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Well, let's see how much of a Hippie I actually am. I guess I have only recently started to label myself "hippie" while I was pretty much into some hippie related things for a long while. Let's see if I'm right about it or wrong.
1. Wear your hair down.
Pretty much true, I don't usually put much effort into styling mine, no irons, on gels and sprays. But I sometimes do different updos too and I dye mine (with a semi permanent dye which is more like conditioner with color effect). So fifty fifty.
2. Wear long, flowing t-shirts
Definitely in the Summer, loose blouses, long skirts...
3. Embrace your natural look and avoid wearing makeup
I don't wear foundation, maybe like once a year to a special occasion, in everyday life I don't see the point in covering my whole face in heavy layers of creams and powders, plus it's bad for your skin, but I love adding some bright color to my eyes and lips, lipsticks, eyeshadows, blue mascara etc. But yes.
4. Stop shaving and let all your hair grow
Nope, I just can't feel confident if I'm too hairy, where is my razor and wax straps?
5. Sandals are the way to go
Oh, I LOVE sandals and flip flops, many shoes and boots are so uncomfortable! I guess that's why I love summer. But I can appreciate a pair of pretty high heels as well of course.
6. Accessorize to the max
Oh yes, simply YES.
7. Turn to essential oils
Well, I use normal deodorant, but I can appreciate certain uses of oils as well, not substituting anything though.
1. You don’t look to see if the colors match
Oh, yes, just look at my bedroom decorations and wardrobe and you'll see.
2. You love to love
Obviously, love is the best feeling ever. It brings happiness. I love to love, However I'm not completely loving and calm all the time, I can lose my temper in certain situations.
3. You are compassionate toward animals
Oh, there are so many bad things we are doing to them, "sea school" for newborn puppies and kittens in countryside, euthanasing completely healthy animals just because the owner doesn't want them anymore (is it too hard to find them a new home?), using white doves at weddings, they have been raised by humans and cannot survive being suddenly released in nature, and so so many more, not even mentioning ecological stuff. I wish I could do more, like become a vegetarian (which I can't do because of my health), but I support animals.
4. You choose organic
I don't really buy groceries for my family, but my mum shops at local farmers market very often, does that count?
5. You are politically educated
Well, I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to politics so... I guess I know what I need and want to know and have my own opinions as well.
6. You love to move your body
Well, I'm pretty clumsy LOL, but I love to do different activities when I get a chance (and there are many I wish I had a chance to do)
7. You are very spiritual
Oh, yes, total YES. I'm a witch after all.
8. You own crystals and you believe in their power
Completely relate to this, I have a crystal collection, I know a lot about them, I believe in their power, I love them.
9. You love nature
Obviously, who doesn't, I usually take long walks, and I would never do something harmful to nature, at least not on purpose.
10. You have special taste in music
Well, yes pretty much, I don't listen to what's considered trendy today, I like to explore different styles, genres, decades etc. So I would definitely say YES, about this one.
11. You love to walk barefoot
Yes, another reason to love summer and warm weather. (sorry, I'm really fed up with this winter already XD)
12. You’d love to live somewhere away from people
Well, I love to be alone, but I also like to communicate, but I have never been able to find in society. I would love to be together with people who are nice, friendly and have things in common with me, people who can understand me and whom I can have good relationship with.
13. You’ve been called a hippie
I guess I don't have that much people around. But I've definitely been labeled as "outsider". A positive (I hope) way of different and weird.
14. Your perfect date is a bit unusual
Yes, options mentioned here sound very appealing to me. I would always prefer a walk and looking at the stars, instead of noisy nightclub, full of other people.
15. The universe excites you
Oh, yes, I'm really interested in astrology and planets. Also moon phases, and I obviously appreciate the beauty of starry sky.
16. You’ve got wanderlust
Oh, how I wish I had more freedom, adventures and happiness they bring. I hope I'll finally have them at some point in the future. Period.
17. You are not obsessed with money
I don't really like how much we all depend on money... You need it to do everything and anything... Literally. To have home, food, life. But that's what life is like... You need certain amount of money to survive. What else can I say?
18. You are creative
Oh, yes, creative is my middle name, creativity is the biggest part of my life and I would love to use it to make money by doing things I love.
19. You love adventure
The same I said about 16. I hope for freedom and adventure in the future, really hope.
20. You hope for world peace
Sometimes I just can't stand chaos, world is chaos, my own life is chaos. I guess that's where all the mental struggles (depression, anxiety) come from. Peace brings happiness, Happiness brings peace... I wish I was surrounded by more calmness.
21. You have many house plants
Yes, we have a lot, my mum's orchids and I had many cactuses until recently they died for some mysterious reason... I love plants, they often don't have long lives if I take care of them, but they bring a lovely atmosphere to the house.
22. You’re not ashamed of your sexuality
Well, first of all, I support LGBT community and I think everyone's sexual preferences should be respected, everyone has freedom to be who they are without being judged or mistreated. Period. I'm not ashamed of my own sexuality as well, I enjoy being attracted to other people and I acknowledge who I am. I'm pretty comfortable about sexuality related topics.
Conclusion: I can more or less relate to like 20 out of 22 (with two exceptions being that I shave my armpits and legs and wear deodorant) so I would say I'm pretty much a hippie. What about you? Comment down below. ❤️
posted over a year ago.
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ktichenor said:
How much of a Hippie am I? Let's see! (I'm not rewriting the topics, tiny box! But will make references)
1.Wearing my hair down? Tbh, I don't agree. My hair is short and I don't think it matters (Remember Twiggy?) The point of being a hippie is self expression not being like everyone else so I'll keep my hair short and different ways.

2. Love to wear long, flowing skirts. I don’t like skirts or dresses. I’m a jeans girl but hippies wore jeans, right?

3. I hate makeup! Enough said! *lol!*

4. Stop shaving!? NO WAY! Not happening! My legs and underarms will be shaved and clean! Besides I refuse to believe that myth! Look at all the sixties models! The music groups! Totally shaved! Sorry, not buying it!

5. Love flip flops! My fave! Ultimate summer freedom!

6. Accessorize to the max! Absolutely!

7. Essential oils. Uh, I’m good. I’m happy with my deodorant. Besides I have sensitive skin I don’t need any nonessential itchiness! Ouch!

1.You need colors to match. Well, I need them to go together but not necessarily match. That would be boring and odd.

2.Love to love. Not sure what that implies but of course I love people. I love animals, too. However mess with me and those I love and I won't love you back. Sorry. Human nature.

3. I love animals! Next question! (But I think that applies to anyone, well anyone with a heart)

4.You choose organic. I choose food I can actually eat. However I do like vegan foods.

5.I went to a language arts school, middle school, high school, dropped out of college and became self taught. Not sure where that puts me?

6. Uh, no! Nobody wants to see me move! *lol!*

7.Yes, very spiritual.

8.I own a crystal my mom received from my dad when he found out I was going to be born. Does that count?

9.I like looking at nature but I don't like being in it! Nobody's perfect. *lol*

10. I guess? I love all genres of music. 40's, 50, 60's, 70's 80's, etc... I'll give any artist a chance. Basically, I listen to a song because I like it not because it's popular.

11.Yep! My mom did call me a barefoot baby for a reason! Luv you mom! :D

12. Yes, I would! Any ideas? *lol!* I like being alone, my creative streak is so much better in the quiet!

13.No but I've been called other names I won't repeat. XD *kidding!*

14.My perfect date is no date! Aromantic, I'm afraid! *lol!* But I'll share a pizza with a friend! :)

15.Well, sure it does. There's always something happening doesn't mean I believe in aliens but yes, the universe is exciting and wonderful.

16.I honestly don't what that is? Sorry.

17.I worry about not having it for needs but as for greed then no. There are other important things out there. Money can't buy things like happiness and love.

18.I like to think I'm creative, I write, I do digital art, I do regular art and I've even made things. :)

19. Just surviving thru life is adventure enough for me! *lol!*

20. That's up to the world. I would like world peace. But what I wish and what the world does are two different things so I can't dwell on that so realistically all I can do is control what is happening here in my life. It's' not fair but that's what it is. But one can always hope. :)

21.We used to have one shamrock that was around from when I was a baby and when my mom left for the nursing home it died, sadly and we never got a new one. :(

22.Nope! I'm proud to be asexual! I mean why should I be ashamed? I was born like this, we all were! What we should be ashamed of is how we treat each other. And as part of LGBT+ community it hurts when we're attacked or when my sexuality isn't acknowledged. Asexuality is real, I'm real. We're all humans and the discrimination has to stop! *rant over* :)

Conclusion: I may not be the exact definition of a hippie but I think I’m a rebel kind of hippie. I do what I want, what feels right to me and I may not stand out but I won’t blend in either. And that’s okay :)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Kraucik83 said:
I am not sure, I would call myself a hippie, but the following things fit:

#1 I wear my hair down
#3 I wear not a lot of makeup
#5 sometimes I wear sandals, but I also love sneakers

#2 I love to love :D
#3 I love animals, and very often prefer their company to the one of humans
#4 I choose organic, preferable local & zero waste
#5 I am interested in politics & educate myself
#9 I love nature & try to spend as much time as possible in nature
#10 I like a lot of different kind of music... does that count?
#12 I would love to live away from most people, except my beloved ones (family, friends...)
#14 my perfect date doesn't include fancy dinners or clubs
#15 the universe excites me
#16 I got mayor wanderlust... all the time
#17 I don't care that much about money (only to pay my bills & live a simple happy life)
#18 I am creative
#19 I love adventure
#20 of course I do hope for world peace (but I am not naive or stupid)
#21 I have many house plants
#22 I was never afraid of my sexuality

I honestly think, that's a myth and total bull*****
#4 stop shaving

Surprisingly a lot of those things fit me... so I might not look like a hippie considering my outfit, but in my mind I seem to be one :D
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Agree with you both, the "stopping shaving" is just absurd, also not using deodorant, Yuck. But yes, Sunny, I guess everything is all about the mindset and your thoughts and opinions, not the way you look (however Hippie style looks and aesthetic is lovely too obviously) 💛 Kirsten, I guess we both are more old fashioned 60s and 70s style hippies, with jeans, shorter hair, no excess body hair XD and creative and spiritual mind. 💛 That's the best way I think. All those misconceptions are coming from those who mix modern tendencies like feminism (which includes non shaving) with hippies...
posted over a year ago.