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posted by IsabellaMCullen
Any names your parents were thinking about that you would prefer?
Nah not really I was happy with Makenzie but I just felt like it didn't fit me well

If you had to pick one outfit that you currently own to wear for the rest of your life, what would it consist of? My black converse, skinny jeans, and a t-shirt idk

What do you think is going to happen to you after you die? Well I believe that those who have good souls will go to heaven and those with bad souls will go to hell. I think that even if you do something bad (Rob a bank, kill someone on accident, etc.) for a good reason you'll still get to go to heaven. It's hard to explain but I feel like everyone deserves a second chance.

What TV show have you seen every episode of?
Lost & True Blood :)

What movie can you quote every line to?
Lots! Mean Girls, Summers Blood, The Orphan, lots more...

What bands have you seen in concert? Um Linkin Park, Paramore, Taylor Swift, Lady GaGa, Death In The Park, & Panic! At the disco
What bands would you like to see in concert? No clue

If you had the money to retire anywhere in the world, where would you go? Gosh I wanna say Canada but then I'd be too preditable. I know: Tennesee. Lol, well it seems like a nice place :)

Is there a piece of jewelry or something similar that if you lost, you would feel naked? No

What is one thing [appearance-wise or other] you would change about yourself? My nose =P

One thing you would change about your best friend?
His annoying laugh! (Not kidding he sounds ridiculously goofy when he laughs)

Everyone remembers their first birthday party that involved friends. Describe yours.
I honestly dont remember. I haven't had a birthday party since I was like 6.

What do you think is the perfect age? 21

If you could go back in time and change your first kiss, would you?
Hell no! It was amazing
We didn't end up lasting more than a month after, but we are still buds so I wouldn't change a thing

How many times have you said "I love you" to someone of the opposite sex [romantically] and meant it? Twice

How many times have you said it and not meant it?
Way too many times to count

Which member of your family has the biggest influence on your life? My sister

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree to one store, what store would you want it to be? Hot Topic

Which is your favorite comic book movie [The Hulk, Spiderman, Ironman, etc]? Spiderman?

What do you think this phrase means: "I am drearily bloodletting this bedwetting cosmonaut"?
Who knows?

If you could go back in time and relive one memory - relive it, not change it - what memory would it be?
I would relive the day June 8, 2004 *blushes* Its one of my best days ever

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? My friend Gary(haha gary) showed me how when I was 13 hehe

Who taught you?
Gary did

When you go to the movies, do you like to get candy or popcorn?
Both! :)

Describe the first real party you ever went to [i.e. first party with alcohol].
Not much to explain. Alcohol. Sex. Music. Friends
Everything you need to have a good time

If you've never been to one, explain why not.

Did/do you like high school? Why or why not?
It's ok, I guess. I don't go to school a lot so I wouldn't really know :P
Glad I'm over with it soon just one more year

Do you have ONE best friend, who stands out among all the others, that's been there for you seemingly forever? no

If so, who is it?

If not, do you prefer having just a group of good friends, or would you like to have that one best friend? Just a group of good friends

Do you prefer the sound of electric, acoustic, or steel guitar? electric

Have you ever read the Bible - even just a little part of it?
I know it like the back of my hand. I was raised under very religious standards. It was forced on me.

Have you ever read the Koran? yes

What was the best pet you've ever had? I had a kitty named Kitty when I was three (Yeah I picked her a very classic name :P) she freakin rocked! She was my best friend but then she got ran over :(

Out of all the states you've visited/lived in, which is your favorite? New Mexico

Do you enjoy jigsaw puzzles? Nah too boring

If you were allowed one murder without punishment, would you do it? I wanna say yes, but I wouldn't have the heart to do it, so no.

Where do you keep your wallet when you're out and about? My purse

Have you ever seen a ghost? Maybe I think so

How about seen things happen that you think were caused by a ghost? Yes

Did you have Beanie Babies as a kid? No

Did you have tag protectors for their tags, or did you just rip the tags off?

Do you prefer stripes or polka dots? Stripa dots ;)

What's the best Christmas present you ever received? A silver locket from my dad when I was 3 :)

Which of your birthdays was the most memorable?
My 5th

Name one song you can play on an instrument - any instrument.
Lots of songs - Drums piano guitar

Who taught you to play that song?
mostly John but a few others too

Out of all the teachers you've had, who had the biggest influence on you? None

Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?

How about a moped? yup

When you were little, what was your favorite Disney movie? Snow whote and the seven dwarfs

What's your favorite Disney movie now?
monsters inc.

On the opposite sex, do you prefer muscles, average size, or scrawny bodies? Average I guess cuzz I like muscles but not like overly muscly idk if you get what I'm saying

What's the best gift you've ever received from a significant other? a promise ring

What's your favorite kind of chips? Pringles lol

That you know of, do you have any famous ancestors? Not that I know of, no.

Did you ever beg your parents for a pony? not that I can remember

Would you rather be blind or deaf? Blind because if I were deaf than I wouldn't be able to hear music, and I can't imagine never hearing music again.

Is there someone you've been enemies with since you were little, and it's never changed despite growing up and becoming more mature? Yes

Do you prefer Spongebob or Patrick? Spongebob

Who do you think is the hottest actor/actress in Hollywood right now? Er not sure

Do you watch The Office? Sometimes

If you don't, have you at least seen one episode?

If you haven't, are you aware that you should be brutally punished? woah there

What's the stupidest TV show on the air right now? Hannah Montana! bleh I'm so glad it's ending soon

Have you ever written a song or a poem? Oh so many I have tons of notebooks filled

If you have, have you ever written a song or a poem for someone? yes

Name something you dislike about the day you're having? Nothing my day has been good

Do you have any weird inside jokes? Lots!!

Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone on your top friends? yeah not you know "slept" like that but I fall asleep beside my friends all the time

Do you have any piercings? yep

Can you speak 2 languages? I can barely speak english no way lol

Do you tend to waste a lot of money? *looks away* Idk maybe...on occasion...ok yes!

If you could go back to one month what month would it be? June

What is something you need to go shopping for? Shoes

Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? My dad

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden? Mhmm

Your relationship status? Fanpop: Married RL: Er not sure where my relationship status is atm

Will you talk to the person you like tonight? Yes

If you were at reasonable age, would you prefer a baby boy or girl? Girl or Boy. As long as it's healthy

Do you personally know anyone who's in a band? I know tons of people in bands

Where is the person you like right now at? At his house

Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? Maybe

Have you ever had stitches? Yea

Did you believe that boys/girls had cooties? EWWW OF COURSE BOYS GOT COOTIES!! lmao nah I never believed they did

Harry Potter or Twilight? Can't choose

Pick one: whiskey, vodka, goon, beer or passionpop?

What are you most excited for? My release from hell (aka the hospital) on tuesday

What's something you really want right now, be honest? GOOD food

Do you want someone dead? yes

Can you remember the last time you really liked someone? Yes

Who did you last have a shower with? me, myself and I

Do you think you are a good person? No

Have you ever spoken to someone on the phone while in the shower? yea

Is there one person that you don't want ever to leave your life? yes I never ever ever want my dad to leave my life again

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yes

Why did you cry the last time you did?
I was reading a very sad fanfic. Josh died!! I couldn't help myself

Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single? Hell ya why not

What are/were you doing at twelve this afternoon?
Sleeping :|

If you had the chance to meet anyone in the world, who would it be? Josh Farro!!

Would you ever camp out on a beach, under the stars? Awww yea that sounds nice

Who was the last person you talked to last night in person before bed? My mom

Who is the last person you high-fived? My looney nurse she was proud of my recovery rate so we high fived lol

Do you still pinky promise?
What do you think I am 5? hehe yeah I do sometimes

Are you a jealous person? I try not to be but I have such strong emotions it hard to control them

Can you remember your last dream? No I haven't really been dreaming lately

Are you good at hiding your feelings? I must be I've done that my whole life

Are you wasting your time on someone? No

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? Maybe I think so

What is your deepest fear? Falling

Do you REALLY love all your family? No

Do you care if people hate you? Kind of. I don't let them know if it bothers me, but deep inside it does.

Freedom or safety? freedom

Has a song ever made you cry? Yes

A book ever made you cry? Do fanfictions count? If so then yes

Can you go one day without thinking about the person who is currently on your mind? No

Who do you go to for advice the most? Well my therapist I guess. I never really ask for advice. I just say what my problem is and people tell me their problems, and somehow it makes me feel better.

Can money buy happiness? No it can not

Do you think women should work or stay at home? I think it's a choice. If a women wants to be independent and have her own career, you go girl! And if she prefers to stay at home, good for you! :)

Did you kiss or hug anyone today? yup I kissed someone

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? yes

Last text message was from? Alli

What did you go to bed thinking about last night? Dunno

Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? Yes

Were you single last summer? No

Do you straighten your hair before bed? Sometimes

Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any tattoos? no

Which one of your cousins is closest to you? Tamara

When did you last go tanning? Never

Who are you conversing with right now? No one

Do you open up to a lot of people? Yes only if they come forward and ask me to though I never say anything they don't wanna hear

Your phone rings, who do you want it to be? Karian

If you could erase anything you ever said to anyone, what would it be? Everything I said to John ever so sorry about it

Would you ever get a tattoo? Yes

Do you crack your knuckles? Ouch no it hurts

When was the last time you were told you were cute? Today but I didn't believe it I look horrible atm

Has anyone said they loved you in the last week? Yes

Would you rather have long or short hair? Long I don't like having short hair

When is the next time you'll hug someone? I dunno

Do you trust all of your friends? Yes

Are you shy? No way! Complete oppisite

Who was the last person to call you and what was it about? Hannah and it was cuzz she wanted to know how I was doing

Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you? Yes

Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Yeah but I haven't been to the beach in a while

Last place you went out to eat? Dairy Queen

When was the last time you cried? Yesterday

Name someone whose name starts with a B.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?

What does your last text message say?
"Bree where r u? we waited all night 4 u 2 show but u never did. r u mad @ me? oooohhh wait ur in the hospital right? whoops sorry k nevermind bye"

It was from allison she has lasps in memory sometimes lol

Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? I wouldn't say a lot but yes

When you say you don't care, do you mean it? Yes

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing? Thats my fav thing to do. I steal my guy friends hoodeys all the time

Is there anyone that hates you right now? Does that bother you? No

Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them? No I yell in their faces :x

Did you laugh at something today? Yes

Is there someone who you instantly smile when you receive a message from? JT

Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell? Yes

How many tattoos would you get? not a lot only a few

Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? No

Think back to last week, what were you doing around this time? Can't remember

Last but not least, type some funny or inspiring lyrics as a closing:

Second chances they don't ever matter people never change, Once a whore you're nothing more
added by IsabellaMCullen
Yeah the movies kinda old already it's from summer 09 but yeah it's one of my fav movies to watch.
added by Paramore-CSI
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: lexie my camera and me
Hey all. This is a brand new story. Comment if you want more. Remember that I'm just beginning to write again. So this will not be some of my greatest work...
Thanx for all who read. Remember,

Read, rate, & comment!


This Heart will start a Riot! in me[/i]

Chapter 1

**Joshe's POV**

“Hayley,” I nudged her. “Come on you got to get up now.”

“No.” She moaned into her pillow.

“Hayles we just have this one show, and then we're going back home to Franklin.” I reminded her.

She lifted her head from the pillow. “Josh go eat breakfast I'll...
continue reading...
added by IsabellaMCullen
I think it's funny and cute. I love to watch it <3
short video
added by IsabellaMCullen
posted by Paramore-CSI
Ok well i stole and expanded this from misanatrope But i am changing it a little bit!!1I decided to add to articles because no one really goes to forums here so copy and add to comments! and this is just for fun so feel free to leave out anything you do not feel confortable answering!! and answer as much as you want!This is just to get to know you all way more so we all know where we all stand!have fun enjoy!(PS also since these are fun lol)

The Basics

Name (in the Fanpop world):
Name (in the real world):
Nicknames (real or Fanpop):
I currently live in:
My First Language...
continue reading...
Hey all. I decided to skip a few months ahead in the story so I could get to the good stuff. Enjoy!


This Heart will start a Riot! in me

Chapter Six

Hayley's POV

*3 months later*

"I'm going to call him again." I announced to everyone.

"Hayley no." Zac said.

"Why not? He's 15 minutes late for practice and I can't even call him?"

"I think you've called him 100 times already!"

"I'm just mad, ok? This new ablum we're working on means a lot to me, and it should to him, too. But he never answers my calls anymore, he rarely shows up to record. Ever since Jenna...
continue reading...
hehe this song is sorta annoying, but it's catchy I like it. Just listened to it for the 1st time today
posted by IsabellaMCullen
Hey all! This is a new fanfic. It won't be a long one just 3 parts and that's all. Just so you know It's all human, pairing is Jazz/Rose, and it is set in 2009. This story is dedicated to ParamoreLove09, who requested a jasper/rosalie fanfic. I hope you like it leilah, and I hope everyone else will like it too.

Love ya for reading! (remeber rating is good too)

xoxo bree xoxo


I Think I'm In Love

Part Two out of Three


Recap of part one:

I got up with my metal tray in my hands. A apple with only three...
continue reading...
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
music video
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by theinvisble_
added by IsabellaMCullen