Heartache Club
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A/N: Thanks soooo much for your patience with Chapt. 14 – it made me happy and I hope that this chapter will also be great! :D Thanks for giving me your support you guys and if you keep doing it until the ending of Heartache, I’ll be estastic and thrilled with happiness!

Enjoy! <333

Title: Heartache
Story Author: anniewannie

Chapter 15: Dancing Under The Moon!

Akane sighed happily as she fell backwards onto her bed as soon as she got home after school. She sat upright, hugging her knees to her chin as she leaned against her bedroom wall. “Akane?” Laina asked, staring up at her. Akane had a worried expression on her face. “Akane, are you okay?” Asuka appeared next to Laina. “Yeah,” Akane mumbled. “It’s just ... what happened earlier today? Did that happen with Asuka? Was it ... transformation?” Akane pursed her lips. “Yes, it was! Akane, it was so fun! Pixie Transformation with Asuka was great, though it was a short time and you didn’t use my powers yet!” Asuka squealed, happily. “Wasn’t it, Akane?” I bit my lip. “I think it was pretty awesome!” Laina smiled, giving Akane the thumbs-up. “Really?” Akane asked, feeling slightly happy. “Of course!” Asuka and Lainaexclaimed. Akane blushed, but she was happy. ‘I guess it was pretty cool.’ She smiled.

Akane heaved a sigh and grinned at her bonded pixies. “Oh, Akane?” Asuka asked, surprised. “What is it?” Akane asked. “I think I hear your father coming in.” “Same here.” Laina smiled. “Really? He doesn’t usually come home this early.” Akane worried over the thought of Ryo quitting his job as a writer as she walked downstairs to the living room. She saw Ryo sitting on the sofa, reading today’s newspaper with the TV on. “Dad?” Akane called, walking towards him. Ryo turned around and Akane saw that he had a tired look in his dark brown eyes. “Oh. Akane,” His smile was weak and drowsy with sleep. “Hey Dad. Are you okay?” I went to sit next to him. “I’m okay, darling.” Ryo told her as he took hold of her hand. “Did something happen at the office?” “No, no. Nothing happened. Just that my boss told me that I should take a day off today since I come home pretty late nowadays.” Ryo inhaled a gruesome sigh before exhaling. “How’s Kylie and Sakura? I only see Sakura sleeping when I come home. Are you and her getting on well, Akane?”

Akane smiled and nodded. “Of course, Dad. Sakura and I are great sisters now. I looked after her one time on a school day because she had a fever. Sakura and I have gotten along quite quickly.” Ryo smiled and gave a kiss on his daughter’s forehead. “Good, Akane. I’m happy that you and your step-sister are getting along. I’m so sorry for not being able to be here for both of you girls, but sometimes work is just glued to me and I can’t seem to shake it off until everything’s either finished or half-finishing.” Ryo apologized. “It’s okay, Dad.” Akane squeazed his hand. “I understand. You don’t need to apologize.” Akane smiled before giving a kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you, Akane.” Ryo leaned in to embrace her. He sighed. “I love you so,” “Love you too, Dad.” Akane hugged him back. “Okay,” Ryo sniffed as they both pulled away. “You have to go and uh, do your homework. You’ve got studies to do, right?” “Oh yeah,” Akane groaned, her mood changed and Ryo laughed half-heartedly. “See you at dinner, Dad.” Akane stood up and ran to her room upstairs to do her studying.

Akane stretched her arms up, trying to reach the ceiling of her bedroom. She was sitting on her bed, her schoolbooks and folders scattered and lapped over each other on her bed around her. “That was great!” Akane sighed, glad that she was able to get most of her important homework done. “Well done, Akane!” Asuka congratulated her. A sudden knock on her balcony window paused Akane to speak. She turned her head and was suddenly overwhelmed with shock when she saw ... Ito Seiji and his would-be troll self by the balcony! “Seiji!” Akane cried, blinking in utter astonishment. She quickly went to her balcony and opened it to let him in. “What are you doing here?!” Akane hissed as he looked around. “Just popping in.” He didn’t look at her. “What are you, a perv?” Seiji chuckled and finally stared at Akane. His eyes looks sincere and innocent with trust. “Can you come with me?” “Where to?” “Just ... a place where I want you to see.”

“Um ...” Akane glanced at the door, biting her lip with anxiety. “It won’t be too long.” Seiji added and Akane looked back at him. She noticed how he was dressed: he had black jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. “Why are you weaering such ... smooth clothes?” Akane was scrutinizing Seiji with bright, yellow eyes. Seiji smiled. “It’s a surprise to where we’re going.” He told her. “Hmm ...” Akane was still unsure, but before she could give an answer, Seiji had grasped a wrist and was running out of the room through the balcony. Akane gave a small scream as she fell down in the air but after a moment, she was soaring through the sky, in Seiji’s arms. “What is this?! What happened Seiji?!” But as soon as Akane turned to see his face, she noticed two white angelic wings behind his back. Her face became bleached with sweat and Seiji laughed.

“What? Are you afraid of angels Akane?” “N-n-no! Of course not!” Akane crossed her arms over her chest. ‘It seems like Asuka and Laina didn’t come.’ Akane thought, feeling nervous being with Seiji by herself. “Akane!” She heard Asuka’s voice next to her. “Asuka?” Akane grinned. “You’re here?” “Laina was too sleepy to come, but I knew that if I didn’t come with you, you’d be worried.” Akane shrugged. “True.” “So your name’s Asuka?” Aruto smiled at Asuka. Asuka smiled. “Yep. You must be Aruto. Nice to meet you.” While Asuka and Aruto had their conversations in the sky, Akane furrowed her eyebrows when she didn’t hear Seiji’s voice. “Seiji ... what’s the matter?” He had a distant look in his eyes like he was remembering something. “Hmm?” Seiji blinked at her. “Oh, uh, no. Nothing’s wrong.” Seiji gave a slight smile towards her. Akane tilted her head slightly to the side, but she didn’t question him any further.

Seiji landed lightly on the concrete ground, in front of a tall, dark gate. “What’s this place?” Akane asked, peering through the gates. Inside, there was a wide-open spaced stage next to an amusement park for little kids. “What ... is this?” Akane was agitated. “You can’t see?” Seiji pushed the iron gates open. It creaked as he did so. “Come in,” He beckoned her to come. Akane and Asuka exchanged glances before Akane turned to Seiji and Aruto. “Tell me why I’m here Seiji.” Akane was starting to get suspicious of Seiji. He sighed. “You’re here ... because there’s something I need to tell you.” He explained. “What is it, then?” Akane asked as she walked inside. Seiji didn’t say anything as he started sauntered to the stage with Akane forcing herself to trail after him. “Tell me!” Akane cried as soon as she and Seiji climbed up the four steps up the stage. “Seiji! I’ll leave if you don–!” Akane’s voice became stuck in her throat as she saw Seiji reach for her hand and pull her into his arms. For a moment, Akane was enthralled by Seiji and Seiji chuckled softly under his breath while his eyes kept on Akane’s dreamy, yellow ones.

“You get too wound up with such things,Akane.” He whispered. Akane gaped and slightly blushed. She noticed how her fingernails were digging in Seiji’s hand that he held and she immediately stopped after seeing him slightly wince. “Sorry,” she apologized. “It’s okay.” Seiji smiled. For the second time, Akane thought that when Seiji smiled, he didn’t look so much as a bad guy from the outside. ‘Maybe it’s just his outside façade.’ Akane thought. Suddenly, she was being twirled around and then dropped into Seiji’s right arm. “What are you doing? I mean, more like, what are we doing?” Akane bit her lip as she saw Seiji’s face a few metres from hers. “What does it look like?” Seiji whispered, his voice sounded soft and velvet. “Um ...” Akane gulped. “Anyway!” She pulled away from his hands and turned her back to him with her eyes closed. “Spit out what you’re going to say or I’ll leave.” Akane said it in a straght-forward voice.

Behind her, she heard Seiji laugh slightly before he exhaled a breath. “I’m guessing you can be quite the demanding type, aye?” Akane turned around and rubbed the back of her neck, slightly embarrassed. “I-I guess ...” She bowed her head to the black floor of the stage. “You remind me a lot of my little sister.” Seiji said, staring up at the million litte stars in the sky. Akane blinked, struck by astonishment. “You have ... a sister?” Seiji nodded and sighed as he sat down on the stage. “This stage reminds me of her. She used to love dancing a lot when she was six.” Akane noticed watery tears fall from his eyes and one horrible thought came into her mind. ‘Don’t tell me ...’ She thought. Seiji shut his eyes and wiped away the tears that fell. “She died when she was thirteen years old from a fight between our adopted parents.” Seiji explained.

Akane wobbily started to sit next to Seiji as her legs were feeling a bit jelly-like. “You don’t have to tell me, Seiji.” Akane sighed. “I know what it’s like to lose a family member.” Akane stared up at the stars. “I lost ...” Akane’s voice sort of cracked. “I lost my Mom when I was six years old. I was on the verge of breaking down when I found out that she died from a sickness that she had for the last two or three days.” Akane exhaled and smiled slightly. “I miss her a lot and no one can ever replace her as my mother. Not even Kylie who is my step-mother.” Akane told Seiji. “That woman ...” Seiji trailed off. “She’s not your mother?” “You met her?!” Akane gasped, aghasted as she stared at him. “Well, not particially but yeah, sort of.” Seiji shrugged. Akane shrugged her shoulders. “I haven’t seen her since Rumi, Shizuko and Emi came over.” Akane turned to Seiji. “How was she when she saw her or met her or whatever?” Akane asked. “She was good. Seemed like she knew me though ‘cause she called my name.”

“Maybe she mistook you for another Seiji?” Akane asked it in a question and bit her lip. “Maybe.” Seiji sighed. “Anyway, I live by myself now which gives me relief ‘cause my adoptive parents have spoilt me with everything they got a few days after my sister died.” He hugged himself together. “I don’t deserve to be here Akane. I want to be with someone who cares for me like my sister and love me for me.” “Isn’t that what girls say instead of boys?” Akane teased, giving him a slight push in the shoulder. Seiji chuckled. “Of course. But doesn’t everybody think that way?” “True.” Akane smiled. “Say ...” Akane was hesitant. “What was ... your sister’s name?” Seiji smiled at Akane who stared down at her folded hands. “Ito Laimi was her name,” Seiji told her. “What a beautiful name.” Akane sighed.

Suddenly, a hand came in front of Akane, palm-side-up and Akane blinked, confused. “Do you still feel like dancing?” Seiji asked. Akane pursed her lips and looked around to the gates. From the stage, it looked pitch-black and Akane couldn’t see a thing. She turned to Seiji, still uncertain. “Don’t worry,” Seiji smiled. “I’m not doing it out of love since your heart already belongs to Kaito.” Akane blushed, beet red in the face and grumbled audibly to herself. Seiji laughed and grabbed her wrist for another dance. Akane smiled as she was twirled by Seiji once again, on her feet. After a few minutes, Akane realized that Seiji was singing a song as they danced:

Let the sky shine brighter than before
The stars lighting up the sky
Those words will be the key to opening heaven’s door
And we shall watch those who wave goodbye
So let this dance go on forever
Until we disappear into darkness

“What’s that song called?” Akane smiled, causing Seiji to stop singing. He smiled. “It’s a song Laimi and I made up since we always danced in the moonlight anyway.” Seiji told her. “The song’s called ‘Heaven’s Door’. Laimi loved playing piano so she just thought making a song would be a good idea. I made up a few lyrics with her,” Seiji smiled. “It sounds sad,” Akane explained, staring intently at Seiji who had his eyes somewhere other than her. His eyes looked sad. ‘He really does miss her.’ Akane thought. “It is.” Seiji’s voice was broken with despair. The dance had stopped while they spoke and Akane felt sorry for Seiji and the life he has, so she had one thing in mind that she thought would cheer him up despite the promise she made with Kaito.

She wrapped her arms around Seiji and embraced him with as much love she could give as possible. When Seiji slightly tensed, she guessed he was surprised. “You’re not alone, Seiji.” She sighed as she breathed in the scent of boy’s cologne coming off Seiji’s black shirt. Two arms came around her and Akane felt a face fall into the base of her neck. “I know, Akane. I know.” Seiji sighed. Akane felt his hot breath on her skin and Akane smiled slightly and closed her eyes.

‘I’m sorry Kaito.’ Akane thought as she opened her eyes again and stared up at the stars again. ‘I can’t leave Seiji by himself. He’s ... he’s lonely.’ Asuka felt Akane’s feelings as she hovered with Aruto and she sighed. “I understand, Akane.” She whispered.

Behind the iron gates, stood Kaito with clenched hands at his sides. ‘Why Akane?’ He thought, tears blurred his vision. He wiped them away using the back of his white knuckles.

‘Why him?’