Heroes of Olympus RP Club Club
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Okay this I am making so that it might help people when choosing a God, Titan, Primordial etc.

Koios - also spelled Coeus. God of intelligence, heavenly prophecy and the axis.
Kreios - also spelled Crius. God of leadership, domesticated animals and the constellations.
Kronos - also spelled Cronus. God of time. King of the Titans. Roman name Saturn.
Hyperion - God of light.
Iapetos - God of mortal lifespan.
Mnemosyne - Goddess of memory, the inventiveness of words and language.
Oceanus - God of salt water.
Phoebe - Goddess of the Oracle of Delphi and intellect.
Rhea - Goddess of fertility, the female body, and later, nature. Mother of Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Hades, Poseidon and Demeter.
Tethys - Goddess of Subterranean forces of fresh water and patron goddess of nursing mothers and the young.
Theia - Goddess of sight, gold, silver, and gems.
Themis - Goddess of divine law and order.
Atlas - God of astronomy. Holds the sky from the earth as his punishment.
Epimetheus - God of afterthought and excuses.
Menoitios - God of violent anger, rash reactions and human morality.
Prometheus - God of forethought and crafty counsel. Gave humanity the gift of Fire.
Asteria - mother of Hecate
Perses - father of Hecate
Asterious - father of the Anemoi
Dione - goddess of the oracle Dodonna

Aphrodite-Venus-Goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She was married to Hephaestus. Ares is her lover and she loves him as well. Eros is her son.

Apollo-Apollo-God of the Sun, music, archery, poetry, healing, and prophecy. He is Artemis' twin brother, and Son to Zeus.

Ares-Mars-God of war, murder and bloodshed. Brother to Hephaestus, and is the lover of Aphrodite and son of Zeus.

Artemis-Diana-Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, wild animals,especially deer and fawns, night, and the moon. Apollo is her twin brother. Artemis is the virgin goddess and is also protector of maidens.

Athena-Minerva-Goddess of wisdom, weaving, the arts, warfare and reason. She is the favourite daughter of Zeus.

Demeter-Ceres-Goddess of fertility, grain and harvest. Demeter is a sister of Zeus. Her daughter is Persephone, Hades' wife.

Dionysus-Bacchus-God of wine, parties/festivals, madness and merriment. He is a son of Zeus.

Hades-Pluto-God of the Underworld. Brother of Poseidon and Zeus.

Hephaestus-Vulcan-God of fire and the forge. Ugly son of Hera and Zeus is his father in some accounts. Married to Aphrodite, but she does not love him because he is deformed and as a result is cheating on him with Ares.

Hera    -Juno-Goddess of marriage, women and childbirth. Zeus' wife and sister.

Hermes-Mercury-God of flight, thieves, commerce and travellers. Messenger of the gods. Zeus's son by Titanness.
Poseidon-Neptune-God of the sea, . His sons are the Heavenly Tripplets, Polyphemus and Triton and the Cyclops. His weapon is a trident by which he can stir up the seas, wreck ships and drown sailors.

Zeus-Jupiter-The father of all fathers, the wisdom and light. The king of the gods after killing his father, Kronos, who ate Zeus's siblings but their mother managed to save baby Zeus. When Zeus grew up, he fed Kronos a mixture of wine and mustard to make him vomit his immortal siblings who had grown up in Kronos's stomach. Zeus is the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky, thunder and lightning. Though he is married more than once, his real queen is Hera. Zeus is the father of Hermes, Hephaestus, Hercules, Dionysus, Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis and Persephone.

Minor Gods:
Eos - Goddess of dawn and sister of Selene and Helios
Helios - God of the sun and brother of Selene and Eos
Selene - Goddess of the moon and sister of Helios and Eos
Ariadne - goddess of passion and mazes (was a mortal princess engaged to Theseus but was abandoned and married to the god Dionysus and made Immortal.)
Aeolus - god of winds (at birth was mortal made Immortal)
Asclepius - god of medicine.
Bia - Goddess of force.
Cratos - God of strength and power.
Deimos - Personification of terror; brother of Phobos.
Eris - Goddess of discord.
Eros - God of love
Psyche goddess of compassion
Geras - God of old age.
Ganymede cupbearer of the Olympians.
Harmonia - Goddess of harmony.
Hebe - Goddess of youth.
Hecate - Goddess of magic, witchcraft, necromancy and crossroads.
Hestia - Goddess of the hearth, fireside, family, and home, was one of the Olympians until she gave up her throne on for Dionysus, occupies fire on Olympus.
Hypnos - God of sleep.
Janus - God of doors, gates and new beginnings.
Chione - Goddess of snow (her father is one of the gods of the winds).
Leto - mother of Artemis and Apollo.
Metis - mother of Athena
Enyo - goddesses of war and peacekeeping
Eileithyia - goddesses of childbirth
Momus- God of blame.
Moros - God of Doom.
Nemisis - Goddess of consequences and revenge.
Nike - Goddess of victory.
Persephone - Goddess of spring and flowers and wife of Hades, hence queen of the Underworld.
Phobos - God of Phobias and fear in general; brother of Deimos.
Thanatos- God of peaceful death.
The Erinyes - Otherwise known as The Furies. Goddesses of revenge.
The Horae - Actually two groups of separate goddesses worshiped in different periods: the first three were goddesses of the seasons, the second generation were goddesses of law, justice and order.
Tyche - Goddess of luck, destiny and fortune.
Zelus - God of dedication.
The Moirae: Klotho, Lachesis and Atropos - Controllers of life and destiny.
The Muses - Representatives of the arts, sciences and songs.
The Oneiroi: Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos - Personifications of dreams and sons of Hypnos.
Pan - God of the Wild.
Iris - Goddess of the rainbow.
Triton - god of ships, prince of Atlantis
Paean - doctor of the gods.
The Keres goddesses of violent Death.
The Charites - goddesses of charm, beauty, human creativity, and fertility.
Pallas - god of warfare
Melinoe - goddess of ghosts.

Primordial Deities:
Chaos (Void, Air, arche) - genderless (sometimes poetically female)
Erebus (Darkness) – male and Nyx (Night) – female
Aether (Light) – male
Hemera (Day) – female
Gaia (Earth) – female
Uranus (Heaven) – male
The Ourea (Mountains) – male
Pontus (Water, the Seas) – male
Tartarus (the great stormy Hellpit, which was seen as both a deity and the personification) – male
Eros (Procreation) - male
Ananke (Compulsion) – female
Chronos (Time) – male
Hydros (Primordial Waters) - male
Thesis (Creation) - female
Phanes (Appearance) or Himeros or Eros elder (Procreation) or Protogonos (the First Born) – male (sometimes described as a hermaphrodite but addressed as male)
Phusis (Nature) or Thesis (Creation) – female
The Nesoi (Islands) - female
Thalassa (Sea) – female
Ophion (Serpent; often identified with Uranus, Oceanus, Phanes, or Chronos) - male

Monsters and others:
Cerberus, the three-headed, giant hound that guarded the gates of Hades
Charybdis, a sea monster whose inhalations formed a deadly whirlpool
Empousa, a vampiric demon with a leg of bronze and a hoofed foot of a donkey; she seduced men in order to feed on their flesh and blood
Gorgons, cursed sisters with serpents for hair
Medusa, the sister capable of turning men to stone with her gaze
Stheno, the most murderous of the sisters
Euryale sister most known for her death-bellowing screams
Graeae, three old women with one tooth and one eye among them
Harpies, winged monsters with the bodies of chickens and the heads and torsos of women
Kobaloi, a species of mischievous creatures, fond of tricking or frightening humans
Mormo, a vampiric creature who bit bad children
Taraxippi, ghosts that frightened horses
Lamia, a vampiric demon which preyed on children
Hydra, a many-headed, water-dwelling, serpent-like creature that guarded an Underworld entrance beneath Lake Lerna. For every head that is cut off, two more grow back It was destroyed by Heracles, in his second Labour
Centaurs, a race of half-man, half-horse beings. Usually sons of Cronus.
Chariclo, wife of the centaur Chiron
Chiron, the eldest and wisest of the Centaurs. The ancient Trainer of Heroes.
Furies, the three Goddess' of pain. Worked for Hades in the Underworld to punish evil souls. Created from the blood of Uranus.
Nessus, a ferryman at the river Euenus
Chimera, a three headed monster, with the foreparts of a lion, the middle-parts of a goat and goat's-head rising from its back, and a serpent-headed tail. Slain by Bellerophon
Hippalectryon, a creature with the fore-parts of a rooster and the body of a horse
Hippocampi, sea creatures with the fore-parts of horses and the tails of fish
Ichthyocentaurs, a pair of marine centaurs with the upper bodies of men, the lower fronts of horses, and the tails of fish
Ipotane, a race of half-horse, half-humans
Manticore, a monster with the head of a man, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion
Minotaur, a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man
Ophiotaurus, a creature part bull and part serpent
Orthrus, a two-headed, serpent-tailed dog, slain by Heracles
Panes, a tribe of nature-spirits which had the heads and torsos of men, the legs and tails of goats, goatish faces and goat-horns
Satyrs and Satyresses, companions of Pan and Dionysus which had human upper bodies, the tails of horses, pug-noses and the ears of donkeys
Sileni, a race of elderly Satyrs
Sirens, three winged bird-women whose irresistible song lured sailors to their deaths
Sphinx, a creature with the body of a lion and the head of a woman
Telekhines, skilled metal-workers with the heads of dogs and flippers of seals in place of hands
Amphisbaena, a snake with two heads, one at each end of the body
Arion, the immortal horse of Adrastus
Balius and Xanthus, the immortal horses of Achilles
Calydonian Boar, a gigantic boar sent by Artemis to ravage Calydon and slain in the Calydonian Boar Hunt
Ceryneian Hind, an enormous deer which was sacred to Artemis; Heracles was sent to retrieve it as one of his labours
Chrysomallus, a flying, talking, golden-fleeced ram
Cretan Bull, the bull which impregnated Pasiphaë, resulting in the Minotaur
Erymanthian Boar, a gigantic boar which Heracles was sent to retrieve as one of his labours
Karkinos, a giant crab which fought Heracles alongside the Hydra
Laelaps, a dog destined always to catch its prey
Mares of Diomedes, four man-eating horses belonging to the giant Diomedes
Nemean Lion, a gigantic lion whose skin was impervious to weapons; it was strangled by Heracles
Pegasus, a divine winged horse
Phoenix, golden-red birds that could regenerate themselves or reproduce by bursting into flames and rising from the ashes
Stymphalian Birds, man-eating birds with beaks of bronze and sharp metallic feathers they could launch at their victims
Teumessian fox, a gigantic fox destined never to be caught
Agrius, a man-eating Thracian giant who was half man and half bear
Alcyoneus, the eldest of the Thracian giants, killed by Heracles
The Aloadae, twin giants who attempted to storm Olympus
Alops, a Sicilian giant, slain by Dionysus
Anax, a Lydian giant
Antaeus, a Libyan giant who gained strength from constant contact with the earth and wrestled to death all visitors to his realm until slain by Heracles
Argus Panoptes, a hundred-eyed giant tasked with guarding over Io
Chrysaor, a son of Medusa, sometimes said to be a giant
Cyclopes (Elder), three one-eyed giants who forged Zeus' thunderbolt, Hades' cap of invisibility, and Poseidon's storm-raising trident
Cyclopes (Younger), a tribe of one-eyed cannibalistic giants who shepherded flocks of sheep on the island of Sicily
Polyphemus, a cyclops who briefly captured Odysseus and his men, only to be overcome and blinded by the hero
The Hekatoncheires, the Hundred-Handed Ones, giant gods of violent storms and hurricanes.
Briareus or Aigaion (Βριάρεως), The Vigorous
Cottus (Κόττος), The Furious
Gyges (Γύγης), The Big-Limbed
Enceladus, one of the Thracian giants who made war on the gods; he was defeated by Athena and Heracles and buried underneath a mountain
The Gegenees, a tribe of six-armed giants fought by the Argonauts on Bear Mountain in Mysia
Geryon, a three-bodied, four-winged giant who dwelt on the red island of Erytheia
The Laestrygonians, a tribe of man-eating giants encountered by Odysseus on his travels
Polybotes, a giant who fought Poseidon during the Gigantomachy
Porphyrion, a giant who made war on the Olympians and was killed by Heracles. In Hesiod, he was king of the giants
Tityos, a giant slain by Apollo and Artemis when he attempted to violate their mother Leto.
Typhon, a monstrous immortal storm-giant who was defeated and buried underneath Mount Etna
The Colchian Dragon, an unsleeping dragon which guarded the Golden Fleece
Cychreides, a dragon which terrorised Salamis before being slain by Cychreus
The Ismenian Dragon, a dragon which guarded the sacred spring of Ares near Thebes; it was slain by Cadmus
Ladon, a serpent-like dragon which guarded the apples of the Hesperides
The Lernaean Hydra, a nine-headed dragon which guarded the springs of Lerna; it was slain by Heracles
Python, a dragon which guarded the oracle of Delphi; it was slain
Ethiopian Cetus, a sea monster sent by Poseidon to ravage Ethiopia, which was slain by Perseus
Trojan Cetus, a sea monster which plagued Troy before being slain by Heracles
Caucasian Eagle, a giant eagle set by Zeus to feed on the ever-regenerating liver of Prometheus; it was variously described as an automaton and a son of Echidna
The Hippoi Kabeirikoi, four bronze horse-shaped automatons crafted by Hephaestus to draw the chariot of the Cabeiri
The Keledones, singing maidens sculpted out of gold by Hephaestus
The Khalkotauroi, fire-breathing bulls created by Hephaestus as a gift for Aeëtes
The Kourai Khryseai, golden maidens sculpted to Hephaestus to attend him in his household
Talos, a giant man made out of bronze to protect Europa
Arimaspi, a tribe of one-eyed men
Hyperboreans, a mythical people who lived far to the north of Thrace
Monopodes or Skiapodes, a tribe of one-legged Libyan men who used their gigantic foot as shade against the midday sun
My plan worked. We're free!

You have no idea how nice it is to be free of that collar, free from the grazers, free from that cursed prison entirely. Freedom, Freedom, Freedom! Pretty sure that's my new favorite word.

Wow, I have a LOT to catch you up on.... I'll just take it one part at a time.

This morning, I got up practically at dawn. I guess I just knew it was time to test my idea. I woke Ace up and told him what I was going to do. He freaked out a bit, told me not to risk it, but I guess he finally realized that I was going no matter what. And.. He kissed me! Oh my gosh, I'm still kind of...
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Day 32 (This time I know for sure, snuck into the front office and stole the entry book. I was brought here 32 days ago, so about 40 days since I last saw home.)

Well, I’ve got a handful of friends now, that’s good enough for me. Cara, Ace, Blake, Alvin, Peter. I’ll have to describe them later; maybe stick another sheet into the back describing them. [ Yes, I will write an article like that. ]

Oh, hey, I got a demigodish power a couple days ago. Visions. Yep. Now I see the future at totally random moments. Now don’t act like it’s all amazing, please no, “Wow, lucky you! I want to...
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Name: ?

Nickname and what he goes by: Ace

Age: Looks around 17-18

Birthdate: Unknown

Ace's Background:

When Ace was born, his mother left him on the sidewalk, only thinking about her own safety. Ares watched over him until he was about 5. He was on the run for a few years, until he got caught when has about 16.
His 'name' was formed by a group of demi-gods who only spoke in code and Ace's code-name was Ace. The reason being was he could escape almost anything. He was the escape ace

Ace's Personality:
He can be stubborn,...
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Name: Zacharias Edison
Nickname: Voltage, Zach

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Immortal Parent: Zeus (Trying something new)

Mortal Parent: Melissa Edison

Undetermined or Determined: (dont know what that means)

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Charismatic, Charming, Nice, and a Natural Leader, but at the same time can be Stoic, Straightforward and Business minded

Abilities: Electrokinesis

Weapons: Greek Hoplite sword & dual Chakram's of Celestial Bronze
//Other Equipment: Hermes style flight boots and a suit of armor that transforms into my normal clothes or a white tuxedo.

Cabin Symbol: A Crown made...
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posted by SonozakiMion
Mion and Music, I luv it <3
Mion and Music, I luv it <3
Hello I saw alot of these on the articles section and found it appropriate to make one.
So lets get introduced with each other. You can call me Mion or Mii-chan or Mii for short. The last two ones are accually nicknames I have in the real world. I live in the great state of California, and I am a Caucasian. Fun fact, my mother gave birth to me during a vacation to Japan.
I have a step-sister that looks so much like me its not funny, she is 5 months younger than me.
My favorite things in the world are: playing pranks, music, playing soccor, and Anime. I am an anime freak and by the look of...
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posted by Rogue475
Chapter 1/ Prologue
A rude Awakening
1800 hours. 8-27-10
“Hostile! Hostile! RPG!” That was the first thing I heard before a flash of light hit our LAV. When I awoke, I found myself in a rescue Helicopter being taken from a battlefield. “…What…What happened?” I managed to ask to the first person I could see. The Soldier gave no answer, but he simply continued to press against my chest. I hadn’t even realized it until now, but my entire body was numb. I could barely move my head, and I wanted to see if anyone from my team was with us. There was so much blood, whatever had happened...
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Full Name: Blake Ironheart
Meaning: None
Hometown: Rubble Town, The Pitt
Current Residence: Travelling
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: [Doesnt have to be exact] 6"
Weight: [underweight, average, overweight] Average
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Pittian?
Birthday: [Include year.] August 22 2019
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Compatibility: [Ex. The Rat is compatible with the Monkey and the Dragon; it is not compatible with the Horse.] Ox, Dragon, Roster, Tiger
Greek Zodiac: Leo
Ruling Planet(s): The Sun
Element: Fire
Hair Color: Red
Hair Type: [Here's where you put anything else about your character's hair; Has it...
continue reading...
Nickname: Tay
Full Name: Taylor Dean D'Lassio
Meaning: None really.
Hometown: Broken Hill, NSW, Australia
Current Residence: You could say she is a Traveller.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5"10
Weight: Average
Blood Type: O Negative
Nationality: Australian/French
Birthday: 14/3/2019
Chinese Zodiac: Ox
Compatibility:Rat, Ox, Monkey, Rooster, Pig.
Greek Zodiac: Pisces
Ruling Planet(s): Neptune
Element: Water
Hair Color: Black(Originally Brown.)
Hair Type: Dyed permanent Black. Dyes it once every 2/3 months when she can find dye.
Eye Color: Green
Eye Sight: None.
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: Has a tattoo of a...
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posted by pink-bookworm
Hey. My name is Shailee, but you all can call me Pink. Everybody does. I'm 15, live in Australia. I've been on this club since it first started, although I didn't come on for about a year. Don't ask me why, cause I don't even know.

I don't know what to post, um. I love to read and write. It's something that I really enjoy. I want to be an author when I'm older. I know that at the moment my writing still isn't good enough to really become an author, but who would want to be one at fifteen?

The genre of music I usually listen to is; Pop, Alternative and maybe singers who have written their own...
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added by Rogue475
Source: Rogue475
posted by Winxclubgirl202
That's me, Sunny :)
That's me, Sunny :)
My new OC for this spot.

Name: Cesletine Valentine Rogers (nicknamed Sunny)
Age: 15
Gender: female
Godly Parent: Apollo
Earthly Parent: Anna Nicole Rogers
Theme Song: Numb- Linkin Park
Personality: I'm a girl who loves music, and writing. I've written tons of medieval stories (love learning about that period) and I love coming up ideas for new songs.
History: When I was born my mom told me dad just left, it's been me and her ever since. I don't like talking about the more darker parts of my childhood.
Crush: I have one on a bit named Jacob McGrath, he's nicknamed Jake.
Other: I'm great at archery, and never miss a single shot and close friends with Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson.
My boyfriend, Jacob
My boyfriend, Jacob
Week One. My First Client

The title is just as It seems, I had received my first Patient to visit. For a Son of Apollo who's Emphasis is in medical this was astounding news. Fresh out of the Camp de Sang-Mêlé, and I had received from my dad some amazing gifts. The first was My Doctorate in Medicine, and healing arts, The next was a Medical bag which would always have the basic supplies on hand. I headed to London, My home away from home, I rented a flat, and for days have been pushing my services as a visiter médecin. I finally have a patient with some lung diseases that I can personally...
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posted by Liquidz-Flamez
Sneak Peek
Sneak Peek
Character Sheet:


(13 and up)


Immortal Parent:

Mortal Parent:

Undetermined or Determined:

(A pic would be fine)



//Other Equipment:

Cabin Symbol:



Daidos, 2nd Son of Hades
Daidos, 2nd Son of Hades
posted by gwendiamond
Ben Krasner
Ben Krasner
Hello! This is my new role play demigod.

Name: Benjamin Krasner

Age: 12

Godly Parent: Poseidon, God of Sea

Earthly Parent: Mari-Anne Krasner

Gender: Male

Eyes: Dark Blue

Hair: Jett Black

Height: 1.95m

Qualities: Smart, Kind, Respectful, Generous, Gentlemanly, Athletic, Nature-Lover.

Biography: A kind, respectful boy, Ben grew up with a tough life. His mother was always there for him but not even his mother could prevent the monsters and horrific things Ben had experienced. Unlike Sally, Mari didn't know that Poseidon was a god. Ben had suspicions ever since he saw monsters and horrible things a few summers...
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posted by goodyb0y55
(Plz note that The characters in this are from difderent fanfics, so will never meet. This is a fanfic inspired by IstJae513(Jaeda) and me(goddyb0y55) also slightly OOC)
The ground was soft because of the recently fallen rain. The two rivals glared at each other. Each wanting to know who is strongest, each strong warriors. Madara lunges forward Kunai in each hand. Serenity closes her eyes for a moment, then with blinfing speed she deflects, Madara's blade knocking it out his hand.
Madara counters with a high kick, blocked by Serenity's left forearm. They disperse, Serenity ignoring the sting...
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posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Role Playing Definition:
the changing of one's behavior to assume a role.

Role Playing, My Definition: The act of becoming another person, either fictional or non-fictional for a certain purpose.

Beat that internet haha. Well lemme explain some Role Plays.

Normal Role Plays
Normal Role Plays are well, basic Role Plays were you are in either Camp Half Blood, Jupiter or any other place. There isn't anything to achieve, just fun and you can make up your own story line.
Examples of these Role Plays are: link, link, link and link

Purpose Role Play
This is a Role Play where you have to fufil a purpose....
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Hello, poor person who doesn't have anything better to do than read my diary. I pity you.

Anyway, date unknown..blah, blah, blah the usual...
Yeah, I think I'm starting to go insane.

The visions are getting worse. I don't mean the one of me dying. I've seen that so much, I can handle it. This time, Ace is the one who dies. I can't handle that. And I won't let it happen. I will not let my best friend die with a sword through the stomach...

Last time, I promised I'd tell you my plan to break out, so here goes nothing... We've all got the electric collars, that keep us from doing anything. The...
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