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posted by just_bella
Alice's turn!!!

End of Chapter 24
***Rosalie's POV***

"It...." I said as I shook my head. "Hmmmm well, it was like being stuck in a room with no window's. There would be a light...it would shine for a few seconds, and during those few seconds I could hear all of you, I could feel you touching me." I said as I looked into Emmett's eyes.

"The next moment though, the light would go out and I would hear people or things calling my name, offering me a way out of it all. They would call to me, tell me that it would just have to give in, that they could end this..make it better." I said as I looked up and found everyone watching me, looks of horror on all of their faces.

"I was trapped in one of the dark moments when I heard Alice's voice. I turned towards where I heard her yelling and ran, for some reason the room seemed to go on and on...I couldn't get to you." I said as I looked at her. "I ran for what seemed forever and then the light came on and I could hear everyone yelling about Alice, that she had gotten struck with what I had."

I looked around, everyone shocked by what I had told them, their faces horrified and full of pity or sorrow. I couldn't take it, I had come back so that I could explain my story, and I did...but I couldn't stay here any longer. I looked down at Alice and mouthed the words I'm sorry before I stood up and ran out the front door, leaving everyone watching me run.

Chapter 25
***Alice's POV***

Rosalie told her story, and as she spoke I felt everything along with her. I knew of the horror, and of hearing everyone and not being able to communicate with them. When Rosalie suddenly got up and took off running it was not a shock to me, talking about this was difficult, and she had told as much as she could before she left. Emmett watched me and everyone else before standing up and running out the door after Rosalie. I hoped he would be able to catch her and calm her down, I knew that none of us would ask her to divulge any more...but in turn that meant that it was up to me to tell my side.

I closed my eyes and focused on Rosalie's future, making sure that she would be alright...and after a minute I opened my eyes and found everyone watching me, Edward seeing what I had seen.

"She'll be fine," I said to all of them, smiling as Esme relaxed a little bit. "She just needs some time, this was all very difficult for her."

"I'm sure it was, she was strong to come back and tell us what she could." Esme said softly. "You don't have to tell us Alice, we feel bad for asking you to tell this story."

"Thank you Esme, but I would like to tell what I know." I said as Jasper got up and moved over to take the spot that Rosalie had just left. I got comfortable in his arms, smiling at him as he sent encouragement and love throughout the room. "Thanks Jazz." I said softly as I closed my eyes and went back a few days.

"Esme, Jasper and I were in the kitchen, all worried about what was happening to Rosalie. I was standing by the counter, searching as hard as I could for Rosalie's future but all I could see was gray. I must have looked ten or fifteen times, each time coming back with this dull gray color and nothing about Rose. I was so frustrated, Jasper you tried to get me to stop looking...but I had to look one more time...and that's the last thing I remember." I said as I looked up at my loving family.

"You fell to the ground, so still." Jasper said and from the tone I knew that he had been horrified. "I ran you up the stairs, to the study where Emmett and Carlisle were trying to figure out what was happening to Rosalie."

"Talk about a shock, we're working Rosalie's issue...and next thing we know Jasper's thoughts are screaming at me that something was happening to you." Edward said as he winked. "Then he burst through the door, your limp body in his arms."

"We set to work on you, checking for anything." Carlisle added.

"Well, I wasn't having a picnic." I said as I laughed. "It was just like Rosalie said, there would be light and I could hear all of you, feel your touch. But, when it was dark...the voices calling to me, telling me things that I didn't understand at first."

"They would call to me, tell me that if I went with them that things would get better. That I could return to the world I knew, but there was something about the voices...something dark. When it would get to a point that I would begin to think about following the voices, the light would come back and I would hear all of you. It was during one of those moments that the light came back on and I found Rosalie." I said as I smiled, remembering the one good moment in all the darkness.

"Did you hear me?" Edward asked, interrupting my thought.

"I did, you were really hard to hear. I knew you were there but I couldn't find you, you kept asking the same question." I said, curious why he had done that.

"No, I asked you many questions, you kept telling me the same thing." I said bitterly.

"No, I didn't." Edward said, his tone not helping things.

"Children." Esme said.

"Regardless, Edward....I heard you were sick like Rose and I. How did you get better so fast?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I don't know, we tried to tranfuse my blood into you, to keep you strong and I called to you. Next thing I knew I was somewhere dark, I could hear you but you just kept asking the same questions. 'Where am I?' 'What happened?'" He said as he frowned. "Then I heard Bella, I knew I had to get back to her..she sounded so scared."

"We all were." Esme said.

"What next love?" Jasper asked.

"After Edward was when I saw Rosalie, she told me what she knew...about the light. It was so good to know I wasn't truly alone, that Rosalie was there, going through what I was. That was the only time I saw her though, I would guess that she woke up soon after that. During the moments of light I found that I could search for things, for some reason I found that I could see Bella better there....I still haven't figured out why."

"But, in one of my visions I saw that Bella would be the answer, that this was some sort of war for Rosalie and I. I still don't know why it was about Rosalie and I but from my vision I knew they didn't want anyone else. I managed to get the message to Rosalie, that she had to talk to Bella, that she would be able to figure this out before Rosalie woke."

"And when she woke, she didn't want to talk to Emmett, she just kept saying that she wanted to talk to Bella..that Bella was the answer." Jasper said softly.

"Oh...Bella." I said, feeling horrible for not asking sooner. "How is she? Is she alright? I owe her so much for figuring it all out."

"Bella is fine now, she was so worried about you. She's so glad you are back." Edward said. "I'm sure that she is wishing she were here."

"I will call her." I said as I smiled.

"So...you knew Rosalie left?" Carlisle asked, redirecting the conversation.

"Yes, I knew that Rosalie had woken up. And once the voices found out..it got twice as bad. When the light was there I could almost move, I could feel my fingers and toes, feel your touch." I said as I smiled at Jasper. "Yet...when the light would go away I could almost see something in the shadows, something lurking..waiting for me."

"I hoped and prayed to anyone that would listen that Bella would figure this out, because the darkness was beginning to come more often then the light. The thing in the shadow quickly realized that it was getting more time, it was getting braver." I didn't want to tell the next part, the part that had caused me to pull away from the one I loved more then life itself.

"He already knows some of it." Edward thought as he looked at me apologetically. "I told him what I knew."

"It's ok Alice," Jasper said as he held me. "I won't run again."

I looked at him, hoping and praying he was right. I was about to open my mouth to start explaining when Bella walked in, running instantly over to my side, hugging me fiercely. A few seconds later, Emmett and Rosalie walked in...Rosalie looking a little happier but worried about having to tell her story again.
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by Brysis
added by just_bella
added by babina
posted by just_bella
Hmmmmmmm well where does this story go now? I am honestly not sure, so let's find out together!!

End of Chapter 36

"WOO HOO!!" Emmett teased as he walked in and saw some of the...more private pieces of clothing. I turned and glared at him, loosing any anger I had when he winked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Very appropriate." Rosalie said as she smacked him in the arm.

"Oops, sorry." Emmett said softly.

"It's ok Emmett." Alice said as she smiled.

"Did you get anything other then clothes?" I asked as she stuffed her clothes back in the bag.

"Yes, I....we got a dresser, a couch, and a bed. They...
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posted by just_bella
Alright...time for the story of how they got in. Hope you all like it, thanks!!

End of Chapter 67

She looked at me for a minute before opening the door, not really sure what I was doing. She had the door about half way open when Emmett walked in, sweeping her off her feet as he pulled her close and kissed her.

"I missed you babe." He said in between kisses.

A few seconds later Esme, Alice and Jasper walked in, Esme and Carlisle quickly moving off to the side to have a private reunion. Alice walked over and checked on Bella, running her fingers through Bella's hair as they hugged each other.

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posted by just_bella
Wow...part 37 already?!? That's insane..I didn't think anyone would like what I wrote so I wasn't going to keep going...thank you to everyone who reads these..you are why I keep writing
<3 j_b

End of Part 36

I smiled down at Rosalie, thinking that if we were leaving tomorrow....that meant that we had tonight to be alone, together. I leaned down, kissing her passionately.

"I'm out of here, I will go somewhere...anywhere as long as it's not here." Edward said as he stood up and walked to the closet, grabbing his jacket.

"Thank you Edward." Rosalie said as she smiled at him.

I thought to myself...
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posted by just_bella
End of last entry:

"I'm here to help your first few days easier...if that's possible. I was told that you have a sister?" She asked.

"Yes, her name is Cynthia and she's 6. We're eachothers world, I don't know how I will be able to be here without her." I said as I started to cry again.

I'm sorry, I can't continue this is too hard to write. I have to go inside now, the dinner bell is ringing and Nancy will be mad if I am late. I will write more tomorrow when I have time alone again."

That's all that was written, aparently someone was trying to make this transition easier on me. I thought that...
continue reading...
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
WOW....part 50 has come and gone...that's insane!! Oh well, just wanted to say thank you to everyone. You guys and your comments are AWESOME!!

ok enough from me!! love you all!!

End of Part 50

Carlisle and Esme walked in the back door, their hands locked together. Esme looked much calmer then she was the last time I saw her, but so was Rosalie.

"Carlisle...Esme." Rosalie said as she hung her head in shame.

"Rosalie." Esme said as she ran and hugged her. "This is suppose to be one of the happiest days of your life. I'm so sorry." She said as she rested her head on Rosalie's shoulder.

"Yes, this...
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added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
Hey, ok this is for those of you who are "Gabriel" fans...hope people enjoy!


I felt the plane take off, the entire experience much more frightening when you were blindfolded. I gasped as we climbed, the engines making strange noises as we went higher. It was very strange for the rest of the flight, I knew that Gabriel was still sitting next to me...but he never said another word..until the flight started to begin it's decent.

"Bella, we're here." He said as he laid a gentle hand on my arm. "Time to wake up."

I guess that I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep, I guess that I did truly...
continue reading...
added by just_bella
added by Brysis
posted by ashesandwine
Our hearts are with you!
Our hearts are with you!
Hon, this is from me and emmett4ever:D And everyone that comments

Because being sick isn't that great and because we all love you! We wish you all the best and that you'll get better soon:D

You're an angel
That helps us
Get out of hell!

You're a light
That helps us
Get out of the dark!

And if you weren't
Here, the world wouldn't
Be as great, as perfect!

The sun wouldn't
Shine as strong...
The moon wouldn't
Light up the night!

We hope you get well soon:D
An angel to an angel:D
An angel to an angel:D
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
Ok here's the next chapter I promised :)

Here's a recap from the end of chapter 1

"A piano? Seriously? Like she will let you get that in her room, and if you do she is going to be very unhappy with you." I said in between giggles.

"Ok, well what about everyone else?" He asked.

I told him about what everyone else was thinking about getting, knowing that I hadn't decided what to get her. She was impossible to shop for, since anything I was going to get her would just make her angry.

"And you?" Edward asked.

"I don't know, I think we'll have to figure that one out. I think we might have to work...
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