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Blind Item from the lovely Ausiello



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Does anyone else totally think that this could be 13?
posted over a year ago.
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Not House, Not Cuddy, Not Wilson, Not Chase, Not Foreman, NOT Taub, Not 13!!

I don't even think it is a character on House.......

AND I am not interested enough in the other shows to watch them, well apart from NCIS, CSI, CSI:NY & Miami.
posted over a year ago.
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How are you so sure?
posted over a year ago.
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Remember this is MY opinion:

House HATES weddings, apart from the one he attended with Cuddy he said he had never been to a wedding before. And the only woman he could/would have married was Stacy but they never got that far.

Cuddy was married that much we know, she would not have said YES to Lucas if she thought she was still married & her knowledge of New Jersey divorce law is good, enought to make House suspicious. She is way to anal, SHE would have made sure the divorce was final.

Wilson - has been married and divorced 3 times. He is well versed, in the procedures.

Chase - well we know his deal with Cameron, we saw him sign the docs. If she failed to file them, it really would not be a huge issue. Everyone KNEW they where married!

Foreman - SERIOUSLY !!! Who'd want him? He's about as interesting as watching paint dry.....

Taub - as we know he and Rachel have decided on divorce. If they don't, it is no secret that they were/are married.

13 - She would not have gotten married before we met her becasue of her possibly having Huntingtons. She has not gotten married since she found out she is positive and she said to Chase that she hopes whomever is taking care of her when she is ill, has someone in their life. There is no reason for her to take a leave of absence and come back married. She knows she is dying, she saw what it did to her mother and how it affected her father. Having her get married on the quiet is illogical. Her character is dying, they don't need any extra drama for Dr Hadley.

The character in question, has kept the fact that they are/were married from friends, collegues and a significant other. The only 2 characters in this group with a significant other are House & Cuddy.
posted over a year ago.
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It said from past/present significant others....meaning one of the 2. Foreman is a past significant other. Maybe the marriage was more technical, for health benefits...there is a lot of discrimination re: health insurance for ppl with the potential for heredity conditions like Huntington's. Plus, if she got married while she was away, I think it could make sense...she seemed to have come to a level of acceptance with her illness, and was still trying to find love.

And I totally get that it is only your opinion...I was just genuinely curious as to what your reasoning was, so thanks for sharing :)

I guess only time will tell
posted over a year ago.
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"Foreman - SERIOUSLY !!! Who'd want him? He's about as interesting as watching paint dry....."

- I find Foreman fascinating, and so does Thirteen. I think it could definitely be Foreteen related in some way, but I'm totally biased.
posted over a year ago.
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I think it's the show 30 Rock. The Diet Snapple spit-take reference plus the recent plotline of an episode.
posted over a year ago.
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Aivi said:
Thirteen married Cameron in Vegas.
*lives in her own safe, delusional world*
posted over a year ago.