House of Anubis Fanfictions Club
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Jerome's room at King Arthur house)
Victoria: yes! (takes out the book of Isis) the book of Isis!
Poppy: hello?
(Victoria jumps and spins around)
Poppy: who are you?
Victoria: ummm… I'm… aaaaa… I'm Victoria Dunlap.
Poppy: well, what are you doing in my brother's room?
Victoria: I'm… I'm… Im getting his book. He asked me to get it for him.
Poppy: shouldn't you be in class too?
Victoria: yes! Yes I should. (exits)
Poppy: weirdo.
(Mara and Joy enter)
Mara: I'm just saying. You shouldn't show your love to Eddie. It will change your's and Patricia's friendship.
Joy: and did that stop me with Fabian.
Mara: no… but you and Nina weren't friends.
Joy: I still love him.
Mara: I'm just saying. While Patricia and Eddie are going out, I don't think it would be good to show your emotions. I mean, you heard what Patricia said to you. You knows. And she's mad. (walks into living room)
Joy: so when Eddie and Patricia are no longer a couple I can go out with Eddie. Okay, I can do that. (smiles and walks into living room)
(Living room)
(Mara is sitting on couch in front of Victoria and Trudy is doing dishes in the kitchen when Joy then Alfie enters)
Victoria: (jumps up) Alfie!
Alfie: did you get it?
Victoria: yeah.
Alfie: yes.
Victoria: come on. I'll show you.
(Alfie and Victoria exits and Mick enters)
Mick: Mara. I am sorry for what I did.
Mara: that's not going to cut it.
Mick: (sighs and starts to walk out when Amber stops him)
Amber: you want to get back together with Mara. I can help.
Mick: no thanks. After last time with the cheer leading act. I'll pass.
Amber: no I got something better and Nina will help.
Nina: (enters) I will help with what?
Amber: Nina. Do you believe in love?
Nina: yeah…
Amber: I need your help to get Mick and Mara back together.
Nina: why me? Your the love expert.
Amber: just so I want go overboard and get him humiliated.
Nina: (sigh) fine.
(Alfie's and Mick's room)
Alfie: let me see it.
Victoria: (takes the book of Isis out of bag)
Alfie: sweet.
Victoria: it was close though. I ran into his sister.
Alfie: yeah, right when you left I heard Jerome say she was sick.
Victoria: yeah I can tell.
Alfie: so why are you interested in all this stuff. When I met you you weren't like this. Liking all this Egyptian stuff.
Victoria: I met this woman. And she offered me loads of cash to find some things.
Alfie: the cup of ankh and the book of Isis?
Victoria: more than that. (takes out a pice of paper from pocket) ummmm… also something called the mask of Anubis.
Alfie: oh that's at a museum.
Victoria: oh. Well, tomorrow I'll go to the museum. While Im gone try to find the cup.
Alfie: okay.
Victoria: oh one more thing.
Alfie: yeah?
Victoria: what museum?
(walkway to school)
Eddie: weird day.
Jerome: hello Eddie.
Eddie: Jerome! You scared me! What are you doing?
Jerome: who was that man you were talking to before school?
Eddie: Rufus's brother- wait, how did you know I was talking to a man?
Jerome: I saw you. Now tell me, why does he want Rufus back.
Eddie: because he's a psychopath and his brother.
Jerome: I what you to do what he says.
Eddie: what? I thought you hate Rufus?
Jerome: I do. But I want to help his brother out. I mean he sounded worried right?
Eddie: he sounded psyco if you ask me.
Jerome: come on. There could be a lot of money for this. You with me?
Eddie: (sigh) you meet me by the water fall in the woods, and let's hope he comes.
Jerome: now?
Eddie: tomorrow morning.
Jerome: why not now?
Eddie: because I want to live one more day on earth before I go to hell.
(Amber's, Nina's, and Victoria's room)
(Mick is sitting on Amber's bed with Amber and Nina while Victoria is backing her things)
Amber: so why are you leaving again?
Victoria: wow you are slow. I need to go to see my dad. His very sick. It will only be a few days. Okay? Don't miss me too much.
Victor: (from down stairs) It's ten o'clock ten o'clock. You have 5 minutes precisely and then I want to hear a pen… drop.
Mick: well see you guys tomorrow. (exits)
Amber: bye Mick! Well goodnight everyone. (lies down in bed)
Nina and Victoria: good night.
(Mick is at the top of the stairs)
Trudy: I'm telling you Victor, no one besides mr. Macer was in your office while you were gone
Victor: we'll I'm telling you Trudy, Mr. Macer would never do such a thing.
Trudy: It could have been an accident-
Victor: Accident my butt.
Trudy: oh hi Mick.
Mick: hi Trudy.
Victor: shouldn't you be down stairs by now?
Mick: going going. (walks into his room)
(Living room)
Eddie: Hello?
Nina: Eddie!
Eddie: where are we?
Nina: I don't know.
King Tut: (appears) I'm here to see them. What do you have?
Nina: book of Isis, the ankh cross, and a green gem.
King Tut: oh you better have my green gem. Where are they
Eddie: Nina's room.
(Nina's room)
King Tut: get them.
Nina: Eddie get the gem I'll get the ankh cross.
(Eddie gets a box and Nina gets the ankh cross)
King Tut: what about the book?
Eddie: Frobisher library.
(Frobisher library)
King Tut: get it.
Nina: (goes over and lifts the wings and the drawer opens but the book is gone) its gone.
Eddie: what?
King Tut: YOU LOST IT?!?!
Nina: we had it I swear.
King Tut: that's it. (grabs Eddie's and Nina's arm and they starts to scream) its time for the mark!!!
(In there own rooms, Eddie, Nina, Mara, Amber, Joy, Patricia, Fabian, and Mick wakes up screaming)
posted by noahnstar1616
-downstairs, at dinner-
Ashley, Nina, and Amber:*enter dining room*

Fabian: Hi Nina.

Nina: Hi.*takes her usual sit*

Amber:*takes her usual seat*

Ashley:*sits at in an empty seat by Joy*

Patricia: Aren't you the new girl?

Ashley: Yeah. I'm Ashley.

Patricia: I'm Patricia.

Ashley: Nice to meet you.

Jerome: You say that now. Wait until you get to know her.

Alfie: Nice one, dude!*hi-fives Jerome*

Patricia:*throws a piece of food at Jerome*

Ashley: I remember you two. Alfie and Jerome, right?

Jerome and Alfie:*nod*

Ashley:*to Alfie*What did you mean by invasion of the Americans? Nina and I are the only-

Eddie: And...
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posted by BridgexJordan
(Beginning of the tunnels)
(The Light appears and starts going up their legs)
Eddie: What's that?
(the light reaches their eyes and blinds them)
Eddie and Joy: ow!
Fabian: Hurry Amber, push the button!
(Amber pushes the button and the bookcase turns 180 degrees and Eddie and Joy enter)
Fabian: Joy! Eddie!
Robert Frobisher-Smiths: To whom may trespass to where they do not belong, the begin of light is your warning song. All shall not see, all shall be dark. Until Ra completes his blazing ark.
Eddie: What the heck dose that mean?
Fabian: You will be blind for one day.
Joy: What?!
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posted by BridgexJordan
(Tunnel of mommy sarcophagus)
Nina: Have you guys seen the cross yet?
Fabian: nope.
Amber: not a thing.
(The Sibunas see a wall in front of them)
Patricia: great…
Joy: there's a wall.
Amber: Joy, we're not blind we can see it.
Eddie: what do we do now?
Nina: we go back. We'll go down in the tunnels tomorrow night.
Patricia: fine. (The Sibunas turn around)
Nina: wait guys look. (shows flashlight on a engraved amulet)
Fabian: it looks like an amulet. It's Anubis.
Amber: I don't remember there being an Anubis one.
Nina: that's because there isn't. Hmmmmm…
Patricia: well then. We're stuck.
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(Chamber of Shu)
Jerome: (wind blows it out of Jerome's hand and it flies through a crack in the wall) oh no! (turns around to go over and get it but wind blows him backwards hitting the wall.) ow!
(Hallway of School)
Poppy: Mara have you seen Jerome?
Mara: no. Why?
Poppy: he wasn't at this morning so I thought he came to school early. But his not here.
Mara: yeah. I was supposed to be studying with him.
Poppy: hmmm… that's strange.
Mara: very.
(Drama Studio)
(Mara and Poppy enter)
Mara: hey Mick.
Mick: hey Mara.
Mara: I'm tottering you today.
Mick: I thought you were tottering Jerome today....
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-in the chamber of Sobek-
Nina and Eddie:*awaken*

Nina:*looks around* Where are we and how did we get here?

Eddie:*looks around and sees a picture of Sobek on a wall* I think we're in a chamber. And I don't know how we got here.

Nina: Oh.

*suddenly, water starts filling in the room*

Eddie and Nina: Oh no!

-in the dining room-
Amber: Gone?! What do you mean gone?

Patricia: They're not in their rooms!

Alfie: You think Senkhara got to them?


Mara: Where do you think they are?

Fabian: I don't know, but we have to get to them before Senkhara kills them!

Joy: Right!

-in the chamber of...
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posted by Problematic129
Nina could tell Eddie was in a dark mood, the way his face was in a glare. The music was heavy metal, and Nina had to force herself not to cringe every time the music played.
    The food was delicious, but Nina wasn’t cheered up, mostly.
    A few minutes of eating and Nina noticed that Eddie was looking at her intently, she felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she stared at her plate.
    “Does it bother you?” Eddie asked abruptly, still looking at her.
    “Does what?”
    “Fabian and...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 1
    Nina's breath caught in her throat as she saw Fabian and Joy walk in holding hands, she was ready to bolt out of the classroom and lock herself in her room to cry.
     But she wouldn't cry. She couldn't.
    She looked to the side and saw Eddie clenching his hands as Jerome and Patricia entered the class holding hands too.
    The thought that Eddie was going through the same thing helped calm her nerves down a bit, and she took a deep breath and stared at the board.
    She started...
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(Mara, Patricia, Fabian, and Mick are in the kitchen awake and Alfie is asleep)
Trudy: (waves a waffle over Alfie's head) Alfie? Yummy warn waffle just for you. Wow! He really is asleep.
Mick: he was up all night for some reason.
Fabian: so was Eddie.
Patricia: well I bet he was freaked out by what he thought he saw last night.
Mara: like what you saw that one time. Renne' was it?
Patricia: he was real.
Fabian: yeah. I met him too.
Mara: oh.
Trudy: Is Eddie still asleep?
Fabian: last time I saw him he was.
Amber: I everyone but Mick.
Mick: well…
Fabian: where's Nina?
Trudy: and Victoria?...
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(Dinning room)
Amber: I am stuffed! thanks Trudy.
Trudy: don't thank me. Thank Alfie, Patricia, and Mara.
Amber: thanks guys.… where is Nina?
(Nina and Fabian enter)
Nina: Patricia! Over here.
Amber: there she is.
Patricia: what is it?
Fabian: the cup is gone.
Patricia: what? How? Who?
Nina: we don't know. But we think it was Victor.
Patricia: how did he know where it was?
Fabian: I don't know.
Patricia: now we only have one treasure. King Tut's going to mark us.
Nina: let's go make sure we still have the book.
Patricia: let's go.
(Fabian, Nina, and Patricia exits)
Trudy: can I get you something...
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posted by noahnstar1616
-outside of Anubis house-
*a car pulls up in front of Anubis house*

Ashley:*gets out of the car, looks up at Anubis house*

Mr. Lunis:*gets out of the driver seat, goes to the trunk to get Ashley's suitcase*

Mrs. Lunis:*gets outs out of the car, stands by Ashley*

Ashley: How long will I stay here again?

Mrs. Lunis: Two weeks.


Mr. Lunis:*closes trunk, goes over to Mrs. Lunis and Ashley* Let's go inside.*walks into house, dragging Ashley's suitcase with him*

Mrs. Lunis:*follows her husband*

Ashley: I can't believe I'm actually here.*follows her parents*

-inside the house-
Trudy:*dusting the...
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posted by BridgexJordan
Airport (bathroom)
Nina: Mom?
Nina's Mom: Hello Nina.
Nina: what are you doing here?
Nina's Mom: I came to tell you to hurry and get back to the house.
Nina: Why?
Nina's Mom: The Raven wants the cup of Ank-
Nina: Victor?
Nina's Mom: and the king wants his stuff back or he will kill everyone.
Nina: what king?
Nina's Mom: You'll find out when you get to the house.
Nina: But I can't, the snow storm-
Nina's Mom: Well… when it is over come. Bye Nina. (disappears)
Nina: Wait! Mom!

Anubis House (Alfie's and Jerome's room)
Alfie: are you ready bud-
Jerome (on phone) yes, please come dad. I want you. (waits for...
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