Hetalia France Club
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posted by pumpkinqueen
by ~TheStrangerInTheFog on deviantarts

You walked slowly in the gentle breeze, the wind whipping your (h/c) hair around your face as you took in your beautiful surroundings. The leaves were turning gold and gently floated to the ground, like little people dancing gracefully in the cold wind. You sighed contentedly; you wanted nothing more than to be doing exactly as you were everyday. However, today was an exception; every other day you were piled high with work, often times staying up into the wee hours of the morning just to finish your mounds of paperwork.
Lost in thought, you almost ran into a streetlight you hadn't seen. Luckily a man had grabbed your arm and stopped you just in time.
"Miss…? I believe you might want to watch where you're going, non?" he had a mysteriously alluring French accent. Oh gosh, how you loved men with accents. "Oh… R-right, thank you sir…" you stuttered nervously. You were always nervous around guys, or rather anybody. You were more the type to stay home reading novels than going out and being 'social'.
"Please, call me Francis." He smiled sweetly, your heart fluttering. He looked at you expectantly for a moment before you pulled your gaze away from his beautiful crystal blue eyes. You stiffened a bit, utterly embarrassed at your own ignorance. "O-oh! I-I'm _____..." the words tumbled out of your mouth disgracefully. Francis let out a small chuckle and you felt heat rise to your already-ruddy cheeks.
"So, mon cher, what are you doing here at this time of day?" he asked you sweetly; you heard no ill intent lying behind his words, and so replied happily, "W-well, I was just going for a walk… I finally didn't have any work and I wanted to enjoy it while I could, you know?" you laughed nervously.
"Oh really? Where do you work?"

And the conversation flew on from there.

After a long while of aimlessly talking about nothing and everything, you glanced up to find the sun was setting. "Oh, gosh… I've really got to go, I'm so sorry Francis… will I see you tomorrow?" you said worriedly. "Oui, but before you go…" he whipped a chocolate-covered strawberry seemingly out of nowhere. "This strawberry is very much like you… cute and sweet on both the outside and in." he winked mischievously, causing a wildfire-like blush to sweep over your cheeks. "Aw…. Thanks, Francis, but I really must be-" "May I walk you home?" he interrupted. Surprised, you quickly replied, "Oh! Uh, no thank you, I don't want to trouble you further…" he looked slightly crestfallen as you started on your way. "Bye, Francis!" you smiled encouragingly. "Au revoir mon ami!" he waved happily as you walked away.
Soon enough, you found yourself meeting him at the same place every day and chatting until nightfall. And each time he would ask if you wanted him to walk you home, but each time you declined, even though you didn't live in the best part of town.
It was on one of these walks home that you heard hasty footsteps behind you. You quickened your pace, and to your utter horror, so did the footsteps. Soon you had broken into a full-out sprint, tears brimming in your (e/c) eyes as you feared the worst. You quickly turned a corner to find that it was a dead end.
You pressed yourself against the back wall, as far away from the menacing stalker as possible. He slowly swaggered toward you, obviously tipsy at least. "'Ey… What'ssapurtylaaadyyylikeyyouuuu … *hic* doin' out 'ere… *hic* …alooooone?" the man slurred drunkenly, a smug grin on his tired face. "'ow's about I takes ya 'ome an' show ya… *hic* a real good time?" he chuckled. "N-no… no, th-thank you…" you managed in a voice choked with fear. Suddenly, you heard a few scuttles of feet on pavement, and the drunkard before you was knocked unconscious with a loud BANG! 'Who…?' you thought to yourself. At least, that is, until you saw your rescuers face. You smiled gratefully and threw yourself into your liberator's strong arms, tears streaming down your face. "F-Francis… thank you s-so m-much…" you mumbled into the soft fabric of his shirt.
"Shh… it's alright, mon ami… there, there… I will always protect you. I love you, _____."
"I- I love you too…"

added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
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added by ScatteredRose
Source: Himaruya Hidekaz
added by ScatteredRose
Source: pixiv
added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
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added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps by me
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps by me
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps by me
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps by me
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: deviantarts