Hayley Williams Obviously no one is going to take charge so i am appointing myself the starter of this fan club

greenginger190 posted on May 17, 2009 at 06:37PM
hi im greenginger190 and i hope you don't mind but nobody is doing anything about the club so im going to advertise it all over and try to get as many fans as possible!

p.s if you have any problems or questions contact me on my profile.

p.ss please i need as much help as possible so if you are a fan or just want to help advertise on as many clubs as possible

Hayley Williams 2 replies

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over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
Well, first of all... There already is a Hayley Williams club. Why do we need another one?

Funnier still is that the creator of the spot spelt Hayley's name wrongly... I'm just going to have to report this spot...
over a year ago anjaligoutham said…