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posted by Irene3691
The next morning, House wakes up and notices it’s 9:30. ‘Lisa! We’ve fallen asleep!’
He stands up very quickly and she opens her eyes a bit confused. ‘Eh? What? What time is it?’
‘It’s 9:30!’
She goes as fast as she can to the bathroom and has a shower. House gets dressed and waits for her in the hall. Before they leave, Cuddy writes a note to her parents and they go to House’s place.
‘Thank God my boss will get late to work too so I won't be pissed off by her...’
‘Ha-ha. It's your fault... You didn't turn on the alarm...’
‘My fault?? It was your home, you should've turned it on!!’
‘Okay, both’s fault. Fifty-fifty.’

Some minutes later, when House is ready, gets into the car and they go to the hospital.
‘I'll have to sleep a bit at work in order to calm myself down... I feel so stressed...’
‘We have slept enough, don't you think??... By the way... we're gonna get into the hospital at the same time... it’s not a little suspicious?’
‘Yes, it is... I'll wait in your car... sleeping...’
‘Don't be so cheeky... I prefer we get into the hospital at the same time and that everyone find out our... secret than leaving you sleeping in my car. Moreover...YOU sleeping in MY car would be even more suspect.’
‘Hmmm... you're right... I might wait in the street's corner and I'll get there five minutes later than you.’
Cuddy stares at him. ‘You’d better get there first while I park the car... so you don't get at work later than the boss.’
‘I usually get to work later than you...’
‘I know, but this way I assure you won't evade your duty.’
‘Hmmm... wise woman...’
She smiles and winks at him. ‘That’s why you like me.’
Before opening the door he looks at her. ‘Okay... see you later?’
‘Sure. At lunch time?’
‘Sure. See you at the cafeteria.’ He kisses her sweetly and gets out of the car.

When she parks the car, she gets into the hospital and works during the whole morning. House does it as well; he even does his clinic duty. When lunch time comes, he goes to the cafeteria where she’s already waiting for him. House sits next to her.
‘I've done two clinic hours so I hope you reward me as I must be rewarded!!’ He winks at her.
‘Hahah it's your work, it's what you have to do. Anyway, my parents are in my house, I'm afraid that your reward will have to wait.’
House lifts one eyebrow. ‘What kind of reward were you thinking of, you little vicious woman!?’
‘Of course the same you were thinking of.’
‘I was thinking of a: Well done House!!’
‘Yes, me too.’ She gives some pats on his shoulder. ‘Well done, House.’
He dries an imaginary year on his cheek. ‘Oh thank you so much!’
They go to get their lunch, go back to their table and start eating. Then Wilson gets into the cafeteria, takes a tray, and approaches to them.
‘Hi couple.’
‘Hi James.’
‘Can I sit with you?’
‘No.’ Answer Cuddy and House at the same time. Wilson sits down.
‘What are you doing here? I mean eating, alone, in the same table, here in a public zone of the hospital? Does anyone else know it?’
‘I told her to come in a chicken disguise but she refused!!!’
She rolls her eyes and looks at Wilson. ‘My parents and you know it, so if someone else here finds it out it's or your fault or our, and I haven't told to anyone else.’
‘Neither do I.’
‘Your parents? What did they say? Do they know...’ Wilson stares at Greg. ‘...him?’
‘Yes, they met him yesterday. He dined with us.’
Wilson nods and eats. House looks at him surprised. ‘That's it? No more interrogation?’
‘He only dined with you? Actually I don’t wanna know the answer.’ He winks.
‘We slept together... ONLY slept.’
House sighs. ‘Thanks Lisa!’
‘You're welcome honey...’
‘Oki doki. No more questions...’
After a while, they finish eating. ‘Well... I think I should go back to my office...’ Says House.
‘Yeah, me too. I have a lot of work to do. I’ll see you later, guys. Be good...’
Wilson leaves the cafeteria and they go to the elevator. When they get into it, he looks at the ceiling. ‘Hmmm... elevators... nice machines...’
‘We’re not in Italy...’
‘I... I just was describing the evator for God's sake!!’
‘And I just was saying that we’re not in Italy... what were you imagining, you pervert?’
‘Me?? It's you who is the pervert!!’
‘Me?? Oh come on! Who does nasty things in the elevators?’
‘WE DO!!’ Shouts House.
‘You stopped the elevator...’
‘You followed my game...’
‘Even if I wanted I couldn’t escape...’
‘If you had stopped I would've stopped...’
‘I didn’t wanna stop... I mean... I didn't wanna get you randy and then leave you...’
‘Yeah, it was all for me...’
The elevator’s doors open. ‘Okay... not all... But you started it all...’
She chuckles. ‘See you later, Mister Elevator.’
‘I'd rather you call me: Elevatorman!! See you later.’ They smile and go to work.

Some time later, Cuddy goes to House’s office to give him a new case. He’s looking for some information on the internet. ‘Hi. What are you doing?’ She gives him the file.
‘Looking for some porn... But I can bet that this case is gonna be more interesting...’
‘Not really. This time is none of your ex... Actually it's not a big puzzle, but I need you doing something appart from surfing the net.’
‘Good... I'll do my best...’
‘Okay, I hope so. See you later then.’
‘Sure, see you.’
She goes back to her office and House gets his team to start with the case.

Some hours go by and Cuddy is talking to her mother on the phone.
‘Hey, mum. Are you still at cousin’s home?’
‘Yes, we are, and they send their regards to you. Are you working very hard today?’
‘Oh, not really... I'm bored, paper work, you know. Give my regards to him too.’
‘Sure, I will... We'll be back tomorrow afternoon okay?’
‘Hmmm okay, I though you'd come back tonight, but it's okay.’
‘Yes, but your cousin told us to stay here tonight so we can spend more time together...’
‘Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow, and when will you go back to Texas?’
‘The day after tomorrow I guess... I'll have to talk about it with your father.’
Lisa sees House coming through the door. ‘Okay. Hey mum I have to hang up, I'll call you later. I love you.’
‘Love you honey. Bye.’ Bonnie hangs up.

House comes in and sits down in front of her. ‘A monkey with a white coat could've solved this!!’
‘Well, lucky you I don't hire monkeys as doctors. They would take out your job.’
‘I'm so damn lucky... And now that I've been a good boy, may I go home?’
‘I guess yes... I’m going home too. My parents are staying at my cousin’s until tomorrow.’
‘Hmmm... I see... you'll enjoy a relaxed night tonight.’
‘My nights are relaxed usually, the stressful it is to be here... What are you gonna do tonight?’
‘Appart from having dinner and sleeping you mean? Nothing.’
‘We can go out or something if you want to.’
‘Okay. I'll pick you up at seven, right?’
‘Half past seven, I have something to do before.’
‘Hmmm... okay... Half past seven.’
‘See you later Elevatorman.’ She winks at him and picks up her things.
‘See you later.’ House turns around before he goes. Looks at her and whisper. ‘Do you think it will be very dangerous if you give me a quick kiss now?’
She didn’t expect that, but looks around and then at him. Lisa puts her hand on his chest and walks towards him while he walks backwards until he hits his back with the wall. No one can see them and Lisa kisses him sweetly. Greg smiles and caress her cheek.
‘Half past seven. Don't be late or I'll start without you.’
‘You know you won’t...’ She smiles and gives him another quick kiss before he left.

Lisa gets to her house. Today they’ve been a couple for one month and without killing each other (which is a great achievement for them). Instead of going out, Lisa prepares a "romantic" dinner at her house to celebrate it. She finishes setting the table at seven-thirty, and sits on the couch to wait for him. When House is ready go downstairs he takes his motorbike. On the way to her home a car collides with him and he falls to the road hardly. An eyewitness sees the accident and phones an ambulance.

It’s quarter past eight and he hasn't come yet. Cuddy hears the sound of an ambulance near and goes to the street. There has been an accident and there are many people around. ‘I'm a doctor.’ She approaches to the ambulance and in the distance Lisa sees his motorbike and he lying on the ground. ‘Oh my God! GREG! GREG!’
He is still conscious and in pain because of the crash. He’s breathing with difficulty. ‘Lisa...’
‘Greg, I’m here.’She lies next to him and holds his hand. ‘You’re gonna be okay, you hear me? I promise.’ Cuddy is really, really scared and doesn’t know how to act. ‘Talk to me, please.’
House speaks with a labored voice. ‘I... it hurts so much.... don't think I'll be conscious for a long time... I didn't see the car... I couldn't react...’
‘Greg, this isn’t your fault okay? It was an accident...’ She tries to stay in calm. ‘You’re strong... I know it hurts but don’t give up please. Keep talking.’
His eyes starts to close themselves and it’s difficult for him to keep them open. Greg speaks with tears in his eyes. ‘I... I'm sorry I didn't said I love you as many times as I should...’
Lisa’s eyes gets soaked with tears and she almost can’t talk. ‘Greg don't leave me please.’ She sobs. ‘I need you.’ Finally he loses consciousness and his eyes close. ‘No, Greg, please!’

They go in ambulance to the PPTH and Wilson and Cuddy stay there with him. They tried to wake him up but don’t get it. House is into a coma. Wilson dries Cuddy’s eyes and hugs her strongly. ‘I gotta go. I’ll come back later.’
‘Thanks James.’ Wilson goes and she sits next to him, caresses his face and sighs. ‘I really don't know if you can hear me... We have passed a lot of things together, and     
I regret I have noticed so late that I needed you. I just want you to know that this has been the best month ever... In all the best memories of my life you show up... here in the hospital, in Michigan... I need you to come back and be with me...’


Irene3691 ~ SandraCH91 ~ diego27rg
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