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posted by whatsupbugs
Note: Code Geass is an anime that was done by the studio Sunrise.

Lelouch Lamperouge was often known for being a dangerous, ruthless vigilante, but there was so much more to Lelouch. He was a very unusual man. In fact, those who knew him best considered him to be one of the weirdest people of all time. Lelouch was an ambitious person that was full of life. He was so full of life that he couldn't resist dancing all over the world, while acting like a clumsy, immature weirdo. Because of Lelouch's many flaws, a lot of people liked to keep their distance from him. In fact, some people were so bothered by him that they went out of their way to move as far away from him as they could.

One morning, Lelouch got up and started getting ready for his day. He had to go to Ashford Academy. Lelouch hated having to do work, so he wasn't thrilled about having to do a bunch of classwork. Despite that, Lelouch still wanted to make the most out of his day. After getting dressed, Lelouch went to the living room and started dancing around. He was so focused on being a goofy dancer that he wasn't focused on being careful. He tripped and fell into a pile of pillows that were on the floor.

Lelouch's girlfriend, C. C., walked by and saw that Lelouch had fallen down, so she asked, "Are you okay?"

Lelouch started getting up, while saying, "I'm fine. I'm just confused about why there was a pile of pillows on the floor."

C. C. replied, "I put them there."

Lelouch asked, "Why would you do that?"

C. C. explained, "I figured that you were about to do another one of your goofy dances. I wanted to make sure that you stayed safe, so I put a pile of pillows on the floor. That way, you could have a safe fall."

Lelouch looked impressed by C. C., while saying, "I appreciate that. You certainly know what I need to stay safe."

C. C. folded her arms, while replying, "Somebody needs to make sure that you stay safe. After all, it seems like you put little, if any, effort into keeping yourself safe."

Lelouch said, "Being safe is important, but I can't let safety get in the way of my dancing." Lelouch continued dancing around the living room. As he was dancing, he slipped and fell back into the pile of pillows.

C. C. had a concerned look on her face, while asking, "Are you okay?"

Lelouch calmly replied, "I'm fine."

C. C. said, "Well, you need to start taking better care of yourself."

Lelouch replied, "I'll do what I can."

C. C. said, "I better go make you breakfast."

Lelouch replied, "I appreciate the gesture, but you already do so much for me. I'll just steal some food from my friends."

C. C. raised an eyebrow, while asking, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Lelouch said, "I don't see why it wouldn't be. My friends can't get enough of me, so they'd do anything for me. I'm going to get going."

C. C. grabbed Lelouch's backpack and said, "Don't forget to bring this."

Lelouch replied, "I don't want to bring my backpack."

C. C. had a confused look on her face, while asking, "Why not? You need your backpack, because it has all of your books and stuff."

Lelouch replied, "Because it has so much stuff in it, it's too hard to carry around. If I end up needing anything, I'll just take it from my friends."

C. C. asked, "Are you sure that you know what you're doing?"

Lelouch put his hand on his hips, while saying, "When it comes to knowing what I'm doing, I'm an absolute master. In fact, I have little doubt that I'm the smartest person of all time."

C. C. replied, "Ahem."

Lelouch nervously smiled and said, "Actually, I'm the second smartest. Nobody could ever be as smart as you."

C. C. grinned and replied, "Thank you, honey."

Lelouch said, "I better get going."

C. C. said, "I love you."

Lelouch replied, "I love you, too." Lelouch gave C. C. a kiss and started heading out.

A short time later, Lelouch ran to Ashford Academy. Once he got inside, he started dancing around the hallways. The teachers had told him to not dance at school, but Lelouch felt like he couldn't help it. He thought that his dance skills were so amazing that they deserved to be seen by as many people as possible.

Lelouch's best friend, Suzaku Kururugi, had an amused look on his face, while watching Lelouch dance around. He said, "You're not a bad dancer, but you should probably cut it out. You know that the teachers and other students are sick of seeing you dance."

Lelouch looked baffled, while saying, "I don't get how anybody could be tired of seeing my eloquent dancing skills. After all, I'm the greatest dancer of all time."

Suzaku looked around and noticed that Lelouch wasn't wearing a backpack, so he asked, "Where's your stuff?"

Lelouch said, "I didn't bring anything, because my backpack's too heavy."

Suzaku sighed and replied, "The teachers are going to be ticked off."

Lelouch grabbed Suzaku's backpack and started digging through it, while asking, "What did you bring for breakfast?"

Suzaku explained, "I had breakfast at home, so all I have is my lunch."

Lelouch said, "I skipped breakfast at my place, so I'm going to have your lunch for breakfast."

Suzaku gave Lelouch an annoyed look, while saying, "I didn't give you permission to take my lunch."

Lelouch said, "You owe me."

Suzaku asked, "What for?"

Lelouch explained, "I'm the greatest friend of all time, so you are beyond lucky to have me for a best friend. Because of that, you owe me more than you can ever imagine."

Suzaku folded his arms, while replying, "Frankly, I'm not so sure about you being the greatest friend of all time."

After digging through Suzaku's lunchbox, Lelouch realized that it was full of healthy food. Lelouch was disgusted by the thought of eating healthy food, so he threw Suzaku's lunchbox in the garbage can. Lelouch looked at Suzaku, while saying, "Instead of bringing gross friend, you need to start bringing good food."

Suzaku angrily replied, "You threw my lunch away!"

Lelouch said, "I'm sorry, Suzaku, but I had to do it. Your lunchbox was full of such gross garbage that it deserved to be thrown in the garbage can."

Shirley Fenette walked by and noticed that Suzaku was angrily staring at Lelouch, so she nervously asked, "Is everything okay?"

Lelouch smiled and said, "Everything's fine."

Shirley said, "Thank goodness. It's good to see you, Lulu."

Lelouch replied, "It's nice to see you, too, Shirley."

Lelouch grabbed Shirley's backpack and started digging through it, so Shirley asked, "What are you doing?"

Lelouch said, "I'm looking for your lunchbox."

Shirley asked, "Why?"

Lelouch said, "Because I'm going to have your lunch for breakfast." After pulling out Shirley's lunchbox, Lelouch opened it up and saw that it was mostly full of health food. However, Lelouch did find a small bag of cookies, so he grabbed the cookies and threw the rest of Shirley's lunch in the garbage can. Lelouch smiled at Shirley and said, "Thank you for the cookies."

Shirley replied, "Um, you're welcome."

A few minutes later, Lelouch, Suzaku, Shirley and a bunch of other students were in math class. The math teacher told the students to get out their books, but Lelouch didn't bring his book. Lelouch grabbed Suzaku's book and said, "I'm going to use your book."

Suzaku took his book back and said, "You can't use my book."

Lelouch asked, "Why not?"

Suzaku said, "Because I need to use my book for class."

Lelouch replied, "I also need to use your book, so hand it over."

Suzaku was getting tired of Lelouch's nonsense, so he said, "I'm not going to let you take whatever you want from me."

Lelouch had a disappointed look on his face, while replying, "You're not being that great of a bestie."

Suzaku angrily said, "Coming from you, that's quite the hypocritical statement. You're always treating your friends badly."

Lelouch replied, "Just me the book."

Suzaku stubbornly responded, "I'll never give you my book!"

Lelouch sighed and said, "Fine." Lelouch carefully watched Suzaku, while waiting for something to distract Suzaku. When Suzaku got up to sharpen his pencil, Lelouch grabbed Suzaku's book. After doing so, he ran up to the window and threw the book out the window. Lelouch was so pleased with what he had done that he started dancing around the classroom.

The math teacher gave Lelouch a disapproving look, while saying, "Stop dancing around, Lelouch. Sit down and start reading your book."

Suzaku replied, "Lelouch can't do that, because he didn't bring his book."

Lelouch had a sneaky smile on his face, while saying, "You also can't read your book, because I threw it out the window."

Suzaku angrily asked, "How could you do such a thing?"

Lelouch said, "You had it coming for refusing to let me take it from you."

Suzaku was so mad at Lelouch that he temporarily lost sight of his manners. He ended up getting so mad that he punched Lelouch in the face.

The math teacher gave Suzaku a disapproving look, while saying, "You're in a lot of trouble, young man."

Suzaku nervously replied, "But what happened wasn't my fault."

The math teacher said, "I saw you punch Lelouch in the face. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we've all been tempted to punch Lelouch, but that doesn't mean that it's okay to actually punch him. You're going to have detention for the rest of the month."

Suzaku sighed and replied, "Fine."

Lelouch sat next to Shirley and asked, "Can you help me out?"

Shirley asked, "What do you need?"

Lelouch pointed at Shirley's book, while asking, "Can I borrow that?"

Shirley replied, "I already finished the assignment, so go ahead. Just be careful with the book."

Lelouch proudly proclaimed, "Nobody's better at being careful with things than I am." Lelouch opened the book and started working on his math assignment. However, the work was a lot harder than Lelouch was expecting it to be. He ended up becoming incredibly frustrated by how difficult the work was. He became so frustrated that he started ripping up the book.

Shirley nervously ran up to Lelouch, while asking, "What do you think you're doing? Don't you realize that you're destroying the book?"

Lelouch looked mildly guilty, while saying, "I'm sorry, Shirley, but this book was absolutely awful. I'm afraid that it deserved to be ripped up."

Shirley walked up to the math teacher and put the shredded remains of the book on the teacher's desk, while saying, "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid that my book is ruined."

The math teacher raised his eyebrows, while asking, "I've never seen a book that's been put into worser shape than this one. How did this book get so damaged?"

Shirley explained, "I let Lelouch borrow my book."

The math teacher said, "Since it was your book, I'm afraid that you'll have to get the blame for what happened. I'll have to lower your math grade for this. Also, you'll have to pay for a replacement book."

Shirley sighed and replied, "I understand."

A few hours later, it was lunchtime. Lelouch danced around the cafeteria, while looking for his friends. He saw Shirley, as well as Milly Ashford, Nina Einstein and Rivalz Cardemonde, but he didn't see Suzaku. He sat at the same table as his friends, while asking, "Where's Suzaku?"

Shirley replied, "Thanks to you, he's currently in detention. Also, because of you, my grade is being lowered and I have to pay for the book that you ripped to shreds. If all that wasn't bad enough, I don't have anything to eat for lunch."

Milly tried to make Shirley feel better, while saying, "You can share my lunch with me."

Lelouch said, "I didn't bring a lunch, so I'm going to need to take some food from you guys." Lelouch grabbed Milly, Nina and Rivalz's lunchboxes and started digging through them. He didn't see anything that he liked, so he threw the lunchboxes in the garbage can. Thanks to Lelouch, none of Lelouch's friends had anything to eat for lunch.

A few hours later, school was over for the day. As Lelouch was leaving for the day, he noticed that all of his friends looked upset at him. Lelouch felt confused about why any of his friends would be mad about anything he did.

A short time later, Lelouch arrived back home. He walked inside and started looking at C. C., while saying, "I didn't have that great of a day."

C. C. had a concerned look on her face, while asking, "What went wrong?"

Lelouch put his hand on his chin, while saying, "To be honest, I'm not sure. I tried to have a fun day with my friends, but for some reason, they all got mad at me. I'm not sure why they would do that. After all, I'm the greatest friend of all time."

C. C. replied, "I'm sorry that your friends are displeased with you. It's sad that they don't understand you as well as I do."

Lelouch smiled at C. C., while saying, "You're the most understanding person in the world. If anybody's better than me, it's you." C. C. was so touched that she started kissing Lelouch. Despite everything that Lelouch had gone through, C. C.'s kisses made the day worth it.
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