Jacob Black Club
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So another idea of a routine set in. Between working, patrols, Nessie counting down to her due date, and now something unknown; I never had a moment’s peace to myself. Days flew by like minutes. On one hand the pack wasn’t finding any more trails of the awful smell and the Cullen’s switched off shifts so everyone in the pack could sleep. Still I couldn’t get a handle on how fast everything was going. Nessie never wavered. Her unending smile surpassed any discomfort she was going through and I resigned to keeping my smile a permanent fixture on my face. Work kept me busy, but my mind was always on Nessie. And I was not surprised in the least that she went into labor while I was as the garage. When I got the call I dropped everything and ran for the house. I phased just at I broke through the trees. I could run faster than traffic anyway. The forest was a blur rushing past me
When I broke through the Edward was waiting for me. I knew it wouldn’t be good news whatever he had to tell me!
“Edward, what’s wrong with Nessie!” I shouted
“Adam is breached. Carlisle has to perform a C-section.”
“How is Carlisle going to do that?”
“Better you don’t know”
“Edward! What the heck is going on!”
“It’s done! They are here. Nessie is fine too.”
I could hear the faint crying from upstairs in the house. Can that really be my children? I couldn’t find the words as my mouth hung open and I blew past Edward into the house. When I got to the room where the crying was coming from I saw Nessie smiling at me. She was fine! I ran to her side with complete amazement. She tearfully greeted me.
“Jacob! There are here.”
“How are you? I can’t believe I missed this!
“I’m fine, really!”
“Thank heavens!”
“Jake, Eva looks just like you! She has your beautiful skin and hair color too.” Bella called out to me.
“Nessie, Adam looks just like you. Same hair and beautiful face!” Rosalie said
I walked over to Carlisle grabbing him up in my usual bear hug as I thanked him. Bella brought Eva to me first and placed her gently into my arms. I saw my daughter for the first time. Bella had been absolutely right. Eva was gorgeous. She did indeed have my russet skin and dark hair as I kissed her little forehead and brought her over to Nessie. I placed her in Nessie’s arms. Nessie was spellbound as she gasped as Eva’s beauty. I was just about to go see Adam when all hell broke loose. Rosalie had turned her head for a split second to retrieve a bottle for Adam’s first blood feeding and her hand was too close. Rosalie yelled out as Adam bit her hand. Panic washed over me as Rosalie began to sway and loose her balance. Her knees gave way as her body crumbled to the floor. Alice had already placed the bottle of blood in Adam’s mouth. Carlisle and Esme rushed to Rosalie’s side as Rosalie’s body was rocking uncontrollably with convulsions. Edward, Emmitt and Jasper came running into the room as Bella came to my side next to Nessie. Rosalie’s body fluttered then went limp. Alice gasped as Carlisle and Esme turned to each other with looks of confusion. Carlisle fumbled his stethoscope out of his pocket and placed it to Rosalie’s chest. Edward and Jasper both staggered backwards a few steps as Emmitt fell to his knees by Rosalie’s side.
“Carlisle what the hell is going on over there?” I called out
Carlisle didn’t respond. He jumped to his feet and ran to get a syringe. His composure had disappeared altogether. I had never seen Carlisle so frantic before. He rushed back to Rosalie and drew blood from her arm. I caught a glimpse of Rosalie’s face. It didn’t look her normal pale color at all. She had a pinkish tone in her skin and rosy coloring on her cheeks. Carlisle hurried back to his microscope and dropped Rosalie’s blood onto a glass slide. His hands were uncoordinated as he struggled to place the glass slide under the microscope. One brief moment later he brought his gaze up to meet mine with incomprehension.
“Carlisle what the hell just happened! Answer me damn it!” I shouted
“She…she’s human…” His voice trailed off
“WHAT!” I bellowed.
“Rosalie…it’s a miracle…she’s human! Her heart has started beating.” He said as her took smelling salt and went back to Rosalie to revive her. A slight snap and Carlisle waved the smelling salts under Rosalie’s nose. It didn’t take but one sniff and Rosalie’s eyes fluttered open as her groaned.
“Rose…Rose wake up.” Esme called to Rosalie.
“What just happened” Rosalie asked.
Carlisle and Esme said nothing as Edward handed Emmitt a mirror. Emmitt held the mirror in front of Rosalie as she screamed. “Am I human?” Rosalie began to run her hands over her new skin with fierce examination.
Edward, Jasper and myself went to take a better look at the new Rosalie as Emmitt held Rosalie tight to him.
Carlisle rose to his feet and looked dead at me. “Jacob…your son’s venom counteracts the vampire gene. Adam is an evolutionary miracle.”
We both turned to Alice who was still holding Adam in her arms. Carlisle slipped past me as Alice passed Adam over to Carlisle. Carlisle brought Adam back over to the lab and extracted his venom for closer examination as Alice followed. Carlisle passed Adam back to Alice who placed the bottle of blood back into his mouth and slowly rocked him in her arms.

“Jacob come look for yourself. I will show you. Vampire blood is stagnant and nonexistent, but here it is bright red!” Carlisle said as I looked into the microscope. “Jacob, I want to see if it works on you as well.” Carlisle asked. Without hesitation I held my arm out. Carlisle drew my blood and repeated the test dropping Adam’s venom on the slide.
“Doc, what do you see?” I asked
“Your blood changed too. The chromosome counts are human!” Carlisle yelled.
“Doc, does this mean we can literally all become completely human?” I said as my jaw hung open. Carlisle looked at me and feverishly nodded his head.
I howled at the top of my lungs as laughter and screaming went around the room. Carlisle grabbed me up in a hug that lifted me off my feet. The joyful embrace of couples went around the room as Eva and Adam cried from all the sudden celebration. Carlisle released me and I ran to Nessie’s side leaning over her with astonishment. My eyes wet with tears.
“See Jacob, I told you we were a perfect match!” She laughed as she held Eva.
“I never doubted you for a second!” I blurted out over my tears and kissed her deeply.
Emmitt’s voice rang out over the joyfulness in the room. “I want to be human too. Change me next.”
Carlisle’s expression changed to concern as he spoke “Now hold on everyone. This is miraculous new. There is no doubt about that, but we have no idea if this change is temporary or not. We have no idea if there are any side effects. For now, Jasper and Emmitt will take Rosalie to her room and put her to bed. Esme go to the kitchen and get Rosalie regular food. Nothing dramatic, just broth and crackers. I want to see how her body reacts to human food. Jacob, you and Edward bring Nessie back to Edward’s room. Alice and Bella…put Adam and Eva in separate cribs. Again, we have no idea the full extent of Adam’s venom. I want to run some more tests. Make sure Adam is fed as much blood as he will drink and get baby formula for Eva. I’ll be down to make my rounds soon. I will draw blood from Eva soon and check her chromosome counts. I will also draw blood from Nessie to see if Adam’s venom has the same effect on Nessie.”
We did exactly what the doctor ordered. Nessie and I waited in Edward’s room with Eva. Nessie was the perfect mother I expected. She held Eva as if it were second nature. Eva was happily nursing on her bottle when Carlisle came in to see us. I traded with Nessie as Carlisle drew Nessie’s blood. I handed Eva back to Nessie as Carlisle drew Eva’s blood as well.
“I’ll be right back to tell you both the results.” Carlisle said as he left the room.
It only took a few minutes before Carlisle returned to tell us the news. Nessie’s blood also lost its vampire quality and Eva was diagnosed as one hundred percent human. It was an enormous weight off my chest. My daughter would never be inflicted with my blood line. She would never be a shape shifter and I was grateful for that knowledge. When Adam had been fed sufficiently and he was calm, Nessie and I were allowed to see Adam for the first time. Nessie held Adam in her arms and placed a metal pacifier in his mouth to discourage a sudden bite. Rosalie was also right. Adam looked exactly like Nessie. His complexion and facial structure were just like Nessie. He even had her exact hair color. He was beautiful even for a boy and I knew he would be a heart stopper among the girls when he grew up. Rosalie suffered no ill side effects from her transformation back to being human. Her appetite was very tolerant of human food. She was on her feet by the evening to Emmitt’s relief. By the end of the weekend Nessie and I were allowed to return home. Nessie stayed in bed recovering from her C- section and the Cullen girls took shifts feeding, changing and caring for Adam and Eva day and night. It allowed Nessie and I to sleep through the night and took the worry off my mind when I was at the garage. Nessie was on her feet by the end of the first week as she relished every moment of being a new mother. I in turn too great pride as a husband and father to see Nessie so happy. My dream of giving Nessie everything she ever wanted had come true. When the weekend came, the Cullen’s came to our house and so did Sam, Emily and the La Push pack. Alice had planned a baby shower for Adam and Eva. My home was filled with all my family at this point. Thankfully with the reconstruction we all fit with plenty of room to spare. My children were given every toy any baby could want and Nessie and I had plenty of clothes and baby necessities. When the party was over and the house was quiet Nessie and I put Adam and Eva into their cribs. Bella was on baby shift tonight as she sat quietly in the room. Nessie and I said goodnight to Bella. We were just about to go to bed ourselves when the phone rang. I picked up the phone as heard commotion in the background.
“Hello?” I said
“Jacob! It’s Carlisle. Something had broken into the house. The lab has been ransacked. All the bold samples are missing.”
“What! Wait…doc did you say something, not someone?
“Yes. The scent is unfamiliar.”
“What about Adam’s venom?”
“I was smart enough to destroy the samples I took immediately.”
“I’m coming over!”
“Get here as soon as you can, Bye”
I hung up the phone and pulled my t-shirt off leaving just my shorts I planned to wear to bed. Nessie looked at me confused.
“Jacob, what is it? What’s going on?” Nessie asked me.
“Something broke into Carlisle’s lab when everyone was here. The blood samples Carlisle had of all of us are missing. I’m going over there.”
“Do they know what it is?”
“No idea.” I said as I started heading for the door. Bella stopped me at the door.
“Jake. What’s happened?”
“Something broke into Carlisle’s lab and stole all the blood samples. Stay with Nessie. I’m heading over there.”
I left my house in a panic. I had no ideas what I would find when I reached Carlisle’s house. When I got into the tree line my shorts came off as I phased. I was flying at top speed through the forest to Carlisle’s house. When I arrived Edward and Carlisle were waiting for me. I had phased, redressed and came through the tree line. I could see the concern in their eyes as I entered the house and went immediately to the lab. There was scent in the room as I mulled over the carnage I saw in front of me. The smell was vaguely familiar as I struggled to remember why. The lab was demolished with glass everywhere. Edward and Carlisle came into the lab and I could see Edward knew something. There was something he wasn’t telling me. But I didn’t have time to ask him because my cell phone rang. When I answered it, it was Nessie and she was hysterical.
“Nessie! What’s wrong?”
“Adam is missing!”
“What! How?”
“Mom and I were in our bedroom with Eva when something crashed through the window and when we went to check, Adam was gone! He’s gone Jake!” She screamed
“Oh my god!” I said as I dropped the phone and ran out of the house with Carlisle and Edward following me. I phased on the fly forgetting my shorts. When we got there Nessie and Bella were outside waiting for us. Nessie ran into my arms sobbing. Bella threw me a towel.
“Don’t worry Nessie we will find Adam.” I said wrapping the towel around myself
“Jacob! I need to tell you something first.” Nessie called out to me.
“This really isn’t the time Nessie, just tell me later.” I said to her as I was passing Bella.
“I know who did it!” Nessie shouted to me.
I stopped short and turned to her. Her face went white like a sheet of paper. I could see she wasn’t kidding so I went back over to her.
“Who did this Nessie? Tell me.”
“That fruitcake from your college in Boston! What’s he got to do with this? Why would he do this? What’s he after, Nessie?”
Nessie stared at Bella intensely. Bella knew something about this too. I could see it in her eyes as I looked at her then back to Nessie. What were Edward, Bella and Nessie keeping from me?
“Nessie, you better tell him.” Bella said to her as she looked at Edward. Edward would not meet my furious gaze as I turned to him.
“Jacob, Noah was the one who found out we were a genetic match. He helped me figure it out.”
“What! You let that fruitcake see your blood, my blood? Are you insane?” I shouted
“I needed help Jake. Noah just wanted to help. He’s got special blood too.”
“I can’t believe you did this. And why the hell didn’t you tell me!” I hissed.
“I was afraid you would get angry and I was right.” She hissed back
“Of course I’m mad! But more because you kept this a secret from me. Now this guy knows about us. Edward and Bella! You knew something about this and didn’t tell me either!”
“He already knew about me before I let him help.” Nessie blubbered out
“You told him about yourself! Why the hell would you put yourself and your family at risk like that? I hollered.
“I didn’t tell him he found out.”
“If you didn’t say anything and he didn’t see your blood, then how did he find out about you!”
“He saw her in the woods when she was hunting. He found her with her kill.” Edward said to me
“He saw you kill a deer! What was that fruitcake stalking you or something!”
“Nessie! Stop this right now and tell me! This guy is after something and I want to know what it is!”
“Noah Grey is…a werewolf.”
“What? You are making this up, you have to be. Don’t protect this guy Nessie.”
I looked at Edward and I could tell he knew she was serious.
“Jake! I saw it with my own eyes. He is a werewolf.”
“Werewolves are extinct Nessie stop lying.”
“Actually, Jacob…they aren’t. Remember what Aro said. The night of the last battle. Aro said they were nearly extinct.” Edward reminded me.
“Stay out of this Edward! The two of you are making no sense what so ever!”
As I looked back at Nessie. I could see she was losing it. She shook her head as I was about to rip into her verbally again. She quickly put her palm to my cheek. She opened her eyes and looked dead at me with deep concentration. I watched as the entire images flood from her mind into mine. Everything she knew about Noah was suddenly in my head. I saw her gasp and yank her hand back as the last piece of information she didn’t want me to see escaped from her. Noah address and telephone number and that’s all I needed. My body was ready to phase as soon as Nessie pulled her hand back. I needed to get away from her and redirect my anger. I phased and heard the pack bringing up the rear behind me as I broke through the tree line heading for Portland, Oregon.
Jacob. Wait up. Were coming with you. Sam said
Are we really going after a real werewolf? Seth said
If this guy Noah wants blood, we are going to give it to him! I said
I’m all for it! Jared replied
Anyone think this is a bad idea. We’ve never done this before. Leah said
Look we got this! There are eight of us and only one of him. Quil said
Actually there are eight of them too. I said as I remembered the picture Noah had shown Nessie.
Jake, we’re out numbered, you know. It takes all of us to bring down a couple of vampire. Paul said.
Well let’s hope he is alone then. Embry said
The pack was moving fast. I was in the lead with Sam on my right and Leah on my left in secondary positions. Quil and Embry were in third at Sam’s side and Jared and Paul were at Leah’s side in third position with Seth bringing up the rear. I remembered where Portland was. I passed by it heading to San Diego when I escaped to South America. It was two hundred and fifty miles away. Judging by the packs speed I figured it would take about two hours for the pack to reach our destination. I pushed the pack hard with my pace. We had been further than this before when we were tracking down that bloodsucker Victoria. I knew they could keep up with my pace as I threw every ounce if my strength into my forward momentum. The trees flying by were just a blur to me. I kept going over everything Nessie had showed me. She didn’t have a clear image of the werewolf, but I had met Noah and I knew who I was looking for just by his scent. I kept the highway to my side as a reference to our bearings keeping the pack moving in the correct direction we needed to travel. The only sounds in the forest were the packs foot falls on the ground, the scattering of nighttime creatures and the growling coming from my throat. A full moon past over us silently in the sky.
Hey Jake, are we close yet? Jared said
Almost there. I can see the highway signs. I said
I can hear something following us, Jake. Seth said
Keep moving! Sam ordered
We are too close to stop now! I barked
The highway sign said ten miles when I last checked. We were so close I could taste it. The adrenaline in me kept the pack sailing through the night as we closed in on Portland.
Sam I can see a payphone. I got to check the map first. I’m breaking off. Keep the pack moving.
Hurry Jacob. If something is following us we have to keep moving.
I broke through the trees and phased back quick enough to grab the telephone book and retreat into the trees. I quickly flipped open the book and using the street sign on the corner I located Noah’s street. It was a private dead end street. I dropped the book and phased to catch the pack.
Sam turn west, I got the street we are only two blocks away.
Got it Jacob.
We blew through the woods heading towards the house at the end of the street.. It had to be his. It was the only one. It sat way back about half a mile off the main community.
That’s the house. It has to be. I saw the mailbox just a second ago. Grey right? Leah shouted
Yeah that’s Noah’s last name. I said
Hey there is a guy on the porch. Paul growled
That’s him. Everybody fall back behind Jacob. Sam ordered
I burst through the trees and there he was. He was leaning against one of the columns supporting the porch with his arms crossed over his chest and a smile on his face. Like he was expecting me?
Jake, I swear I hear someone behind us. I think its Edward… and Carlisle.
No one move. This guy knows I was coming. I scowled
I stood there looking at the arrogant smile on Noah’s face. I was growling with full teeth exposed hoping the fruitcake might flinch or something. But he just shook his head and started to pace easily back and forth in front of me.
“Well Jacob. You are quite an interesting species. If I hadn’t heard the story from Nessie about you being a shape shifter, I might not have been able to recognize you. Fascinating. A gigantic wolf, huh. Not bad. Don’t worry, Adam is safe inside. I’m just waiting for Dr. Cullen to get here.
Is this guy really mocking me? I said in amazement
Jake, should we come forward. Sam asked
Yeah maybe he needs to see all of us to get that smug look off his face. I said
The pack moved through the trees and formed a line on either side of me. Now we were all snarling and flashing out teeth. But Noah just raised his eye brows and laughed.
“Wow, there is a whole pack of you. Now that’s really funny. Bad enough I have to hold a straight face seeing you, but this is hysterical.” He laughed. “I really wouldn’t make any sudden moves kids. You have no idea what you’re up against with me.” He said as he took an offensive stance. His image blurred so fast. In one second he was by his car.
“I’m faster than you! I’m stronger too.” He snorted as he picked the car off the ground and crushed it like it was a tin can and threw it over our defensive line. The pack split up to avoid being crushed by the flying car.
“I’m also a hell of a lot smarter and older than I look. You see Jacob; I’m the one who planted the seed in Nessie’s little head about your offspring. I’m the one who gave her the idea to mate with you. I knew when I saw your blood and her blood that you two were the answer to my prayers. I couldn’t generate a serum to stop my werewolf transformation. It had to be created, nurtured and born by Nessie. Science can play cruel tricks with nature sometime, but once in a blue moon, nature wins. Adam is the key to my salvation.” He grinned with a smug face
Now I was in full stride, I was already heading forward lunging for this guy’s throat. He saw my intention. Suddenly Noah bent forward as if he was bowing to me. But he wasn’t bowing…he was changing. I saw his muscles flex and shred his clothes as silvery fur began to cover his skin. A gruesome bone crunching sound began as Noah’s arm and legs began to crack and strain. Long dark black nail grew from his hands and feet. His facial structure grew long and fangs replaced teeth. His ears grew upward and were covered quickly in hair while a long grey tail extended from behind his waist. His eyes flashed golden red as he let out a deafing roar at me. It happened so fast I didn’t have time to stop.
“Jacob! Stop! Stop it right now! Edward shouted at me as he came through the trees, but it was too late as Noah had caught me in my lunge by my throat and haunches. He picked me up over his head and began to bend my back. I could feel the pressure as my spine was about to snap. I struggled in his grip.
“Nobody move! Sam, back the pack up! Move back now! You have no idea what you are dealing with! Carlisle shouted as he burst through the trees and stood in front of the pack keeping his eyes on Noah and waved his arms. “Noah, please let Jacob go!”
“Jacob! Phase back. Noah doesn’t want to fight.” Edward said to me as I struggled in Noah’s grip
“Noah, I’m Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I can help you. Change back so we can talk peacefully about this.” He said to Noah. Noah flung me in the direction of Edward as my body hit the ground and Edward tackled me to restrain any further fighting.
“Jacob! Stop right now and phase back! He urged me as I gave in and phased to human.
Noah’s werewolf form nodded to Carlisle as his transformation began to reverse. The bone crunching sounds were horrible to hear. He came to rest in a crouched position, human again for the most part except when he stood up I could see he didn’t need to cover up. Noah still had a thick covering of hair that ran from his neck, down his chest and arms to his elbows and continued down his torso to the top of his knees. His expression was sullen as he looked at us.
“Dr. Cullen. I really need your help. I don’t want to be this hideous creature anymore. I know about Adam. I was on the roof your night the children were born. I heard everything.”
“Where is Adam?”
“He’s safe inside. I’ll bring him to show you.”
“Please do so, Noah.”
Noah simple reached in through the door of his house and Adam was in his arms. Adam was safe and completely asleep.
“Give me my son!” I shouted as Edward was holding me back
“All in good time”
“Noah, I know you want to be human, but give me Adam first.”
“No! First you change me!”
“What will happen to you when your family finds out?”
“I don’t care if they banish me or kill me. If I’m going to die. I want to die a human. If you help me, I will leave here and never be seen again.”
“Noah where is your family now?”
“They are hunting. I don’t hunt. I have no desire to kill people. They won’t be back for days. Plenty of time for me to get away from here.”
“Noah, I have Adam’s venom with me now. It’s an injection I can administer to you.” He said as I realized Carlisle had lied to me. Carlisle saw my expression, but didn’t stop.
“Then please do so Dr. Cullen. Please release me from my curse. I beg you!” Noah said as he fell to his knees. His arm reaching out to Carlisle as he held onto Adam in his other arm
“You do realize your family won’t be happy with you and once this change is complete, it cannot be reversed.”
“Yes, doctor. I understand. I’m willing to risk that my family will destroy me. My family thinks of themselves as gods. Superior to all other creatures. But I do not want this burden anymore.”
“I don’t blame you one bit. It must be excruciating to change your form.”
“It is Dr. Cullen. I’ve lived with that pain since the day it first happened.”
“I only ask one thing Noah, from you. Let me have Adam. The transformation will be very jarring to you system.”
“Certainly Dr Cullen. I don’t want to hurt this child. I love Nessie too much to hurt her or Adam.” Noah said and looked at me with a grin.
That pissed me off. Now the fruitcake was in love with Nessie. Was he trying to outdo Edward on stealing from me?
“Then we have a deal?” Carlisle asked
“Yes, a deal has been made, Dr. Cullen”
Carlisle crossed the distance between himself and Noah as Noah held his arms out. Carlisle picked up Adam who was still sound asleep. He retrieved the syringe he had loaded with Adam’s venom. With one look to Noah, he nodded and stabbed Noah in the bicep. Carlisle quickly retreated. He wasn’t sure how Noah transformation would go. He didn’t want to be close when it happened especially with Adam in his arms. Now we all watched to see if Adam’s venom would be successful. Noah’s body trembled as his figure began the gruesome werewolf transformation again, but then quickly stopped. When Noah lost his footing he fell forward to the ground. All the hair covering his body before was gone. His extremely pale skin took on the more normal peachy coloring of a human. I went to Carlisle and took Adam from his arms and held Adam to my chest. Carlisle ran over and checked Noah’s pulse. He survived. Sam and the pack retreated and phased to human form. Carlisle snapped smelling salts under Noah’s nose as Noah began to come back to consciousness. I was furiously staring at Edward. Edward couldn’t look at me as he began to step back to the tree line.
“You knew about this, didn’t you! I almost lost my son tonight because of you, Bella and Nessie keeping secrets!
But I couldn’t say anything else as I heard the Mustang coming down the street. Nessie pulled into Noah’s driveway as Bella jumped from the car with Nessie following her. The girls were heading towards me. I knew what Nessie wanted. She wanted Adam, but she wasn’t getting him at this point.
“Leah, ride with me! I blew right past Nessie and Bella without saying a word to either one of them. Leah hopped in the passenger seat as I handed Adam over to her and took the driver’s seat. I wasn’t wasting a second as I sped off leaving everybody standing in a cloud of dust. Nessie wasn’t getting Adam back. When I got home, I was going for Eva next.
“Leah, do you have a cell phone on you?”
“Yeah, here.” She said as she passed it to me.
I called my house and thankfully Emily picked up.
“Emily, do you have Eva”
“Yes, she’s here.”
“Take her to your place, I have Adam. We’ll meet you there”
“Okay, Jacob”
I hung the cell phone up as I looked over at Leah, I had never seen her hold a child before but she looked like a pro as she kept Adam close to her body bobbing him slowly. I was just about to thank her when she screamed. I knew in that second what had happened. Adam had bitten Leah. I slammed on the brakes and yanked the car to the side of the road as Leah lost her grip and Adam slipped from her arms falling the short distance to the floorboard of the Mustang. His cries were agonizing and Leah’s body was convulsing. I grabbed Leah out of her seat over my body as I jumped out of the Mustang. Leah was going through her transformation and I couldn’t stop it now. I gently laid her body on the ground still racked with tremors as I looked back into the Mustang. Adam hadn’t been fed in hours. I watched my blood thirsty son as Adam was flailing on the floorboard. I had no bottle to feed him as I reached the decision on what I was going to have to do. I pulled out my pocket knife from the center console of the Mustang and went to the passenger side of the car. When I opened the door Adam had rolled onto his stomach. I quickly picked him up and placed him on his back on the passenger seat. Flipping the pocket knife open with one hand I slit my wrist deeply twice. I grabbed my wrist and held it over Adam head as he screamed at the top of his lungs still flailing with thirst. When I squeezed my wrist the blood poured into Adam mouth. I watched him as his crying and flailing subsided at the taste of my blood. I worried my wound would heal too fast to satisfy his thirst as he drank eagerly. When my wound began to heal I hoped it was enough. My blood stopped flowing and as it did Adam began to cry again. It wasn’t enough. I slit my wrist again and squeezed my wrist harder this time. The blood flowed faster with the new cut. I had gone deeper this time. Adam restlessness stopped as the new flow began to run into his mouth. I tried not to think about how many times I would need to repeat this cutting of my body to satisfy his need to drink. I was beginning to sweat a little from my sudden loss of blood, but I kept squeezing my wrist harder trying to keep the cut open. I was getting lightheaded and my eyes were beginning to blur from my peripheral vision. I could feel a blackout coming soon as my cut started to close again and my blood receded. But Adam was quiet now as I leaned my body on the doorframe of the car trying to support myself.
“Leah!” I yelled but Leah didn’t respond.
“Leah I need you!” I hollered at the top of my lungs
“Jacob?” She called back.
“Leah, are you alright?” I hollered for her
“I think so!” she shouted as she came around the back of the Mustang staggering a bit.
“Leah, I need you! I shouted as I felt my conscious mind give way to the blackness. I felt my body going limp as I blacked out.
Sam’s voice came calling to me from the blackness. I thought it was just the usual wolf telepathy. But Sam’s voice became louder in my ears. I could hear him close to me. When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t on the side of the highway anymore. I was on Emily’s couch with Sam leaning over me.
“Jeez, Jacob. You scared the hell out of me.” He said
“Where is Adam?”
“Adam is fine. The pack made a kill on the way over here. Emily has a bottle for him, don’t worry. He is sleeping between bunches of pillows on Emily’s bed. Jake, are you okay?”
“Sure, sure. I’m fine. Where is Eva?”
“She’s sleeping in Embry’s arms.” He winked at me and tilted his head over to Embry with a smile curling the corner of his lips.
I knew what that wink meant. Holy crap! I wasn’t out that long and Embry must have imprinted on Eva. Sam nodded at me. He heard my thoughts. I shook my head trying not to think out killing my good friend as I looked over to watch him. He had the same doting expression I had when I imprinted on Nessie. For whatever reason this really bothered me. I got up from the couch as Sam put himself between Embry and me. I could see Embry’s face as he looked away from me. I glared at him and clenched my teeth. Sam grabbed my shoulder and started to lead my outside. He knew what I was thinking. As Sam and I began to get farther from the house he stopped and looked at me.
Jacob…I know what you are thinking. Don’t even think of starting a fight. You know we have no control over imprinting.
Sam…she’s my daughter, my baby.
Are your actions any different from Bella’s when you told Bella you imprinted on Nessie? No they aren’t. So don’t go there Jacob. In a tight knit family like we have, these things happen. Embry is a good kid. Remember how you felt when you told Bella you imprinted on Nessie, Embry feels the same way. He wasn’t looking for it, it just happened.
I know that Sam! You don’t have to remind me. But I’m still pissed off!
Then take a walk and get over it. One way or the other our tribe believes in the bond of imprinting to find our soul mates, or life partners. We uphold the spirit of that decision. We don’t turn and think of killing our family to break the bond.
Fine, Sam. I’ll deal with it. You’re right, it’s done. No going back now.
Good to hear you’re coming to your senses. Behave! Don’t make me have another discussion like this again with you.
I got it Sam!
Sam began to walk back into the house as I stood there looking at my feet not sure what to do with myself. Leah found me.
“Hey Jacob, are you okay?”
“Are you okay! How do you feel?” I asked as I examined the scar Adam had left on Leah’s bicep.
“Weird, really weird. What happened to me?”
“Leah…I don’t know how to tell you this or if you will believe me or not, but you are human. One hundred percent human. No more wolf, no more phasing.”
“Are you serious?”
“Dead serious. Have you tried to phase lately?”
“Yeah…that’s what was weird?”
“See what I mean? Adam’s venom has the ability to change all of us into normal human beings. You must be so pissed to hear this”
“Jacob, you know I didn’t want to be in a pack anymore than you did, I’m fine with this”
“Yeah, really. Now that I know, it feels good, actually.”
She smiled at me and I gave her a hug. As Leah and I were in our friendly embrace, I heard the Volvo coming up the road. I knew it was Nessie. Leah got the hint and went into Emily’s house. I waited for Nessie to pull up. When she got out of the car I could see the distressed tears in her eyes. She was going to try to apologize. She was just about to open her mouth when I cut her off.

“Forget it Nessie! I know why you are here and I don’t give a damn how you feel right now! You poisoned my love for you tonight with lies and deceit! I have no love for you anymore! You nearly got Adam killed tonight! And P.S. that Noah fruitcake said he was in love with you! I’m going to do everything I can at this point to keep my children as far away from you as possible! I’ll haul you into to court if I have to!
“Jacob…please let me explain. I love you. Don’t do this!”
“The hell you do! What you did isn’t love! It’s betrayal!
“No! Nessie I want you out of my house by noon tomorrow! Don’t make me get Charlie involved! This is over! I’m filing for divorce as soon as possible with full custody!
I turned on my heels and stormed back into Emily’s house. I really didn’t care anymore. Poisoned hatred was all I felt for Nessie at this point. I had to get away from her before I phased. I couldn’t protect my children if I went to jail for murdering my wife. My soon to be ex-wife. I meant every word I had said to her. Keeping my children safe was the only thing that mattered to me now. I stormed up to Emily’s room. I wanted to make sure Adam was in my arms. I didn’t need Nessie busting through any windows in desperation. I brought Adam down stairs with me. He was still sleeping. I looked at the peaceful expression on Adam’s face. He did look just like Nessie. Emily had a bottle waiting for Adam in case he woke up. My family would protect me and my children. I knew I was safe here. I sat on the couch as Embry sat down next to me with Eva in his arms. I could do this. I could be a single father. I had no doubt about it as the idea became more real to me with each passing minute
jacob black
breaking dawn
part 1
added by Hilary_Bells
jacob black
bella swan
new moon
taylor lautner
kristen stewart
jacob black
taylor lautner
new moon
bella swan
edward cullen
added by pellegrino_girl
Source: pellegrino_girl
added by Andressa_Weld
added by fatoshleo
added by Nokas_Lautner
added by bubbletl
added by Stmsteph
jacob black
bella swan
edward cullen
jacob black
bella swan
added by sapherequeen
His change from human boy to werewolf :)
jacob black
new moon
taylor lautner
bella swan
added by twilight102
taylor topless ;P
jacob black
added by Bella_wanna_be
added by katiecain
Source: MTV
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
jacob black
breaking dawn
added by Vilandra_87
No copyright infringement. Jake and Bella story for Twilight, New moon, Eclypse and Breaking dawn with the song "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias.
jacob black
new moon
taylor lautner
bella swan
kristen stewart
edward cullen
breaking dawn