House M.D. Club
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I decided to post the conclusion to my script from the forum here, as a soapbox article. I'm glad that you've all enjoyed it so far, and given such wonderful feedback. Hopefully you enjoy the conclusion to the story.
Here are some things you should know before you begin.
1) There are some possible season 4 finale spoilers.
2) I tried to stay true to the characters as well as the medical facts.
3) This is a 23 page script - not a full length 50 page one.
4) The designated commercial breaks are spots where I stopped writing for the day. That's why they may seem sporadic.
5) I'm a Huddy fan. (And there's a little Thutner in there too).
And now, "Night" a Season 5 episode written by jameswilson.

Scene opens in a clinic room, Cuddy is listening intently to a young male patient’s lungs with her stethoscope.

Well, it sounds like a cough.
(Wraps the stethoscope around her neck, looks at his chart, and begins to write a prescription)
Temperature 100 °F, sore throat, small headache? Sounds like the flu.
You should be fine, I’ll give you an antiviral to take care of that, but also drink lots of fluids and –
(Patient coughs on her)
you might want to cover your mouth when you cough. Come back if your fever gets higher or if you develop any other symptoms.
(Patient takes the prescription and leaves the room as House comes in)

Ooo – he looked really sick.

(Takes off her latex gloves)
People come here because they’re not doctors and - incase you’ve forgotten – we are.
(Brushes off her coat)
Ugh, but if I get the flu …

(Mock excitement)
I get to be in charge?!

(Gently pushes him out of the way and walks out the door)
Not a chance.
(Heads towards her office, dropping the file in a bin by the nurse’s station)

(Follows her into her office, she sits down at the desk)
Come on! It would be fun. I could boss Wilson around and wear –
(Looks at what she’s wearing)
incredibly low-cut red blouses.

(Looks up at him and adjusts her top)
Get out of here – why aren’t you verbally harassing some patient?

(Starts walking and turns around to respond)
Because you’re so much more entertaining.
(Looks at her cleavage)

(Points at the door)

House playfully looks back and limps out the door. Cuddy looks up for a moment, then shakes her head and continues writing.

Scene opens in a hallway, Cuddy and Wilson are walking in the direction of House’s office. Cuddy is carrying a blue file and Wilson is eating a snack sized salad.

(Sniffles and sighs as she pulls a tissue out of her pocket)
I think I’m getting the flu.

(Takes a bite of his salad)
Been around a lot of sick people lately?
(Subtly and sarcastically hinting at the fact that she is, after all, a doctor)

Last week this guy came into the clinic and coughed all over me.
(Sighs and rubs her head)
It was bound to happen.

(Starts to take another bite and looks at her. He puts the fork back in the salad)
You really don’t look too good. Do you have a fever?
(He tries to feel her head for a temperature)

I’ll be fine. Let me just get this to House and maybe I’ll go home.

(Takes a bite)
You should, the last thing we need you sick. I don’t want House trying to boss me around.

(Grins, rubs her head and opens the door to the diagnostics room)

Kutner, Thirteen and Taub are sitting at the table. Taub and Kutner play cards as Thirteen watches, uninterested. House is at the small kitchenette in the corner making himself a cup of coffee. He sees Cuddy.

(To the team)
Quick! Hide the pot!
(Taub jumps and drops his cards)

(Looks at House, un-amused. To the team.)
I have a case for you.
(She tosses the file on the table and leans against the back of chair)

House walks over to the table to pick up the file, but Kutner grabs if first.

Thirty-seven year old woman, severe joint pain, sudden me –
(House reaches across the table and grabs the file from him)

Give me that!
(Looks at the file)
I have the cane – I get the power.

Kutner sighs as House gets ready to continue where he left off. Cuddy suddenly but quietly groans and sways uneasily. Wilson, looking concerned, sets down his salad on the table. House glances up at her and continues reading.

Will someone get her out of here – I just ate.

House waves his cane towards the door. Simultaneously, Cuddy collapses. Wilson lunges forward and falls to his knees, catching her shoulders in his hands. Cuddy squints into the light, obviously very disoriented. Thirteen, Kutner and Taub all stand up immediately. Wilson looks up at House, bewildered.

(Without looking, tosses the file on the table)
Will one of you take this to Wagner on the first floor?
(No one moves. House snaps back to attention and looks at them)


Scene opens in a hospital room. Cuddy is laying in a bed, looking only slightly better than she had before she collapsed. Thirteen is by her bed, checking her pulse.

This is ridiculous. I’m fine! I was just a little tired that’s all! I haven’t eaten all day because my stomach is hurting. I have the flu. All I need is some rest, not hospital treatment!

(Finishes taking her pulse and records it on Cuddy’s chart)
You know House. He sees symptoms everywhere.

Tell him to get in here.

He also doesn’t see patients.
(She walks to the door and turns back.)
I’ll see what I can do.
(She smiles and leaves the room, shutting the glass door behind her)

Cut scene to the diagnostics room. Wilson leans against the glass windows at the font of the room, Kutner and Taub sit at the table and House stands above the table.

House, she has the flu. She treated a guy with the flu a week ago. She’s coughing and her stomach hurts. She has a low fever. It’s the flu!

(Looks as if he’s totally ignoring Taub)
Who was the guy she was treating?

How should I know?

(Sarcastically. To Taub)
Hmm … I don’t know.
(To Kutner)
Kutner – how should he know?

I’ll go look through the clinic files.
(Gets up and leaves as Thirteen enters, dropping Cuddy’s file on the table)

Her pulse is normal. She wants to see you.

(Picks up the file, totally ignoring Thirteen. He looks up after a few moments of silence)
Who me? I don’t see patients. She probably just wants to tell me she’s fine.

What if she is?

What if she isn’t?
(She is silenced. He continues to read)
Run blood cultures.

House she –

Do it.

Thirteen gives him a look of confusion and leaves the room. House stops reading and looks up at Wilson, then to Kutner.

Don’t you have something to do?

I –

Go see if Dr. Cuddy needs anything.
(Kutner gets up and swiftly leaves the room. House calls out to him)
Other than me that is.
(Kutner leaves. House turns to Wilson)
Since when do you take my side on things?

(Uncrosses his arms and walks across the room)
Since I’m worried about Cuddy.

(Takes Vicodin)
Well there’s nothing to worry about just yet.
(His pager goes off, he checks it as he slowly slides the Vicodin bottle into his pocket. He looks up at Wilson)
I'd like to retract my previous statement.


Scene opens in the diagnostics office. Thirteen and Kutner sit at the table. House stands next to the white board which reads, “NAUSEA, SORE THROAT, DISORIENTATION, INTERNAL BLEEDING”

Ok people – what’ve we got?

Epstein-Barr can cause internal bleeding.

(Gapes at him)
You think she has mono?

It could be a more infectious strain. Epstein-Barr can be deadly if it’s left untreated.

Right – Cuddy has the kissing disease. I don’t think so. Next.


Reasons …

Encephalitis presents with fever, headaches, and confusion and in some cases it can cause internal bleeding.

Good enough for me.
(To Thirteen)
Did you run those blood cultures?

We got a little distracted by the whole vomiting blood thing.

Well then you’d better go back for a second try.
(Kutner starts to leave, House calls him back)
And run an ELISA.
(Kutner nods and leaves. He turns to Thirteen)
You – run a CT Scan. And –
(Turns to look for Taub)
Didn’t Taub ever come back with that file?

Thirteen is about to answer when Taub comes in, walking very quickly. Thirteen turns and leaves the room. House grabs the file from Taub and immediately opens it.

(Reading from the file)
Dylan Ransend, twenty-five years old, nausea, fever, sore throat.
(Stops reading)
I’m pretty sure Cuddy wouldn’t miss a little trail of blood following the guy out of the room so
(To himself)
… no internal bleeding.
(To Taub)
Find him. See if he developed the internal bleeding. Find Foreman – make him go with you.

Okay …

Taub quickly leaves the room. House walks over to his desk, sits down and fumbles with his tennis ball absent mindedly.


Wilson walks into the office slowly, arms crossed high over his chest. He looks somewhat concerned.

House –
(House glances up at him, and then looks back down at the tennis ball)
(Ignores the fact that House is ignoring him)
House you need to go see her.

(In all seriousness)
No, I don’t.

(Uncrosses his arms and fully enters the room)
Yes you do! You know she doesn’t have Encephalitis. You –

Of course she doesn’t have Encephalitis. I needed time to think. I -
I just needed some time to concentrate.
(Back to his usual sarcasm)
I forgot; you don’t take subtle hints.

(Laughs in that “I can’t believe this” way he has)
You’re worried about Cuddy!

(Rolls his eyes)
She’s a patient. I don’t worry about patients. I worry about not figuring out what’s wrong with them.
(Reads Cuddy's chart)

(Pleased that he has House figured out)
Cuddy’s not just a patient to you. You know her. You work with her. You stare at her ass. Dare I even say it … she’s your friend.

I can stare at an ass without caring about the person it belongs to.
(Wilson gives him a look, House returns it – over exaggerated)

You're trying to distance yourself from her. You think if you see her, you'll remember that she's more than just a patient.
(Waits for a response. When none comes he continues)
At least stop by and harass her or something. Everyone’s been in to see her.

(Back to looking at the chart)
She doesn’t need to see me.

But she wants to. House, she cares about you. She just wants to see you return the affection – even if you aren't serious about it.

(Looks up from the chart briefly)

Wilson has given up his plea when Foreman enters the room. He walks past Wilson, giving him a look of concern, and then directly approaches House’s desk.

You find the kid?

(Looks back at Wilson, lowers his voice slightly, though Wilson can still hear him)
House – he died two days ago.

(Somewhat shocked)
Of what?

Hypovolemia –

(Is ready with a quick response)
Well that can be treated.
Wilson - Don’t just stand there like an idiot, get Th-

(Trying to quite him)
House he - House!
He also had systemic multi-organ failure.

The room goes eerily silent for a moment.

(Suddenly very in charge again)
Whatever killed that kid is progressing much more quickly this time.
I’m giving us about three days.
(They look at him, dumbfounded)
Go think somewhere else – and find Chase and Cameron.

Foreman leaves immediately. Wilson is about to leave, but looks back at House one more time, trying to give him the opportunity to re-think his statement about not visiting Cuddy. House does not look up from the kid’s file. Wilson leaves slowly, sighing as he passes the doorway.


Scene opens in a hallway. Foreman stands in front of the others. Thirteen and Taub sit on a bench while Kutner leans on the wall next to them.

Cuddy wants to know what happened to the kid.

I don’t think we should tell her.

I think we should. She has a right to know.

But we don’t know what’s going on yet. Telling her what happened to that guy is like giving her a death sentence. We just can’t do that to her.

She should know what’s going on.

(Directly to Taub)
Yea she should.
(Away from him)
Just not until we know for sure.

(Crosses arms)
So I’m not telling her. Ok.
But you guys are the ones that are going to have to dodge the question when she asks.
(Thinks for a moment)
You guys go finish up those tests for House.

The team gets up and leaves as Wilson approaches from the opposite direction.

House kick you out of the office?

No. But he’s to distracted for his own good.

Have you talked to him?


Cut scene to the lab, where Thirteen is sitting on a stool working with the blood cultures. Kutner stands across the room, working on another project, he faces away from her.

(Without looking up)
What if she dies?

She isn’t going to die.

(Looks to him)
How can you know that?

Because … because I trust House.
(Pauses and stops what he’s doing. He moves closer to her)
He isn’t going to let her die.
(Looks at her)
We aren’t going to let her die.
(Snaps out of his seriousness and turns away again)
Besides, we don’t know anything for sure. You said it yourself.

What about Amber?

(Unsure of how to respond at first)
That was different. We had nothing to do with that.
(She looks unconvinced)
She was dead the second the bus crashed.
(He sees that she is distressed, but continues to work)
I’m sorry.

I’m sure she’ll be ok.
(Breaths and tries to sound confident)
That’s what all these tests are for right? So we can figure this out.
It’s going to be fine.

Kutner seems relieved. There is a silence as the two continue to work, but Thirteen slowly loses focus on what she’s doing. Kutner finally notices.

Is everything ok? You seem kind of weird.

(Looking down at the tests, fidgeting. Quietly)
I was positive for Huntington’s.

(Concerned, but uncomfortable)

(Starting to tear up, trying not to look at him)
It’s ok. Please don’t tell anyone –
(Breaks off, trying to stop crying)

Kutner is still uncomfortable and uncertain. He looks around and slowly walks towards her. He looks around again and slowly hugs her. She is momentarily surprised, but crying to much to really notice. Her head rests on his chest and he puts one and around her shoulder and one on her head. She holds onto his arm and allows herself to cry as though no one is listening. It is obvious that this is the first time she has really accepted her reality. Kutner doesn’t look uncomfortable as he silently comforts her.


Cut scene to the diagnostics office, it is now late in the evening. Thirteen, Kutner and Taub sit at the table. Foreman, Cameron, and Chase stand below the table by the window, and Wilson stands off the to the side, arms folded. House stands by the white board.

Ok people, any new ideas?
Did the test results come back?

The blood cultures were inconclusive…
(Hesitates out of fear that House will be angry)

(Notices her hesitation and responds for her)
They weren’t able to conduct the ELISA test here.
They sent it to Princeton General.

Can’t you do anything right? Go run the cultures again.
(Thirteen and Kutner leave)
Taub – go make use of yourself.
Find out who did the autopsy on that kid and what the results were.
(Taub leaves and Chase sits at the table. Cameron leans against it with her back to the others. Foreman stands at the opposite end, arms folded)
Well isn’t this cozy.
(Hinting at the fact that it’s the old team back together for a moment)
Any of you geniuses come up with anything clever?

Have we explored the possibility of cancer?
(She looks to Wilson)
Stomach cancer can cause internal bleeding.

(Looking skeptical)
The onset was to fast and violent to be stomach cancer.

The room is silent. Everyone seems to be waiting for House to speak.

(Notably out of character)
I’m going to take a walk. Don’t go far.
(Limps out of the room)

I’ll be in my office.

He leaves, arms crossed until he reaches the door. Cameron lingers for a moment and then walks to the door, she looks back at the other two before she leaves. We see Foreman lean on the table with his hands, looking down at Chase, concerned. The scene cuts to the inside of Wilson’s office. He is sitting at his desk, not working though. There is a small tap on the door.

(Looks up)
Come in.

Cameron enters and shuts the door behind her.


(Almost confused as to why she is there)
Hi. What’s up?

(Sits on the arm of the love seat across the room. She looks uncomfortable but determined)
House seems … different.

(Leans forward)
I think he is this time.
(Cameron does not respond, but looks to the corner of the room, thinking. Wilson sighs as he begins to speak)
He’s in love with Cuddy.

Cameron is completely (but subtly) taken aback. She furrows her brow in confusion. This is not what she expected to hear. She struggles for a response.

Since – how do you – what?

(Sits up straight as though he is preparing to tell a long story. He shakes his head, almost as though he is in disbelief of his own words)
House has – always loved her. He’s never told me outright, but I know him well enough. He fell for her the moment they met in college and he hasn’t stopped caring for her since.
(Pauses to think)
Before his leg happened, before he was the way he is now, he told her how he felt – in his own way of course. But he somehow let her know. And she -
(Shakes his head again and sighs)
She turned him down in some way, shape, or form. Obviously he was never the romantic guy, but he was … well devastated. Time passed, they never mentioned it again. But he never forgot. Then he met Stacy. Don’t get me wrong. He really did care for Stacy. But he never stopped loving Cuddy.

Wilson has finished his story, or at least told all that he is going to tell. Cameron stares at him in disbelief and almost a little hurt that House would never tell her any similar feelings. There is a momentary silence. Cameron finally finds the words to speak.

I didn’t know he was even capable…

Now a days I really don’t think he is. But he needs to be.
Just a little at least. Cuddy needs to hear it.

Wilson stops to think again. Cameron looks over her shoulder, out the window.


Cut scene to the diagnostics room, House has just entered; Wilson follows shortly there after. Thirteen, Kutner, and Cameron sit at the table. Foreman and Chase stand above the table. Chase’s hands are in his pockets, Foreman’s arms are crossed. Wilson stands just within the room by the door. House maintains his usual position by the white board.

(Rubs his hands together in mock excitement and grins)
Taubs on his way.

(After a momentary silence)
So … what do while we wait?

(Sarcastically, like he is talking to a baby)
Do you wanna play a game?
(Chase rolls his eyes, House picks up dry erase marker)
How about hangman?

He is about to begin drawing on the board when Taub enters the room, slightly out of breath.

(Looks at his watch. Sarcastically)
Well, that only took you five hours or so. Not bad.

House – it’s the middle of the night. I had to go to the –

Don’t care.
(Taub takes a seat next to Chase)
So …
(Trying to give Taub a hint to speak. Then, very loudly and slowly, as though Taub is either deaf or stupid)

The family wouldn’t let me have any details.

(Almost frantic, but still slightly sarcastic)
Did you tell them that a woman is DYING in there?
(He gestures in the general direction of Cuddy’s room)

(Now very irritated, voice raised. He is obviously very tired and agitated from running around all night with no thanks in return. Stands)

(Very serious and stern at this point)
(Slams his cane on the table)

Taub sits back down. There is a very awkward but concerned silence. The team has never seen House react this way. House rubs the back of his neck, jerks his cane off of the table and returns it to his side, regaining his composure.

(Quietly in comparison to his previous statements)
Didn’t they say anything at all?

(Also calmed down)
(Leans forward in his chair)
All they said was that their kid got home, got some kind of food poisoning, and was dead in three days.
(Sits back. House is suddenly intrigued)
How could I ask them any more? It was three thirty in the morning.

Got back from where?


You said he got food poisoning after he “got back”. Where was he?

I think they said he was visiting a buddy in the Philippines.

(A sudden but quite revelation)
He had hemorrhagic fever.


Fade in from a commercial break, still in the diagnostics room. Obviously a bit of time has passed.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever.
It’s perfect. High fever, nausea, dizziness and disorientation. In later stages, internal bleeding can occur.
(Sighs quietly)
I should have thought of this. How could I have missed it?
It fits. Everything fits.

(In a consoling manner)
You didn’t think of it because you didn’t know that kid had been out of the country.
(House shakes his head)
It wasn’t in the equation then.

It doesn’t matter. We know now. So what do we do?

You can run another ELISA to be sure, but this has to be it.
(They wait for his instructions)
Make sure she isn’t dehydrated. Balance her electrolytes. Make sure she doesn’t have any infections as a result. And make sure she’s getting enough oxygen.

Cameron and Chase leave first. Followed by Taub and Thirteen. Foreman gives house a look of concern and leaves as well. Kutner begins to leave and stops in the doorway.

Will Ribavirin help?

(He senses that Kutner is about to ask about another question)
Neither will Interferon.

Kutner exits, leaving House and Wilson alone. Wilson steps forward, arms crossed.

House …

(Trying to ignore him)
Why don’t you go help someone else?

(Doesn’t take it personally. With a hint of sarcasm)
I think I’ll stay, thanks.
(Is about to say something else)

Look. I know what you’re going to say, ok? And guess what, I don’t care.

I just -
(Stops to rephrase. Takes a quick, deep breath to prepare)
I just want to make sure you know what the situation is here.

Oh gee, thanks for trying to protect me, dad.

(Very concerned)

(The sarcasm is gone)
I know that the mortality rate is 90%
I know that this is in an advanced state.
(Silence. Quietly)
I know that she’s probably going to die.

The camera slowly zooms up and away from House and Wilson in the diagnostics room. The song “Goodbye Waves and Driveways” by The Rocket Summer plays softly. The image fades out and a new scene fades in. It is House sitting outside of Cuddy’s room. He is a fair distance from the window in the empty waiting area. His lips are pressed to the handle of his cane as he stares off into the distance and thinks. Finally he gets up and limps over to the window. He thinks for a moment before gently sliding open the door. He doesn’t enter very far into the room, but just stands by the door he has shut behind his back. He stands there for a moment before Cuddy wakes up. She looks as though she is crying because her eyes are puffy and red and tired. She sees him and smiles gently at him. The music fades away as she begins to speak.

(Her speech is soft and somewhat labored at times)
(No response from him)
I thought you didn’t see patients.

(Still sounding like his usual, stern self)
There’s an exception to every rule.

It becomes very quiet. Cuddy is looking up at House, waiting for him to speak. House is looking away.

I’m sorry.

(She knows him all to well. Smiles weakly)
You don’t have anything to be sorry about.

I should have been able to figure this out sooner.

Cuddy, still smiling, very weakly holds her hand out to him, barely extending it beyond the bed.

Not everything is your fault.
(Joking with him)
Sometimes your ego is to big for your own good.

He walks closer to the bed and sits on the chair that is next to it. He leans his cane against the wall and puts his elbows on his knees, rubbing his head with his hands. He starts to speak without looking up from the floor.

I just want you to know that I’m sorry –

Seriously, you don’t –

No –
(He looks up from the floor)
For everything. For all the crap I’ve done. For being a jerk. For causing you so much trouble. For everything.

Cuddy is taken aback, mouth opened and there is a momentary silence.

I –
(She can’t find the words)
It’s ok.

It’s not.

It is.

For the –
He stops himself because he sees that she is starting to fall asleep)

Things get quite again. But it isn’t an awkward quite. House is just waiting by her as she tries to fall asleep. She finally does. He sees that her hand is still outstretched. He moves to put it back onto the bed, but as he picks it up he holds onto it (almost tenderly) for just a moment before placing it back on the bed. He stands up, takes his cane and walks toward the door. Just before he exits he stops and looks back to finish his statement.

(Very quietly)
For the record, I never stopped loving you.

He leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

Time fade to a few days later. After nearly a whole episode at night it is refreshing to see daylight in the windows. House is sitting at his desk, feet up, fiddling with his magic eight ball. Wilson enters.

She’s going to pull through.
(He tries not to sound overly relieved, but can’t seem to help it)

(His old sarcasm back in form)
God, if you’re going to cry go somewhere else.
(Wilson sits in the chair in the corner of the room)
Somewhere that’s not in here.

She looks great too. You should go see her.

What is it about the word “no” that escapes you?

You didn’t even see her while she was sick. You can at least go now that she’s getting better and take the credit for it.
(Wilson is obviously unaware that House did visit her. And House isn’t about to tell him)

No thanks. I’m using all that credit to get out of some major clinic time.

(Stands and prepares to leave)
She’ll never let you get away with it.

(Sly grin)
We’ll see.

Wilson is about to leave when he remembers something and turns back.

Oh, Cuddy told me to tell you “for the record, I didn’t either”? I honestly don’t even want to know what that means.
See you for lunch?

(Distracted and inwardly taken aback)

Wilson leaves very happy. House grins a little bit, but then shrugs it off like nothing happened. He picks up the eight ball from the desk and gives it a playful shake. We are able to see the message that appears. It reads, “JUST DO IT”. House looks up from the eight ball and contemplates the message. A small smile spreads across his face.
Fast blackout.
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posted by Irene3691
After their little talk with Wilson they dedice to go to Hyde Park. They walk for a while until House has to rest because of his leg, then they sit on a bech. ‘You used to come here with Stacy too?’
‘When we were in London yes... sometimes... Are you gonna ask me every little detail about my relationship with her??’
No, God, I don't wanna know every little detail... It was just a question, I was curious. I asked if we are in the same hotel where you were when you came here with her. I'm not asking... I don't know... if you had more fun with her or with me... It’s not a big deal!’
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House was sitting in Mayfield Psyciatric Hospital. A nurse had just left after giving House his medicine. He took the pills, and decided to take a nap. It was hard to sleep with Amber hovering over him. She just looked at him with a blank, pale face, without moving or even blinking her eyes. She sat in the middle of the floor. House closed his eyes sleepily for just a moment. When he opened them, Amber was sitting at a piano. She began to play.

House recognised this song. He knew this song. He knew what note came next. He just didnt know how he knew this song so well. He closed his eyes,...
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House entered his room after a hard day at the Physical Therapy Ward. His leg was a little bit hurting but not the usual scorching pain. When he slid the door open, he was surprised to find new stuffs in. Flowers, new table clothe, some supply of foods and some folded and well ironed shirts were there before his eyes. Some seemed to be made by a familiar person but others are new ones. Before he moved another step, Cuddy walked out from his closet room and drew a smile upon seeing him stunned by her visit.
House: What ---
Cuddy: Hope you don’t mind I put some new stuff in…
House stood there...
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He came back one hour later, this time he was not alone.
“Why do I have to knock?”
“Because if you knock, she will respond.”
He obeyed him. He knocked “Lisa open up”
Silence. He knocked again. Silence when he got tired he dialed her number and called there wasn’t a response either.
“She’s not answering House.”
“Great. I must break in again.”
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by mausygurl from YT, song: Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With Desire
house md
added by InesHameron
by alissonhouseforever
house md
added by syaantjuh
posted by cudambercam13
"House?" Cuddy opened the door to House's office. He was sound asleep at his computer with a music playlist on the screen. At least it wasn't another porno video. Cuddy scrolled down the list of artists in front of her.
-Alice Cooper
-Bon Jovi
-Duran Duran
-Linkin Park
-Salt and Pepper
-Stroke 9
-The Cure
-The Who
Cuddy found it a little strange that House would listen to Abba, Eminem, Salt and Pepper, or Madonna. Plus, she didn't even know who Stroke 9 was. She was interested in seeing what songs or compositions House himself had made, so she clicked...
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posted by livethislifeup
Cuddy was lying on her couch in darkness, waiting for House to return. It had already been twenty minutes after he had left for Rachel, and she was beginning to worry. She looked up at the ceiling, paying close attention to the detail, averting her mind from the terrible thoughts that seemed to creep. To calm herself, she finally got up, and slowly moved towards her desk, and bent down. She opened a compartment in her desk, and grabbed to what appeared to be a glass, and a jug of bourbon.
She stood up, closing the compartment with her foot, and began to walk back to the couch.
She set the glass...
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posted by HugeEgoSorry
Pitt was having his afternoon tea when his office door swung open. He got on his feet the moment House entered and it was followed by a deafening silence. He sighed before turning back to pour some more tea to his mug as his patient stood frozen while staring at the carpeted floor.
Pitt: Need a drink?
House: No...
Pitt: We could ---
House: I'm letting myself go to rehab ---
Pitt turned to him as House looked up again.
House: For my leg... rehab and therapy... again...
Pitt: Are you... Sure?
House nodded.

*** 2 weeks later ***

Cuddy opened the front door with Rachel at her arm. Wilson was the one who...
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