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Hot Jew Fangirlies Which PLL girl is Shandi most like?

7 fans picked:
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 Shandiii posted over a year ago
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swimchick picked Spencer:
Spencer's the only one who could stand up to Alison, I feel like Shandi def could too :D
posted over a year ago.
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nevermind606 picked Hanna:
Because she's so accepting and an excellent friend. And she's PRETTAY!
posted over a year ago.
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Shandiii said:
I wish I could stand up to Ali, but she kind of scares me! LOL!

Well now I feel bad about my comment on your pick, Kris, you're so sweet! You know I love you though! :P
posted over a year ago.
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oPositive picked Spencer:
Shandi you are like a leader! And Spencer is adorbs :)
posted over a year ago.
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Shandiii said:
Aw, thanks! I love Spencer too, she's just so much smarter and fiercer than I am, it's nice being compared to her. :P
posted over a year ago.