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posted by just_bella
I FINALLY got them all posted on here...WHOOO that was a lot of work!!

End of Part 30

I looked over at Rosalie and motioned for her to stay where she was. She shook her head no, she was not going to let me go alone...which I understood. I nodded and began climbing down, trying to be as quiet as I could.

I met Rosalie on the ground and grabbed her hand. It may have only been a few minutes but being away from her was uncomfortable, I felt whole with her there next to me.

"Fine! I will keep my voice down but someone needs to give me answers...and soon." Ben sneered.

"Stay here for now please. I will let you know when to come out, just please trust me." I whispered to her.

It took a second for her to nod slowly. The concern showing in her eyes, I kissed her softly on the cheek and began walking out to talk to another of my brothers.

"You want answers?" I said from deep in the forest.

I stopped where I was and watched Ben's face closely. It went from a reddish color from all of his anger to white. His breathing was suddenly much faster then it was a minute ago, his eyes flashed in the direction that I was standing.

Aaron sat back on the log, getting more comfortable. A huge smile stretched across his face, obviously he was enjoying himself and thought this was all grand fun.

I quickly moved from where he was looking running quietly to the other side of the clearing. I had a better view from here, and decided to have some fun.

"You're sure you want all the answers?" I called.

"E..M..M..E.T.T? Ben stuttered.

I laughed a full belly laugh before beginning my walk out of the woods, looking over to where Rose was standing and smiled.

Part 31

I looked at Ben as I stared walking out, as I made my way through the brush I saw his face flush. I stepped out into the clearing, and as I did I saw him back up a few steps and fall over the tree that Aaron was sitting on.

"Hey, I thought you were leaving." Aaron teased.

"Let's just say we stuck around to make sure you kept your promise." I said as I shot a look at him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I promised him too, and well I figured if I told him the we could talk to each other about this...instead of people thinking I was crazy when I went looking again." Aaron said as he smiled at me.

"H..How...how..why?" Ben stuttered.

"Spit it out Ben." I teased.

"Emmett is that truly you?" He asked as he took a step closer to me.

"In the flesh." I said as I smiled at the joke. I heard Rosalie laugh quietly, I turned and winked at her.

"How?" Ben asked as he closed the distance between us.

"Stop Ben...trust me." Aaron called out.

"It's you! It's really you!" Ben said as he started to take a step.

"What do I have to do to prove it's me? Who else would I be?" I asked.

"How?" He asked again.

"The short version is I was attacked by the bear, and it would have killed me...if my angel wouldn't have found me." I said as I smiled.

"You're angel? Have you lost it?" Ben said as he shook his head.

"Nope he hasn't. He really has someone who is more angel then human. Where is she?" Aaron said as he searched the trees.

"What did you mean we?" Ben asked, realizing that I did say we...instead of I...darn it.

"Rose?" I called into the woods.

Benjamin looked from me to Aaron and back, trying to figure out what we were talking about. At that very point Rosalie walked out of the woods.

The look on Ben's face was priceless, his jaw hanging open like a fool. His eyes were so wide as she walked out of the woods that I couldn't contain a laugh. Aaron on the other hand, just smiled at Rose, still affected by her beauty.

She walked up next to me, taking my hand in hers. She turned slightly and leaned her body against mine, and where we touched it felt like my body was on fire.

"Hello Benjamin. Hi again Aaron." She said softly.

"Ben, this is Rose. She is who found me, well her and her brother Edward." I said.

At that exact moment, as if it were planned Edward poked his head out of the trees. The smile on his face so perfect that no one would believe this were an accident.

"Don't you know Edward...'speak of the devil, and he shall show.'" Rosalie said as she looked at Edward.

"I thought I heard my name." He said innocently.

"What are you doing here Edward?" Rosalie asked.

"Carlisle was getting worried, you have been gone for a while..and he wanted to be sure nothing happened." He explained.

"What is going on?" Ben asked as he looked at all three of us.

"We need to be going Emmett." Edward said, ignoring my brother.

"One minute please Edward." Rose said as she squeezed my hand.

"Ok so this is Rosalie...and Edward." Benjamin said as he tried to make sense of it all.

"Yes." I said.

"And they're related?" He asked.

"You could say that..so anyway. I was hunting the bear, and it was attacking me. I would have died, I thought I did.." I said as I shivered.

"Rosalie and I were um hunting." Edward said playing along.

"Yes, we came across your brother. The bear was about to finish him off, and we knew we had to help him." Rose said.

"So I took my gun and shot it..until it died." Edward said, obviously picking the story out of Rosalie's memory.

"We didn't know where your brother was from, and our father is a doctor so we just brought him to Carlisle..that's our father." She said.

"Ok so you just happened to find Emmett..and instead of bring him home...you brought him to your father...but why did he tell us Emmett was dead?" Benjamin said as he glared at Edward.

"Big misunderstanding, there was a point of time when your brothers heart stopped. We all thought he had died, and Edward thought it only right to come tell your family." Rose said sadly...they were very good at this.

"Why can't you stay then? You're alive..why leave?" Ben asked.

"I can't we are leaving town," I said as I thought up a reason. "I don't want to leave her Ben, can't you understand..I don't want to be apart from her. I don't know why but I can't handle the idea of being without her." I said as I realized I just confessed my feelings, my head bowing slightly.

Rosalie took my head in her free hand, causing me to look her in the eyes again. "Me too." She said as she kissed me gently.

"Ok, so you are alive. You have found someone that has changed you, and now you are willing to walk away from your family?" Ben asked.

"Yes, if it is what it takes to be with her..I will leave everything. Please understand." I begged.

"We must leave and sooner rather then later." Edward said as he started shifting his weight between his legs.

"I'm so sorry Ben, I would love to give you more answers but they are right. We need to be going. Please don't tell anyone you saw us, that would only cause more problems." I pleaded.

"We will talk it all out." Aaron said as he smiled up at him.

"So we won't see each other?" Ben said quietly.

"No..I'm sorry. We are moving tomorrow, I just wanted to...well I'm sorry." I said.

"Oh..well you are alright...you have love." He said sadly.

"Take care of him please Rose. You don't know the trouble he likes to cause." Aaron said as he stood up and hobbled over to me.

"I'm truly sorry Ben. Please forgive me." I said again.

"Of course, but send us a sign you are alright every now and then." He said as he bend in to hug me.

I felt three things happen at once. The first was that when Ben bent closer I noticed the smell and saw the pulse of his throat. The second was Rosalie grabbed my arm, pulling me back away from my brother. Finally Edward said "NO..EMMETT!" As he saw the thoughts in my mind.
posted by just_bella
The bear backed off my body and charged me again. I screamed in fear, and it stoped about 10 feet away from me when it backed up and did it again.

I realized the bear was toying with me, I wished that it would end this already. I was in so much pain, everything hurt and the forest around me was beginning to blur probably from blood loss.

The bear backed up again, hopefully to end my life when I hear another animal coming into the area.

There was a moment of complete silence, which only lasted for a minute. The following sound was something I won't forgett, it was the sound of the bear fighting....
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posted by just_bella
Ok I was going to wait and do this on Friday, but I couldn't wait. I really like where this is going and it is fun to write :)

"I hope you realize what all of this is doing to your mother. She has been crying for a while now, she knows now that your brother will make it but with every sound she fears that someone else is going to go out and try to find the bears." He said.

"I.....well. I don't know what to tell you, I tried telling you that I am sorry. I will talk to everyone tomorrow and tell them not to go out there if you think it would...
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posted by just_bella
"I'm sorry, I know this doesn't help anything. I know I can't take anything that happened back, but I wish that we would have gotten the animal and brought it back so you would be proud of us." I said as I turned and walked out the door.

I got about half way back to the house when John and Ben came walking behind me. Obviously they were listening to the entire confrontation, because John came up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"He's just scared, he doesn't know how to express his fear, so he took it out on you. He didn't mean any of it, just give him a day or two and he'll calm down." John...
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posted by just_bella
It seems like I just wrote a chapter in this...but I guess it was a couple of days ago. Here we go, enjoy!


"I remember walking out of the woods, I tried to put him down but he was so scared still. I walked as far as I could before I collapsed to the ground." I shook my head, ashamed that we defied an order and that Aaron could be killed because of my decision.

It was quiet for a few minutes before anyone spoke again. I knew that all of them were processing what I just told them.

It was quiet for a few mintes before we all heard Carol...
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posted by just_bella
probably should be doing some work for school, but this story is all I could think about. I hope this works out, enjoy :)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Quick Flash Back from the last one:

It seemed like it took hours to get out of the woods, but we stepped out of the woods and onto the edge of the homestead. Aaron was starting to turn pale, and his breathing seemed like it was different then it had been. I knew that I needed to get him to the house, but was afraid that he wouldn't fair well with me running.

I looked into his eyes and made a quick decision.

"Aaron, I am...
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posted by just_bella
Here we go, next part. Hope people enjoy :)


I stopped and leaned against a tree wondering what Aaron could be up to, had he gone and gotten himself lost or worse had he found the bear?

I decided that I should head back and look for Aaron, dad would definitely notice that we were both gone and at that point it might be better if we didn't go back.

I was about 10 feet from the rock where we had started when I heard the brush being crushed again off to my north.

I leaned against the rock waiting for Aaron, a cougar or possibly a squirrel to come out of the woods. It seemed like I sat there...
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posted by just_bella
Here's the next chapter, I think there might only be 2 or 3 at most left. Hope people enjoy :)
Quick Recap!
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There was quite the grumble at that, I caught Aaron's eye and nodded towards him. He smiled and nodded back. No one seemed to notice our little nonverbal conversation, yet dad seemed to sense that something was up.

"I don't want any of you going into the woods for a while. I know it is tempting to think that one of you could take down the bear alone, but remember that the mother will know that something has happened to her cub, and there...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I hope you guys are enjoying this, because it's kind of fun to write. :)

Here's a quick flash back to remember the story up to this point.
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We all broke into our smaller groups and waved/smacked the others as we made our way into the woods.

"All right Emmett, 1 weeks worth of mucking the stalls is the bet that I find the beast before you." Aaron said as he walked into the woods.

"Oh, that's a bet that I want a part of." John laughed as he followed Aaron in.

"OK, but remember that you are the one who made the bet Aaron. No whining when I win."...
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posted by just_bella
OK, quick recap:

"Benjamin, would you and Emmett please gather the remains of the sheep and put them in the small barn until after lunch?" He said as he lead the way into the house.

We made our way to the first animal that the children had found. I picked the poor beast up in my arms, attempting to keep the blood from getting on my clothing. I made my way over to the smaller of the barns as Ben turned to go to the field in search of other casualties.

We managed to collected all 3 sheep, and made our way back to the house without ruining our clothing, and hopefully before all the lunch was gone....
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posted by just_bella
Here is a recap of what happened in the first part of my story, enjoy:

We went back to stacking hay until my mother rang the bell for lunch. My piles were much higher the John's, but his were stacked appropriately. My mother rang the bell again, we started back towards the house when we noticed the younger boys standing around in a circle looking at what appeared to be a body of one of the sheep.

As we chased the kids back to the house and went to see if we could figure out what killed the poor beast.


We returned to find that the sheep had...
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posted by just_bella
This is my story:

My name is Emmett McCarty and I was born in Gatlinburg Tennessee in 1915. I am the youngest of a large, loud, hectic family, we live in a very small town on the outside of the Great Smokey Mountain National Park.

It was May 1935, and the great depression has been causing my family problems for almost 6 years now and when your family relies on farming to survive, plus the family is huge it means that everyone has to help. Even though you may not want to:

The sun was bright as it flashed through the window of the room that I unfortunately share with my 3 brothers. Phillip, Michael...
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