Jacob Black Club
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I was awoken by my screeching alarm on Monday morning.
“Shush!” I spoke to the the alarm, my throat dry. I knew I had to get up; I brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. Making myself a nice hot chocolate with some fruit, I sat out on my balcony, the grey clouds from yesterday were still overpowering the sky, but it wasn’t raining just yet. I didn’t want to get out of my pyjamas, they were too comfortable; but I knew I had to.

I quickly finished my hot chocolate and ate the fruit, and walked over to my wardrobe.
‘What do I wear?’ I thought to myself. I got out some leggings, my peach long sleeve shirt that my mum and I made together a few months ago and my pink-beige coat. I wore just some boots since I would be walking on mushy wet grounds. I packed my bag with some P.E clothes and packed my lunch, I looked around to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I walked outside and it was lightly spitting rain.

I got to school just in time. But something was weird, people were all whispering about something. I walked up to Nicole.
“Blair, oh my goodness, your back!” Nicole squealed and gave me a big hug. I laughed at her enthusiasm.
“Hey Nicole” I added. Sarah, Rachael and Sophia all smiled at me asking me if my ankle was better, and discussing some shopping trips, which sounded great to me.
“What is everyone whispering and talking about?” I asked.
“There’s a new guy coming, everyone is all excited about it” Sophia answered my question.
“I thought you said new kids barely come here?” I asked chuckling a little, Sophia chuckled too
“I know, the don’t, you must be a lucky charm!” she said excited. The bell rang and we all walked into our class, well homeroom, were they would mark our names off, and then we can go to class, which for me was P.E. I groaned inside my head thinking about it.

The gym was an average size, it was double story and the upper story had work out machines, the bottom floor just had a basketball court with a ton of random lines. The girls all went in the change rooms and we got changed, I was lucky I had Nicole in my class. I put on my track pants and just a Nike t-shirt, since we weren’t allowed to wear singlet tops.
“Blair” Nicole whispered to me
“Yeah Nicole” I whispered back.
“The new guy is in our P.E class” she said still whispering. I just nodded; I honestly didn’t care as much as everyone else did since I had Jacob. We all walked out the change rooms when we heard the teacher yelling for us girls to hurry up. We were all standing in the middle of the gym with the boys; I automatically smiled when I saw Jacob was in my class, he smiled back at me. For the first time He wasn’t wearing ripped shorts, he wore black track pants and a grey t-shirt, that wasn’t ripped.
“Okay class we have a few new comers” The teacher said, He was in his mid thirties and he barely had any hair, he wasn’t muscular lanky sort of, he wasn’t that tall either, and he had hazel eyes.
“Blair Parker” He said I wasn’t paying attention. “Blair Parker” he said again.
“Oh right yep that’s me” I quickly added embarrassed as the class giggled at me.
“And…” he held up a piece of paper trying to read the name “Stefan Jones” he called out. No one answered. “Stefan Jones” the teacher called out again more loudly. Then out of the boys change room, a tall figure walked out.
“Sorry sir, that’s me” a deep tough voice spoke. I looked up at him, He was tanned, not as dark as Jacob, he had black swoopy hair that shaped his face, and stunning green eyes. He was slightly muscular. He was beautiful. I think everyone had the same thought as me because I managed to look away from him, and looked at all the other girls they had this ‘love struck’ expression on their faces. I looked at Jacob, and he was staring at him in a weird way, like he was slightly afraid, and this Stefan guy was something different.
“Well ill introduce myself im Mr. Arnolds” The teacher introduced.

None of us seemed to care.

“Well we were going to start off with just some soccer and move onto something else later on” Mr Arnolds said. Some of the Boys cheered, I honestly couldn’t kick a ball for peanuts! This was going to be embarrassing, knowing me ill fall over at least four or five times today.
“Okay, ill chose captains, then chose your teams, let’s start off with the new kids hey? Blair and Stefan captains” He said. I sighed I didn’t even want to participate in soccer.
“Stefan pick your first boy” Mr. Arnolds told him. Stefan just pointed to one of the guys and they stood next to him.
“Blair” he said.
“Jacob” I said, Jake smiled and hi-fived my hand. Basically we had to chose boy, girl, boy, girl.
“Blair’s team you can be the Blue team, Stefan’s team is red” he gave us this bib things we had to put on.

The boys on my team started the kick off. I didn’t really know what I was doing that’s why I went in defence with Nicole.
“Blair, I really don’t like this sport…” Nicole said to me
“Don’t worry, I don’t even know how to kick the ball!” I said back. She laughed.
“So on Friday night are you free we can go sho- CRAP!” Nicole said as she tried to kick the ball away. I laughed at her.
“So I was saying Friday shopping, me you and the girls? What do you think?” Nicole asked.
“Yes, sounds good, I need some new clothes for this cold weather!” I said starting to get excited. Stefan had the ball now; he was running towards my direction. Nicole walked over my direction just in case. He was closer now, I didn’t know what to do, so I looked at Nicole and she smiled at me. Just before he was going to pass us we ran up to him and Nicole kick the ball out his legs, and some one from our team got it.
“Woo!” Nicole cheered and hi-fived me, Stefan smirked at us and walked off. Jacob laughed and shook his head still laughing.

After we had our second break things got more serious with Jake and Stefan.
When Stefan had the ball again, Jake came out of no where and smashed into his side of his body, Stefan falling to the floor.
“JACOB!” I yelled. Wait a second I thought Jacob is a werewolf, their strength is indescribable, Stefan should have went flying through that gym wall. I stood there with my mouth opened slightly, trying to put the pieces together. The teacher blew his whistle. “Jacob that wasn’t unnecessary!” he yelled at him. Jacob looked down at the teacher his eyes full of anger, his body trembling slightly.
“He was in my way” he spat through his teeth.
“Don’t give me that attitude; get out of my class NOW” Mr. Arnolds spat back at him, Jake walked out. I still stood there. Stefan got up now looking mad. He looked at the door where Jacob walked out. The teacher asked him if he was alright and of corse he was going to say yes. I couldn’t just stand here and do nothing. I ran to the change rooms and grabbed my bag and walked out the back door the teacher not seeing.

I got in my car in the school parking lot. My dad gave it to me just before he died; I didn’t want to take it because for me it was a little too sophisticated for my likings, it was a BMW 335i in black. My dad was a driver, he delivered things to people I guess he made quite a bit of money. I took my mind off of that and sped to Jacobs’s house.
His house was quiet it didn’t seem like Billy was here. I stepped out my car, and walked around to the garage. No one was there, so I sat outside on the little crate Jacob sat when he was injured and waited. I started bobbing my knee up and down impatient. That’s when I heard a loud howl. I stood up looking towards the forests when a huge Dark brown wolf that had gradient of black fur around him, popped out the trees. I haven’t reconsigned this wolf before. Did they get a new member and didn’t tell me?
The wolf was staring directly at me. Without thinking I walked closer to it. The wolf started to back away a little bit. I looked at it confused, it showed a killing row of sharp teeth and snarled at me. I didn’t know what to do, so I started running back towards my car, I fell over and turned around, the wolf was slowly walking in my direction still revealing his teeth. I started crawling backwards and got up again. Just before I got to my car from the side of my eye another huge reddish brown wolf jumped out the trees and onto the other wolf, I recognised him, Jacob.

The Jacob wolf was on top of the other wolf growling at him, The other wolf quickly kicked Jacob wolf up in the air with his back legs, The other wolf got back onto his feet while Jacob wolf smash against a massive tree and I swear I heard a cracking noise. The Jacob wolf howled in pain. I started running towards the other wolf.
“STOP IT” I yelled crying now.
“STOP HURTING HIM” I yelled again.
The other wolf let out a massive howl again he starting coming over to me again, crap Blair you idiot, I was breathing loudly now, walking backwards slowly.
“I won’t hurt you” I said trying to sound calm, I don’t think I did, the other wolf leaped towards me and I let out a scream and covered my head with my arms. But I didn’t get knocked over by this wolf. I peeked through my arms to see what happened and the Jacob wolf and the other wolf were now circling each other. Jacob wolf leaped towards the other wolf and he leaped into Jacob wolf, both smashing into each other Jacob wolf digging his teeth through the other wolf’s shoulder, it cried a painful howl and Jacob wolf let go. My eyes were widened with fear. Jacob wolf looked at me, his eyes identical to Jacobs. He started walking towards me, limping a little.
“JACOB” I screamed in fear just as the other wolf charged at Jacob, clashing bodies again, the other wolf dragging Jacob wolf with his teeth by his other leg, Jacob wolf howling again for help this time I think.
“STOP IT, STOP HURTING HIM” I yelled again, running towards the wolves, but they disappeared in the forest. I sat on the ground helpless tears just pouring down my face, listening to crunching noises and howls. A few minutes later it was quiet and I heard more than two wolves growling and snarling I got up wiping my tears with the end of my top. I tried to focus on the forest, and now heard human voices; they were becoming more clear and louder.
“Quick Paul take him to the house and call Carlisle to come” Sam said.
“Do you think Quil and Embry can take on that wolf by themselves?” a girl voice now spoke guessing it was Leah.
“Lets hope so, we need to speak some decency in that boy” Sam said again. Paul came out the forest shirtless with ripped shorts holding Jacob in his arms with a ripped towel wrapped around his lower body. Jacobs’s leg had wolf bite marks and the blood was flowing out. His right shoulder didn’t look normal; his chest had a long claw mark going down stopping just before his belly button.

Paul ignored me, pretending I wasn’t standing there, I chased after him in the house into Jakes bedroom, Jacob lying on his bed. I looked at Paul worried.
“Is he going to okay?” I asked. Paul breathed out through his nose and looked at me angry like it was my fault.
“We have to wait until Dr Paleface gets here” he said angry tone shaping his voice. I clenched my jaw together, and looked at Jacob, he was broken, that other wolf who ever he was I hope he was just as broken.

Paul told me to go and sit on the couch but I didn’t listen, I watched while Carlisle broke his right shoulder again, and stitched up his leg that had the bite marks, Jacob was already healing the claw mark on his chest was fading. The other scars from last time weren’t there anymore.
“His going to be fine” Carlisle said, and walked out the door with Sam discussing something.
“Blair” Jacob said in his husky voice, his throat dry. I kneeled next to Jacob on his bed, and held his warm hands. He smiled at me. I smiled back.
“Who was the other wolf?” I asked curious, Jacob sighed…
jacob black
taylor lautner
added by AdaLove
A excellent vid created by SearchingForMyEdward!
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Source: Deviant Art
jacob black
eclipse soundtrack
howard shore
jacob's theme
jacob black
taylor lautner
bella swan
kristen stewart
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justin bieber
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jacob black
new moon
edward cullen
kristen stewart
bella swan
added by Andressa_Weld
added by walker93
Source: mahito.deviantart.com/art/Jacob-Black-68429853
posted by misjones39

OW! I yelped as I closed my finger on the car door. “DAMN, DAMN, DAMN OWWWWWW!”
Everyone and I mean everyone across the reservations school grounds starred. “Great” I whispered to myself sarcastically. Haven’t been back in two years, and I already found a way to embarrass myself. I wasn’t really looking forward to my first day back; considering I was now of age to attend high school against my will. O well, only one and a half years to go I thought. At least I had College to look forward too. And even better, being back to my friends and family.
continue reading...
the story starts on the first day on Isle Esme, where bella and edward have their honeymoon. (the first part in italics is taken from breaking dawn, to let the story flow)

He placed the suitcases on the dock and then turned nack, wmiling his perfect smile as he reached for me. Instead of taking my hand, he pulled me right up into his arms.
"Aren't you supposed to wait for the threshold?" I asked, breathless, as he sprung lightly out of the boat.
He grinned. "I'm nothing if not thorough."
Gripping the handles of both huge steamer trunks in one hand and cradling me in the other arm, he carried...
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real good man
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jacob black
breaking dawn
part 1
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added by Hilary_Bells
jacob black
bella swan
new moon
taylor lautner
kristen stewart