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posted by just_bella
Hey, ok this is for those of you who are "Gabriel" fans...hope people enjoy!


I felt the plane take off, the entire experience much more frightening when you were blindfolded. I gasped as we climbed, the engines making strange noises as we went higher. It was very strange for the rest of the flight, I knew that Gabriel was still sitting next to me...but he never said another word..until the flight started to begin it's decent.

"Bella, we're here." He said as he laid a gentle hand on my arm. "Time to wake up."

I guess that I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep, I guess that I did truly trust Gabriel for some reason. I knew that he would protect me, that he had turned on his own.....hmmm....girlfriend/wife..to protect me.

"Bella?" He asked, waiting for me to respond.

I didn't know what to say, what he wanted me to tell him. The only thing I was sure of at that point was that I hoped that Edward had found my clue, that he and the rest of the Cullens would somehow be able to find the clue I left and follow us wherever we were going...and find me.

Chapter 34

"Bella are you alright?" Gabriel asked. A second later I was able to see, realizing that he had taken off the blindfold, letting it drop below my chin. "Bella?"

I blinked a few times, clearing my eyes as I tried to focus on his face. A few seconds later I was able to focus on this eyes, noticing that they were the color of wine. I searched my memory for what Edward had told me about the blood drinkers and the colors that their eyes changed. I knew that from what Edward told me that this meant that he was thirsty...and that made me want to run.

"Bella?" He asked again, moving slightly so that he was directly in my line of sight...breaking my concentration.

"Yeah." I said, trying to keep my voice steady so that he wouldn't hear the fear that was coursing through my veins.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just perfect." I said bitterly, as I thought of a reason to explain my fear. "How could I be anything else, I'm being kept away from the ones that I love. I'm being held with a group of vampires, three of who I am sure would like nothing more then to hurt me."

"I will not let anyone hurt you." He said softly, as if I hurt his feelings. "No one will lay a hand on you." He said as he placed his hand on my right arm. "We have to get off the plane, Bella, please listen to me."

I looked up at him, fighting the urge that I had to pull my arm away from where he was touching me. I think that he noticed my apprehension to being touched, because he pulled his hand back and folded them on his lap as he sighed.

"I'm sorry. Please, this could be dangerous. I will do everything in my power to make sure that you are safe, but I will need your help. We have to put the blindfold back on, and I know that that makes walking more difficult for you...but it is necessary. I will help you get off the plane, and into where we are going. When I ask you to go a certain way, or pull you close to me I would like you to realize that it is to keep you safe. Can you cooperate with me, please?"

I nodded, believing that he was telling the truth. I knew that if I were on my own I would not make it far before Amelia, Caroline and Claudia found me...and that would not end well. At that point, it was in my best interest to stay with Gabriel, to let him lead me..to trust him.

"Thank you." He said as he reached down and took the blindfold in his fingers, sliding it back into place. "Can you see?"


"Ok, let's go." He said as he laughed, a cold hand reaching out and helping me to my feet.

His hand stayed on my upper arm, leading me down the isle of the plane. I shuffled my feet, worrying that I would trip. I paused when we stepped outside, the sun shining on my face. It took me a second to realize that this was strange..vampires tried not to go outdoors when it was sunny because of their skin.

"The sun." I said softly.

"Yes, that is the sun." Gabriel said, his voice hiding a laugh.

"Aren't you worried that someone will see you?"

"Bella, we are on a private runway. No one will see us." He said as he pulled my arm lightly.

When he pulled it caught me off balance, and if it weren't for his hand on my arm I would have fallen down the steps. His arms caught me, holding me against his body. I gasped as I realized that he had just saved me, and that he was holding me.

"Protecting her...that's what he calls it." A voice called from next to the plane.

Gabriel set me back onto my feet, a growl starting to build in his chest. I reached a hand out, grabbing the railing so that I wouldn't loose my balance again.

"She was falling." Gabriel said through a growl.

"Sure, if you say so." The voice said as it laughed and faded.

"I'm sorry." I said softly as I began working my way down the steps, taking each step inch by inch as I cursed the blindfold.

I had made it down three steps before a cold hand grabbed me as my foot was about to step down onto a step. I was about to ask what was going on when I heard three voices talking quietly directly in front of my feet.

"Bella, stay next to me please." He said, his breath cold against my neck.

I shivered and nodded, moving closer to his side as his arm wrapped around my back. I heard the three voices get a bit louder, I tried to make out what they were saying...but the only words I could make out were 'pet', 'human', and 'protect.'

"Ignore them, pretend they're not there." Gabriel said as he pulled me into his arm.

I tried to ignore them, but the sound of their laughs continued to follow us until we made it to a car that was waiting for us. Gabriel helped me into my seat before running around to his side, slamming the door as he climbed in.

"Let's go." He said to what I would assume would be the driver.

I was about to ask what was going on when I heard him shift in his seat, the sound of the leather squeaking beneath him. I was about to ask him if he was alright when I heard him grumbling something about protecting and being the toughest job he's ever had, and about his hunger.
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 44
***Emmett's POV***

"Edward, I know you have manners better then that." Esme said as she looked apologetically at Tallulah. "Would you like to sit down?"

"We don't have time." She said as she looked around.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

"Have you not seen the same things I have? Every one of you are going to die within the hour, they have already decided your fate but are waiting for more guards to return before they proceed."

"I saw something like that, but it wasn't for sure. Are you positive this will happen?" Alice asked.

"I have never been wrong." Tallulah said as she bowed...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 40
***Alice's POV***

When we finished telling what we had both seen there was a complete silence except for the sound of Bella's sobs. I knew that everyone was processing what they had just learned, trying to either figure out how to get out of it..or plan an attack.

"So I will get to fight?" Emmett said as he smiled.

"Emmett, I know that you have wanted to fight since we started this nightmare." I said as I shook my head.

"Yeah, and it sounds like what is going to happen."

"Emmett you don't know what you are saying." Edward said, his voice sounding tired. "You don't know the horrors...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 8

This day could not get any better, first she said that she had missed me..and now she was admitting that she would be coming back often? I raised my hand and pretended to scratch my face so that I could hide the smile that was beginning to hurt my cheeks.

"Ok, maybe next time." My father said as he turned and wheeled himself into the kitchen.

"So...Bella," I said, my voice cracking slightly when I said her name. "What do you want to do?"

"Whatever." She said as she shrugged. "What were you doing before I interrupted?"

I was about to go sit on the couch and watch television as I...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 26
***Edward's POV***

I charged him, throwing him against the far wall, pieces of stone falling next to him on the floor. He was instantly coming at me again, but his thoughts gave him away. I blocked each of his attacks, smiling as I pushed his hand away or dodged out of the way.

"STOP!" Someone yelled, just as I was about to smash Demetri's head against the floors. "Edward, you are our guest here...I suggest you remember that." Caius said as he entered the room.

"Take him to his room." Aro said as he waved his hand at Demetri. "And, don't harm him."

Demetri came over and grabbed...
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posted by just_bella
Hi! Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of the support and comments, you're all too nice!!

End of Chapter 63

Carlisle came in the room a minute later, opening the closet and taking out Bella's jacket. He held it open for her, waiting for her to go and let him help her into it.

"You're free." He said as he shook the jacket softly.

Bella squeeked in happiness as she stood up and ran, putting her arms into the jacket that Carlisle was holding for her. She pulled her long, dark hair out of the back of the jacket and turned to look at me.

"Let's go. We have to find my dad."

I stood up...
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posted by just_bella
Alright, let's see if I can write a fight scene. I've never done one so this could be interesting. Hope everyone enjoys.

End of Chapter 55

I heard Emmett move next to me, his thoughts torn because he knew that he should be helping Rosalie...but he wanted to fight Gabriel SO bad that he was torn between the two.

"Go help your wife." I said as I put a hand on his shoulder. "She will need your help more then I will." He looked from Gabriel to Rosalie and back before he realized that she did need his help more then I did at the point.

"Will you call if you need help?" He asked.

I nodded quickly as...
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posted by just_bella
Ok so I was a bit confused where to go but Brysis and twilightGGlost helped...thanks girls!! Ok...here we go!!!


End of Chapter 7

I started laughing so hard that I had to double over, realizing what I had said. Alice started laughing with me, as she wrapped arm around Jasper..kissing him softly.

"Nope, just for that." She said as she laughed.

"You two were thinking again weren't you?" Jasper asked.

"Yep!" Alice said as she started walking into the plane.

I went to sit in the far window seat, closing the blind as the sun began making its way into the plane. Alice sat in the middle, smiling as...
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posted by just_bella
This one is getting near the end, I think I am going to do a few more then end it. Thanks to everyone for the comments and support!! You all are SO nice to me..thank you!!

End of Part 20

My "cell" was larger, it was more like a room then my previous one. There is a window that is covered by metal bars, but the sun made it's way through. There was a bed in the middle of the room with tables on either side, and a desk with drawers. I was impressed, this was much better then what I had before.

I was putting things away when Jessica knocked on the door, opening it a little. "Hey, should we go...
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added by just_bella
just bella
linkin park
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 5
***Alice's POV***

I tried to look away, to ignore it all but I couldn't..I couldn't look away from the destruction, my anxiety and anger controlling my emotions. I knew that my family was relying on me, that they were waiting for me to see if I could find another way out..but I couldn't..we would all die and it would be my fault. I knew that Jasper was trying to help me with the emotions, I could still feel his hands on mine and it did help a little to know he was there but didn't help me focus..didn't help me find what we were looking for.

I was about to end my search, my entire...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 2

"Rosalie," My mother sighed. "Do not worry about how much we spent. Do you like it?"

"Very much." I said as I held the dress and twirled it around in circles. "Thank you."

"You're most welcome." My father said as he turned and grabbed the last of the packages which was larger then the first two.

"You really shouldn't have." I said as I took the largest of the three gifts.

"This one is not from us." My mother said as she admired the large box.

"The boys?"

"No, this is from a admirer." My mother told me. "Open it first, then we will tell you who it is from."

It was driving me crazy as...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 18

"Soon." I said as I rolled my eyes, wondering if she had lost all sanity she had. "Sometimes you're a little strange, Bella. Do you know that?"

"Yes." She said as she sighed.

"And," I said as she looked at me again. "And we're not jumping off the top."

She turned her head back and gasped as Paul took a few steps back before running as fast as he could, launching himself out into the open air.

"Fine." She said as Paul disappeared into nothingness. "Not the first time anyway."

She truly was one of the most stubborn people I had ever met, her eyes narrowed as she stared at me as if...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 1

"Well, you did an amazing job." I said to my younger brothers as I pulled the end off of a piece of bacon, chewing it quickly before I spoke again. "Will you two help me eat all of this?"

Charlie nodded and began pulling pieces of bread and fruit off and eating the slowly as John took a small step closer, taking some bacon and eggs off my plate without a word. We all finished off my breakfast meal before I asked the boys to learn so I could dress for the day.

I pulled my long, straight, blond hair up into a bun before pulling on one of my favorite lavender dresses which showed...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 17

I saw her pull into the driveway, pulling up to her usual spot where the bikes were hidden. I saw her get out, her eyes huge as she realized what was parked next to her car. She was laughing softly as she pulled on one of the ribbons as I ran out of the house, doing my best not to run full speed.

"Ready?" I asked as I got closer, my voice sounding rough.

Bella held one hand up and looked around me, angling her neck so she could see up to the house. She must be worrying about it Billy was home, and if he was if he was watching us...which he wasn't since he wasn't home.

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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 28
***Edward's POV***

The leader was crouched on the roof of the building, his new born companion's on buildings on the other side of the alley waiting for his signal before they attacked.

"The roofs." I whispered so softly that only Jasper would hear it. He nodded as he turned his head to the other side of the alley, sensing the emotions of the newly turned vampires.

I returned to listening to the leader who was paying close attention to Bella, he was thinking of the way that her hair would fall around his hands while he fed...the way she smelt made his mouth water, he was having...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 38
***Alice's POV***

Aro stood up to begin his speech, and I knew I should be paying attention to what he was saying but I saw someone move out the corner of my eye. I turned and watched as Felix, Demetri and a few of the other large, male guards moved around the outside of the room, almost as if they were boxing us in.

In a fraction of a second my vision changed completely, going from us all listening to Aro give his speech..to all of us fighting to survive. I had a moment where I realized that Edward, Emmett, Esme and Carlisle were all fighting in a formation, all of them doing...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 25
***Alice's POV***

"Can we stop this?" Jasper asked.

"No." I whispered.

"Can we save him?" Rose asked.

"I believe so...I couldn't see that. I just saw..her and the rest of them. She had a vision, I'm sure she's like me."

"Shhhh." Jasper said as he held me, the pilot announcing our decent into Italy. I looked over and saw Emmett and Rosalie sharing an embrace, all of us thinking about what was waiting for us in Volterra, but none of us speaking about it.

We landed in town and got our luggage, Emmett excusing himself long enough to go find a vehicle to take us the two hours to town....
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posted by just_bella
Sorry it took so long, it's been a busy week. Thanks all for the support and understanding, you're all amazing! Thank You!!

End of Chapter 19
***Edward's POV***

"I will, I love you Edward. Please hurry back to me." She said as she started to cry again.

"I love you Bella." I said as I hug up the phone, knowing that she was hurting and it was all my fault.

A few seconds later the door opened and Gabriel's smug face came walking in. He stood there attempting to hold my gaze, but gave up when he realized that I wasn't going to look at him.

"Why so glum, chum?" He asked as he walked into the room, grinning...
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added by just_bella
just bella
edward cullen