Justin Bieber Club
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posted by bellahlovvyou
Okay, all in all Justin Bieber is amazing. He can sing, he's absolutely adorable, and he tries his best to give all of his fans equal attention. Born in Ontario, Canada, Justin Drew Bieber SELF-TAUGHT (amazing) himself to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet!! The first video of Justin's I saw was when I went on to iTunes one day and I saw that his music video for One Time was #1 in the top ten purchased music videos. Usually when I see a music video, I first look at the little bit that iTunes allows you to look at as a little taste of the video, and if I'm more interested I look up the entire video on You Tube. With THIS video, however, I took one look at thumbnail and bought the video then and there. Usually I would never do that because my parents get mad if they see that I buy a bunch of stuff, but I had to have it, simply because of Justin's cute sweet face <3 Since then I've purchased ALL of his music videos, ALL of his songs, and spend my nights looking at pictures of him while listening to his albums My World and My World 2.0 on repeat until I fall asleep. This way he's the last thing I think of before I dream :D I love everything about Justin- his hair, his teeth, his VOICE (eh-ehm- leave his voice alone people)..... and especially ESPECIALLY his beautiful big brown eyes.... -sigh- <3 Justin is the one and only love of my life, and my heart all the way through. My life relies his, and i hope one day he'll be all mine.... And I know that millions of other girls have said the same thing so.... BACK OFF JUSTIN BIEBER IS MINE!

And now that I've said what I wanted to about the Beebs, I wanna just address the haters.

JUSTIN BIEBER IS NOT GAY. JUSTIN BIEBER IS NOT A FAG. JUSTIN BIEBER DOES NOT SING LIKE A GIRL, AND EVEN IF YOU THINK SO THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN CALL HIM GAY. If you think Justin sings like a girl, that's fine with me. Because, yes, he does have a high-pitched voice and sometimes he does sound like a girl. BUT that is super messed up that people call him gay because of it. When he talks, he sounds just like you guys out there. But when he sings, he really puts his voice into it, and that means that his voice gets higher. So what. Give the guy a break! He's just another singer, who happens to reel in thousands of girls who are swooning over HIM, not YOU guys. And just because you are jealous doesn't mean you have to be mean to him. Justin is here to stay, and you should get over it. And as for you girl haters, I don't know what's the matter with you. Justin is talented, sweet, and gorgeous. So get a life and hang a JB poster on your wall.
My Heart
My Heart
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added by SmileBieberlove
added by isalove
Source: JB
added by TayTayBieber
Source: TayTayBieber
added by TayTayBieber
Source: TayTayBieber
added by TayTayBieber
Source: TayTayBieber
added by jdblover4life
added by jdblover4life
added by moras_pz
Source: teenvogue.com
added by TayTayBieber
Source: TayTayBieber