! How cool would that be though?! I'd so totally audition for Juliet!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
ooh, it would be so much fun to play Juliet! She's had a variety of really cool scenes. I also wouldn't mind playing Charlotte or someone like Alex or Danielle.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Wow. when you think about it Juliet does have a pretty large variety of scenes! much larger than some of the people on the show (but all in all it's pretty varied)
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Charlotte would be fitting for me, as she has red hair ... I would, however, be slightly terrified unless i was Kate if i died! We all know what happens to women on this show! >:-(
If they're not shot, they're MIA, if they're not MIA, they're dying of brain hemerages, and if they're not dying of brain hemerages, they're being dragged down shafts! Psssh, seriously, what is that about?!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I know!!! let's think: Kate (alive), Claire (disappeared, but even before then didn't do much), Shannon (dead), Sun (used to do stuff, but now is just kind of there), Ana-Lucia and Libby (both dead), Nikki (dead in only one episode), Charlotte (dead), Juliet (might be dead? but I hope not), Rose (living in the forest). I think that's it.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I know, right? The females definitely get the short end of the stick on this show. That's one thing that annoys me about the show- the writers don't really treat the female characters as well as the male ones. Most of their stories revolve around their love interests, and most (like Sun and Claire) usually aren't given much to do. And, as you already proved, most of them die horrible deaths. Next season, we're only gonna have Sun and Kate (and possibly Claire).

If Juliet is dead, at least she saved/attempted to save everyone on the island.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
If all we get next season are Kate and Sun I might just have to jump down the shaft and resucrect Juliet myself. She's by far the most intersting female character we have on this show! Charlotte's character was good like that too (though she really annoyed the daylights out of me) at least she was her own person and had a cool reason for going to the island! I get that in an ensemble cast of that many main characters, some of them are going to slip, but must it always be the women?

Man alive i sound like a 60's feminist. LOL! I really don't think Juliet is dead ... her red shirt was a red herring! I think/hope/pray anyway ...
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
OHMYGOD ... On Saturday it will have been a MONTH since the final?!?!?!? WHERE THE HELL DID THAT GO?!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I really liked Charlotte, and I'm still mad that she never got her own flashback episode! She really had a lot of potential to be a great character.

I also think Juliet is alive. I actually think her "death" may have been a red herring itself. We knew one of the major characters would be dead by the end of the finale; after apparently seeing Juliet fall to her death, who would have thought that Locke would turn out to be the one who's dead?

Damn, has it been a month already? That went by fast!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
oh no!! only Kate and Sun and Claire too, I think she's coming back. That can not happen! also why is it that all of the guys they kill off I really like. This is more of a personal thing, but Charlie was/still is my favorite character. And Daniel was one of my favorites too.
Hey do any of you know if something's going to be happening with Desmond next season?
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
When Locke turned out to be the one that was dead I screamed. I did not see that coming and thought it was one of the best cliffhangers ever! I also don't read spoilers so I didn't know someone was supposed to die! I'm really good at staying away from spoilers! =)
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I loved Daniel :( he was awesome!

I sure hope Desmonds gonna be doing something next season - i will be extremely pissed if he doesn't! Although i don't want him to leave Penny & Charlie, but he's done practically nothing this season ... plus Eloise said the island wasn't done with him yet so i'm thinking he'll play a bigger role next season.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Oh i applaud you, Margot ... i can't stay away from spoilers for the life of me. I really wish i could ... i was spoiler free during season 1 (because i had a life and didn't bother with the internet :P) and i enjoyed it so much more!
Alas, it seems impossible for me now. I think i'm gonna try not to read anything thats not related to Juliet for this season. I have to read whether she's okay or not ... but i may leave the mystery stuff as a surprise!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
When Dan died, I was in denial for a week. When it finally hit me, I cried like a baby. During the finale, all i could think about was how they'd just killed off two of my favorite character (Dan and Juliet) within two episodes of one another. I'm gonna miss those two next season.

I have no idea what they are gonna do with Desmond- I missed him this season! His few scenes with Penny were great, but still, he was gone for almost the entire season! I hope they use him a lot more next season.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Spoiler-free is the way to be! I normally stay spoiler-free, except when it comes to the deaths. As I said earlier, I knew there was going to be a death in the finale, but I didn't know who. I like to know when there's gonna be a death so I can prepare myself lol. I stay away from all other spoilers, though that will probably change this season as I am dying to know about Juliet... gotta know if she's alive!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
It was horrible because I have to rewatch episodes with my dad. So I had to see Daniel dieing twice!!! same with Juliet and both times I was crying!
I don't know how I stay away from Lost spoilers. cause with all the other shows I watch I'm spoiler-obsessed, but not Lost! It makes it really exciting =)
Desmond and Penny were adorable this season. And they named their son Charlie!!!! That was sooo adorable! but I'm afraid that since they made the so cute this season they'll destroy them!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Man alive i'm getting sleepy ... i really didn't think this through at all ...
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^Time for a nap?

Oh man, I hope nothing bad happens with Des and Penny. I don't know if my little Lost heart could take it after all the trauma at the end of this season.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
It's 5 to 6 ... my alarm goes off in 35 minutes anyway ... *sighs* why on earth do i always think it's a really good idea to do an all nighter and then hate myself as soon as i dont have any time left to get any sleep!?!?

Ahhh i love Des and Penny. 'The constant' made me cry buckets! I really hope they stay strong! I have a feeling Penny would go to the island with him though, if it came down to it!
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I've never been able to stay up all night. I always end up falling asleep at like 2 am!
Des and Penny must stay together forever!!!! hmmm....I wonder what's going to happen with aaron next season. or is he not important anymore? there were so many things this season that I though were important that were kind of forgotten
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Me too! Actually, she almost did go to the island... her boat may have arrived there eventually had the O6 not seen it. Anyway, Des and Penny promised to never leave each other again, and I think they're gonna keep that promise.

Check out the pictures at this site: link. They compare Des and Penny to Juliet and Sawyer (hayls, this is a different site than the one that was posted on the SpoilerTV thread earlier).

I'm wondering about Aaron, too! What's gonna happen now that he's not being raised by Claire? Remember the psychic said that only Claire could raise him- I want to know if this is true or not.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
That article was really interesting Courtney. I never really thought to compare the two. hmmm....