Heroes of Olympus RP Club Club
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posted by Nicolicious
So I'm writing in this thing. I think it's called a diary. I can't remember nowadays, but anyways. I'm Cara Elise D'Lassio. I'm the last daughter of Thanatos and a Demi-God. If you're reading this I'm dead or you found this where I have hidden it.

To cut a long story short, my sister was claimed by Thanatos so Grazers attacked my town and killed everyone except me. I then found my way to Olympus where I was cared for for 5 years. Until of course it was burned to the ground and my dad Thanatos faded. I then ran to some fancy airport where I snuck onto a plane with my Shadow powers and took a flight to Rio De Janeiro. Now I'm sitting in a broken down shack with a bunch of Brazilian kids.
There is a guy here though. His name is Alex Donnelly. He's Fourteen, so he's a few months older than me. I turn Fourteen in a month or so...I think, I have lost track of time. Anyways he's actually kinda cute, he has this scar that runs from his ear to the corner of his mouth(which I find adorable), he has black choppy hair and electric blue eyes. This guy is so amazing. Oh did I forget to mention he's a son of Zeus? No? Well he is...oh sorry I'm ranting again. I guess ranting about some cute Demi-God keeps me sane...
Anyway. We were sitting in the shack when Alex popped an idea out.
"I have a plan." He says grinning wildly.

"Oh gods. What now?" I ask trying to stop myself from laughing.

"We run away...no I don't mean run away and try to become rich. That would never work. We are monsters remember? Anyway. Apparently there is a place called Atlantis in the Pacific Ocean...somewhere."

"Somewhere?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah it supposedly sunk, but when I was on Olympus the gods kept talking about it and saying it was a safe place...after you get past the Atlantans of course." He continues his grin growing.


"Yeah they are like cannibal fish-men that worship Kronos."

"Oh." I frown and lean against the rusty shack wall.

"But I'm sure we can get past them. We got past the Flab-Bag(A story for another time)." He says. I swear he would be jumping up and down if we were standing up and the roof wasn't as low as a kitchen table.

"I guess." I sigh then laugh. "Let's do this. Lets go to Atlantis. Together."

"Together." He says. I look up and smile. "Come on we gotta go now. The Marina closes in three hours." He crawls backwards out of the shack grabbing his backpack and Imperial Gold Spear on the way. I grab my black Stygian Iron Sword, that I've come to call Grimsever and what little supplies I have and leave the shack. We say our goodbyes to the Brazilian Kids and walk down the streets to the Marina.

So that's all so far. I'm gonna close this book thingy and enjoy what horrible Sea-Sickness I have.
– Cara D'Lassio, Last Child of Thanatos

Ive just gone and copied Jasmine there, but I'm sure no one will care.