Horror Movies What Scares you most?

EllaBlack posted on Sep 10, 2009 at 11:41PM
I'm curious y'all...what in scary movies actually scares you? if they don't what in real life scares ya? jus' curious....

Clowns scare the crap out of me...so obviously I do not like the banner..p: But when I was younger about 6 my dad made me watch IT...yeah no clowns for Jennifer. :)

Horror Movies 6 replies

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over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Well... Freddy scares me. I mean, not very bad but the whole ANOES premise is freaky! Also, the scariest for me is The Ring. I refuse to watch it!
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Nothing, really.
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
The ring is not scary!!! p:
over a year ago becca85 said…
Red eyes!!

I've seen them in a couple of Stephen King movies (and others, but the SK ones are the ones I remember) and they always send a shiver up and down my spine.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
The Ring WAS scary if you were watching it as an 8 year old who hate scary movies (I know, i got over it though!) and in the first few mins on one of THE worst scenes your dad freezes the picture and says its alright for you to come out from under the pillow you were hiding behind.. It scared me really REALLY bad, I kid you not!

It depends on the age you were when you saw it.. if I hadn't had that experience then I would see it today and not think much of it. But I saw Scream after I saw Scary Movie so I didn't think much of that! :S
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
LMAO!!!! that is so funny! Almost sounds like when my Dad told me we were going to wathc a funny movie about the circus and he showed me IT and forced me to watch it!

What is it with fathers and traumatizing their daughters?