Horror Movies Why we love horror...

piperlovegood posted on Sep 10, 2011 at 04:08AM
I have been asked why I love horror and when I tell them why I do they look at me like I'm nuts. I been wondering if anyone believes the same thing.

I believe everyone has a dark side and if you don't nurture it in some safe way you'll eventually snap. Horror is a great outlet for that.

The other reason is the rush of adrilanin that one gets from speeding.

Curious what y'all think.

(this isn't my collection but a pic from a convention)
I have been asked why I love horror and when I tell them why I do they look at me like I'm nuts. I be

Horror Movies 4 replies

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over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
For me horror movies are a way to be thrusted into a sense of danger and fear while being perfectly safe. I also tend to find them somewhat of a way of de-stressing. Sometimes when I get pissed off at people in my life, watching violence on the screen helps calm me down. Don't think me sick for saying that. Never in a million years would I take a life, unless of course my life or lives of loved ones were in jeopardy.
over a year ago piperlovegood said…
thanks for posting nah it's not sick it's just normal to me at least.
over a year ago lloonny said…
i don't know why i love horror,i just do
i love scary & gory things,all that blood,screaming girls (i love when they scream),fear,paranormal/haunted things ♥♥♥
when im sad,bored,happy or whatever i like to watch horror cuz they make me feel good.....& especially if i watch a movie before i go to sleep cuz i sleep better if i watch a horror movie
& i am so in love with ♥Final Destination♥ series :D
i don't know why i love horror,i just do
i love scary & gory things,all that blood,screaming girls (
over a year ago ilovecornholio said…
I don't know why i love horror i geuss cuz im not that type of person u see and think oh she dont like horror movies but i am i am so in love with Freddy krueger i love love love a nightmare on Elm street and halloween and friday the 13th and dracula!
I don't know why i love horror i geuss cuz im not that type of person u see and think oh she dont lik