Justin Bieber Club
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"I don't know Usher,I just want a girl that won't break my ear drum when she sees me."

Justin Bieber was kind of tired of his "OMGJ(Oh My Gosh Justin) FANS.Justin was really looking for someone to spend time with that wasn't overly obsessed with him.But unfortunately a lot of those girls didn't exist in the line outside this stadium.

There was about 150 girls outside ready to buy tickets for Justin's "Bieber's World" tour.Austin,Texas was Justin's first stop and he really excited about tonight but yet, he was lonely.

Valentine's Day was coming up and Justin was still single.Don't get me wrong,Justin loved every single one of his fans but yet he wanted a girl who would go on the road with him and just genially care for him.

"Ok.Ok.I see your point Justin.I'll go find you a girl right now.There was to be one girl that genially loves you man."

"Ha.All rite.Thank you.I would go in some disguise though bro."

"Don't worry little man,I got this for soe."

So usher took off in his disguise of a mtv host. Wearing a white hoodie ,glasses,a NYC cap,and dark denim jeans.Usher did look some what like himself but not exactly,more modern.Modern enough for people not to be suspicious.

Usher had his fake mtv microphone and stepped out into the crowd of overly anxious girls.As he looked into every girls eyes he could see the total obsession in their eyes and knew automatically that wasn't the "right" girl for Justin.

"This is way harder than I intended it to be."
Usher thought to himself.
Usher was so desperate that he actually started asking the girls if they were obsessed with Justin.Every answer was yes.Some even looked stalker-ish about Justin.Some girls had this crazy look in their eye,as if they were to kill for Justin.That kind of started to scare Usher.

Usher had ten minutes before the doors opened up and the girls would scramble in for tickets.The time was ticking and he still no girl for Justin.

Usher was about to completely give up when he heard a woman's voice.

"No mom I am excited.I just hate being those overly obsessed fans that would probably make Justin Bieber pass out with all thier screaming."
The light bulb in Usher's head binged louder than anything had before.He had found the girl.The "right" girl for Justin.
Usher hadn't seen the girl yet so as turned around slowly he mumbled to himself,"Please don't be ugly.Please don't be under thirteen.Please don't be super tall."
the last one was going a little too far,but as he turned around,his prayers were answered.There stood what looked like a fourteen-year-old girl with beautiful light green eyes who had a stunning white smile and beautiful brown shoulder-length curls.Her voice has sweet but strong.A very "look at me" attitude;but not stuck up at all.She was perfect.

Usher approached the girl quickly.Took a deep breath and spoke without sounding too pushy.
"Hello there Miss.Whats your name?"
Usher voice echoed through the outside speakers.
The girl didn't seem shy but still a little nervous.
"Perfect."Usher thought.
"Umm..my name is Angel."
Angel's voice echoed too.It got quiet was the crowd of girls started to get jealous of Angel.
"Well Angel I have one question for you.Now I know you probably love Justin but are you obsessed with him?"
Usher spoke really slow and hopeful.
Then Angel stated her greatest statement.
"I do love Justin a whole lot but no,I'm not an "OMGJ fan."
As all the girls just giggled and shook their heads while Usher whispered to Angel's mom.Angel's mom eyes widened with excitement and she squeezed her daughters hand.Usher had explained what was going on but he told her that she couldn't tell her daughter a word about what was about to happen.
Usher lead confused Angel and her overly excited mother out of the line and into the stadium.Every one could hear the mumbles of all the other jealous girls still in the line.
Angel's nerves shot through her.Considering how Justin should have been here already and how she read the backstage sign as she walked.She was just as excited as her mom.She knew right thin and there that she was meeting Justin Bieber sometime tonight.
Usher stopped in front of the dressing room door and told the girls to wait there.He went inside and took off his disguise.
"Justin I have your girl."Usher whispered so that the girls wouldn't hear.
"Oh my gosh.Seriously?Oh my.....thanks man.I owe you so badly."Justin's voice was full of anxiousness but kind of nervousness.But it was cute how he checked himself twice in the mirror to make sure he looked good for his blind date.But he always looked beautiful to Angel.Angel genially did love Justin.She felt like she wasn't alone at all when she would listen to Justin's music.Considering how Angel's dad hadn't always been around when Angel was younger either.So her favorite Justin Bieber songs were Love Me and Where Are You Now.She loved Justin's perfect love songs could fit whatever mood she was in.But she wasn't totally OMG for him either.

Usher opened the door for the ladies as Justin hide behind Usher.But Angel met Justin's gorgeous brown eyes and her heart melted.So did Justin's.He immediately come out of hiding,still holding Angel's glance.Justin met Angels' hand and kissed gently.
"Hello....Umm I think it's Angel right?"
"Uhh,yeah.My name is Angel.Hi Justin!"
The fact that she didn't scream at the sight of him made him feel warm inside.
Angel's hand was like a prized possession to her now.She couldn't help but to stare at Justin.When he would smile at her or just smile in general,her mind would imagine Justin right there in front of her;and now that fantasy was a reality for her.Justin Bieber,her true love was standing right there in front of her.How could she not be completely melted by the sight of him?How could anybody?

Angel had taken Justin's breath away at that moment.The moment when her Usher had taken a walk with Angel's mother,quite a coincidence that Angel's mom had been a huge Usher fan.But that moment when they were alone.When they started having deep conversations about life and Justin's music.Justin was completely blown away by the beautiful lady in front of him.
"How could anybody compare to her?"He thought to himself over and over again as she spoke about her childhood and her dad.Justin had easily opened up to Angel.Something that he wasn't likely to do with anyone else.But Justin couldn't help it.He was so comfortable with Angel.

Angel felt the completely same way.Justin was the guy of her dreams.The whole time she was talking to him,she didn't see him as the celebrity Justin Beiber;Angel saw Justin as just Justin,the one guy she loved and totally understood her.

Justin ended up not performing that night.He ended up taking Angel on their official first date instead.The date was the two of them buying a whole bunch of Angel's and Justin's favorite foods and heading back to the stadium where Justin performed just for Angel.

When Valentine's Day came around,Angel received the biggest and most beautiful roses she had ever seen from Justin of course and they had another original love-full date together.

Justin Drew Beiber made Angel Marie Gonzalez "One less lonely girl" that night.

At the end of every note Justin Writes to Angel,he signs
"Thx for not being that OMGJ Fan.Xoxoxo!
-Yours Truly,Justin♥"
added by valerie225
added by maurizio778
Source: justin bieber 2015
posted by lilrina
justin bieber had like 10 girlfriends and all of them dumped him when he said he is single and ready to mingle don't listen to him he is lieing i have a pic of him kissing this girl named page white she is a blonde and his leg is around her they r sitting on stairs to :( some pics are old but the blonde girl one is a newer image and the one with brown here is christian beadles sister caitlin....here uis justin bieber profile link you can talk 2 him or add him if he or his other profile is kidrauhl16 type that in search then click fans under what kind and it will appear
added by JBEurope
added by ashley22
added by Dorito23
added by biebsfans
Source: www.justinworld.net
added by SmileBieberlove
added by abc2010
added by chocoleeet
another picture of connor (justin bieber look alike) ;) haha
added by Avlis
Source: Silvia Argese
added by maurizio887
Source: Justin bieber at family the beach in California
added by maurizio778
Source: justin bieber 2014