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posted by XxXrachellXxX
Okay, so a bit ago I came up with this random idea of adding the Awkward Turtles (Angi, Moosh, me and Kir) to the world of Chuck (the tv-show) mainly just because I've been fangirling over the whole show and *coughChuck&BryceBROMANCEcough* yeah, I told Kir about the idea, and she was totally on board with it, so we decided to write the fanfic together! :D this is only the first chapter by me, Kir will write the second one and so on ;)

and I'd like to point out at this point that even if you don't watch Chuck, you can still read this fic, because with us in it, it's so not really about Chuck anymore that much XD so pleeeasse, give it a chance!! :P

I'm gonna give ya a bit of info about this fic:

Name; the Awkward Turtles meet Chuck

Characters -

from Chuck; Chuck Bartowski (portrayed by Zachary Levi), Sarah Walker (portrayed by Yvonne Strahovski), John Casey (portrayed by Adam Baldwin), Bryce Larkin (portrayed by Matt Bomer), Morgan Grimes (portrayed by Joshua Gomez) and (most likely in later chapters) Ellie Woodcomb (portrayed by Sarah Lancaster) and Devon *Awesome* Woodcomb (portrayed by Ryan McPartlin) :)

from the LF girls; Angi, Moosh, Rachel and Kir (the Awkward Turtles)

Original characters created by us; Nicholas Chavez (portrayed by Tom Felton), David Vacher (portrayed by Milo Ventimiglia) and Robert Bickford (portrayed by Ben Barnes).

Short plot; Moosh, Angi, Kir and Rachel end up in Burbank, California, and during their visit at the local Buy More, they get to know Chuck and soon enough also his agent friends, and a few others, too. Not gonna give out much more, but we can promise you that this story includes comedy, romance, drama, action and stuff like that. And it really is not only about us meeting Chuck, the character XD

so, chapter 1 is here now. We'll post chapter 2 when it's done ;) enjoy! <3

Chapter 1; Harry Potter marathon in Burbank, California

On a beautiful, sunny day in a quite hot, smelly bus, Moosh, Angi, Rachel and Kir were sitting and trying their best not to complain. Well, actually, they weren't.
"Whose idea was it again to tour California by bus?" Rachel muttered. She was sitting next to Kir, and in the seats behind them were Moosh and Angi.
"Oh, I'm sorry if I wanted us to travel the cool way!" Angi's head popped from behind the seat.
"The cool way?" Rachel asked in disbelief.
"Says the girl who goes on and on about bowties being cool", Moosh's head popped right next to Angi's.
"Bowties are cool!" Rachel insisted, but turned from them to look back to the front of the bus.
"It is kinda smelly in here", Kir said as she looked around.

Suddenly they heard an awful crashing sound. And yes, they all screamed. And the bus started to slow down.
"What was that?" Angi shouted quite loudly. But none of the other passangers paid attention, because they were too busy wondering the same thing.
"Maybe aliens are invading the bus?" Kir whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" Rachel whispered back.
"So they don't hear us, duh!" Kir rolled her eyes.
"Right...", Rachel chuckled.
They all turned to the bus driver, who stood up from his seat and walked to in front of the passangers.
"So, the engine's smashed", he said. He looked like a lazy dude who really didn't want to be driving bunch of tourists around on such a warm day.
"How do you know, have you checked the engine?" Moosh shouted from her seat.
"Lady, I know engines", the driver said, even though the girls highly doubted that.
"He called me a lady", Moosh muttered, sounding insulted.
"How dare he? It is clear that you're a man!" Angi gasped in fake shock.
"So, it'll take a few hours to get the bus fixed. I guess you can roam around town meanwhile and wait", the driver continued.
"Where are we, exactly?" Rachel asked the driver.
"Burbank. California, obviously", the driver said and then walked out of the bus, leaving the door open.
"Where the heck is Burbank?" Moosh asked.
"You're the one who lives in California", Kir said.
"Well... Burbank. Never ever heard of this place", Moosh shook her shoulders and looked out of the window. "Hey, there's a movie theatre!"
"What's that poster on the wall of the theatre?" Angi asked and pointed at something next to the theatre doors.
"HARRY POTTER!" Rachel screamed as loud as humanly possible.
This time many of the passangers who were gathering their stuff, turned to look at them.
But the girls didn't care. At least not Rachel, Angi or Kir.
"Harry Potter!" they were all saying. "We gotta go see it!" Kir shouted and jumped up her seat, grabbing her bag at the same time, followed by Rachel and Angi, who did exactly the same, and stopped at half way out of the bus to look back at Moosh, who was staring at them like they were all crazy.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"But... Harry Potter marathon!" Angi said in confusion.
"Yeah!" Kir and Rachel both added.
"The marathon starts later tonight, I reckon. Movies usually do. We don't have time to stay and watch them", Moosh pointed out, and she wasn't moving from her seat.
Angi groaned and walked to Moosh, grabbed her bag and dragged her up from her arm. "Please, please, please, please, please!" she kept saying as she followed Kir and Rachel, dragging Moosh out of the bus.

"But we can't stay here!" Moosh insisted when they were out of the bus, walking towards the theatre to read the poster properly.
"Why not?" Kir asked.
"Because we're supposed to tour California!" Moosh groaned quite weakly. Difficult to debate with the Harry Potter freaks.
"Well, we are in California now, aren't we?" Rachel pointed out as she walked to the poster with Kir and Angi, and Moosh was hesitating with following.
"Tonight at 8, it starts", Kir said as she read the text.
"Brilliant!" Angi smirked.
"But where will we stay?" Moosh asked.
"At a hotel or something", Kir shook her shoulders.
"Oh, did we suddenly win the lottery?" Moosh chuckled.
"Noo, but I did win my life savings", Rachel smiled. "Easy, I'm sure we can afford a reasonably priced hotel."
"Awesome! What time is it now..?" Angi took out her phone to check the clock, but it slipped through her fingers and dropped on the tarmac.
"Oh, come on!" she groaned and went to pick it up.
"It's dead!" Kir gasped with a dramatic voice.
"It looks kinda.. black", Moosh said as she took the phone in her hand. It wouldn't start, no matter what buttons she pressed or how much she tried to restart the phone.
"Did the battery fell off or something?" Rachel asked and looked around. No battery to be seen.
"Oh no! It cannot be dead. COME BACK TO LIFE!" Angi took the phone from Moosh and shouted at it.
"Relax, Banjo. I'm sure we can fix it.. hey, look over there", Rachel said and pointed at a Buy More that was just across the street.
"a Buy More?" Kir asked in disbelief.
"Well, I heard that they have those Nerd Herd stands there.. sometimes. They fix computers and phones and stuff", Rachel explained.
"Let's take it there!" Angi gasped.
"Okay, okay", Moosh nodded, and they begun to walk towars the Buy More.

"I've never been in one of these", Kir noted as they walked in.
"Well, it's not much", Rachel said. "Kinda freaks me out. I don't like big stores."
"Why?" Moosh chuckled.
"I dunno, they're just creepy", Rachel smirked and pointed at the Nerd Herd stand in the middle of the shop. At the stand there were two guys talking. They worked there, because they had Buy More shirts on. The other guy was tall, had dark, curly-ish hair, was kinda cute in his own way and strangely reminded all of them of Seth Cohen from the O.C. But no, it wasn't Adam Brody who had decided to take on a new job at a Buy More. And the other guy.. well.. he was shorter, he had this little beard and he had dark hair, also. He looked kinda dorky.

"Hello!" Angi said as she was the first to walk to the counter and placed her phone on it. "Can you fix him?"
"Oh!" the taller guy turned to look at the girls that were now all around the Nerd Herd stand. "Him?" he looked confused, but then turned to the table and saw the phone. "Oh, the phone. Right.." He took it in his hand and looked at it, opened the shell, closed it, pressed the buttons and then turned to the girls. "What did you do to it?" he looked suspicious.
"It dropped to the ground", Angi said in frustration.
"Okay, okay", Chuck hurried to say, because Angi looked quite annoyed. "I think I can fix it, yeah. No big deal. How about you come back tomorrow-"
"No, it has to be fixed today", Rachel said. It was likely that they'd leave in the morning right the next day.
"Okay", Chuck nodded. "So, umm.. Hold on", he walked out of the Nerd Herd section with the phone, which left the girls with Morgan.
"Hey there! Tourists?", he smiled in a way which he probably himself thought was sexy, but it wasn't.
"I'm sorry, are you hitting on us?" Kir asked.
"Maybe, is it working?" Morgan asked, a bit confused at the front treatement.
"No", they all said at the same time.
"Hey, that was kinda cool", Moosh smirked.
"Right, so..", Chuck walked back to them and smiled. "I'll probably have it fixed by tonight. How about you come back around.. 7-8 to pick it up?"
"Perfect!" Angi nodded. "Thank you..", she looked down at his name tag. "Chuck!"
"You're welcome", Chuck chuckled, and then the girls waved at him, clearly not at Morgan, and headed out of the store.

"Hey, wanna stop by to get some frozen yogurt?" Rachel asked, gesturing at the fro-yo shop across the street.
"YES!" Angi smirked, and then they laughed, yes, all of them, and walked across the street to the store.
"Hello", Kir said as she walked to the counter. The woman who worked there was beautiful, kinda tall like Chuck and blonde. She smiled at them and asked: "What can I get you?"
"Four fro-yo's, please. Any flavour. Right?" Kir turned back to the others.
"Yeah, whatever", they all nodded.
"Okay", Sarah smiled, and got to work.
"Will we get to the movies tonight in time?" Rachel asked.
"Probably. We'll just go pick up the phone around 7 or so", Moosh nodded.
"Aww, so you're excited about the movies too?" Angi smirked at Moosh.
".... Maybe a bit", Moosh smiled.
"Yes!" the others laughed, and then took the fro-yo's that Sarah gave them, paid her and then headed out the store to walk around town.
"Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to stay here, because this is delicious!" Moosh smirked, eating her fro-yo.
"Exactly!" Kir nodded. So, for the next few hours, they just walked around town, shopping a bit, not knowing how much their lives would change that night. Yeah, I know, sounds stupid, but stay tuned!

... that was chapter one. thank you very much for reading :D and no, that was not the end of the story :P
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