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47 Ronin (2013 movie) Fan Club


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jo_ann said:
I left the theater broken-hearted, moved to tears, hopelessly in love with Kai. He was bruised, beaten and still he reigned in 47 Ronin. He said he would search a thousand lifetimes until he found his true love and she received his love with her whole heart. The samurai they rejected became the leader. Negotiating always with strange looking creatures who took him in, taught him their ways and when he is forced to return to help those who had been their enemies, he is tested and he along with the others pass the test and receive the weapons which appear; what they desired was the downfall for some and then there were 47. That made sense. It was exciting and brought Japanese culture to my mind, so I must find out more why these brave men were allowed to die in the end. They fought not for revenge alone, but to protect, be the sacrifice so that others may leave. It made since for the youngest of the warriors to survive - he showed bravery by facing his father as he sacrificed his life as he promised to die a samarai's death. The wicked witch loved someone and did horrible things to show her loyalty. I wanted the princess to be like the princess in wolverine until I realized that there had to be a great difference between the two women. The princess and Kai in Ronin had pure love. I had chosen being in an action movie with the Keanu Reeves rather than a love story, but if the love story is 47 Ronin, I choose life and love definitely. I loved it.
posted over a year ago.