Harry Potter New HP Roleplay

GoodWitchesRAJA posted on Jul 27, 2012 at 12:08AM
Here we will be able to duel crush on people and go to classes. Plus u will get to defeat Death Eaters.
Name--Annaliece Dumbledore
Extra Info--daughter of albus dumbledore, crush on harry potter, draco malfoy crush on anna, triplets with Jacob and Leroy
last edited on Jul 27, 2012 at 07:30PM

Harry Potter 1693 replies

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over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
please join its gonna be so fun!!
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Name-- Yvonne Riddle
Age-- 15
Year-- 5
House-- Slytherin
Extra info-- Halfblood. She despises muggles and muggleborn wizards and witches. She thinks that blood- traitors are shameful to society. She takes great pleasure out of cruelly pranking fellow students, especially Gryffindors. She admires Lord Voldemort and dreams of being a Death Eater.
Known Abilities-- She is telepathic; she's mastered spells non-verbally; She can manipulate people, using her mind; Parselmouth; telekinetic. (the extent of her powers is unknown)
Family-- Father- Tom Marvolo Riddle/ Lord Voldemort Mother- Bellatrix Lestrange.
Wand-- Yew, 14 1/2 inches, Dragon heartstring.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((so ru his daughter or sister or half sister or what))
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
((His Daughter. So, where do you want to start? :) ))
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((on the train ill start))
"mom im fine ok" Anna told her mum. "be safe dont get in trouble" replied her mother. "bye mum" all three of kids yelled to their overpretective mother ivy dumbledore. as they jumped on the train anna told her brothers not to come sit with her sothey went and found a seat fille with boys. she was walking through cars to find a comartment when Draco Malfoy winked at her. she gave him alittle wave but kept on going. she found one with a small scrawny boy sitting there she asked him "hi do u mind if i join u". "um sure go ahead i didnt think anyone would want to" harry potter replied t anna. anna sits down and looks through her magazine and while she is reading she noticed harry was staring at her so she put down her magazine and asked "i never asked ur name" "im harry whats ur name" "im annaliece dumbledore u can call me anna how many people do u know" "no one other than u what about u?" "oh i really dont know maybe 4-500" "wow thats alot"
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Yvonne watches, as 1st years file onto the train. She was seated with a bunch of Slytherins, near the very front of the train. She is more or less a spitting image of her father; Jet black hair, menacing red eyes, pale skin, and extremely thin body. Yvonne's gaze become focused on a small 1st year, boarding the train. Her eyes started to became fiercely fixated on this young girl.
"I know that girl from somewhere." She whispered to a fellow Slytherin.
She started to move towards the carriage she's in and started to talk to her.
"Hello, I'm Yvonne. You don't mind telling me your name" Yvonne asked in a polite manner.
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((who is it me?))
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
((Yes, it's you))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Name: Harry James Potter, the Boy Who Lived
Age: 14
Year: 4
House: Gryffindor
Extra Info: very nearsighted, excellent Seeker, distrusts Slytherins as a whole.

I leaned against the window, watching the families on the platform. If it weren't for Voldemort, I'd probably be down there right now, saying goodbye to my parents. I might even have a younger sibling. I'd get letters and packagesfrom home, and write about my adventures. But, thanks to that noseless bastard, I'm sitting on the Hogwarts Express, ready to go back to the one place I really feel at home.
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((ok))im annaliece dumbledore u can call me anna and u r Yvonne Riddle i know u
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I looked up at the newcomer and sighed. "I'm Harry Potter," I said, lifting my hair.
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Yvonne Riddle seemed shocked! She had never seen this girl but, she knows her? That can't be
right, she thought.
"How is it you know me?" She asked. "I'm not famous."
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I looked a little more closely. Yvonne seemed familiar. Pale skin and red eyes. Where had I seen such a face before? And then it hit me. It hit me like a bewitched snowball to the back of the head. Voldemort.
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
oh my dads the headmaster so i know lots of people and then i just know alot of faces and names
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Your dad's the headmaster? You probaably know things about me edven I don't know."
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
"Your Dad is Professor Dumbledore, I'm presume" Yvonne sounding curious.
Yvonne scanned the carriage, she spotted a speccy boy, with a lightning bolt scar, located on his forehead. It seemed like her presence, caused him agony.
"uh, Potter. You're back for your fourth year." She said with a pleased smile. "Slytherin is going to whoop your arse. Just watch it"
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
yes he is
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I rolled my eyes. "Like that hasn't stopped me before," I said, trying to ignore my throbbing scar. What was it with this thing, anyway? Does it start hurting if I even think about the bastard?
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((no))what hasnt
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Yvonne gave Harry Potter a uncomfortable glare. Then she turned to Anna. How could that old fart have children? Yvonne thought.
"Anna, what is the extent of your powers?" Yvonne asked. "As for you Potter, "The-Boy-Who-Lived", fame isn't everything. Just remember that."
over a year ago toppotternerd said…
((sorry i'm a late joiner, can i still join though?))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"I know that. I really don't care about being famous. I actually wish I wasn't. Oh, who am I to tell somed pathetic, lowlife Slytherin my tragic story." I could feel my temper rising. I was known for having the shortest fuse of all the Gryffindors. It didn't take much tok set me off.
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((go ahead)) um telepathic mastered spells non-verbally telekinetic and some more things
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
((sure, you can join.))

Yvonne scrawled at Harry. She know that Harry gets into trouble, when he's angry. Yvonne made a small cocky smile.
"Harry you should control your anger. You knew what happened last year. Don't you?" Yvonne replied with a evil grin. She walked out and went back to her seat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Of course I bloody well knew what happened to me last year! I scowled back. I was pretty sure my eyes could have burned a hole in the door.
over a year ago toppotternerd said…
((woo ok here's my character
Sammy (samantha) Jordan
Yearr: 4
house: Gryffindor
Extra info: She's not quite sure of her blood purity because she's adopted by a wizard father and Muggle Mother, she loves quidditch (chaser) but is afraid that everyone will laugh at her. SHe can usually control her temper unless someone offends her friends or family, when she gets really angry her hair flys out around her and red streaks through it and she also posses some rare ancient magic that most wizards and witches believe as myth.She is very loyal but a little cunning.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
what a jerk sooooo um r u hungry i have snacks hands harry a couple snacks then pulls out a fashion magazine once she gets bored of that she pulls out her brush and mirror then starts to brush out her long auburn hair that goes past her waist
over a year ago toppotternerd said…
Sammy walked into the cabin. "oh hey guys, i've been looking for you for ages! Oh whats she doing her?" Sammy looked at yvonne in disgust before plonking herself down next to Anna. "Redvine anyone?"
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Those are my favorite snack in the whole world," I said grabbing the proffered candy. "Ron hates them, though. Favorite colir vines ither than green in three. One, two, three. Redvines."
over a year ago toppotternerd said…
((ahhh can't remember them in order)) I smiled as me and Harry both said the same thing, i neeeded to try something else. "favorite way of saying red wines in a german accent one,two, three Redvines."
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Redvines. Favorite Amy Mann song on three. One, two, three. Redvines." I couldn't believe it. Someone that loved Redvines as much as I did. I wonder if she likes Squirt.
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Yvonne was puzzled, and optimistic at the same time. She than saw Draco pace up the isle. He sat down opposite to Yvonne.
"Yvonne you're back for your 5th year" He said in excitement. Draco was Yvonne's best friend- More of a brother-sister relationship.
"Yeah, I'm. It good to see you. Have you heard? My father was resurrected, this summer" Yvonne seemed proud about her Father's return.
"It's great to know." Draco said.
"It seemed a bit strange when I talked to this 1st year" Yvonne gave a little laugh. "She's related to Dumbledore. Furthermore, she has the abilities as I have, even for a 1st year. Strange, huh?"
"Very strange" Draco replied.
over a year ago toppotternerd said…
So Harry Potter loved red vines as much as me? How have i not noticed this already? i mean, we've been in the same year for 4 years already! "this is very strange. Anyway Anna what have you been doing over the summer?" ((i've got to go))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Funny how I had never really noticed Sammy before. Then again, I think I might have convinced her to try out for Chaser.
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((kk whos watching the olympics tnite me!!!)) oh nothing just working on some new outfits and some actually ended up in the "wizarding fashion outfits" magazine im wearing one now *waves to her skinny jeans with black pumps and a cute patterned top*
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
((I'm. Did you see Voldemort?))
It was time to get off the train. Draco and Yvonne calmly exit the train and stepped out onto the platform.
"I hope Anna isn't sorted into Slytherin" Yvonne whispered.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((I won't be. Just let me know if you see messy black hair and the name Potter.
On another note, I think the universe is intentionally screwing with me))
I really didn't care about clothes. "What's so great about those clothes, anyway?"
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((no i havent watched it yet it comes on at seven thirty)) lets go HEY HAGRID *waves to hagrid then gets on a carriage*
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Yvonne and Draco happy rode on a thestral to Hogwarts. Both cannot see the thestral but, they know it's there. Our one took 15 other Slytherins to hogwarts.
We finally arrived and unloaded everyone's luggage.
Draco and Yvonne arrived at the Great Hall and took their proud seats at the Slytherin table.
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
*we all sat down at the griffindor table waiting for all of the 1st years to be sorted to their houses*
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Got to go))
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
((me back!!!!)) *when all of the 1st years were sorted we ate a delisous meal.* hey harry can u tell all of the first years that we r having a party when dinners over thnx
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"No, I can't. You tell them yourself. I'm not a prefect," I said through a particularly painful scar twinge.
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
me either and i saw u twinge so dont deny it *writes something down on a napkin duplicates it and blows them which sends it to all of the first years*
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Yvonne briefly glances at Annaliece. There's nothing more worst than seeing Annaliece socializing with that Potter kid.
"Someone should of put that Girl in Hufflepuff" Yvonne announced. "Even though, she's Dumbledore's offspring but not the brightest."
All the Slytherins cried out in laughter.
Yvonne hated Gryffindors' with a passion. Above all, she hated Harry Potter. She guided her bony, pale hand into her inside pocket and drew her wand. She placed it on the oak table and uses her mind to guide a cake over Harry's head and immediately drops it upon his head, causing huge mess.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
This. Was. Humiliating. I had to sit in the Great Hall, splattered in cake. I could hardly see out of my frosting-colored glasses. The frosting was Slytherin green, which certainly narrowed down who could have pulledit off. Either way, I was royally pissed.
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Every single Slytherin student mockingly laughed at Harry's humiliation. Yvonne suddenly heard a roar of laughter, from huge numbers of students and Snape.
"Hey Harry, enjoyed your cake!" Draco said while pointing at Harry.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Sure. In fact, why don't you have some?" I yelled, scraping cake off my face and hurling it across the Great Hall. For such a skinny guy, I could really throw.
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Draco ducked. The piece of cake hit a small, 1st year girl, sitting opposite Draco. This girl plucked up the courage and threw a cupcake at Harry.
((I know where this is leading))
over a year ago GoodWitchesRAJA said…
harry stop ur gonna get in trouble ill handle this *she cleans up the mess but throughs all of it on the slytherians