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posted by MonkeysRule
Wilson walked into the quiet, dark room, he saw House standing there. It seem like he didn’t move an inch. He put his hand on his friend's shoulder to show his support. House glanced at the hand for a quick second and looked back to the body.
“It’s almost time to go.” Wilson informed him.
House just nodded in acknowledgement. Wilson looked over his friend and to the lifeless body in front of them.
“There was nothing you could’ve done.” Wilson told him.
“I know.” House said silently.
Wilson couldn’t help but feel somewhat guilty for not being suspicious after she hadn’t shown up at the airport, where they planned to meet.
3 weeks ago

Cuddy leaned on the inside of the car door and looked out the window. The cab drove at an even speed, allowing Cuddy to look out the window and not get dizzy, as she let her thoughts slowly consume her. Her worries started to sneakily make their way to the front of her mind.
Sitting right next to her, Wilson saw this. He saw her demeanor changed through the reflection on the window.
“Everything’s going to be okay.” Wilson reassured her.
Surprised, Cuddy jumped a bit before turning around and facing him. It took her a second to register what he just told her and to respond.
“I know everything is going to be okay. I’m just going to another conference.” She responded.
“Not that, the hospital. Everything will be fine.”
“But I left House in charge and you know how he can be.” She starred out at the window once more.
“You just need to have a little faith in him.” Wilson placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“I know that, but—”
…bandits have struck again, but this time in Delaware! As they continue their journey up North, they seem to be causing more trouble and death…
“Can you please turn that off?” Cuddy asked the driver.
“Oh sorry Miss.” He apologized turning off the radio.
“So, as you were saying?” Wilson asked, not letting Cuddy off the hook.
“I know I need to have faith in him, but well he’s House, you know how he is.”
“Just relax I’m sure House isn’t going to harm the hospital. Trust him.”
Cuddy smiled a little at her friend’s optimism and faith in their colleague. She sat back and decided to relax and take her long time friend’s word. The rest of the ride to the airport was calm and full of random conversations and a little gossip about the hospital.
“Okay so I’ll meet you here to carpool again?” Wilson asked taking Cuddy’s bags out of the trunk of the cab.
She took them from him and set them down on the ground, thanking him for helping her.
“Yeah that and if the conference is extended I’ll call you.” She informed him.
“Alright well see you in 3 weeks.” They parted their separate way and headed to catch their flights.
1 week later

It has only been a week and Cuddy had already started worrying again. No one had called her with any complaints or anything, and for some weird reason that worried her more than anything. She paced around her hotel room praying and waiting for someone, anyone to call her even if it was just to tell her that everything was fine.
…hitting Pennsylvania, the bandits have once again successfully robed and even killed many people…
Cuddy turned off the television trying to focus on her own worries as she continued to pace. Her phone was lying there, on her bag just waiting to ring. When it began ringing, Cuddy practically ran to it and answered. She took a second to say anything and to collect her thoughts.
“Hello?” Cuddy answered.
“Hey Cuddy,” It was Wilson, “Just checking up on you.”
“Oh Wilson, it’s just you.” She sat down on her bed and rested her head in her hand, pouting a bit.
“Ouch, that almost hurt.” Wilson said.
“I’m sorry Wilson I didn’t mean that. I was just hoping for the hospital to call about something House did.
“Wait, you actually want them to complain?”
“Well, no but it would be reassuring.”
“Reassuring of what? That you really shouldn’t trust him?”
“No of course not. I just want one of them to call with a complaint or even to tell me everything is perfectly fine.”
“Just call them, then.”
“Why, it would be like I didn’t trust him.”
“Do you trust him?
“Yes! Of course, I just want to make sure everything is okay.”
“Then call and just pretend you forgot to mention something dire.”
“Well, I did forget to tell them something. I guess I can give it a try.”
“Alright, now if you call and House answers all happy and there is music in the background then you should worry.”
Cuddy laughs a little.
“Alright well talk to you later, bye.” She hung up.
Special thanks to my new Beta TVmind for editing my mistakes and if the characters or OOC I am raelly sorry! Please comment
Earlier that day, Wilson had told him to talk to Cuddy. He said in his glib tone,"You've got an itch that needs to be scratched. Well, lucky for you she's a doctor."
House wished he had never told his friend about the makeout session in Cuddy's home and the almost sex that occured. But who was he really kidding? He had to get this off his chest. Ever since that night he and Cuddy had been keeping distance from one another which was unrealistic, given the circumstances. She was his boss and he usually had to go to her for approval for his insane medical procedures. So, after hours of replaying...
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So.... i pretty much explained it in the title, i thought: loads of people seem to be saying huddy is great or its going to happen in the sixth season, so i should put all the quotes/interviews together into one big super OMG huddy is gonna happen finally article ( the best kind). So... starting with Katie Jacobs, because that was when we got confirmed season 5 huddy : ) : ) : ).

Katie Jacobs

From the Fox Press Tour, ausiello files tv.

" We are going to see House and Cuddy sort of circle each other the way that they have a probably get a little closer than that, this is season 5, it would be...
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After watching all of season four I have come to the opinion that House and Cuddy are deeply in love with one another they just don't realize it completely. The entire season they were more light-hearted and teasing with each other than I think I have ever seen them. I mean there is a whole episode devoted to the two running pranks on each other. Then there is the infamous yet hilarious thong episode in which House ordered his underlings to steal Cuddy's panties. Wilson even thought it was more than a simple challenge when he said, "Some people would call that wooing."
In addition,there is...
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posted by Cuddles
Well...I don't know if it's any good...I just started to write because I had one of these rare moments of creativity.
English is not my first languages so there might be some mistakes in it.


I'm looking for me
I never come to rest
I'm looking for me.
You are the one who knows me best.

I'm recovering pieces of my soul
but I'm too afraid of what I could find out so I back away
There's a big black hole.
And no reason for me to stay.

So now I'm running from myself
without destination at all.
I'm running from myself
and wait for someone to break my fall.

I'm as insecure as you
maybe even more
No matter what...
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How Cuddy has changed
How Cuddy has changed
As Season 5 is approaching us and a major Huddy arc has been announced, many people will be holding thier breath and crossing their fingers as Huddy comes to dominate our screens. Thinking over all of this, as with the touching season finale still fresh on my mind, I thought I would write an article about my beloved ship, Huddy, but I wouldn't be talking about our favourite moments, or how cute they are together or anything you would normally find in a crazy Huddy shipper's rant. Instead I thought I would look at House's view, literally his perspective of Cuddy and how it has changed through...
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*They were almost to the backdoor...moving slowly...then they heard Mark* Is Lisa with you????

*One of the men answered* no you?

You idiot! Now they're going to the cops...they couldn't have gotten that far espcially House ..lets go look for them.

*House backed up and crouched down. He motioned Cuddy to do the same. They hid under her table waiting for the men to leave.*

*Mark walked through the kitchen* When I find them theres going to be hell to pay.

*Abby was getting restless and started to cry*

*Mark turned around and saw them under the table* I was guys didn't get very far.....
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Chapter 11 - "The Lunch"


Cuddy came out of the bathroom feeling rather suspicious and intrigued. Now fully dressed, she was ready to face this odd, rare situation she was in. She made her way to the living room only to find House standing up, the Thai food boxes on the table in front of the couch.

“You’re not staying?” – She asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“I said I was bringing you lunch, I didn’t mention staying.” – He answered, narrowing his eyes, trying to read her thoughts.

“The food you brought is fairly...
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Chapter 9 - "The Denial"


Trying to mentally erase the image she just saw, Cuddy closed her eyes as she tried to sit up.

House stepped aside to provide her some space.

“Had a nice night’s sleep?” – He asked, getting a seat on his couch.

Cuddy rolled her eyes:

“House, I’m not at my best mood. Don’t push it.” – She threatened – “And what’s this for?” – She asked, picking up the lollipop.

He stared at it.

“By the way I caught you off guard by opening the door; I assume you weren’t the one who rang the doorbell?” –...
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Ok after these 2 chapters I'll only post more tomorrow...because although they're already written, I need to edit some of them, make small changes, etc...and It's time for me to go and sleep and snore etc etc :P
I apreciate the comments, thanks, glad you guys like it so far =)


Chapter 5 - "The Dance"


“James?” – Asked Kelly, while they were dancing.


“Exactly how many times does a man stare to a woman’s chest?” – She asked.

“Whoa! What kind of question is that?” – He...
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Chapter 4 - "The Dinner"


“So for now, I’m not very optimistic about the poor guy” – concluded Wilson in serious tone, still talking about his patient.

“Well…” – Begun Kelly, clearly disturbed about his speech – “Perhaps we should talk about something more cheery, don’t you think?”

House examined Kelly. She had brown hair, and catching green eyes. Good looking in a sweet way. So far he had nothing against her.

“How about you tell us about how you two met each other for the first time!” – She suggested, looking at House...
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"Why do you have to negate everything?" she says with a dark sadness filling her eyes.
What do I say to this? I have never really known the answer.I've asked this question of myself so many times.I really do want her to be happy.
"I don't know." I finally say to her.
She is so raw in this moment. The baggy clothes hide her taut form, and her makeup is all gone except for a few traces of mascara. She looks like she wants to yell some more. She looks like she wants to cry some more... She looks confused. She thought I would say something else. She thought I'd make another jackass retort. She realizes...
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After the kiss, from the night before. House wakes up in his bed at around 09:20am and gets ready to arrive late for work, as usual. On his way to the kitchen he sees Cuddy on the sofa sleeping softly with her drink spilt on the coffee table. Her shoes were on the floor next to her. House thought about putting a blanket over her but didn’t. Instead House sat watching her for a bit, before finally waking her up with a loud incoherent noise.

House: Wake-up sleepy head.

Cuddy: Eughh. What time is it?

House: (checks his watch) Uh-oh, seems you are going to be late.

(Cuddy sat up and held her...
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When does Love become something we need, rather than something we want? Love was seen as something special a long time ago. Now Love is what we are expected to have with us everyday of our lives. Love is common currency when you are a teenager, but turns to worthless pennies the older you get. Do we not care about the substance of what Love was and not what it has been made into today by commercialisation from American movies and Television commercials and soap operas? Only when we experience Love for real, can we comment and judge others who are in Love. Love means something different to everyone. Not two people’s feeling of Love is the same. Why do we generalize, rationalize and compartmentalize Love? Love is and will continue to be an enigma. Only a handful of people will ever unlock it and witness its true beauty and essence. The essence we all crave.

"You guys!! Through here!!" said plh as the group of idiots- and OM- ran away from security.
"Thanks guys!!" said bb.
"Is this like some secret passage way thing?" asked PG and K.
"Nope! It's Exit door number 15." said Missy.
"Thanks for saving our butts you guys." said pkp.
"No problem!" replied Missy and plh.
"Hows the 14 watch going?" asked OM.
"It's awesome. We have proof that they'll jump each other any second now!!" they said simultaneously.
"Do tell!!" said Fruity.
"Ok, so, get this... THEY. HELD. HANDS."
"OMG!!!" squeeled Fruity and PG.
"I KNOW!! SQUEEEE!!!!!" yelled plh and Missy.
The rest...
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Chapter 2 - "The Day"


House and Wilson were lunching on the hospital’s cantina.

“House, there’s some things we need to talk about before the date” – Wilson said, a serious look on his face.

House stole some of his chips and sent him a –go ahead- look.

“Well, you do know that you can’t ruin this date, right? It’s really important to me.”

“Oh I bet it is. Wilson…“- House let out a heavy sigh – “This woman has you eating out of her hands. What’s she going to force you to do next? A trip to Hawaii with your friends?”...
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*hits House* oh im sorry i didn't know you don't have a pair!!
*hits House* oh im sorry i didn't know you don't have a pair!!
First of all i want to get one thing out of the way. That. Was. The. Best. Episode. This. Season. The ending of Joy was fantastic, but this shows something that its not just raw, deep, passionate lust - its, not to sound too Australian here -showing love ( *cues the awws* ) seriously, not love love like i could spend the rest of my life with you love but love as in well... love! When we heard the Australian promo “House deals with love” or something like that, we were like idiots its not anything you could describe love in anyway yet. How wrong we were. Also i might make this a weekly thing....
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i got this from a Huddy on Youtube, and so..i guessed it would be cool to put here to, you know? :)

Nynaeve1071 on Youtube (I got it from her so thats the person to look up and stuff like that)

Passing this along! We could use everyone's help!!!

As all of you know one of, if not THE most important Huddy episodes will be airing THIS coming Tuesday.

The reality House is a huge fandom. However, there is a lot of division within the fandom. The show airs on the network, FOX. Fox has contracted out to a company – a rather shoddy one – to run a forum attached to their website. The House Fox...
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Everybody knows that House and Cuddy slept together one night or at least House understood that in the episode ‘’Top Secret’’ (You gave me everything I asked for because one night I gave you everything you asked for...[House]) but we are not sure about when, maybe before House met Stacy or after, we don’t know, well, I was thinking about it and I remember some episodes that can say something about when they met and when they slept together.
In the episode ‘’Three Stories’’ Stacy was with House and Cuddy already knew him, when Cuddy hired House he was already limp (In ‘’Detox’’...
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added by EnjoyHuddy
Source: -Dre@mer-
added by svu_lover1