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*Author's note: this picks up the night after where part 18 left off. The point of view switches off between me, Kate, and Buddy so sorry if it confuses you a bit*

The next morning was a bright and sunny one, I woke to the sun streaming in the small window in my bedroom in the trailer house. A nice break considering all the rain we had been getting. Kate laid with her paws around me, we had had been making out and fell asleep doing so the night before.
"Kate Kate wake up! It's shaping out to be a glorious summer day!" I said to her.
Kate woke and looked around and yawned, "oh I forgot we were here and not back at home, how did you sleep?"
"Very good actually, I woke up and saw it was sunny outside so I thought I would wake you up early and we could have a nice day outside!"
We got up and had a quick breakfast of bacon and eggs, dad still slept. I remembered hearing him open the door last night when he got home, it was late.
Stormy stayed inside the house when we went out, Buddy was laying right in front of the door and jumped up out of the way as soon as I opened it.
I thought a nice ride on the motorcycle would be a pleasure for me and Kate. I went and tried starting it but it would not start right away so I opened up the shop and started tinkering with it.

Kate wandered around waiting for Jon to get finished working with the bike. It was then that Buddy came up to her.
"Hey Kate you wanna come with me and see this really cool thing that I found?" Buddy asked.
"Sure what is it?" Kate questioned.
"It's a surprise! Follow me!"
Kate followed Buddy a ways down a steep, muddy ravine and there sitting in the middle of it all was a deer carcass.
"This is it!" Buddy exclaimed, "found it this morning! Want some?"
"Oh yeah don't mind if I do!" Kate exclaimed digging into the dead deer. It was then Buddy turned to leave.
"Where you going?" Kate asked him.
"I have to go do my business, will be back though."

Kate continued to eat while Buddy hurriedly ran toward the old beaver dam where he knew the beavers were waiting.
"Hurry guys; I got the wolf set up down there, we have to make this quick before she thinks I've been gone too long!"
The beavers did not hesitate and began using their big teeth to yank large sticks out of the dam wall, Buddy did the same. Soon water began to burst though.
"You better get out of the way dog, when this thing breaks it will wash you away." Chuck said.
"Okay, thanks again guys!" Buddy said turning and heading out to safety. The beavers pulled a few more sticks when the dam finally gave way and broke. Buddy danced around giddily with joy and watched as the water plunged into the ravine, he heard Kate scream. Time to run and get Jon. Buddy met him about halfway back to the trailer house.
"What's going on Buddy!" Jon yelled frantically, "I heard Kate screaming!"
Buddy barked and turned and ran in the direction of Kate's yells, Jon hot on his heels.

*WARNING: This next part may be emotionally upsetting or disturbing to some readers!*

I raced toward the edge of a ravine and looked down, the old, abandoned beaver dam upstream had broken and to my horror Kate was clinging on to a rock for dear life, the water rushing around her.
"Hold on Kate!" I yelled. It was then a log or something struck her and she cried out painfully. I couldn't take it anymore and jumped down the slope sliding on my bottom. I tried to get upstream a ways before plunging in the cold water, I gasped it was very cold!
The current was stronger than I had anticipated and I was moving toward Kate at a rapid pace. I used my left arm to grab her while I went by and the current swept us downstream.
"It's okay Kate I got you!"
I looked for a way out, steep muddy walls on both sides. I saw a flat ledge sticking out downstream and kicked toward it with all my strength. I caught onto the ledge with my right arm and with all the strength I could muster with my left; I threw Kate up onto the dry land, to safety. She landed roughly on her side with a thud, I did not mean to hurt her if I did. Kate rolled over on her belly and watched me with a confused expression. The ledge was small and there would not be any room there for me.
"There's no room up there for me Kate!" I yelled over the roar of water. I gripped onto the ledge but the current was rapidly draining me of my strength, I did not know how much longer I would be able to hang on.
"Kate now listen to me! You stay on that ledge no matter what happens you hear me? Wait until the water recedes."
Kate had tears streaming down her cheeks and opened her mouth to say something. Suddenly a log struck me in the thigh, stabbing into me and causing tremendous pain.
"AH!" I yelled and let go of the ledge in agony.
"Jon no!" Kate yelled watching in horror as I was pulled under the water.

Buddy prowled along the top of the ravine watching everything happen. Jon was a great swimmer, that much Buddy could give him credit for.
Buddy snorted in disgust when he saw Jon throw Kate up onto that ledge down there. Then Jon had let go of the ledge and was swept under the water, Buddy was glad to see that! If Jon had gotten out on the ledge with her, his plan would have been foiled and he would've had to come up with another.
Now Buddy stopped prowling along the edge of the ravine and stood watching over the rushing water, waiting for Jon to reappear and he did shortly. Now all Buddy could do was wait and watch, his opportunity would come and he would have to execute his revenge on the one thing that had been keeping him from reaching his full potential for 5 years, Jon.

The water tossed and battered me around into rocks and whatever else was under here. I felt something crack in my ribcage but felt no pain yet.
I eventually got my footing beneath me and found purchase on a boulder, I used all the strength I had left in my thick legs and launched myself out of the water, landing on the opposite bank. It was steep and muddy but I was going to try and climb out of here.
Something was wrong with my back legs though and I struggled to climb up the slope, it probably happened when the log struck me I guessed. It was very painful and I knew I would need medical attention once I got out of here. I looked toward the top, Buddy was standing up there, he would help me.

Kate was relieved to see Jon burst out of the water and start to climb out the steep; muddy ravine, she waited patiently with anticipation, but could no longer see him as he climbed closer to the top.
Soon the water would recede and it would be safe for her to get out of here. Kate would meet up with Jon and they would go back to the trailer house and take a nice shower together.
Then they would have a lunch, and go take a nap in the bedroom to hopefully forget this terrifying experience. All this Kate could only hope for.

I slipped and grabbed for anything on the ledge as I climbed closer to the top. Rocks, roots, anything that would support me. For the most part though I was digging my fingers into the ravine wall and pushing painfully toward the top with my legs. Now I could feel my ribs aching and the strength in my arms was draining.
I was close though only a few more feet to the top where Buddy now stood. I guessed it was about a 15 foot climb. To the right of me a little ways, a small ledge was sticking out; I got my right foot on it and lunged myself forward, just barely missing the top of the ravine by mere inches. I looked up at Buddy standing there watching the process unfold.
"Buddy...!" I slipped a ways backward, "help me!" I said desperately; my feet slipping and I slid down a hair more, and I began to try climbing back up.
I took a quick glance behind me, the water still rushing in the bottom of the ravine. Kate was not visible where I had thrown her onto the ledge but I knew that she was safe for now. I turned to look back at Buddy again, just in time to feel a stabbing pain on the top of my hands.
I winced, closing my eyes and letting out a painful yell. I opened my eyes and was shocked by what I was seeing. Buddy had lunged over the edge with his forelegs and pinned my hands to the wall, and he had dug in them with his claws, enough to draw blood I could feel it oozing out slowly.
"What in the hell do you think you are doing!" I yelled at him. I began to struggle and kicked at the wall with my legs, trying to get Buddy to let go of me.
Buddy moved his head closer to me and I saw the malevolent smile curl into the corners of his mouth. Buddy's eyes narrowed and I saw the cold hate in them. Now his mouth began to move as if he were saying something to me, I could not hope to understand it. My eyes widened in shock and I realized what he was about to do.
Then with a mighty shove with his big forepaws, Buddy threw me back off the wall and I was falling through the air. I tried to grab for something in the air hoping I could break the fall but no such object came to me.

Kate did not see how or what made him fall, his hands were grabbing uselessly at the air.
Kate saw him slam into the water and heard a terrible cracking sound, he was pulled under and his head did not come back up either. The water was starting to recede but she remembered Jon firmly telling her to stay where she was no matter what happened until the water receded to a safe level. So there was nothing she could do but wait.

The water had violently tossed me onto a sandbar further downstream and I lay there in agony like no other...and barely clinging onto life.
I tried to get up but pain seared through my body like a knife, I groaned painfully and dropped heavily back into place on my side.
When I fell I landed on a large rock that probably snapped my spine, and I knew that one of my lungs had something bad go wrong with it. The other was slowly filling up with a liquid of some kind, water or blood? I did not know.
At first it was shock and betrayal that had kept my eyes open, another ruthless act pulled on me by Buddy. I had actually realized it at the last moment too, he had set me up! Now a whole different thing dominated my paranoid thoughts though.

"Kate..." I managed to say very weakly, fighting to keep my eyes open. I used them to frantically scan the area for any sign of her.
The water had receded now. I could hear something moving in the nearby bushes. Then out of nowhere came the greatest sound that could ever pass through my ears. "...Jon?"
She was alive; Kate was okay, nothing else mattered now. Exhaling a long and heavy sigh I watched Kate come bounding toward me, then closed my eyes.

Kate stopped bounding when her eyes confirmed that it was him, and she carefully approached the still figure she knew so well laying on the ground a few yards in front of her.
Kate looked down onto Jon, his eyes were peacefully closed and he lay on his side as if he were only sleeping. All of his clothes were soaked and muddy and clung onto his body, one of his shoes was missing. His back was bent in a sick looking way and Kate knew something was wrong there, that cracking sound she had heard maybe? Jon's golden blond hair was now brown colored with mud and sand.
Numerous cuts and bruises were visible upon his face and arms. She noticed some gashes on top of his hands that confused her. It would not register completely in her brain though and she was now more concerned with weather or not he was alive.

"Jon?" Kate asked hopefully, nothing, he did not stir or move in anyway. She nudged him and pawed at him.
"Jon come on! You have to get up, we need to go back home..." Kate said her voice breaking off though.
Kate even tried biting his ear which normally worked, still nothing.
Fearing the worst she knew he was dead; her senses told her that, Jon had given his life to save her. He lay sprawled and broken on the ground, like a great eagle that had fallen out of the sky.
Kate pushed her way underneath his left arm, laying against his cold, wet body, and began to mourn.
Realization sweeping over her, never again would he speak to her, never again would he kiss her, never again would he wrap his powerful, loving arms around her, never again would he have fun with her. Now all she had were the memories of him.

I was now riding in the Bronco sitting in the drivers seat like always; except I was not steering it, or giving it gas, it was driving by itself. It was climbing higher into the sky. I glanced over into the passenger seat, a beautiful woman in her mid thirties sat next to me. Long golden hair and brilliant blue eyes the exact same as mine. The woman had been the figment of my dreams and unanswered questions that had nagged at me my whole entire life, but I recognized her immediately.
"Mom? Where are we going?" I asked.
She placed her hand on mine, it was warm, "we are going home son!" She turned her head and looked across the dashboard. Bright golden light and tall golden gates were coming into view. I had never been able to say it to her before in my life and now I could.
"I love you."
She looked at me and smiled, we had the same smile too.
"I love you too my son, you have come home!" Mom said quietly; she talked so lovingly to me, as if we had known each other for the past 18 years.
We looked out the windshield as the golden gates opened and bright light blinded me. Trumpets were sounding off, and somewhere beautiful vocalists could be heard.

After the water receded Buddy descended into the ravine and trotted along until he came upon Jon laying on the ground and Kate beneath his arm.
"Kate what has happened here?" Buddy asked even though he knew.
Kate startled and stared at him with blurry eyes of tears.
"The dam broke and he tried to save me, it was an accident I did not mean for it to happen!" Kate choked on the words.
"Of course you didn't Kate, accidents happen all the time, but Jon is gone now."
"I know," Kate whimpered.
"Well I better go get his dad," Buddy said.
"I won't leave him, I cant," Kate cried.
Buddy left to get Paul, Kate did not know how he would react. While Buddy was gone she tried to howl a requiem in hopes he would wake back up, but she was too emotionally shaken and a howl would not come to her.

About 30 minutes later Buddy arrived with Paul and Kate stepped back away from Jon.
"My son?" Paul bent down and Kate heard him sob. Bad back and all, Paul scooped his son into his arms and lifted him off the ground and carried him back to the trailer house, Kate and Buddy followed.
Soon an box shaped vehicle with flashing lights arrived and the people that were inside it put Jon on a bed with wheels, and a white sheet was placed over him, the people loaded him up inside it and drove away. A loud siren blaring and Kate's ears perked painfully at the sound, it made her want to howl but she didn't.
Stormy had been watching it all happen and dropped her head and tucked her tail between her legs and trotted off behind the house. Kate heard her howl out in mourning of her lost master, the alpha leader in Stormy's eyes. It was a beautiful sound but it was so sad and tragic. Kate never knew that Stormy had such a beautiful voice, nor did she know that Stormy could howl.
Kate did not notice any sorrow or sign of sadness in Buddy though. For all she knew he was probably glad, he could assume the alpha position at any time now.

That night Kate had trouble getting to sleep, without Jon next to her just did not seem right. Kate was used to falling asleep under his left arm.
Paul had left in his truck with Buddy after getting off the phone with someone and said he would not be back for a few hours. Kate had no idea where Stormy was though.
Kate's heart felt empty and most of all broken. She began to cry again and eventually cried herself to sleep.
Kate's sleep was full of tortured nightmares, she could only remember one though.
In the nightmare she was standing on top of the ravine wall, dry and out of harm's way. Jon however was clinging onto the steep, muddy slope for dear life begging her to help him.
"Kate! Kate! Help me!" Jon desperately yelled at her, this was the first time Kate had ever heard fear in his voice.
For some reason though she would not reach out and lend her paw to help him. Instead Kate watched as he tried to grab a root sticking out of the muddy slope, it broke and he fell backwards toward the rushing water.
added by willemert
added by katealphawolf
I find myself thinking this all the time cooped up at school or work!
honda crf230
posted by katealphawolf
*This is going to be a whole different series written by me, katealphawolf (Jon is my real name and will be used in the series)It is going to be about my life living with Kate, how we met, what we do, and the one thing that threatens to tear our lives apart, here is a brief prologue story. Oh and the series will be titled like this "Life with Kate, part:#" you get the idea right? If not feel free to ask me!*

I looked across the small lake and watched her as she approached me lying low in the cover of the cattails . She is a wolf that part I can see but I had been spying on her for an hour before...
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*warning: minor sex scene ahead! YOU ARE WARNED!*

It was finally here; the day that school let us out for summer break, not only for summer break but it was also the year I graduated. Highschool was behind me now; never again would it rear it's ugly face at me now! The surprising thing is I passed PAD with a C+ which was good. I passed English with a A-, and a B+ in math. I wanted to go to college but needed money for it so I concluded to working for a year to save it up. We had a graduation party at my house the night after graduation. All my friends, my cousins, and several other family members...
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Message body
*author's note: another fast-paced story again! Trying to get to springtime is all! Then the exciting stuff happens!*

We woke the next morning to nearly 2 feet of fresh, powdery snow on the ground. Upon going outside Kate and Stormy bounded around and played in it. Light snow still continued to fall. I turned the hubs in on the Bronco so I could use 4x4, and we went driving around in it. We went out on the flat roads where the wind had blown deep drifts and went plowing through them, sending snow flying over the Bronco.

The snow was fun for awhile but got old fast, along with the...
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*author's note: this picks up right where part 18 left off, except it is back to my point of view again and not Buddy's*

That evening me and Kate stayed inside the trailer house and tried watching TV. It had started to rain again. The trailer house did not have high def TV like I was used to, and the TV was not a flat screen either. I sat down in the old recliner opposite the TV. It was an old-style box shaped TV, the picture was not crystal clear like any of the TVs at home. It was okay though, normally whenever I was here I was always out exploring the hills or riding my motorcycle all over...
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The rising sun beamed in through the passenger window of the Bronco and warmed Kate. She opened her eyes, for the first time in months her dreams the previous night were happy instead of sad and terrifying. Kate replayed the memory of Jon in the rain and how he revealed to her the awful truth of what happened to him that day in the ravine. She still could not believe that Buddy would do that to him and why? Sure Jon was not very nice to Buddy at times but why would that be the reason for Buddy to kill him?
Kate got up and stretched out and yawned. She pushed the Bronco's passenger door open...
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posted by katealphawolf
Kate trotted along down the gravel road heading back to Jon's house from the trailer house in the mountains. Coming here she had gotten there in record time but now it seemed slower going back. The day was hot and dry, now and then a car would pass and send a cloud of dust her way. Kate would cough, feeling grit in her teeth.
Finally after what seemed like ages the gravel finally ended and the road turned to smooth asphalt, it was hot and felt sticky on her pads. Still it did not slow her pace. Over the course of the trek back big thunderheads had been building in the sky, and now blocked out...
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posted by Xero_Pyramid206
Today was just a normal day, I had finished my paperwork, gone to meetings, and was ready to chill. I felt like watching Alpha and Omega again today, since then I could see my love, Kate. But Kate is with my friend/neighbor, Jon. So I guess I will be watching it alone. I finally reached my driveway. Yawning, I got out of the car and was ready for dinner. As I entered my backyard my eyes widened. Kate was lying in my grass, knocked out! I ran over to help her, praying she was not dead. "Kate? Kate? You ok?" I said, shaking her. Her eyes then fluttered open. But there was something different,...
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posted by katealphawolf
*Lightning flashes, followed by a loud crash of thunder*
Kate jumped awake, her heart pounding. At first she had to register where she was, in the Bronco, and not in Jon's bed. Rain pelted the old truck from the sudden downpour.
"Damn, that scared me!" Kate said to herself.
Kate sat up and looked around, the blue Duramax was parked by the backdoor now, the whole house was dark. Kate knew it was just the peak hours before dawn probably. She then remembered what had happened the previous day, but felt better now that she had slept awhile. Kate glanced out of the passenger door window toward the...
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added by katealphawolf
Source: me
added by katealphawolf
Source: zach
added by katealphawolf
Source: me
posted by Xero_Pyramid206
No one could move. They were to afraid at the demon that had appeared before them. Pyramid Head immediately grabbed Kate and threw her against the wall, about to do the worst. I had to do something. I have never seen her so scared in my life.

"Chris! Do something!" Humphrey begged.

"Yeah! Don't just stand there!" Lilly cried.

"Chris! Help!" Kate cried.

Pyramid Head then dragged his heavy blade toward Kate. She began to cower and whimper as he drew nearer. She was a goner if I didn't do something. Suddenly, I knew what to do.

"Chris!" Salty shouted.

I jumped on top of Kate and held her to the ground....
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posted by Xero_Pyramid206
Hi, my name is Chris. I am 17 years old and live in the town of Silent Hill. My mother is Alessa Gillespie, a young, innocent girl who was burned alive for "witchcraft". She was also raped at an early age. While in the hospital, she gave birth to me and my sister Cheryl, who became known as Heather Mason. After our birth, my mother died. So it turns out that I have a "gift", I am the "messiah", as they call it, to their religion. This is known as "The Order". When my mother died, I was enraged. I had dark powers within me. I could control, manipulate sick twisted demons. They did everything...
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added by katealphawolf
Source: me
added by katealphawolf
Source: me
added by katealphawolf
Source: me
added by katealphawolf
Source: me