Huddy Club
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posted by HouseAddict87
Chapter 6: Making Amends
“Cuddy, can we talk?”
“Yes, what is it House?”
“I was wondering if you would want to go out with me tonight? On a date.”
“I uhh well it has been a busy day plus Thirteen but yeah that would be nice. Where should we go?”
“How about the new Mexican restaurant on 15th street? I’ve heard it is very good and they have live music there as well, you know you want to see me salsa!”
“You salsa? That’s interesting! Mexican food sounds good it’s a date.”
“Cool I’ll pick you up around seven then.”
“Okay I’ll be ready.”
Seven o’clock rolled around and House arrived at Cuddy’s place to pick her up for their date. He got out of his car which he had taken knowing Cuddy would never agree to riding on his motorcycle. He then started to limp up the walkway to her front door and before knocking he popped a couple of Vicodin and then knocked on her door. She answered immediately and House noticed she looked stunning. She was wearing a blue silk top and a black skirt with diamond earrings and a matching necklace. House was wearing a nice pair of black slacks and a light blue button up shirt with a white tee underneath. It was weird how they both had picked the same colors to wear House thought to himself.
“Good evening Cuddy you look beautiful.”
Whoa wait a minute I’m getting a little soft here House thought to himself and decided to make a snide comment now.
“I see the twins are still doing well.”
“You can’t do it can you? You can’t go one day without making some obscene remark about my breasts!”
“Well when you dress like that what’s a guy supposed to say?”
“Do you want me to change is the jewelry too much?”
“No no no you look fine I’m just being my normal ass self. Besides I have reservations there is no time for you to change unless I can watch then we can be a little late.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? No I’ll go like this. I will say though you look nice. Nice choice of shirt we match it’s kind of sweet.”
“Well come on Cuddy we are going to be late.”
House took her hand and led her to his car.
“Where’s your bike?”
“Don’t tell me you wanted to ride it! I brought the car for that very reason I knew you would never ride on my bike.”
“Good thinking… I wouldn’t! Thanks for the gesture.”
House and Cuddy loaded up into his car and started off to the restaurant. They arrived about thirty minutes later. House got out and opened the door for Cuddy who was shocked by how sweet he was being he must have an ulterior motive.
The two walked in to Ricardo’s and took their seats at the reserved table towards the back of the restaurant. Three troubadours wearing sombreros and tuxedos arrived and starting playing music for them.
“This is really nice House you kind of went all out!”
“Well I wanted it to be nice I have something very important that I want to discuss with you. Let’s order first though and then I’ll get right on it.”
Cuddy order a small order of chicken fajitas with a side of guacamole and House ordered a beef enchilada platter. House ordered a bottle of wine and he and Cuddy had a glass while they waited for their food.
“What was it you wanted to talk about?”
“I wanted to talk about us and if there is going to be anything between us. I want there to be but it is completely up to you. You’re the boss ma’am. So what do you say?”
“Where is this coming from House?”
“Well I was talking to our daughter earlier today and she asked me if I still loved you. I don’t want to screw things up between us again so I kind of brought you here to tell you what I told her. I said that you captured my heart twenty-six years ago and have had it ever since which is the truth. I’m still in love with you Cuddy and want to be with you.”
A waiter brought their food to the table and served them.
“May I get anything else for you?” the waiter asked.
“No this will be all thank you.”
The waiter left.
“So Cuddy, did you mean it when you said you still loved me or was that just because you were stressed and felt guilty?”
Cuddy took a sip of wine.
“No. House I erm I still love you a part of me always has its just difficult. I don’t want to get hurt and don’t want to hurt you again.”
They finished eating and a slow song started to play.
“Would care to dance?”
“Sure House I would love too.”
They stood up and made their way to the dance floor. House put his arms around Cuddy’s shoulders and she put her hands on his waist and they started to dance slowly.
“As strange as it might sound House this just feels right. You and me here in this moment I never want it to end.”
“It doesn’t have to.”
House pulled her closer as she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head sideways on his chest. They continued to dance for the rest of the song just wrapped up in each other’s arms. House whispered softly.
“Cuddy I forgive you. I forgive you for breaking my heart and for hiding the fact that I have a child from me. I love you and want to be with you.”
Cuddy fought back a tear and replied to what had been said to her.
“I love you too House and I want to be with you also.”
The song ended and the couple gathered up their stuff, paid for the food, and left the restaurant. On the way back to Cuddy’s house, House asked her if she wanted to spend the night at his place.
“Cuddy would you like to spend the night with me?”
“House I really sho…”
“Please all I’ve wanted to do all night was take you in my arms and kiss you and show you how much I love you. Please stay with me tonight I want you and need you.”
“I’m scared House. I’m scared of getting hurt, of things not working out between us again I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
A very hurt look crossed Houses face and Cuddy noticed it.
“Fine I’ll take you home!”
“House wait, I’ll stay. I didn’t know it meant so much to you.”
“Cuddy you mean everything to me and tonight I just want to show you.”
They arrived back at Houses apartment and House walked Cuddy inside.
“You can sit on the couch I’m going to get us something to drink.”
House left Cuddy on the couch and went to retrieve a bottle of wine from his cupboard. He returned back with the wine, a couple of glasses, and a bucket of ice.
“You want to watch a movie? I have some nice chick flicks I bet you would like.”
“Actually do you have anything scary? I’m in the mood for a good horror film.”
“Not what I expected but sure have you ever seen Saw? It’s pretty damn scary and twisted.”
“No I’ve heard of it but have never seen it put it on.”
House got the DVD from his stack and put it in the player. He then sat down next to Cuddy and started to watch the film. About half way through the movie Cuddy started to get a little scared and moved closer to House and held his hand. He noticed the film was scaring her and put his arm around her pulling her closer to him. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her but he waited. The movie ended.
“Oh my God that was horrible who thinks of that sickness has Wilson seen this? It would give him nightmares.”
House laughed.
“Yeah it is a sick movie, I don’t know if Wilson has seen it it would be funny to see hoe he reacted though.”
Cuddy smiled.
“Cuddy can I kiss you?”
“Umm I… I guess so.”
House leaned over and pulled Cuddy into a passionate kiss that lasted a few minutes they were soon making out with each other. House pulled Cuddy onto his lap but she stopped kissing him once she was there.
“Why did you stop kissing me?”
“I just remembered what it was like kissing you and how much I have missed it you are so good. I just wanted to stop and make a memory.”
“Well awesome are you done making a memory because I wasn’t done kissing you.”
House pulled her closer to him, wrapped his arms around her waist, and began kissing her again. He wrapped one hand up in her hair and kept making out with her for a few more minutes. Suddenly he stopped out of breath and rested his forehead against hers.
“Cuddy I want to make love to you.”
“Okay let’s go to your room.”
House picked Cuddy up and while hobbling down the hallway he carried her to his room and laid her down on the bed. She kicked her black high heels off. He then hobbled over to his CD player and started to play a mixed compilation of love songs he only listened to when he thought of her. He went and sat beside her then bent down on top of her and began kissing her again. Then he took his blue shirt off and undid his belt. She sat up and took off her shirt, necklace, and earrings. She pulled him back to her and took off his white shirt exposing his semi-hairy chest and ran her hands up and down his torso. She then planted gentle kisses all up and down his chest and stomach. In the meantime House had unzipped and removed his pants and was wearing black boxers then he unzipped and removed Cuddy’s skirt. She was wearing a black lace Victoria’s Secret bra and matching thong. Again they matched and Cuddy thought it was sweet. She pulled him down on top of her and he started kissing her. First on the lips then the neck and slowly made his way down to her breasts. He kissed each one of them and pulled her up to remove her bra. Next was the thong and she removed his boxers. They both sat there and just stared at each other. Cuddy had never looked so beautiful she looked better now than when she had in college and House didn’t look too bad either although age had not been as kind to him. Suddenly Boyz II Men’s, “I’ll make love to you” started to play. House laid down on top of her and resumed kissing her all over her body. Finally getting hard he put his cock inside her and started slowly thrusting in and out. Cuddy started to moan and wrapped her legs around his waist. She then ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him. About five minutes went by and after they had both climaxed twice House laid beside her and wrapped her in his arms. He kissed her neck and whispered in her ear.
“I love you Lisa Cuddy tonight has been amazing you’re even better now than you were in college. I don’t want this to end. I can’t let you get away again.”
“House I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’m right where I want to be with the man I love more than anything in the world besides our daughter. I feel complete.”
“Good so do I. Goodnight Lisa.”
“Goodnight Greg.”
House buried his face in her hair and they both drifted off to sleep happily in one another’s arms.
Morning came and House and Cuddy woke up it was Saturday so neither had to work. They got up though and got dressed they were about to go and visit their daughter.
“I guess she has forgiven us or well forgiven me you really had nothing to do with it.”
“I think she has for the most part but give her time she isn’t going to be talking about getting her license, driving her first car or kissing her first boyfriend or girlfriend with you yet. You have to be patient and let her make the decision of when to open up to you.”
“I know I just hope she does and lets me know everything about her. All I want to do is spend hours talking about her and learning what all there is to Remy “Thirteen” Hadley. I already know she is a gorgeous, intelligent, young woman but I want to know more. I want to know everything about her. I will though. I will give her time.
The two got in Houses car and drove to the hospital. When there they went to room 204 where Thirteen had been transferred too and walked in to visit their daughter.
“Did you two get here together?”
“Yes I picked Cuddy up and brought her here to see you. Would you two like some time alone I’m going to go and see what Wilson is doing I’ll be back soon.”
“Yes thanks House that will be great I need some alone time with Thirteen.”
House left the room and went to Wilson’s to see what he was doing.
“He really loves you, you know.”
“Yeah I know. He lied to you he didn’t pick me up I spent the night with him last night and we made love. I think you got him to realize what he was missing and so he grew some balls and asked me out, after that is when “it” happened.”
“Well as much as that creeps me out to hear congratulations, so, you love him a lot huh?”
“More than anything besides you!”
“That’s sweet Cuddy I hope I find a man or woman who will love me like that one day. I see the ways the two of you are together there’s no denying love is there. It’s really sweet. Pretty cool that that’s how I came along, two people deeply in love with each other. Almost a perfect beginning to the Remy Hadley story. This reminds me I have something I want to talk about with you.”
“Anything you have to say I’ll listen to you.”
“Okay well I’m ready to forgive you and move on I want to know some things about my… mom.”
Cuddy smiled widely at the sound of Thirteen calling her mom.
“First of all what is your opinion of me being bisexual?”
“I have no problem with it you could be a lesbian and I would still love you it is your life fall in love with whomever you want. I will support you no matter who it is as long as they make you happy.”
“Good not that I would change if you disapproved but it is good to have your approval. Do you want to know why I admire and respect you so much?”
“Sure I would like to hear that.”
“Well when I was first hired as one of the contestants for Houses new employee search I thought it was incredible that you were so young, a woman, and a dean of medicine at one of the best hospitals in the country. I was very impressed. I was also impressed with how nice you were but were also so powerful it’s nice to know your boss isn’t an ass. Oh wait…he is but you know what I mean. You’re just really a wonderful person Cuddy. The fact that you gave me up I understand now that you did what you thought was right and as I have said I do forgive you and want to get to know you better.”
“Good because I want to know everything about you as well. First love, first heartbreak, first fight, what school was like, I want to know everything.”
“I’ll be happy to fill you in on what you missed…mom!”
posted by Irene3691
The next morning when Lisa gets out of her dorm to have a shower, she stumbles upon him and falls to the floor. ‘What the hell...’ She looks at him angrily. ‘What are you doing sleeping here?’
‘Ssssh, shhhhh, ssshhhhhhhhh!!’ Whispers Greg because of the hangover. ‘Why do you need to make so much noise?’
‘When I told you to go to sleep, I meant to your dorm, not here.’
‘This was closer...’ He tries to stand up and Lisa helps him.
‘Oh... you look horrible...’
‘Oh no... I can't go to class with this look!!’ He bites his fist mocking at her. ‘I'd better take a shower!’...
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This started off as a comment to Shikabane-Mai’s pick (“Episode 6 is an emotional episode. Will this be why House and Cuddy kiss?”) and then it got completely out of hand in terms of length and scope so I decided it was more appropriate to re-write it as an article! Feel free to contradict me, I love debating!

Back in season 3, when asked on the possibility of a relationship between House and Cuddy, Katie Jacobs answered that there might be “a moment of weakness”.
To me, it’s like saying House and Cuddy are like candy: you know it won’t do you any good but despite your efforts...
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added by huddy4everfan
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
Lisa and Rachel were on their way to House's and Tom's dorm. The two of them looked great, but as for Lisa she looked more than great. She looked fantastic. She was wearing a short black strapless dress that showed her curves off perfectly. Her hair was straightened and just came a little bit past her shoulders. Finally, Lisa and Rachel reached House's and Toms's dorm. They knocked on the door. Tom answered of course, because House was too lazy to get up.
Tom-"Hey Lisa. Hey Rachel."
*Lisa and Rachel smiled and nodded.*
They all walked into the dorm. Rachel and Tom sat on the couch together and...
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added by HuddyWILPrevail
Source: ME
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: @IMinCOMA on twitter
added by AngelaYorio
Source: KarenPoland
added by Anusha
posted by huddy4everfan
He was lying half asleep on his couch when he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He stood up and opened. When he saw her he widely opened his eyes and his jaw dropped to the floor. There was Cuddy staying at the door, at his door. Her eyes were watering. She had bruises all over – her face, her hands, her body… House couldn’t do anything else but to reach for her hand and pull her in. The only thing he managed to say was: ‘Who… Did… This… To…You…?’ Now she was crying. She couldn’t say a word, she just hugged him. She needed the warmth of his body. He embraced her even...
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posted by Cuddles
Dr. Lisa Cuddy was not the kind of person who committed her sorrow and cares to others.
She was used to keeping things to herself and taking it, and even if it hadn't been this way, she wouldn't have had anybody to talk to anyway.

Once she had tried it, on a day when House had been in a worse mood than usual, as improbable as it might sound and went to the showers to hurt her like he had never done before.
It had probably been accidental, but she was not sure. House had never brought up this incident again, like many other things.

Back then she had spoken with Wilson, but only because he had...
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Cuddy’s eyes got wide as she swallowed and coughed a bit. It had been a long time since she had just done a shot. In fact, the last time she remembered doing one was in college…with House. She didn’t know what the hell it was about him that made her do and say some of the things she did sometimes.

“What was that?” asked Cuddy in a slightly airy tone, her throat still burning a bit.

“It’s called Damned If You Do. Seventy five percent whiskey, twenty five percent Hot Damn. One hundred percent one hundred proof!” said the girl, looking pleased.

“What are you drinking Wilson?”...
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posted by tammyr50
When he got off the plane House headed for the village immediately. Lucas was not far behind him. When House arrived the young doctor met him at the entrance and told him Rafael had gotten much worse. He needed to be put on life support but they didn't have that equipment. House went in to see the little boy and he gasping for every breath.

House got on the cell and called back to the hospital. The first person he talked to was the new dean.

Dr. Bostwick this is Dr. House, "the little boy I have been telling you about is getting worse and I need to get him to the states or he is not going to...
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posted by Belle0308
Here is the backround on this portion of my fanfic. I had originally thought of ending the fanfic with Huddy in the exam room together. I decided I wanted to go somewhere else with it. I couldn't get it right so I asked my dearest Beatrix8520 to read what I was working on and give me some ideas and tell me what she thought. She gave me some great ideas and asked me to write some of it from House's point of view. On her suggestions, I changed some other things that I wasn't happy with so this is what she helped me (greatly) come up with. Part three starts back where pat one did, this time from...
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posted by HugeEgoSorry
Cuddy had been a very busy mom and “wife” since the night they settled back in her home in Plainsboro. House decided to stay and the atmosphere since then between them had been like newly weds with an instant baby waiting to be cared. The years of knowing each other became an advantage because adjusting having each other around hadn’t been a problem. As what had been agreed, House will look after Rachel while Cuddy’s away so he could spend his remaining days free with something useful.
It was unexpected though to find Cuddy back in hospital a day after they settled in. She was once again...
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posted by HugeEgoSorry
Foreman was standing beside the whiteboard in House’s office that same morning. Taub and Thirteen are both throwing possible diagnosis to him but not even one fits the patient’s condition. Chase came in with an LP result which came back negative.
Foreman: It’s not meningitis…
Chase: Obviously since LP was negative…
Foreman: Taub and Remy, get back to his apartment. Take anything if you think that would explain his symptoms. This could be Legionellosis.
Chase: You think this guy has the same condition you had four years ago?
Foreman: Damn it! Just do it!
The three of them had their eyes...
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Alright, this may be a short article, but after watching a certain scene in Unfaithful, talking to K, and reading Missy's article I'd figure my random realization may be worth writing about:

"You never wanted to take that other job. You never wanted to save me. You wanted to offer to save me so you wouldn't feel guilty. You knew I'd say no. That's why you're so mad right now."


"You're an idiot."

- Foreman and Thirteen; 5x15 "Unfaithful"

I believe that we can reflect this to the Huddy discussion in Unfaithful- to go or not to go to Cuddy's party, that is the question.

"You never wanted me to go...
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Everyone could sense something was going on with the two- House and Cuddy. It was no mystery to hide. Everything was just so obivious. House just didn't want to admit it to her or himself; ever. But, this day was different, it was Valentines Day. Cuddy wanted to give House a card, but knew that he would probably make a joke about her. It was something she couldn't stand, why he always wanted to be so sarcastic, it made her so made.
While Cuddy was sitting in her office, just doing her paperwork, she noticed that many people keep looking in at her, she was getting really mad. Finally, Cuddy...
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House woke up in his office and looked over at the clock it was only 10 pm and his leg started shooting pain.He tries to stand up to get some vicodin but his leg is being stubborn and shoots up impossible to handle pain. It was unbearable and house collasped in pain and his things fell down on the floor.

As house laid on the floor cuddy was outside his office talking to the nurses that she was going on vacation and told them that she would call them everyday to make sure everything was okay with house and all. She walked by on the way to wilsons office as she lookeed in and saw someone laying...
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