Jack and Kate Club
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Sorry this is so late guys! The mango lover decided to be slooooow with sending me her answers ;)

1.) Jongrats Hannah! You are the new Jate FOTM!! How do you feel?
-I was super shocked. I mean I haven’t been on fanpop a lot in the last few months, or on the jate spot, so I think it’s awesome that you guys voted me.

2.) Let's start with our standard question - Tell us about yourself!
-What about me? Okay I’m kinda a boring person, but I’m super hyper and kinda random. I’m 17, and I live in Chicago. I don’t really know what else to add, mangos are my favorite food, hmmm green is my favorite color. Thunderstorms are the best weather. Lmao I’ll shut up now.

3.) When did you start watching Lost? What made you interested in it?
-LOST ♥ is pretty my eternal love. Back in 2004 that was so long ago, my brother was watching season 1 on TV and it was the ‘white rabbit’ episode, a jack flashback. I fell for Matthew Fox from when I first saw his flashbacks. From his episode I knew there was just something about him that clicked in my mind. I loved him from when I first saw him, there was NEVER a point in lost where Jack wasn’t my favorite character. What caught my attention is Jack of course, him and Evie had the best chemistry so I kept watching and became a hardcore shipper only at the age of 12.

What caught my attention is Jack of course, him and Evie had the best chemistry
What caught my attention is Jack of course, him and Evie had the best chemistry

4.) Where does Jate rank on your top couples list?
-Jate are my number two. Pretty close to one but I still have be faithful to my BL. Jate aren’t like any other couple though I feel like they fit in their own genre. My love for Brucas and Jate is eternal but they way I love each is different. It’s hard to explain Jate have a super special place in my heart though.

Jate aren’t like any other couple though I feel like they fit in their own genre.
Jate aren’t like any other couple though I feel like they fit in their own genre.

5.) Have you always been a Jater, or did it take a little time before you started shipping them?
-Always, always, always. From the first episode I saw them, I loved them. I actually hated Sawyer for a long time. But Jack and Kate made the show for me.

6.) What is your favorite season for Jate? [Is this also your favorite season overall?]
-Season 2, and yes it’s my favorite season ever. Just everything that happens. I remember I couldn't sleep after like half the episodes aired. But I’m also a huge season 3 Jate girl, season one has some pretty epic jate moments as well. I love all the emotion that surrounds Jate.

7.) What is your ultimate Jate moment?
-This is such a hard questions, but I'm more old school lost so either TMFT, or walkie talkie scene. Plus their first kiss, I will forever remember this moment. I was going insane.

their first kiss, I will forever remember this moment. I was going insane.
their first kiss, I will forever remember this moment. I was going insane.

8.) We all know that you are a huge Brucas fan, [go BL!] do you see any similarities between them & Jate?
-Ehhhhh, that's tough because the shows are SOOO different. They both have the best eyesex on TV. The chemistry is super intense for both couples, and they get those like really deep love speeches where they say the most epic things about each other.

9.) What song best describes:
THIS is the most difficult thing ever.
S1 Jate -Chasing cars by Snow Patrol
S2 Jate -Look after you by The Fray
S3 Jate – Fix you by Coldplay
S4 Jate – I still ain’t over you by Augustana
S5 Jate –Slipped away by Avril Lavigne
S6 Jate - This is a total cliché but The Scientist by Coldplay
Jangst – I’ll follow you into the dark by Death Cab
Jex – Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon
Jate 1st kiss – MFEO Pt. 2: You Can Breathe by Jack’s Mannequin
Jate in SNBH – Somewhere only we know by Keane
Jate in The End – Hold you in my arms by Ray LaMontagne

Jex – Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon
Jex – Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon

10.) Describe in 1-4 words:
S1 Jate - Chemistry
S2 Jate – Passion/ Development
S3 Jate – Angst
S4 Jate – An emotional rollercoaster
S5 Jate - Connected
S6 Jate - Destiny
Jate Proposal - It’s about time
Jate Last Kiss –Happiness but pain at the same time
Jack –Sex on legs
Kate – The girl within his dreams

Jate Last Kiss –Happiness but pain at the same time
Jate Last Kiss –Happiness but pain at the same time

11.) The most:
Emotional Moment- TMFT <3
Saddest Moment- The walkie takie scene
Happiest Moment- The endgame kiss
Funniest Moment- ““Are you checking me out”
Sexiest Moment-Hallway Sex. FTW
Cutest Moment- First Kiss ♥♥♥
Unexpected Moment- Kate says that she's sorry that she kissed him, Jack replies "I'm not". I pretty much died.

Most Emotional Moment- TMFT <3
Most Emotional Moment- TMFT <3

12.) Define Jate in:
One word: Passion
One song: Sweet and Low Augustana
One movie: The Notebook
One color: Purple
One season of the year: Summer
One object: Walkie Talkie
One place: The Caves
One food: Mangos
One animal: Tigers

13.) This or That:
Jack or Kate - JACKK
Foxy or Evie - Foxy
Jack or Foxy: OMGGG, I hate you, Jack
Kate or Evie: Kate
Skate or Jacket - OMG I refuse to answer this. I hate both with a passion, not even kidding when Jacket was on my TV I had a PASSION0ATE dislike for them, and Skate me wants to barf up my breakfast so neither.
Flashbacks, Flashforwards or Flash-sideways: I'm an old school girl, flashbacks for sure. I miss classic lost :( I did love my flashforwards though, and I liked the ending flash-sideways, they just weren’t as epic as the rest. Besides the last few, I personally hated the flash-sideways they were the most pointless things ever.
First kiss or Last kiss: First all the way
Jangst or Juff: Jangst
Evie's quotes or Foxy's quotes: FOXYYY

14.) Favorites per season:
Best cute scene: Moth hug ♥
Best hot scene: First meeting, it was just sexy
Best quote: Kate: ‘It's just that you... and the tattoos... don't add up. Were you one of those hardcore spinal surgeons or something?’ Jack: ‘That's me. Hardcore.’ Charlie: ‘If you two are done verbally copulating, we should get a move on.’
Best episode: Exodus both parts
Best look: Verbally Copulating

Best cute scene: Moth hug ♥
Best cute scene: Moth hug ♥

Best cute scene: First Kiss
Best hot scene: Net Scene
Best quote: “I’m sorry I kissed you”-Kate, “I’m not”-Jack
Best episode: S.O.S
Best look: Eyesex

Best hot scene: Net Scene
Best hot scene: Net Scene

Best cute scene: Walkie Talkie
Best hot scene: but I’ll come back for you
Best quote: “I can’t leave without you!” “yes you are, go!” “Jack, I can’t!” “Go, Now!” “I CAN’T!!” “Kate, dammit, run!”.- Jack
Best episode: Not in Portland
Best look: Through the glass window/ wall thingie ♥

Best cute scene: Walkie Talkie
Best cute scene: Walkie Talkie

Best cute scene: Hallway scene ♥
Best hot scene: Shower scene ♥
Best quote: "Does that mean I should wait 20 minutes then go anyway?" "Touché!" ♥
Best episode: Something Nice Back Home
Best look: When Jack said he didn’t mean what he said in the court room about not loving her anymore. E.P.I.C

Best episode: Something Nice Back Home
Best episode: Something Nice Back Home

Best cute scene: Jate interacting with Aaron, such a cute family ♥
Best hot scene: JEX FTW
Best quote: "It was NOT all misery!" ♥
Best episode: The Incident.
Best look: jate all steamy and jexxxy

Best cute scene: The kiss. for sure.
Best hot scene: THE KISS. emphasis on THE.
Best quote: “ I love you” “I love you”- what I was waiting for my entire life.
Best episode: The end
Best look: The I couldn’t find you to Jack ♥ or their last look at each other when they realized they wouldn’t see each other again. (until flash sideways world)

Best quote: “ I love you” “I love you”- what I was waiting for my entire life.
Best quote: “ I love you” “I love you”- what I was waiting for my entire life.

15.) Not counting Jate, which other Lost couples do you ship?
-Desmond and Penny are my number two lost couple. I just love everything about them. Their story is amazing <3. Their an epic romance all the way. Charlie and Clair, Sawyer and Juliet are pretty cute as well. Jin and Sun. Awww i miss lost. Ohhh I also loved Hurley and Libby.

16.) Were you always confident that Jate would be endgame? Were there any moments that made you doubtful/worried?:
Oh my gosh no, I mean I didn't really think of endgame when I started watching lost because I was 11, 12ish so the drama was more on my mind, but once my love for Jate increased I knew that Jate would be endgame. I mean it was obvious from how the show was written, they had the most passion. I am not one of those people who thinks that they were destined to be from the first episode . That’s not my thing, a couple has to prove themselves to me before I ship them, sure they have chemistry but do they work together? What kind of scenes to they have? Are they realistic/not corny? Those the main question on my mind when I choose who I want of endgame. Jate went beyond all those qualifications.

I mean it was obvious from how the show was written, they had the most passion.
I mean it was obvious from how the show was written, they had the most passion.

17.) You get the chance to meet Damon & Carlton, Foxy or Evie - Who do you choose & what do you say to them about Jate?:
-Wait this question confuses me. Like Damon, Carlton, and Foxy all together? Then that would be epic win. I don’t know I prob wouldn't shut up about lost, I would just go on and on about everything lost and jate. I question then on a lot of stuff like wtf was the point of the polar bear, and the character of Locke not to mention that bitch Charlotte. Realistically, I wouldn’t be able to breathe if I got to talk to Matthew Fox. [lol Hannah, I meant - if you had to choose just one, Darlton OR Foxy OR Evie, not that you get to meet all of them!]

18.) If you could, would you change anything about Jate?:
-Hmmm I wouldn’t change anything of their past, but I would change Kate’s character development. I wouldn’t have her go running back to Sawyer so much because it got to be a bit nasty Made her seem like a cheap slut, there was a point in lost where I couldn’t’ stand Kate. But she ended up redeeming herself for me. Also I would have put Jate together much sooner than the last episode, so the fans can enjoy.

19.) You get to take one scene from each of these couples, which scene do you take?
Sawyer & Kate – I don’t want it. Ew Skate make me Gag
Sawyer & Juliet- I’ve always wanted Jack to give Kate flowers. But I love the originality of Jate and I don’t want to steal that.
Jack & Juliet – Ew. I didn’t consider them a couple I won’t answer this. Plus I feel like they didn’t even have scenes together besides like her trying to get on him, and him clearly not interested in her.
Charlie & Claire- I want Jack and Kate to have something like the Peanut Butter scene that would be so cute.
Desmond & Penny- I’d want the sweet reunion. Or the way they talk about each other to other people.
Sun & Jin- Having a kid, but I’d want Jack to be there with Kate.

20.) Favorite thing about Kate?:
- I guess her indecisiveness kept me waiting throughout the whole show.
And she had tiny bits of humor that I loved, not to mention when she’d get so emotional or just do anything when it involved Jack in any sort of way.

she’d get so emotional or just do anything when it involved Jack in any sort of way.
she’d get so emotional or just do anything when it involved Jack in any sort of way.

21.) Favorite thing about Jack?:
-ONEEEEe thing? His looks attracted me to him in the first place, but I honestly loved everything about him, his personality was stellar, he was hot, his anger, his determination, EVERYTHING. There’s not one thing I didn’t like. I honestly can’t pick my favorite I mean IT’S JACK!

There’s not one thing I didn’t like. I honestly can’t pick my favorite I mean IT’S JACK!
There’s not one thing I didn’t like. I honestly can’t pick my favorite I mean IT’S JACK!

22.) Favorite quote about Jate by:
Foxy - "I don`t think of it as Jack, Kate and Sawyer. I think of it as Jack and Kate. I`m really pleased with where Jack and Kate are. I think there is a very deep desire there; and not just physical, but emotional. There is a connection."
Evie - "She`s trying to pull away from Sawyer because she recognizes that she loves Jack. I think I spent that walk back thinking that I have to push Sawyer away. I have to. It`s not fair to him or me or Jack, because I feel too much for Jack to allow this 'thing' with Sawyer to keep going."
Damon - "What can I say, I'm a Jater."- Damon
Carlton - “We know what the ending is seriously.”
Josh - "I loved Jack and Kate`s kiss. They really captured that moment, how it should be. And that`s tricky." - Josh
Jack – :"but I will come back here for you."- It was kinda like their destiny.
Kate – “I love you”- I was waiting for this for FOREVER.

23.) You're stranded on the island with the Losties; Do you cozy up to Jack or let Kate keep him?
- Jack is mine, and NO ONE is getting in my way. Sorry Kate…

24.) Jack & Kate want to know all about us Jisters! What are you gonna tell him?
- That these girls are Jamazingly Jepic. They are by far the most dedicated fan girls of jate. They would walk through fire for jate or Jack. And that we all were watching /crying/freaking out for jate every week for all of Lost. I would also tell Kate she better watch out because WE ALL want Jack. And I would say that these girls are honestly really amazing people, they’re caring, loving, and they’re a bit of crazy. I would also mention how spectacular you guys are, that you all have amazing personalities and how all of you would do anything to defend jate.

I would say that these girls are honestly really amazing people, they’re caring, loving, and they’re a bit of crazy. I would also mention how spectacular you guys are, that you all have amazing personalities
I would say that these girls are honestly really amazing people, they’re caring, loving, and they’re a bit of crazy. I would also mention how spectacular you guys are, that you all have amazing personalities

25.) What are your top 5 words from the jictionary?:
Jisters, Jangst, Jex, Jepic, Jamily

26.) What's your favorite 'because' off the 'Reasons we always will be Jaters' list?:
-This question is basically ‘what’s your favorite reason for loving jate?’ But “Because one...two...three...four...five...” is my favorite because it’s one of my favorite jate scenes, not to mention has sooo much meaning. And it’s like Jate’s thing if that makes sense. I just love it.. And it’s a multiple time thing throughout the show. It’s kinda like their safe code, it’s just too cute ♥

And it’s like Jate’s thing if that makes sense. I just love it.. And it’s a multiple time thing throughout the show. It’s kinda like their safe code, it’s just too cute ♥
And it’s like Jate’s thing if that makes sense. I just love it.. And it’s a multiple time thing throughout the show. It’s kinda like their safe code, it’s just too cute ♥

27.) If you could write in one more Jate moment, what would it be?:
- I want a Jamily. I would have loved to see them in the future with kids and a house, or if I could have gotten another talking scene when they WERE TOGETHER. I would want to see just their common humor nothing serious just cute a flirty.

28.) You have to choose between the following options - which do you choose?
-I CHOOSE TO MURDER HOLLY. I hate both I can’t pick between that. Sure if Skate got endgame I could have dealt with it, as long as Kate was always thinking and wishing she was with Jack. I couldn’t deal with a Skate kiss and ily I would die in front of my TV before I saw Jate endgame.
(these were the choices I gave Hannah}:
JK keeps endgame, but Kate & Sawyer get a final kiss+ILY scene.
SK gets endgame, but JK keep cliff scene & we get off-island scenes of Kate thinking of Jack.

29.) Which spin-off would you rather watch?:
'3 years of Jex' [Off Island scenes not shown in flashforwards] OR 'I love you and you're dead' [Kate's life after leaving Island.]
- I would rather watch Jate together, than just Kate. I mean sure it would have been interesting to see Kate after-how she got over Jack- but Lost would be nothing without Jack. BRING ON THE JEXXXXXXXX.

30.) Any last thoughts?
- Firstly. I’m so so so so so sorry this interview took me forever to answer. My life has been crazy, and it’s only about to get more crazy, so I apologize for how long this took. Secondly I’m sorry for not being around much, I kinda feel guilty for winning fan of the month in the first place because of this, I need to rededicate myself to Jate. Thirdly I’m super glad I won fan of the month because I’ve loved jate forever and I feel like I’m finally given the chance to show how much I love them, I’ve grown up with them. The past six years they’ve made a huge impact on how I view love and relationships and it’s really jamazing to express this. Thanks to everyone who voted for me, sorry if you actually read through this whole interview my answers kinda sucked. BUTT mostly I miss lost and jate, but they will forever remain in my heart ♥ oh I also love all my jisters <333
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